• Published 6th Jan 2017
  • 1,404 Views, 140 Comments

Final Fantasy: Eidolons of Harmony - Belligerent Bindlestiff

A calamity is on the horizon. Now, light warriors must be called upon to aid Equestria.

  • ...


“You did what now?” Twilight indignantly asked.

“Oh, don’t over-react dear.” Rarity said as she led the princes upstairs to her workroom. “You told us yourself that the clothes the Tree of Harmony gave us were only for show.”

“Well yeah, but I didn’t think you would try to do anything with them!” Twilight said, beginning to sound exasperated.

“Twilight dear, you make it sound as if I’ve committed some sort of sacrilege. I merely used the Tree of Harmony’s design as an inspiration!” Rarity said, while opening the door.

Twilight wore the most shocked look she could give. “But this an artifact from the Tree of Harmony!”

“Yes, and I improved upon it dear.” Rarity replied as she approached the ponyquine with her white mage robes. She levitated the clothing off and dressed herself.

Rarity hardly minded the look Twilight was giving her and instead relished in her work with a twirl and then turned to face her friend. “It does look so much better now, doesn’t it?” she asked.

Twilight remained silent.

“The original design was a bit bulky, so I modified it into a cloak. I kept the hood, but all in all it does compliment my figure quite well, wouldn’t you agree?” Rarity asked.

“Can you still cast your white magic?” Twilight asked cautiously.

Rarity quirked a brow. “Really Twilight?”

“I just want to make sure you didn’t offend the Tree of Harmony and had your magic revoked or something!”

Rarity then magically stitched a barrier in front of herself. “Of course, I can, Twilight.” She said. “I don’t think I’d be punished by the gods for taking some creative liberties.”

“I guess not.” Twilight said.

“Good, now would you like for me to change up your clothes?” Rarity asked with elated enthusiasm.

“I’ll pass, thank you.” Twilight said. “Anyways, I’m still wondering about what eidolons we still have to find.”

“I wouldn’t try to rush into things.” Rarity said. “I’m sure we’ll come across another clue soon enough.” She levitated her cloak back onto the ponyquine. “I’m headed to the spa. Twilight, care to join me?”

“I wish I could, Rarity.” Twilight said. “But there are still too many experiments to run with my magic.”

“Suit yourself darling.” Rarity said. “I’ll see if the other want to join.”


“Really, Ah wish Ah could unwind with ya Rarity.” Applejack said. “But there’s still a bit of extra work to take care of, and Ah’ve gotta be here sellin some of the surplus crop Big Mac harvested.

“Goodness that is a lot of apples.” Rarity said, looking over the stocked stall.”

“Ah don’t know where ya find the time to go to the spa though, Rarity.” Applejack said. “We only just got back in time to sleep in our beds for once and yer actin like it’s just the weekend.”

“Oh, heavens no!” Rarity said. “I was up late last night working on my latest fashion line!”

“Could ‘a fooled me.” Applejack said.

“Well, after our trip to Cajun Pony country, I was inspired to work on ash resistant clothing, or at least garments that are easier to clean.” Rarity said, while levitating a piece of fabric from her saddlebags. “Now that I’ve settled that, a nice trip to the spa is what I need.”

“Shucks, Rarity.” Applejack said. “Pardon me for thinkin you weren’t so busy, like mahself right now.”

Rarity searched about the stall, the entire area filled with bushels of apples, until she found an extra wooden plank Applejack had. “I think I might be able to help you with that, Applejack.”

The fashionista then levitated some paints from her saddlebags and began making a sign with the extra material. “What we need is a little something extra to draw in some customers, wouldn’t you agree, dear?”

“Whaddya have in mind, Rarity?” Applejack asked and then leaned in to whisper. “Just know, Ah can’t really bring down the price that much.

“How does a full harvest sale sound?” Rarity replied.

“That might do the trick, but maybe we’ll need something else to get ponies to buy more than usual.” Applejack said and rubbed her chin with a hoof. “Ah got it.” She continued and stepped away to address the market.

“Stock up on yer fresh apples today and tomorrow! We’ve got a batch of apple preserve later in the week, get ready for winter with Sweet Apple Acres!”

Rarity wrote down her tagline. “Hmm, plenty…” and then levitated the sign in front of the stall. “Apples A’plenty.”

“Nice work there, Rarity.” Appejack said as a few ponies began to converge on her stall. “Well, now it looks like I really can’t join ya now, cause its gonna get busy. But Ah promise I’ll meet up with ya another day!”

“No problem at all, Applejack!” Rarity said while trotting way and waving at her friend.


Rarity checked in at Aloe and Lotus’ spa and sat herself in to the wonderfully warm waters. “This is exactly what a lady needs after so many days on the road.” She then lowered herself further into the water.

“It really is relaxing, isn’t it?” Fluttershy’s soft voice spoke, causing Rarity to jump out of the tub.

“Ah!” she yelled. “Honestly, Fluttershy I swear you’d probably be a much more terrifying pony, what with how you’re so quiet.” Rarity then smirked. “If you weren’t so sweet.”

“Oh!” Flutterhsy said. “I didn’t think I was that scary.”

“Oh Fluttershy, you just startled me is all.” Rarity said.

“So, I’m not scary? Good.” Fluttershy replied.

“Fluttershy, whatever has gotten into you?” Rarity asked. “I was only joking!”

Her pegasus friend shifted in the water. “I was just thinking about being called a ‘Warrior of Light’ lately.” Fluttershy said. “I don’t really want to be known as that.”

“You’re more than that title dear.” Rarity said. “Why, the first thing you did when we got back to Ponyville was check on all of your animals. Why would anypony think of you differently?”

The fashionista turned to the door. “Oh, Ms. Aloe!” Rarity called out.

The mare came into the spa room. “Yes, Ms. Rarity?” she asked.

“I have a question.” Rarity said.

“Yes, Ms. Rarity, we have a spot on the schedule for tomorrow if you’d like a hooficure.”

“Oh, not that, but I’m interested if I can work out my schedule.” Rarity replied. “But, what I meant to ask, Aloe, is about Fluttershy.”

“Oh, what would you like to ask?” Aloe asked.

“You’ve seen us go about Ponyville as of late. What do you think we’ve been up to?” Rarity asked.

“I’m not sure what you’re getting at.” Aloe said, quirking a brow. “But I just assumed it has something to do with you all being the element bearers, off on some adventure, like you always are.”

Rarity turned to glance at Fluttershy before asking, “And do you think she’s changed at all?”

“Other than those adorable clothes, no, she’s still Ponyvilles’ resident animal caretaker.” Aloe said.

“See dear,” Rarity said, getting up from the tub and putting on a robe. “You’re still you.”

The two of them then headed towards the facial room, where Lotus sat them down and began the process of applying their masks.

“What about you, Rarity?” Flutteryshy asked. “Do you feel any different now?”

Rarity closed her eyes as she allowed the masseuse to place cucumbers over her eyes. “Well, I certainly have gotten myself into far more engagements ever since we left on our journey.” She said. “Thought that might be the case since we even became element bearers, back when Twilight first moved to Ponyville.” Her tone reminiscent.

“Oh, the whole town has been so much more interesting ever since she arrived.” Lotus said, moving on to Fluttershy.

“Still though, I don’t think anypony knows me for being the sort of pony that gets into scuffles or the sort.”

“No, they definitely know you for being generous.” A light, male voice spoke. “Well, at least I still remember you that way.”

“Steven Magnus?” Rarity asked, sitting up. “Why, darling, it’s been ages! What brings you to Ponyville today?”

“Well, I’m in town visiting Cranky Doodle Donkey. He and I go way back you know.” Steven said. “And besides, a water serpent could always use a little t.l.c. for his looks.”

Rarity froze, her thoughts moved her to another realm. There was a vast sea, no land could be seen in any direction. Heavens, where am I?

In some ways, the ripples of the waves looked like a giant sheet of fabric over the world. Quite a stunning view. Inspiring, even. Rarity, stop, you need to focus. An eidolon is making themselves known!

There was only then empty view and silence. Please, I need to know something!

The waves continued to rise and fall, but there was nothing. Rarity tried to move, but found that she was stuck just above the surface of the water. Well, this simply won’t do.

She was then pulled back to reality.

“Rarity, are you alright?” Fluttershy asked.

“Goodness, how long was I out?” Rarity asked.

“Not long enough to worry about your mask, honey.” Steven said.

She pulled off the cucumber slices to look at the others. “I’m not one to complain about grand experiences, but I really could have done with a better clue than a boundless ocean.” Rarity said.

“You didn’t see anypony?” Fluttershy asked.

“What are you girls going on about?” Steven asked. “Someone might think you’re crazy, talking about these trances.”

“Oh, Steven!” Rarity said. “We’ve been asked to seek out the Eidolons of Harmony.”

“They’re very powerful individuals connected with the elements of the world.” Fluttershy said.

“You wouldn’t happen to be the Eidolon of Water, would you Steven?” Rarity asked.

“Oh?” Steven replied. “Look honey, that honestly sounds like a title for someone old, just how old do you think I am?”

Rarity chuckled. “Oh, I’m quite sorry, I didn’t mean it that way. Perhaps you might know someone else from the sea who might fit the description?”

Steven ran a claw through his mane of scales. “Well, there are a whole lot of other entities of the sea in the world. I might be able to talk to some of them.”

“Well, it looks like we’re going to the ocean after all.” Rarity said. “Applejack was right on this one. But this trip might have us out there for a long time.”

“Would you mind coming with us?” Fluttershy asked. “Someone like you could really help us find the Eidolon of Water.”

“You bet I would!” Steven said. “I’ll head out with you all, just let me visit my old friend Cranky and we can go on an ocean tour!”


Rarity accompanied Steven to Cranky’s house.

“So, how did the two of you meet?” she asked.

“Oh, that’s a long story girl.” Steven said. “I’ll try to give you the short version. I remember meeting him at one of the great coasts of Equestria. He’s a really good painter you know, just loves painting the sea. It was before he was lovestruck with Matilda.”

“So, he was a traveler before he fell in love?” Rarity asked.

“For sure. We went on quite a few adventures before he decided to try and find her.” Steven said. “That’s some serious dedication. Glad he wasn’t trying to find her in the ocean though.”

Rarity’s eyes widened at the prospect of searching for her eidolon. She regained her composure before Steven could notice. “So, has Cranky always been so…Cranky?”

“Oh, definitely not!” Steven said. “But I think he’s mellowed out lately.”

Rarity found herself musing over the Cranky’s journey. Searching all over Equestria for love. So very admirable. It is wonderful when you finally find that special somepony.

“Is that a blush?” Steven asked.

“Oh my!” Rarity said, catching herself.

“Well, come on.” Steven said. “Let’s hear about him!”

Rarity ran a hoof through her mane before speaking. “Well, he’s a knight of sorts. Very stoic, but he does have a sense of humor. His name is Kain Highwind.”

“Sounds like a pilot if you ask me.” Steven said. “Is he a pegasus?”

“Earth pony, actually.” Rarity said. “He’s able to soar through the air.”

“Really?” Steven asked. “I didn’t think Earth ponies could fly. Does he jump out of airships?”

“Not really, he jumps into the sky.” Rarity said.

“Wow, he must have some really strong legs for that!” Steven said.

“Mhmm.” Rarity replied in agreement. There was a brief silence before she realized she let her imagination run away from her for a bit. “Steven, please!” she exclaimed while trying to regain her composure.

They had just about arrived at Cranky’s house and Rarity took the chance to shift the conversation. “Oh look, we’re here! We should talk to Cranky.”

Steven smirked. “Oh yes, whatever you say.” He said and then lightly knocked on the donkey’s house with a single claw.

There was no response. “Hello! Cranky, its your good pal Steven Magnus and Ms. Rarity!” he said, but was still met with silence.

“I suppose he isn’t home.” Rarity said. “Maybe he’s visiting Matilda.”

“Well then, let’s head on over.” Steven said. “You can tell me more about this Kain Highwind.”

Rarity blushed and then smiled. “Okay, but only if you tell me about any sea serpents you’re seeing!

Steven crossed his arms. “Oh, you’re good.” He said, feigning a pout.


When they’d arrived at Matilda’s house, they were met by the same silence after they knocked.

“What’s going on?” Steven asked. “The two of them must be out somewhere together if they aren’t at their homes.”

But before they could turn around and leave, a weak voice spoke from inside the house. “I’m home, please come on in.”

Rarity and Steven shrugged, and the unicorn moved to pen the door to find Matilda on her couch under layers of blankets.

“Goodness! Are you okay, Matilda?” Rarity asked as Steven moved towards a window to peer in.

“I’m not feeling too well.” Matilda said. “I’ve been stuck here all morning.”

“Oh my, does Cranky know?” Rarity asked. “Or anypony for that matter?”

“No, he left on a trip early this morning.” Matilda said.

“Typical Cranky.” Steven replied. “He’s always done this sort of thing. Leaves on a trip, and forgets to tell someone.

Rarity approached the sick donkey. “I don’t want to sound impolite dear, but you look dreadful. Let me go and find Nurse Redheart.”

“I’d appreciate that.” Matilda said and then coughed.

“Don’t worry, I’ll stay here and keep an eye on her!” Steven said.


As soon as she set out in full gallop, Rarity ran into Twilight.

“Oh hi, Rarity!” Twilight began, but then noted the urgent look on her friend. “What’s wrong?”

“Matilda’s fallen ill, I’m going to the hospital to find Redheart.” Rarity replied.

“Oh no.” Twilight said. “Is it serious?”

“I’m not sure Twilight, but I’m going to find help regardless.” Rarity said. “Steven and I founder her sick and all alone.” She continued making her way to the hospital with Twilight joining her in a gallop.

“Did you try any healing spells?” Twilight asked.

“Honestly, I’m not sure if I should go about trying to heal sick ponies.” Rarity said. “I’ve barely got a hold on healing physical wounds.”

When they arrived, the two mares were led to Redhearts’s office where they were both surprised by the nurse. Redheart was wearing a red triangle patterned coat.

“Oh, hello Rarity and Twilight!” she said. “I hope you aren’t feeling ill today.”

It took a moment before Twilight shook herself from her stupor. “Redheart, you’re wearing White Mage robes!”

“I’ve been a bit confused by them, but yes!” Readheart said. “I was so worried when I heard a voice say I was a white mage!”

“Fascinating!” Twilight said. “Oh, I’m sorry but we came over here to ask for you help!”

“Yes! Matilda has gotten quite ill; would you mind helping us?” Rarity asked.

“Not a problem!” Redheart said. “I just finished with my last patient on queue.” She grabbed her medical saddle bags and put them on. “Lead the way.

The three mares then departed for Matilda’s, all the while Twilight kept eyeing the nurse’s robes.

“Its so fascinating!” Twilight said. “I wonder how many other ponies have received powers from the Tree of Harmony!”

“Oh, is that where these came from?” Redheart asked, while the trio rounded the corner, drawing glances from some ponies in the streets. “Also, power? I haven’t noticed anything different.”

“Rarity was also named a White Mage.” Twilight said. “She’s been able to use spells to protect and heal.”

“Healing spells?” Redheart asked. “Well, I wouldn’t know about those. What with not having a horn. I just though it was some sort of title that I received because of my work.”

“Have you noticed anything differently as of late?” Twilight asked as they closed in on Matilda’s house.

“Maybe.” Redheart said. “Just when looking over patients.”

“We’ve returned.” Rarity said, opening the door. “She’s on the couch.”

The nurse moved to the donkey and looked her over. “How long have you been sick?” Redheart asked.

“It started this morning.” Matilda said. “I feel awful.”

Redheart then held her hooves to her patient. “That’s quite a temperature you’re running, about 39 degrees Celsius.”

“You can tell her temperature without a thermometer?” Twilight asked.

“It’s a bit odd, I know.” Redheart said. “But lately, I’ve been guessing the precise temperature my patients have. I’ve even checked with the instruments afterwards.”

She then opened her saddle bags and pulled out a thermometer and placed it in Matilda’s mouth. After a short while, she pulled it out and showed it to Twilight. “See? 39 degrees.”

While Twilight examined and began to take notes she saw Redheart continuing her examination. “BP is fine.” Redheart said. “But I don’t know why you’re running a fever. Wait…” there was a soft glow coming from the nurse’s hooves. “Desert Fever?”

“How did you know that?” Twilight asked.

“It just came to me.” Redheart said. “I remember reading about this in medical school.”

“Hold on.” Twilight said and teleported away and back with a book. “Let’s see, its’ an ailment you get from traveling in the heat for too long.”

“I did just come back from a short flight near Saddle Arabia.” Matilda said. “The airship crew was so nice.” She coughed.

Twilight fanned through the pages of her medical book. “It says here that a sand ruby can cure the affliction. Secreted by the antlions as they lay eggs.”

“Seems like you might be headed to a desert then.” Steven said from the window.” My scales do not fare well in the heat.”

“Wait a second!” Twilight said and teleported away once again.”

“Really, she’s going to wear herself out at this rate.” Rarity said.

“So we’re both white mages?” Redheart asked.

“Yes, it seems that way.” Rarity replied. “Thought I’ve not been able to ‘diagnose’ anypony, shall we say.”

“Do you happen to know any spells to cure desert fever?” Redheart asked.

“Sadly, I don’t. Though as of late, I’ve had a crash course in first aid.” Rarirty said. “And honestly, I don’t know how I managed after seeing some of the wounds I’ve treated.”

“Its because you want to help.” Redheart said. “You brave past the spectacle. Well, at least that’s how it works for me.” She looked at the unicorn and then returned to Matilda.

The nurse then moved to the kitchen and returned with a glass of water for her patient. “Though I don’t have any spells like you do, I have noticed that my patients as of late get better when I’m around. Haven’t been able to verify it completely.”

“Seems that no two White Mages are alike.” Rarity said. “I really do wish I could do more for you Matilda.”

“You and Steven coming here was already good enough, you went for help.” Matilda said.

“Rarity, I’m not really sure how much you’ll give until you’re finally happy.” Steven said. “You’re already a generous pony, but you being a healer takes it to the next level, don’t sell yourself short, girl.”

“The door flung open with Twilight collapsing on the floor, panting from exhaustion. “Couldn’t. Teleport. Any. More.” She tried to catch her breath. “Had to fly back.”

Fluttershy then drifted in and landed, looking over the collapsed Twilight Sparkle. “Um, Twilight said we needed to find antlions?” she asked.

“Yes, they’re the only cure for desert fever, rather the sand rubies they produce.” Redheart said.

“Yes, we’re going to plan a trip in the desert, it seems.” Rarity said.

“Oh no.” Fluttershy said. “We don’t have to go too far. Lots of antlions live right underneath Ponyville!” she knelt down to Twilight. “You should have told me you needed to know where they were, Twilight. You flying in and screaming, ‘antlions’ and telling me to follow you just made you all tired.”

Twilight groaned. “Arrrrrggggggh.”