• Published 6th Jan 2017
  • 1,404 Views, 140 Comments

Final Fantasy: Eidolons of Harmony - Belligerent Bindlestiff

A calamity is on the horizon. Now, light warriors must be called upon to aid Equestria.

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On Tour

////Pinkie Pie////

The train had completed its trip to the crystal empire overnight, and the party began to disembark to collect Trixie’s wagon.

“Mrrm, mrrm mhhm!” the black mage attempted to yell through her still peanut-butter filled mouth.

“Yeah yeah, we’re not going to forget about your wagon, Trixie.” Rainbow Dash said.

“Mmhm.” Trixie replied.

“You only kept us up all night, mumbling about your wagon. Some of us were trying to sleep.” Rainbow Dash said.

“Oh, don’t be such a spoil sport, Dashie!” Pinkie said. “A couple hours of not talk mumbling isn’t so bad, right Trixie?”

“Mrrhm…” The showmare replied.

The party unloaded the wagon and began their way to the palace. At the entrance to the Crystal Empire, Trixie let out an unladylike, “Blagh!”

She finally spoke clearly again. “Finally, Trixie can talk again, and more importantly she can go to bed!” She then trotted to her wagon and fell into own bed before instantly beginning to snore.

“Perhaps its best if she stays there.” Kain said.

“Yeah, at least she won’t annoy Princess Cadence or Shining Armor when we meet them.” Rainbow Dash said.

“Oh, I can’t wait to see them again!” Pinkie said, beginning to hop in place. “We didn’t really get that much time to talk with Cadence the last time because of the whole, Chry- Wait, that was when Chrysalis came in and did all of that mind tricky stuff and made Kain feel really bad- salis…thing. Sorry Kain.”

“Even if that memory remains, Pinkie,” Kain said. “Princess Cadence had nothing to do with the matter. I’ll be fine.”

“And even if Chrysalis is somehow around here. Do you really think she could take us on with our new powers?” Rainbow Dash said as Kain harnessed himself to the wagon.

“I’m not sure a contest of strength would be the matter.” The dragoon said. “She’s the deceptive type, and that is another realm of combat.”

The party made their way through the pristine streets of the Crystal empire, the stunning metropolis shielded from the frozen north. Pinkie wasted no time and bolted for one of the shops in an avenue and returned with a bag of treats.

“I love this place, they make the best crystal candies!” she said, shoving a hoof full of them in her mouth. “I mean, its not as great as the rock candy back at home, but I like it all the same!”

“I hope the reason we came all the way out here was because of an eidolon.” Rainbow Dash said.

“Of course, it is!” Pinkie Pie said. “But just because we’re on a mission to save the world from doom that may or may not exist doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy ourselves from time to time. Otherwise, what’s the point?”

At the entrance of the palace were two crystal pony guards that the party recognized. They had been sent to Ponyville to guard Cadence. The red unicorn and blue pegasus saluted the group.

“Welcome to the Crystal Palace, the unicorn said.

Kain was about to respond with his own salute, but was interrupted by Pinkie. “Hi Biggs, hi Wedge!”

“The gruff unicorn cleared his throat before responding. “We received word that your group was en route to Yakyakistan from here. We’ll have you meet with Princess Cadence and Commander Armor to discuss your journey.”

“Wedge.” He nodded to his partner, and the party was led to meet the royal couple.

“Are you two gonna come with us on this trip?” Pinkie asked.

“I’m not exactly sure if Shining Armor would be so quick to send his two captains out on an escort mission.” Wedge said.

“Hey! Nopony’s goal sitting!” Rainbow Dash said. “We’re on a really important mission!”

“Really now?” Biggs asked. “Here I thought this was a diplomatic visit.”

The group made their way to the interior of the palace.

As Kain unfastened himself from the wagon. “I wonder if Trixie’s still asleep.”

Rainbow Dash flew and looked in through the window of the wagon to find the showmare sound asleep. “Hey Trixie, wake up!” but thee mare continued her soft snoring. “She’s still out.”

“Oh, it’ll be fine!” Pinkie said. “I’ll just tell her everything through a song or a cupcake engram!” She then produced a small pastry with lines and lines of text written in a swirl of icing.

“Let’s be on our way then.” Kain said.

“This way.” Biggs said.


The royal couple wasn’t seated like any of the other royalty in Equestria, which was just fine by Pinkie Pie as she rushed up to embrace Shining Armor and Cadence. “Hi, you two! How’ve you been?”

“We’ve been great, Pinkie.” Cadence said, restrained of air from the hug.

“Yeah, the Crystal Empire’s been a great place.” Shining Armor said.

After finally releasing the couple, she gasped and clearly spoke.

“Twilight sent a letter saying some of you were on your way to Yakyakistan to search for an ‘Eidolon’.”

“Yes,” Kain said. “We have reason to believe a powerful ally is to be found in the frozen north.”

Cadence quirked a brow and then her expression grew serious. “An ally?” Why do you make it sound like we’re headed for war?”

“Well, not exactly.” Rainbow Dash said. “We sort of don’t know what’s going to happen.”

Pinkie then charged forward and spoke after taking in a huge breath. “The Tree of Harmony gave us these new powers and told us that we had to be ready for some sort of big disaster that was coming, but couldn’t tell us exactly what it was because it just so happened to get really tired after giving us powers!”

Wedge turned to the royal couple. “A threat? You don’t think that means that Sombra might return, do you?”

Shining Armor glowered. “That’s exactly what I’m thinking.”

“Your majesty.” Biggs said. “Permission to begin preparing our defenses.”

“Granted.” Shining Armor replied. “Also, look into any ways he might return. I think a scholar moved into the empire recently.”

The unicorn saluted and set off to begin his assignment.

“Getting back to you ponies,” Cadence said. “Though Yakyakistant isn’t hostile with the Crystal empire, we aren’t on the friendliest of terms with them. It would be a good idea for your group to head there first so they don’t misconstrue the meaning of your trip.”

“Sounds like they need to warm up to ponies with a party!” Pinkie said.

“I’d hold off on being too friendly.” Shining Armor said. “They’re more of the types that are more likely to shout their feelings than throw a party.”

“Oh, come on.” Cadence said. “they threw a party.”

“I still have no idea what was going on…” Shining Armor said.

“Don’t worry, I’m pretty sure no one was offended after the whole ordeal.” Wedge said.

“So, we’ll just head over, share some cupcakes, and then keep going on our adventure!” Pinkie said.

“I think it would be a good idea if I joined them, Commander.” Wedge said.

“Yes, that’s a good idea. You can report on any improvements in our diplomacy with Yakyakistan and also tell us about the eidolon.”

“Ye sir.” The pegasus saluted. “I should be ready to move out in less than an hour.”

“Hold it buddy.” Pinkie aid. “We’ve got some serious planning to do.”

“I assure you, Ms. Pie.” Wedge said. “I’m trained to go into hostile environments.”

“Not that!” Pinkie said. “We’ve gotta be ready for the parties in Yakyakistan!” Shen then grabbed the military pony and led him off.

After staring wide-eyed at the mare dragging the soldier away, Cadence turned the party and asked with a smile, “Tea, anypony?”

Kain coughed, “I suppose that would be good.”

“Yeah, sure.” Rainbow Dash said.


Pinkie had brought Wedge to the palace kitchen and began planning with him amid the many busy palace cooks.

“So why is this gonna be so hard to make friends with Yakyakistan?” Pinkie asked.

“It’s like their majesties said.” Wedge replied. “They’re a bit rowdier than most ponies are used to.”

“So they like parties their own way!” Pinkie said, planting both forelegs on the table. “I can get a party rowdy if you need me to!”

Wedge waved a hoof to interrupt her. “Well, that’s not exactly the way to go either.” He said. “If you start acting they way they do, they’ll think you’re mocking them.”

“Wow, these yaks sound like a tough crowd to please.” Pinkie said.

“You should have seen Biggs try to go along with the shouting.” Wedge said with a laugh.

“Hmmm.” Pinkie said while rubbing her chin with a hoof. “There’s gotta be a way to make them feel like we’re friends.”

“Well, they don’t like it when you’re like them or when you don’t appreciate their ways.” Wedge said.

“Maybe we should just be ourselves.” Pinkie said. “but not ourselves!”

“How do you do that?” Wedge asked.

Pinkie held out a hoof but remained silent. “I guess we’ll see when we get there!” She grabbed one of the trays with her mouth and led Wedge3 out of the kitchen and back to the others.

“So what’s the battle plan?” Shining Armor asked when he saw the Pinkie and Wedge return.

After placing the tray with the others that the chefs had brought in, Pinkie spoke. “Were just going to have to wing it!”

“But what was with all the planning you said you were going to do?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Oh, we definitely talked a strategy over, Rainbow Dash!” Pinkie said. “In all my years of throwing parties, I know that there are some ponies you can plan for, like Twilight.” She then trotted over to a tea kettle. “But sometimes, I need to see what they’re like before I really know what they like.”

Pinkie sped around the table, pouring tea in all of the attendee’s cups. She then moved onto the cream and sugar as well, but stopped next to Kain. He held out a hoof before coughing and muttering, “Three.”

Pinkie added the sugar and landed in her seat. “Sometimes you just got to get to know somepony.” She said.

Cadence smiled. “Then I think you’re the perfect pony for the job.”


The group had just set out into the unshielded snowscape outside of the city, and Trixie had awoken only a few minutes prior and had been filled in.

“Noooo!” Trixie yelled and then planted her face on the window sill of her wagon.

“Oh, come on, it was tea, Trixie.” Rainbow Dash said as she flew overhead with Wedge.

“But it was tea with a royal audience!” the showmare whined in protest.

Wedge flew down to Kain and confided in a fellow soldier. “Is that mare always like this?”

The dragoon turned and looked at the still moping Trixie. “I wouldn’t know. I’ve only just been acquainted with her myself.”

“Don’t worry!” Pinkie said having somehow appeared on top of Kain’s back. “She’ll be fine.”

And then the mare hopped onto the roof of the wagon and lowered a tray of cookies. “I got to take these after we had tea!”

Trixie’s glowing eyes narrowed.

“They’re not like the cupcakes from earlier, Pinkie promise!” the confectioneer said while going through the motions of her namesake.

Trixie snatched the snacks and began to eat them, cookies disappearing into the shadowy veil.

The armored, crystal pony turned back briefly before asking. “Wait, a moment. Are you the Pinkie Pie for which the promise is named for?”

The grin on Pinkie’s face grew wide. “Oh my gosh!” Pinkie promises are a thing in the Crystal Empire?!”

“Of course they are, Wedge said. “After Spike the great, you mares are well known in the empire!”

“I don’t believe I’ve heard this story.” Kain said.

Pinkie then trotted to the front of the wagon and sat down. “Yeah, it was just when the Crystal Empire re-appeared after being gone with some magic spell for a really long time!”

“Sombra, the dark king had taken over the country; but before he could abuse his power the princesses sealed the city away.” Wedge said.

“But then the Crystal Empire came back out of nowhere!” Pinkie said. “And that meanie, Sombra too!”

“That whole thing was crazy.” Rainbow Dash said. “ If we had the powers we do now, Sombra wouldn’t have stood a chance.” The raptor threw some jabs and kicks.

“But you had Spike?” Kain asked, urging Wedge to continue.

“Sparkle’s little dragon assistant?” Trixie asked through a mouthful of cookies. “How exactly did he save the day?” She tossed another cookie into her mouth.

“Well, despite everything somepony might think a hero looks like, Spike certainly didn’t.” Wedge said. “But he braved a dangerous gauntlet to return the Crystal Heart to its proper place and sealed Sombra away.”

“Wow, that really is something.” Trixie said, polishing off the last cookie.

“Aw, come on Trixie, don’t be so mean!” Rainbow Dash said.

“Trixie is being completely honest!” the showmare said, holding up her left foreleg as an oath.

“That little dragon is indeed brave.” Kain said. “But much too young to be putting himself in that sort of danger.”

“Yeah, I can’t think about what it’d be like if we had little colts and fillies in danger all the time.” Pinkie said. “They’re not even fire-proof like Spike is!”

Kain turned his head away and lamented. “Let us hope that it never comes to needing everyone to partake in the conflicts to come.”

“Wow Kain.” Pinkie said, catching herself in midair in a hop.” That’ was really moody all of a sudden.”

“I’m sorry. It’s just that I remembered some of the stories Cecil told me when he was on his journey.”

Pinkie’s eyes grew wide and started to water.

“Don’t worry, the children who traveled with him are alright now. But remembering what happened still troubles me.”

“Well, at least they’re okay.” Pinkie said. Then, deciding the conversation was way too gloomy to continue in this direction, she turned to Wedge. “So, Wedge, how much longer until we get to Yakyakistan?”

“It’s a little more than a day’s journey. We’ll need to camp for the night.” Wedge said, looking over the snow-laden landscape. “I hope you’ aren’t afraid of a little cold.”

Pinkie bound next to the pegasus soldier. “Nope, we came prepared. Rarity made all sorts of neat stuff for us. She even made thermal underwear for me, Kain, and Dashie!” which elicited a grown from her other party members.


Pinkie was stirring a bubbling pot of stew near the back door of Trixie’s wagon while staying inside for the most part. The aroma of potato and garlic wafted into the wagon, comforting the party with thoughts of dinner.

Even if Trixie had cleared most everything in her wagon, five ponies inside was a tight squeeze.

Pinkie periodically moved between her stew outside and on of the empty cupboards she claimed as her bunk.

“Really, it won’t be too much trouble for Wedge and myself to camp outside for you ladies.” Kain said.

“Oh, what a gentlecolt!” Trixie said.

“What’s wrong Kain, you’re not worried Rarity is the jealous type, are you?” Rainbow Dash said.

“All these mares here making you feel a little overwhelmed?” Trixie added.

“Rarity and me are…comfortable with each other.” Kain said. “I was only offering because it was the right thing to do.”

“I’ll stay here, thank you very much.” Wedge said. As he cracked open one of the wagon’s windows, letting in a brief spray of ice and snow. “No, I think I’d much prefer to stay inside.”

Trixie lowered her veil and gave the stallion a sultry look. “Oh, you don’t mind being around all of us mares? Are you sure your marefriend won’t be jealous?”

Wedge smirked. “Oh, I do have somepony back home, but I’m sure he doesn’t mind.”

Trixie grimaced and then brought back up her veil and muttered to herself. Everyone else laughed at her failed tease.

“Wow, I didn’t know so many of us had special someponies back home!” Pinkie said. Do you think he worries about you like Rarity does all the time for Kain?” she covered her mouth with her hooves. “Oops.”

Kain smiled, much to the party ponies surprise. “No, I get it.” He said. “I can’t fault her though as now I find myself worrying about her.”

Rainbow Dash gave him a reassuring look. “Hey, she’ll be fine! She went on all sorts of adventures with the rest of us, and now she’s even got powers!”

“It’s about having that faith and trust.” Wedge said. “Trusting that they’ll be fine without you and that you can do the same.” He turned towards Kain and lightly punched his shoulder.

“So, the one you care about is also a comrade in arms?” Kain asked.

“That’s how we met.” Wedge said.

“Aww.” Pinkie said as she began to serve dinner to everyone.

“Meeting your special somepony while doing what you find most important in life.” Wedge said, accepting a bowl with his wing.

“I didn’t think I’d be so lucky, but here I am going off on a potentially dangerous mission for the Crystal Empire while he considers it to be just another day on the job.”

Kain, allowing his meal to cool off mulled over the thought and spoke. “What you have is enviable. Having so many…issues in my past, I’ve come to appreciate love where I see it.”

“Aww.” Pinkie said once more with big eyes and a smile this time. “You’re so sweet Kain. You’re definitely way less moody than when you first came to Ponyville!”

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. “Alright! Its getting really mushy in here. Don’t make me fly out of here.”

“But Dashie, we haven’t talked about what they’re dates are like!” Pinkie said, playfully. “You can’t really call it mushy until they really talk about their innermost feelings!”

“That’s it, I’m freezing to death.” Rainbow Dash said as she made her way towards the wagon exit. It took the combined effort of every other pony to hold her back, whilst laughing. “Gah! I was kidding!