• Published 6th Jan 2017
  • 1,404 Views, 140 Comments

Final Fantasy: Eidolons of Harmony - Belligerent Bindlestiff

A calamity is on the horizon. Now, light warriors must be called upon to aid Equestria.

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Threads of Fate


There was a darkness all around her.

Am I... Rarity spoke aloud with an echo. She opened her eyes to behold the same seascape from before. Dead?

Just as before, there was nothing else on the horizon for as far as the eye could see.

Why am I back here? The white mage looked about, trying to find anything that might give her a clue.

Look, I know I’m supposed to be looking for you, Ms. or Mr. Eidolon, but somepony needs my help right now.

Still, there wasn’t a response. But Rarity did hear something undeath the waves. Her attention shifted to a dark vista, a cave, under the surface of the water became visible. It was as if she was in a skylight viewing into the cave.

Rarity saw that her friends, gathered around something. Her eyes grew wide as she came to the realization of what was below.


She, unconscious and still. Tears began to form in the white mage’s eyes.

I can’t be! Not now! We still had to save Equetria! Celestia, what about Sweetie Belle? Kain?

She stared intently at her own body, there was a soft purple glow around it. The more Rarity stared at it, the more intense the light glowed, but not to the frantic party gathered around her. All she wanted to do was take back her life, to which the aura around her body beneath the waves rose as if the body of a pony had been pulled from the deep by a harness.

Rarity stared at the transparent silhouette of herself.

Is this some sort of final farewell? She then saw deeper into the form before her, the other aspects of her body became visible. Muscles, organs, and bone. Before their expedition underground, Rarity asked Twilight for a book on pony anatomy and physiology. She’d hoped that by studying it, that she’d become a better healer like Redheart.

Still, after reading the pages for the better part of her trip, she had felt competent in what she was seeing before her. Even if it was her own body in a broken state.

She remembered back to her childhood, when she had become upset when one of her favorite dolls had been torn. All of the stuffing coming free from the tear, it brought a filly Rarity to the point of breaking down. But then, her mother told her about sewing. Rarity used her magic to sew the doll back together.

And again, when Sweetie Belle was younger, Rarity was ready for the inevitable damage that filly would wreak. She casually repaired the stuffed doll as a sobbing little sister watched.

If only it were that easy now.

Rarity, still looking on at the slack ethereal apparition of herself, conjured a magical needle. My ribs are broken. Her magic moved to repair the wounds, the white mage also noticed there was also a problem with her lungs, which had also been damaged in the attack had been punctured.

A ghastly sight it was to see the injury, let alone on her own body, Rarity continued her repairs, stitching bones together and closing the hole in her lung. She tried to focus her attention as if she was simply repairing another dress, but with the subtle glow of her own coat above every now and then, the reality of her work stayed with her.

Then there was the last part she noticed, the point where her own staff had injured her.

She was about to see if she could mend the point where she saw her own insides began to tremble, and soon her lungs began taking in air.

In a forceful pull, Rarity’s spectral copy and her own existential self above the sea were jarred beneath the waves.


The White mage awoke, coughing and shocked by the sight of her friends around her.

“Rarity, you’re…. you’re okay!” Twilight cried out.

Fluttershy was first to pull her into a hug. “But your injury!” she checked the wound where Rarity’s staff had impaled her. “Your ribs aren’t broken anymore!”

“Did ya fix yerself?” Applejack asked.

After recovering from the shock of bringing herself back from the brink, and taking in a few full breaths, Rarity spoke. “I must have been able to save myself. “I could see my own body down below, much like you read in those stories that ponies tell.”

The rest of the party looked shocked, but let the white mage continue. “But I found that I could actually help myself.”

Steven wiped a tear form his eye. “Rarity, you are one amazing mare, but don’t scare us like that again, okay?”

“For Celestia’s sake, Ah’m the fighter.” Applejack said. “You worry about me getting in and roughin up monsters.”

The white mage got to her hooves. “Well, I suppose we’d best get moving.” Rarity dusted her robes and levitated her staff back to her with her horn as if she’d only fallen over. “No sense in dwelling on what may or may not have happened. We’ve got a donkey in Ponyville that needs our help.”

“Are you sure you don’t want to rest or something?” Twilight asked.

“I’m fine now.” Rarity lied. “We really need to get moving.”

The rest of the party watched their friend take the lead, only to hurry along and stay close.

“Come on, Lionel.” Fluttershy said. “Let’s go see your queen so we can help your colony.”

The large antlion from earlier clicked and began leading the party, which nearly caused Rarity to stumble mid stride. “I see you’ve wasted no time in making new friends.” She said. “Was that the antlion who was in the battle from before?”

Fluttershy smiled as she floated above the docile insect. “He was really happy that we helped defend him from the water bears.”

“Bears?” Applejack asked. “Ahm sorry sugarcube, but do ya mind saying that again?”

“Oh, that’s what the antlions are calling those bullies. “I’ve never even heard of anything like them until we saw them today.”

“Well that’s a first, a critter that even Fluttershy doesn’t know about.” Appplejack said and turned to Twilight.

“I’ve never heard of anything like them either.” The princess said with a shrug.

“OhI’m sure there are thousands of more species in the world we don’t know about.” Fluttershy said, landing on Lionel. “There are probably countless types of insects that live underground, who knows if we’ll ever see them all.”

The party approached a slope in the tunnel going down. Lionel clicked at Fluttershy.

“he says that this route will take us directly to his home.”

Rarity began adjusting her cloak and brushing her coat. “Well then, let’s now dawdle, we’ve a meeting with royalty.”

Applejack quirked a brow and totted over to the fashionista. “Uh, ya do know this is an insect we’re talking ‘bout, raht?”

“Royalty is royalty.” Rarity said, levitating Applejack’s helmet off her head and brushing the fighter’s mane before replacing the piece of armor. “Well, unless you’re a terrifying, self-important queen that eats love and seduces handsome stallions.” Rarity said with a hint of frustration.

“Rarity girl, we’re gonna have to have a talk after this.” Steven said.


The rugged tunnel seemed to go on for hours with monotony that was driving Rarity to boredom eventually began to change.

The simple carvings into the earth evolved into walls that held a refined appearance. The tunnels were encrusted with clusters of cubic minerals. There was also a faint glow ahead.

“That’s strange.” Twilight said. “I wonder what could be producing that light.”

As they passed through the portal of the tunnel, an insectoid city-scape unveiled before them, the light of the area surpassing horn light and torches.

Clusters of mineral formations lined the walls, floors, and the ceiling of the chamber before the party.

“See, Applejack.” Rarity said. “Elegance can be found anywhere.”

The antlion colony-city was lite by small, green, glowing deposits of rock along a blue-cubic terrain.

Fluttershy translated Lionel’s clicks. “He says they worked very hard to make their home here.” While still riding on the antlion.

The party passed by what appeared to be a well collecting water dripping from the ceiling.

“Oh, that’s clever.” Steven said. “I bet that would look really cute from our normal sizes.”

Everywhere, more of the insects carried on with their colony’s activities.

“Your home is so beautiful.” Fluttershy said to the antlion beneath her. Lionel chittered back. “Oh yes, we’d definitely like to meet your queen.”

The group continued on through the city.

“My oh my.” Rarity said, taking in the splendor of the mineral city “I’m drawing in so much inspiration.”

Fluttershy translated more from her antlion ally.” He says that the whole colony brought pieces of this blue rock together to make their home.”

A convoy of antlions passed by, carrying pieces of rock with them. Applejack’s brow quirked at the sight. “Ya meant to tell me ya don’t find any of this a bit weird, Rarity?”

“Well, I admit that at first antlions looked off putting, but you can’t deny their artistic abilities. Afterall, a little worm is responsible for creating the finest silk for dresses.”

After the insects had passed, the party continued to the center of the city.

“Its times like these that I remember we’re not just doing it only for ponies, donkeys, serpents, or dragons.” Fluttershy said. But every creature in our world.”

“We’re all in this together.” Steven said. “I guess being tiny really has put things in perspective.”


The party had been escorted through what could be considered the antlion palace and to the Queen’s chamber. At the center on a stage, was a massive antlion matriarch having all the imposing traits of an antlion, but somehow there was a sense that this queen carried a regality that set her apart from the rest of her colony.

Lionel and the Queen exchanged a conversation. The party watched on, most of them not knowing a single word that was spoken.

Rarity kept herself from craning her neck back and forth, only choosing to shift glances between the two antlions.

“Do you have any idea what they might be saying?” Steven asked in a whisper.

“Not a clue.” Rarity replied sharply in her own whisper. “Just let them finish so Fluttershy can tell us.”

Lionel turned around and chittered to Flutterhsy. The beastmaster nodded and spoke. “Oh, that’s so good to hear!”

She turned to the party. “The queen says that we’re more than welcome to have a sand ruby. They’ve collected them every time she’s laid eggs.”

Rarirty was the first to bow. “Thank you so much, your majesty.”

The party turned to each other.

“Now we can get back to Matilda and get her cured!” Twilight said.

Tremors began to shake the antlion palace, sending debri falling from the ceiling.

A group of antlions wasted no time inn filling the throne room and ushering out their queen. In the blink of an eye, all but Lionel and the party remained.

“Um, what just happened?” Steven asked. “Whenever someone important gets moved away that quickly, it means something really dangerous is nearby.” As he looked up and around the throne room cautiously.

Meanwhile, Lionel had begun clicking rapidly to Fluttershy.

“Oh no!” the beast master said. “More of those big worms are coming to attack the antlions’ city!”

Applejack turned to Lionel. “So do we have to go with the Queen or something?”

Fluttershy continued translating Lionel’s orders. “The guards took her to go protect her eggs.”

Lionel then let the party outside to see an invasion unfolding. Everywhere there were squads of antlions fending off attacks from masses upon masses of worms that poured into the city.

“There must be thousands of them.” Twilight said.

The creatures were pouring in from the main entrance as well as breaking through cracks in the ceiling, watery worms could be seen everywhere.

“Why are they attacking your home?!” Fluttershy asked.

The antlion responded, all the while flying antlions dispersed above them to meet the attackers in battle. Rarity could see the concern in her friend’s eyes as she listened to the antlion.

“What?” the beastmaster asked, incredulously. “You’ve never seen them before, and now they’re just attacking you?”

Lionel nodded.

“That’s horrible!”

“Where could the worms have come from?” Twilight asked. “I’ve never read or heard about worms that could be so hostile.

Rarity saw Fluttershy’s demeanor grow dark. “It’s just like with the flan, something’s done this to them.” The pegasus said.

Buildings in the city were besieged, the worms had broken through the lines of soldiers. The enemy crashed into the structures with little regard for the antlions.

“All of their work…” the white mage said. “such a terrible thing that’s reached even down here.”

“Well, ladies,” Steven aid, cracking his knuckles. “You’re not going to stand around and watch our new friends’ homes get ruined, are we?”

Fluttershy flew on top of Lionel. And in one of the few times in her life, furrowed her brows, not with anger, but with indignant determination. “Let’s stop these bullies, Lionel.”

Author's Note:

The degree to which Rarity has advanced in her abilities with white magic is nothing short of astonishing Her accelerated healing spells are one thing, but what she was able to accomplish casting on herself brings forth so many questions. And this, is where I get into far more speculative thoughts on what exactly happened.

First, I must say, even if I haven’t told her yet, I believe Rarity actually died. There were no life sings coming from her body after the water bear attack. And yet, she says she brought herself back This sort of magic certainly wasn’t pre-casted, as I don’t think Rarity would have foreseen such a fate, nor had she shown the aptitude of that level of revivification magic yet.

The spell certainly repaired her injuries and the, somehow, restarted her heart. Rarity told me that she had a similar out of body experience when she felt contacted by an eidolon, but there’s so much that bothers me about this.

Sure, we’ve read the stories of ponies recounting their near-death experiences. How they can see their own body from above, or how they see a light to walk into, but choose not to. But the thing with those cases, there’s usually some sort of procedure or team of doctors keeping somepony on this side.

Rarity didn’t have that kind of care. I’ll admit, my medical skills are extremely limited when compared to Rarity’s, and by extension, Redheart’s new white magic. Really, it was all her that was responsible for reviving and restoring her state, but the way she described it leaves me with a lingering, worrying thought. Rarity had been able to do this from that “realm” the eidolon she’d visited. I’m not sure what might have happened if she hadn’t been there if this had been a different situation.