• Published 8th Dec 2016
  • 6,731 Views, 353 Comments

Of Men and Insects - VeganSpyro97

Chrysalis has lost. The Changelings have a new leader, and all is right with the world.... Or, it was.

  • ...

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Chapter 24: A Hearth's Warming Gift

The first snows of winter had come early in Camelot. Due to overproduction of snow clouds, the pegasi had been forced to unleash the cold on the unsuspecting city. Ponies were shut in on days like today, as the snow fell in thick white curtains across the entirety of Mount Canterhorn. The wind whistled and drove the snow up into the faces of anypony foolish or unlucky enough to be out in it, whatever their reason for doing so.

The pearly white buildings were lost in the echo of pale color, and were frequently met with collisions by the hapless victims of those few who were outdoors. Every once in awhile, a curse would come drifting through the howling wind, much to the amusement of those who heard it. That had been weeks ago, and now, the snow had piled up taller than even the cities tallest inhabitants.

High above it all, lost and forgotten in the grey clouds, was Canterlot Castle, and in the second tallest tower in the structure, a Changeling and an Alicorn stood, panting, as sweat dripped from the Alicorn’s flanks, and the air around the changeling grew more heated. The two had been sparring, and practicing their awareness techniques for some time, more than the usual few hours they spent doing so. The changeling was balancing on two hooves, a style he had developed on his own, whilst the Alicorn stood as she usually did during these matches, holding herself low to the floor.

Allan's focus was entirely on Luna’s eyes. There was something about an opponent's eyes that made it easier to predict movements, a signal of intent. Even as he watched, that intent returned once again, and Allan moved instinctively, deflecting a strike meant to leave him gasping for breathe by raising right hoof. To counter, he sent a vicious kick at Luna’s ribs, managing to just barely make contact before she managed to pull away again.

She grinned at him. “Thou art getting better.”

“And you’re slipping again.” He teased.

“Hardly.” Luna replied. She lunged for his legs quicker than he could react and sweeping him off of hooves, before sending him flying into her wardrobe, which despite having moved aside for their lesson, had somehow still ended up in the line of fire more than once. “I am merely excited, is all.”

“Ow…” Allan groaned as he crawled out of the wooden mess, a few dresses tangled around his horn. “Can we stop for a break? I’m still sore from last time.”

“A warrior must alway be ready to fight, even when not at their best!” Luna proclaimed, only for her growling stomach to interrupt. “Although, it is time to eat.”

“How long have we been at this?” Allan asked, gently teasing some of Luna’s more frilly gowns from where they had ensnared him.

“Two weeks, and six days.” Luna responded promptly. “Just because you learn fast doesn’t mean you should let yourself forget the passage of time.”

“I meant today, Luna.”

“Oh….” Red faced, Luna quickly sought out one of the clocks in her room. “About five hours?”

“Holy shit.” Allan blanched. “Have we really been in here that long?”

“Yes. Let us retire to the kitchens. We may be able to catch the cooks in a good mood.”

“Your cooks? Not bloody likely.” Allan scoffed. “Just last week I asked if they had any of those awesome loaves of bread left, and the mare practically screamed in my face!”

“You mean the Morning Glory bread?” Luna asked, opening the door to the stairwell and passing through. “Those are delicious, I must admit. I believe Celestia favors them as well.”

“Oh, that explains why the mare yelled. Celestia doesn’t believe in small portions, does she?”

Luna smirked. “Never has. It’s hardly a wonder that so many ‘large plot’ jokes pertaining to my dear sister exist when she’ll happily devour a five course meal for seven in a single sitting.”

“I’m just glad Equestria has so much food. You’d never stop the riots if someone back on Earth ate that much.”

Luna chuckled, the sound mixing with the sound of their hooves clopping against the stairs. As the pair passed the tower’s entrance, and the guards who watched over it, Luna and Allan both inclined their heads at the bat ponies stood there. The nod was returned, if a little stiffly.

Once they were far enough away, Luna turned a knowing and quite cheeky look to Allan. “So, how do things go with dame Fluttershy? Messed up any hay piles yet?”

Allan's face burned bright red, and he turned his gaze elsewhere, only to be greeted with his teacher’s painted face looking back at him from a picture frame. Luna laughed uproariously.

“Oh, your face!” She slapped a hoof over her own muzzle as she laughed, nearly knocking the crown she wore off her head. “I swear, modern ponies are such prudes!”

"That was rude!” Allan retorted. “I expected better from you!”

“I’m a soul from a much older time, remember? These things were far less private then.” Luna acknowledged. “These days, everypony’s ashamed of something so natural! It’s bizarre.”

Allan could understand what she meant, and after some thought, realized he actually agreed. “Well….yeah, I guess that’s true.” A few moments later, he added: “And no. We haven’t. Not yet, at least.”

“Oh well, there’s always time for it later.” Luna hummed. “Aha, here we are.”

The kitchens weren’t located far from either Princess’s tower, or in fact, from any room inhabited by ponies or diplomatic guests. The kitchen sat at the heart of the castle, ready to create and distribute delectable delicacies and damnably delicious dishes in any and all directions. Amusing to think the heart of the kingdoms seat of power was actually the fuel for it’s stomach.

Luna exchanged words with the head chef, and in less than half an hour, a small plethora of midday meal dishes were placed before Luna and Allan, who gave their thanks (and in secret, some bits, on Alan's part) and went off to find a place to eat.

They settled on a place that had quickly become a favourite of the two, an indoor garden that was constantly in bloom in the dark, as it was populated by nothing but beautiful, night-blooming flowers, including many bioluminescent ones, which provided a lovely array of soft glows to guide the garden’s few visitors. Allan had affectionately called it: “Luna’s garden”, as it was technically always night here, and thus, was always Luna’s domain.

“I take it you’re going back to Ponyville after we’re done today?” Luna asked, munching on a large carrot that had been cooked in butter.

“Yeah.” Allan picked up a large daisy and alfalfa sandwich and took a bite from it. “I’m looking for a christmas gift for Fluttershy, and I want some advice.”

“Christmas….?” Luna looked confused for a moment, before she remembered. “Oh, right. Earth’s version of Hearth’s Warming.”

“Yeah, sorry. I still use the old lingo sometimes.”

“And you accuse us of slipping? Hypocrite.”

Allan laughed, enjoying the lack of formalities that tended to tie any of the Princesses down the moment other ponies became involved. Whenever somepony who was not a close friend came into the room, Luna, Celestia and Twilight all slipped into Princess mode, acting like the perfect role models that history had set them up to be. Well, Twilight not so much, but she tended to be far less relaxed once her audience consisted of more than her friends.

“Any word on the portal?” Luna asked.

“Twilight thinks she might know how to get it open again, but she’s still uncertain. Could be days or months before her research gets any results.” Allan explained, taking a few more bites of sandwich. “Starlight’s helping out as best she can, but her expertise doesn’t cover inter-dimensional travel.”

Luna laughed. “Whose does?”

“Twilight’s. She specializes in everything. And if she doesn’t yet, you can bet she will.”

“Very true. And on Thorax’s end?”

“They’ve finished examining the Thaumatology team’s notes. They took lots. And lots. Just thinking about it keeps making the other Changelings complain about it.”

“It’s that bad?” Luna looked surprised.

“Yes.” Allan deadpanned. “They’re sick of it.”


Princess and student returned to quietly eating for a little while, long enough for Allan to polish off his sandwich, and two others as well. Luna had devoured a meal sized salad, and was working on a set of muffins, which she offered to Allan. Gratefully, Allan accepted the offered treat.

“So….do you have any advice….regarding my gift to Fluttershy?”

Luna put a hoof to her chin as she considered her wealth of experience. “Well, if purchasing something for a mare like her, I would suggest something small, and definitely personal. She’ll prefer something simple over some grand gesture.”

“Thanks, that helps a bunch.”

Luna wiped her mouth, brushing several crumbs away. “Are you leaving now?”

“Yeah. I’ve gotta get back soon, or everypony will start worrying.” Allan grinned at his teacher. “And I still gotta find a gift, now that Hearth’s warming is so close.”

“You’re cutting it pretty fine, Allan.” The Princess warned. “It’s only a week away now.”
“I know. Now, I gotta go get my saddle-” A flash of light from Luna’s horn revealed Alan's saddlebags lying beside him. “....bags…..thanks.”

“Do not mention it.” Luna waved his thanks away as he quickly put the bags on his back. “Give our friends my regards.”

“I will.” He replied, giving her a warm hug and moving for the door.

“And Allan?”


“Make sure that hay pile gets disturbed at some point. Both of your dreams are getting a little raunchy.”

Allan couldn’t have run out of that garden fast enough.


“So you want to get her a gift?” Twilight asked, as her pen scratched its way across one page of princess-y duties after another. Spike sat next to her, his new wings still a little too delicate for real flight practice. His larger size made it easier for him to do certain things now, but he was still Twilight’s little brother, and was more than happy to help her with anything she needed, so most of the things he found easier to do were generally done for her.

“Yes.” Allan nodded, casting a warmth spell on himself, trying to get the chill out of his insides. “Luna suggested something personal, so I was thinking, maybe jewelry? I know it’s cliché, but…..”

“I’m not sure it’s Fluttershy’s ‘thing’.” Twilight answered, miming quotation marks with her wings primary feathers. How pegasi and Alicorns did that baffled Allan to no end. “Maybe you could get her-”

“If you suggest a book, I’m gonna light your mane on fire.” Spike warned. “Not everypony likes books.”

“Fluttershy likes books!” Twilight protested.

“Not like you do.”

“But they’re a perfectly good gift!”

“Yeah, for you!”

Allan grimaced and walked back out into the freezing cold.


“Please have some actual advice for me Rarity.” Allan begged. “So far all I’ve got is personal, and subtle! I have no idea what kind of gift Fluttershy might like! She’s never displayed an interest in anything remotely gift worthy!”

Rarity chuckled lightheartedly. “Oh please, darling. That’s an easy one!”

“Really?!” Allan sat bolt upright on the couch he was perched on.

“Why yes, darling!” The fashionista smiled. “Listen to this…..”


“Aha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!” Applejack hooted with laughter at Rarity’s suggestion for Fluttershy’s gift, unable to control herself. “She really, *snrk* told you to buy some o’ them? For Fluttershy? Hoo boy, that’s a good one.”

“I know, right?” Allan groaned, letting his chin thunk onto the Apple family’s kitchen room table. “Why she thought that would be an appropriate gift, I have no damn clue.”


“Oh, sorry.”

“Well, if you want my advice, don’t follow Rarity’s.” Applejack nodded sagely, as if she had just imparted some fantastical truth to the unwise.

“No shi- I mean, no duh.” Allan griped. “You got anything else for me?”

“Well……” Applejack thought it over, tapping the side of her head, as though she could shake an idea loose. “Sorry. I’m gettin’ nuthin’ except stuff I’d want, and that ain’t no good. Y’all wanna ask Mac?”

“Uh, no thanks. I’m good.” Allan avoided that barrel of decidedly not-fun times by a slim margin. Don’t ask an ex about their old girlfriend. Ever. Even if it was a healthy breakup.

“You sure?”

“Yeah, I’m good.” Allan put emphasis on the last part.

“Alright. Well, stay warm. Even if the snow’s only in Canterlot for now, it’s gettin’ mighty cold out there.”

“Don’t I know it.” Allan muttered. “I’ll catch you later AJ.”

“Later! Oh, wait, did Apple Bloom or her friends catch you yet? You’ve been avoidin’ that project o’ theirs something’ fierce.”

“Not yet. But so far, it just feels like I’m prolonging the inevitable. Anyway, I’m gonna get going.”

“Alright, get yourself gone.”

Allan did that.


“Bwahahahahahahahaha!” Rainbow guffawed at Alan's recounting of his day, especially over Luna’s comments, and Rarity’s suggestion. “That’s bucking ridiculous! Why did- ahahahahahahaha! Oh my gosh! That’s just too good!! Oh, Rarity, why?!”

“Focus, Skittles. I need an opinion, not repeats.”

“None of the nick-names, bub!” Rainbow growled, before doing exactly the same as everypony else had done, and poking her chin with a hoof. “A gift, for Shy, huh? Well, pet stuff’s alway something she’ll appreciate, but that’s not very personal. I’d say…..actually, I’m not sure. You know I’m no good at sappy stuff.”

“No, but you’re good with her. You’re her oldest friend, for pete’s sake! Apart from Discord and Pinkie, you’re the one who knows her best.”

“You rank the clown above me?” Rainbow cried, aghast. “I know her better than Discord!”

“Opposites understand one another very well, or so I’ve been told. But that’s not the point. You know Shy. Can you give me any advice at all?”

“Uh….well…...I guess there’s one thing….” Rainbow narrowed her gaze, glanced around making sure nopony nosey was hovering around the cloud she had been napping on, despite it being so cold. “You ever tell anypony else I suggested this, I’ll kick you between your rear legs so hard your junk’ll come flying outta your mouth, got it?”

“I got it!” Allan yelped. “Totally got it!”

“Good.” Rainbow checked around again, before leaning forward to whisper in his ear. “Get her something that means something to both of you. She’ll love it.” She pulled back from his ear, her face scrunched up as she tried not to “give in to the sappy”. Her eyes were like thin, drawn on lines as she glared at him. “Tell nopony.” She warned, before flying off, leaving her familiar rainbow contrail behind her.

Pinkie promising all the way down to the ground that he would never tell another soul that Dash had suggested it, Allan sought out the last pony he was willing to ask.


“You don’t need my advice, silly!” Pinkie giggled as she squeezed a bag of icing to gently apply intricate detail to a monster sized cake she was in the process of completing. Her bright mane and tail were absolutely caked (pun fully intended) in icing, frosting, and various other ingredients. Her pet alligator, Gummy, clung to the tangled strands of hair with nothing more than the pair of gummy jaws that were his namesake. “You already know what to do!”

“I do…?” Allan asked, tilting his head, curiously.

“Of course you do, silly bug-brain!” Pinkie giggled again, reaching out a hoof to pat his head from across the counter. “You’ve already got the only advice you need!”

“Oh, well….I, uh…...could I get two cupcakes to go please?”

“Sure!” Pinkie quickly dug around in Sugarcube Corner’s display case before slapping down two brightly coloured cupcakes on the counter, sporting red and blue icing, with a deep brown chocolate cake base. “Here you go!”

“Wow, those look great!” Allan complimented the baker. “How do you make them so vibrant?”

“I put rainbows in ‘em!” Pinkie cried, happily stuffing a cupcake of her own down her throat. “Hmmmmm, so goof!” Pinkie mumbled, spraying crumbs as she spoke.

“You put rainbows in them? Aren’t those supposed to be super spicy and hot?” Allan said, warily eying the pink bouncy ball of energy known as Pinkie.

“Normally, yeah, but if you dull’ em down with a mixture of water, milk, sugar, and chocolate, they’re fine!” She emphasized the point by scarfing down another cupcake.

“I’ll take your word for it.” Allan floated his cupcakes from the counter to his bags, deposited several bits on the counter for Pinkie, and turned to trot out of the store, before getting a lovely little idea.
“Hey, Pinkie?” As soon as Pinkie turned around, she found a pair of hooves wrapping her up in a warm hug from across the counter..

“Oh, uh, thanks?” She raised an eyebrow at him. “What’s this for? You already paid for the cupcakes.”

“Nothing. Just saying thanks for being awesome.”

“Oh silly! Rainbow is the awesome one!”

Allan tutted. “Really, Pinkie? Dash doesn’t have exclusive rights to being awesome. All you guys are!”

Pinkie broke into a huge grin. “Aww! That’s so sweet! Here! Have another cupcake, on the house!”

Allan was about to refuse, but the look on Pinkie’s face got to him. “Alright. Sure thing, Pinks. Thanks again!”

“Come back soon!”


Allan swung the door to the cottage open, to the sight of Zephyr sitting on the floor, surrounded by a plethora of shaped wooden beams. He was busy trying to slot several pieces together, but was having a tough time of it.

“Uh, what are you doing, Zeph?”

The young Pegasi’s wings flared in shock, and he leapt up, yelping in surprise. “Wha-! Oh, Allan, it’s just you. I though you were…”

“Fluttershy.” Allan finished, stepping inside and shaking himself a little, in an effort to warm his frozen muscles. “So, what is it you’re doing?”

Zephyr looked at the wooden pieces sheepishly. “I’m...trying to build her a new bird roost. For Hearth’s Warming.”

“Ah. Well, I’ll leave you too it. I think I’ve figured out what my gift will be, so I’m gonna go borrow a few things that I’ll need from the kitchen. Good luck, and make sure that you’ve hidden it by five thirty. That should give you plenty of time.”
“I’ll keep an eye on the time.” Zeph promised. “I don’t want to ruin this.”
Allan chuckled. “I don’t want to ruin mine, either.”


Allan shifted in bed, slowly opening his eyes to the blinding light of early morning that was streaming in through the bedroom window. It alighted on Fluttershy’s prone form, illuminating the blanket the she lay sprawled under, her mane falling across her face in a cascade of delicate pink. Her mouth had fallen slightly open, and her ears twitched slightly as she slept.

Allan smiled, brushing a few strands of mane away from her face. She really was beautiful.


Lovely moment gone. Trust Zeph to interrupt a lovely little moment like that.

Fluttershy jerked awake, expression panicked as her sleepy brain caught up to the incoming signals coming in from her eyes. “Whu-uh, oh. Morning Allan….”


“Wassat Zephyr?” She mumbled.

“Yes. Impatient for Hearth’s Warming, I guess.”

“Do you want to go down?” She asked, yawning.

“Not just yet. Let him yell a bit longer.” Allan grinned as he snuggled back down into the warm embrace of the blankets, and Shy snuggled in closer for warmth as well.

Five lovely minutes passed.


“Is he always like this?”

“Every year.”

“We’d better get up then, hadn’t we?”

“He’ll wake all my little animal friends from hibernation with all that noise.” Shy groaned.

What followed was a decidedly not very comfortable few minutes of scrambling around underneath a blanket in a tangle of cloth, hooves and tails, as the beds occupants tried to find the edge of the bed. Allan had to uncoil his tail from around Fluttershy’s, as it had been discovered that, when Allan was asleep, it seemed to possess a will of it’s own.
Unwrapping their tails from one another, the two finally managed to ext the bed, and then shortly after, the room. They traversed the upstairs hallway side by side, passing by the pictures hanging on the walls, which smiled and beamed down at them. A recent addition hung close to the end, a picture Rarity had sneakily taken of Allan and Fluttershy when they had dozed off after Luna’s first training session with the entire group.

They started down the stairs, only for them to be startled by the doorbell suddenly ringing.

Fluttershy squeaked in surprise, whilst Allan had to shake his head as Zephyr charged past, bellowing: “I’LL GET IT!”
Zephyr reached the door, paused, and opened it with a twist of his hoof. A flurry of snow blasted inside, and two figures were revealed outside, bundled up in winter clothes. Zeph eagerly beckoned them inside, and Fluttershy went pale besides Allan, eyes wide.

Allan figured it out pretty quickly. “Oh, pony feathers…” He mumbled, and felt Fluttershy nod beside him.

“Hi Mom, hi Dad!” Zephyr’s cheerful confirmed Allan's suspicions, and Fluttershy’s wings twitch, instinct telling her to hide her face. Allan knew what to do. His hoof found hers, directing her to look into his eyes. A single look was all it took for her to understand.

The twitch stopped, and her wings settled down again. The two descended the last length of stairs, coming to a halt in front of the now closed door and the two new ponies who had braved the cold to visit their children.

”H-hi Mom.” Fluttershy managed to say. “Hi Dad.”

“Sweetie!” One of the bundled up ponies said through the several layers of cloth separating them from the rest of the cottage. “Oh, how are you dear? It seems like it’s been so long since we last saw you! And who is this, if you don’t mind me asking?”

Her voice was as soft as silk, even quieter than her daughter’s, and what little of her coat was a very similar colour to Fluttershy’s. Her hair was a deep pink, her stance timid, and her question spoken quietly, as if she were just a tad afraid of the strange, alien creature standing a little ways behind her darling daughter. Her reddish eyes gazed at him, a slight concern behind them.

The father was a sea green colour, with a pink mane even paler than his daughters. His blue eyes peered out from under the lenses of his glasses, which balanced on the end of his muzzle.
Allan's mouth, had anypony been truly paying attention to it, was tinged slightly blue for a moment, and then, when he smiled, his teeth were all completely flat. “Hi. My name’s Allan. You can also call me Bronze, if you like. Most of the ponies in town do.”

“Oh, my. Such a polite...uh, colt.” Mr. Shy spoke, hesitantly. Allan noted how incredibly soft spoken this stallion was. With parents this quiet, it was amazing Fluttershy made audible noise at all when she spoke. “I’m sorry… I’ve never seen anypony like you before.”

Allan smiled wider. “That’s alright, sir. Not many ponies have.”

“Um… what kind of pony are you, if you don’t mind my asking?” Mrs. Shy asked, her voice growing even more quiet as she asked her question.

“Actually, I’m not a pony at all ma’am. I’m a Changeling.”

“Oh, my goodness! You mean, like those horrible things that attacked Canterlot?!” Mr Shy leaned back, eyes wide.

“Unfortunately, yes.” Allan sighed sadly. “Back then, our hive was controlled by Queen Chrysalis, who was rather… vicious, in her dealings with others. But, that was then. Chrysalis is no longer Queen, and we no longer do things her way. To love, and be loved. That’s what we want.”

The two older ponies looked at one another, unsure and afraid.

“Mom, Dad, don’t sweat it.” Zephyr chimed in. “Allan ain’t never done anything but be nice ever since I got here, and all of Sis’s friends trust him. Even Dash.”

That seemed to help them to relax, but they seemed to still be on edge, just a smidge. Not that Allan minded too much. Their fears were understandable given the amount of horrible things they had no doubt heard regarding changelings.
Fluttershy was quick to address the situation, inviting her parents to have a nice cup of tea, something Allan himself very much appreciated after training sessions with Luna. She busied herself in the kitchen, leaving Allan, Zephyr, and her parents to talk alone for a little while.

“So… changelings don’t eat foals?” Mrs Shy asked, the topic of urban myths regarding Changelings having been brought up.

“No. That is a definite no. I would like to say there is no basis for that particular wives tale, but it is true that some foals were replaced by changeling nymphs at an early age in an attempt to harvest love.” Allan explained. It was a rather deep point of shame for the hive that Chrysalis had once tried that tactic. It had failed miserably. Due to being so young, the nymphs had made mistakes and had been discovered, leading to a mass, public scare throughout Equestria. Thankfully, it was over seven hundred years ago, and the fallout from the incident was largely forgotten, or had already been remedied, thanks to Celestia’s careful rule. “Thankfully, it was such a short lived practice that no real harm came to anypony involved, and all the foals were returned.”

“That’s good to hear. I would hate to think of those poor, innocent foals being forced to live so far from their parents.” Mrs Shy certainly was empathetic, and Mr Shy seemed more inclined down that path than most stallions, and most men, that Allan knew.

“You don’t drink blood either?”

“Thankfully not. Emotions are more than enough for us. Food on it’s own barely provides any sustenance, and, in truth, is usually only eaten as an excuse to be close to other ponies, or to keep up a disguise. So, no. No blood. If the hive memory is correct, that little lie came about after some journalist pointed out that we have fangs, like a vampire bat. Of course, the use of the word vampire got fixated on, and the myth just grew from there.”

“Well that’s good to know.”

“What about abducting ponies and putting them in pods? That’s gotta be a myth too, right?” Zephyr asked.

Allan grimaced. “Actually, that one is true. It was one of the most effective ways of getting love. A harvester drone would find a pony with an active social life, wait for them to come back home, knock them out, and use a temporary memory spell to learn their mannerisms and would then live their life for a week or so. After they were finished, they transferred revised memories of that week to the pony they replaced, and then left, with nopony the wiser. The pony never knew they were replaced, their family and friends never suspect, and the hive got fed. Pretty efficient for the time, but definitely invasive. The amount of ponies who’ve had… ahem, intimate relations with ponies is a lot higher than one would think.”

“...... Remind me never to ask about that.” Zeph said, quickly.

“Yeah. That’s a good idea.”

“....What does that mean?” Zep asked, eyes both afraid and accusing.

Alan's gaze held on Zeph for only five seconds before he whipped his head around and pronounced loudly: “Okay, moving on!”

“Yes, let’s not talk about that any more.” Mr Shy stated, cheeks red with embarrassment for his son.

“Actually, Allan, could we talk in a bit more privacy? I...I’d like to ask you a few things.”

Despite having never having beene in a serious relationship long enough for the questioning father schtick to come up, Allan recognized the intent instantly, and gave a polite confirmation. The two moved into the hallway, and Mr Shy took a deep breath, before putting on the most self confident face he could muster, and asking outright.

“Allan… what are your intentions for my daughter?”

There it was. If Allan had had any doubts about the relationship that had so quickly developed between Fluttershy and himself, they were gone now. He had his answer before his heart even finished it’s next beat. “Mr Shy. Your daughter is the best thing that ever happened to me. She was there for me at a time I needed her most, and she has barely been out of my thoughts for more than a few seconds since. I love being close to her, and I treasure every second I get to be with her. She’s done so much for me, and it’s a debt that I will spend the rest of my life trying to repay, if she’ll allow me.”


The day wore on, and the little family sat about, talking and laughing as they shared stories from Fluttershy and Zephyr’s childhood, or from Mr and Mrs. Shy’s younger days. Allan told a few of his own stories, though he withheld the knowledge that he was in fact, from another world, only clarifying that much of his life had been lived away from the hive, in ignorance about changelings..

“Mike looked absolutely ridiculous, turning up in a frilly dress like that! The entire school was there, laughing, but he took it like a champ, and spent the whole night dressed up in that silly thing! The best part is, his fillyfriend at the time, Sandra, was actually the one who dared us to go to prom in a dress if we couldn’t sit through that move! He wäs the only one who chickened out, and she spent the entire prom giggling at him.”

“Dinner’s ready!” Fluttershy called, coming back into the living room with an assortment of plates balanced on her wings. “And there’s plenty extra, so feel free to grab more if you’re still hungry afterwards.”

The meal was gorgeous, with beautifully fluffy potatoes with crispy skins, well cooked carrots, broccoli and other vegetables, and a few meat replacements, like tofu. The four ponies and changeling ate heartily and enjoyed the warmth of the fire from the fireplace, Allan and Fluttershy snuggling together under a blanket, as did Mr and Mrs Shy. Zeph tried to fīnd an animal to snuggle with, but with most of the hibernating or having flown south, only Angel was left, and Angel only ever tolerated Fluttershy, and no one else, leaving Zephyr with a blanket all to himself.

“Can...we do gifts now?” Allan asked, listening to the cracks and pops of the firewood as it burned.

“”Oh...sure! I’m sorry, but we don’t have anything to give you, Allan.” Mr and Mrs Shy looked apologetically in his direction.

“You didn’t know I was here, or that I even existed. It’s not a problem.” Allan waved away their concerns with a smile.

“Can I give you guys mine first?” Zephyr asked, excitedly.

“Sure!” Allan grinned.

The gifts given were thoughtful, but not practical by any means. Zephyr had managed, somehow, talk Rainbow Dash into helping him replace some of what he had thoughtlessly ruined during his previous stay at his parents house in Cloudsdale, giving them a small selection of bottled pieces of cloud from the Cloudsdale weather factory, each one from a different year, which Dash had been forced to call in several major favours to get for him. He also had enlisted Fluttershy’s help in growing some lovely flowers for their mother to replace the ones he’d dug up when ‘remodeling’. Both gifts were well received, and earned hugs from both. His first gift to his sister was no less thoughtful, a new sewing kit (despite Allan having never seen her touch a needle outside of Rarity’s shop), saying it would, “help with her hobby.” His bird roost was well appreciated too.

Zeph hadn’t known Allan long enough to get something meaningful, so it wasn’t surprising when his gift turned out to only be a bar of chocolate. Allan didn’t mind. He loved chocolate, and apparently, it was universally craved by Changelings, which meant that the wrapper was off almost before the actual gift wrapping was.

“Fhanks Seth!” Allan called, amid a mouthful of lovely, sugary, chocolatey goodness.

“Sorry it’s nothing special, I just-”

“Oi, none of that crap. Sit down and enjoy Hearth’s Warming.”

Mr and Mrs Shy had gotten Zehyr a mane therapy treatment kit. Although he already had one, it was approaching the end of it’s durability, as a lot of what was in it was worn or almost entirely used up. For Fluttershy, they had gotten a set of books, which looked suspiciously similar to Rarity’s own romance novels, something Fluttershy had blushed at when Allan commented on it.

Then came Allan's turn. Having not known about Mr and Mrs Shy’s visit, he, much like they themselves in regards to him, had no gift to give them. For Zephyr, he produced an alchemy book that specified on brewing your own mane centered concoctions, as well as a small starter kit. Zephyr had been pleasantly surprised at that.

“Aww, now I feel really bad that all I got you was chocolate!”

“”I’m not.” Allan grinned.

For Fluttershy, he had something special. But first, he had a more normal gift. “Okay, so, first, I want to give you this.” From behind his back, Allan produced the carefully wrapped present, careful to keep the second concealed. Fluttershy smiled, and started to carefully, and gently peel off the wrapping.

“Awww…..it’s adorable!” Fluttershy pulled the sweater he bought free from it’s papery shell, it’s light green fabric made of materials harvested in only the kindest and pain free ways possible. It was specifically made to keep pegasi warm in the winter, with a high neck and soft, unnoticeable padding on the interior, making it comfy, warm, and, on Fluttershy, cute.

“Then, I want you to have this.” The second box was smaller, the size of a CD case, but meant infinitely more than the first present.

Fluttershy was even slower to open this one. It left Allan trembling in trepidation and excitement, but it was not a bad feeling.

The box inside was one of the velvety kind, like one would find in a jewelers, and Allan had picked that one on purpose. It fit the contents to a tee.

The box lid lifted free, and Fluttershy gasped.

Lying inside, on a bed of foam, was a bit sized blue and pink heart. It was made of a delicately fashioned crystalline material, and glowed softly were it sat. A small line of gold framed both ends of the heart, and it’s lowest point. Where the two ends would have met in the middle where the chain was attached, the thin gold line instead made its way down on either side of the heart, where it curled back on itself slightly before tapering off. The chain was thin, so finely crafted that it seemed like gossamer silk.

Fluttershy looked up at him, tears in her eyes and a big smile on her face. “Did...did you….make this?”

Allan nodded. “It’s Changeling gel, filled with love to the point of oversaturation, making it crystallize. I used ours.”

“You….this is our….love?”

“That is literally my love for you.”

Allan didn’t have time to blink before he was covered in yellow fur, feathers, and kisses galore.


Author's Note:

I enjoyed writing this one.... Merry Christmas, Happy Hearth's Warming, and Happy Holidays to all! May your days be filled with joy, wonder, light and, most importantly, a little love.

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