• Published 8th Dec 2016
  • 6,732 Views, 353 Comments

Of Men and Insects - VeganSpyro97

Chrysalis has lost. The Changelings have a new leader, and all is right with the world.... Or, it was.

  • ...

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Chapter 28: Party Party Party!

Author's Note:

This one's short, but was oh so much fun to write!!
See if you can spot a couple sneaky little references.
There's one for RWBY, and one for James Bond.
There was one for Lord of the Rings, but I must have forgotten that I removed it at some point, cuz now I can't find the damned thing.

Play this when you get to it:

When Trixie rolled into Ponyville having galloped all through the night, she had immediately, on very wobbly legs, hammered on the door to Twilight’s castle, demanding to talk to Allan at the earliest possible time. Luckily for her, Allan was already there, having been midway through his recounting of the previous night’s events when Trixie arrived.

The two had briefly gone into a spare room for a private talk….which all their friends eavesdropped on, a very bad habit they had started developing recently. They heard the discussion go from quiet apologies to a few well mannered jokes, and were very relieved when both told each other that they wanted to start over, just as they had talked about in the dream.

So within twenty four hours of Trixie having arrived back in town, Pinkie was planning a party. Because of course she was.

The “Allan-and-Trixie-apology-and-make-up-and-be-friends!” party was going to be another swinger. Every friend the two had in Ponyville were invited, and the rest of the town where turning up anyway. Streamers and candy and cake and all kinds of goodies were being pumped out of Pinkie’s personal use ovens, her party cannon, and her party planning cave.

Suffice it to say, Pinkie Pie was in a good mood.

Until Twilight broke her some bad news.

“Sorry Pinkie, but I’m getting really close to figuring out how to get the Badlands Portal working again, and I need to keep working.”

“Aww, but Twilight! Allan and Trixie are really looking forward to this! It’ll make them sad if you can’t join us!” Pinkie draped her hooves over the desk Twilight was sat at, trying to lean into her friend’s field of view so she could pull the classic “puppy dog eyes.”

“I’m sorry Pinkie, I really am, but if I lose my train of thought now, it could set me back days, days that Allans friends and family might not have.”

Pinkie’s ears fell, and she forced her eyes wider….not that that was difficult for her, but still, it was effort she didn’t normally need to exert. Twilight ignored her, instead turning her full attention back to her scribbled notes, and her current page of scratchy equations and rune combinations.

Pinkie didn’t like admitting defeat, but if Twilight said something was too important to stop doing, she was usually right. So, Pinkie let her normal manic grin flip her frown back up the right way, and started bouncing in place.

“Okie-Doki then! We’ll make sure to save you some cake!”

“Thanks, Pinkie.” Twilight said, waving a hoof without turning to look. “I’ll let you all know if I find anything.”

With that, Pinkie bounced off to go find Allan and Trixie.


Allan was sitting on a stump in Sweet Apple Acres, one of a small few that had once been some of the first trees planted in the orchards, but had been killed off by something Applejack called: “Tha’ Blight” The closest stump was currently occupied by Trixie, who had taken Allan up on his offer of teaching her Zanshin.

Trixie had her muzzle all scrunched up with all the effort she was putting into the excersize, the same one Luna had started Allan and the girls off with, her breath coming quickly in and out through her nose as she balanced on her fore hooves. Allan, in comparison, seemed fine, though in another hour he would be gasping for breath the way his magician friend was.

“Trixie, breath slower. Just, try to focus on balancing.”

“Why- huff- are we doing- huff- this?!” She asked, though gritted teeth. “I thought it was an awareness thing!”

“It is. But in order to access it, we have to train ourselves to find actual physical balance too, to be aware of everything around us, and….” Allan trailed off, ear suddenly twitching as he heard something. That something turned out to be Pinkie Pie, who barreled out of a nearby patch of bushes that was only a foot away from Allan's stump. Trixie expected to hear Pinkie slam into him, but, surprisingly, when she looked, Allan was still balanced on the stump, a look of surprise on his face as he registered that he had moved on autopilot, avoiding Pinkie. He was balancing on only one hoof, just aside from where he had been, and Pinkie was lying against the trunk of a tree on the opposite side from where she emerged, grinning like a mad thing. “....Hi, Pinks…..”

“Wow!” The party pony gushed, as Allan clambered down from his perch. “That was awesome! I was all ZOOM! And you were all HYAH! And you avoided it like a Ninja! Ooh, are you a Ninja? That would be really cool, or maybe a Samurai! Could you make your weird dream sword a Katana and go cut through silk?” The mare continued her helter skelter babbling as Allan and Trixie patiently waited for her to stop.

It took ten minutes.


Allan was a little annoyed. To say that would be an understatement, but the CMC had finally caught up to him, and where drilling him on how his magic worked without a Cutie Mark….as they tried to earn him one by asking him to do all manner of ridiculous things as quickly as possible. He would have said no, had he not also been told that they were going to try this stuff anyway on somepony else if he didn’t. And considering Alchemy, catapultists, armourers, demolitionists and grave-diggers, of all things were on that list, he thought it would be best that an adult be there to curtail any dangerous misadventures.

Unfortunately, this also meant he had to sit there and allow Sweetie to explain to him, for the twentieth time, why what he was doing was wrong.

Not that she really knew which stitch he was supposed to be using to join these pieces of fabric into a piece of clothing. Or that the fillies had mixed up the template parts for multiple kinds of garments, which meant there was no creature in the world that would, or even could, wear it, the only exception being Discord, because Discord. ‘Nuff said.

He was also glad that he had managed to persuade the fillies to let him buy the materials for this project, otherwise, Rarity would have gutted him with her pins, slowly, and painfully, for letting them use her own stock of fabrics.

But sitting there sucked, as he had to try and look like he was actually putting in effort, which he wasn’t. Seriously, the ponnequin, the only thing Rarity had hesitantly let them borrow, looked like it had just run through a series of fabric sheets that had somehow gotten stuck together in something that vaguely resembled clothing. Vaguely.

He turned his thought’s to Pinkie, who had only wanted to know the two’s preference to cake and then talk about whatever stuck their fancy for the rest of the day. Her insistence had cost him and Trixie a pretty penny when they had inevitably decided to join Pinkie on a prank war she was having with Dash, since Pinkie’s cute, “sad and frowny face” was a powerful force of nature, and Dash had pranked both of them the first chance she got after Trixie had come back to town. Although she had put effort into her prank, Rainbow had gone a little too far when she drenched Allan with water mid-flight, causing him to drop like a rock right into the stream outside of Fluttershy’s cottage, scaring a good number of ducks and Otters. She’d apologized, but there was no way that was the end of it. Allan had wanted a little payback for miss Skittle-mane, and Trixie, being an audacious and delightfully vindictive shit-disturber, had only been too glad to assist.
Food dye thrown into her cloud home had turned everything…..and that meant everything, made of clouds (the entire house and all structures therein) bright pink.

Rainbow had not been too happy.

Allan guessed this was karma coming back to bite him in the ass for not being the bigger person, as making clothes was, without a doubt, the last thing he wanted to be doing. In all honesty, he’d rather practice playing his guitar, but the Crusaders were adamant on doing this, and if it wasn’t him, then it was some innocent foal getting in the firing line.

“No no, like this!” Allan looked at the stitch that even he could tell was completely the opposite of what was needed, and sighed, slamming his head against the table as the Crusaders looked at him, obliviously.


Day turned to evening, and as Celestia made the sun start to dip towards the horizon, the party began.
As expected, all of Ponyville crowded the streets, enjoying all the amenities and company they could ask for. And Allan walked through it all, undisguised. For the first time in a long time, no one stared. No one was angry about him. He was just another face, another friend. And it felt glorious. Vinyl Scratch’s music played through the speakers set up at intervals for maximum coverage.

A warm body pressed against his side, and Allan turned to see his favourite pair of eyes staring lovingly back.

“I’m glad you made up with Trixie.” Fluttershy said, simply.

“So am I.” The changeling watched as Pound and Pumpkin Cake ran and flew about, laughing, as their parents tried to catch them, all four laughing happily. Pinkie bounced along behind them, giggling and snorting with unbounded mirth as she watched the Cakes impromptu fun times. “Earth could do worse than be more like this.” Allan commented. “Working together, being understanding. Trusting in one another.”

“Well, that’s really only here in Ponyville, and it’s not perfect, yet.” The canary yellow pegasus replied with a smile.

“But look how far you’ve come already.” Dotted among the crowd were Griffin’s, the odd Changeling, and even a Diamond Dog, who wore a dapper tuxedo and talked without the trademark animosity his kind was known for. “You have so many people, of all different kinds, and all different beliefs, all living and working and partying together. Just a decade ago, you didn’t even know for sure that Changeling’s existed, now you’re co-operating and doing your hardest to make it work.” A small group of children ran past them then, kicking and throwing a ball back and forth. A Griffin chick passed to an Earth pony filly, who passed it to a young Changeling, who in turn threw it to a Pegasus colt. “That right there, is the future. And it’s beautiful. And I get to be a part of that future, now.”

“And a part of mine?” The question caught Allan off guard, and he stumbled slightly as he tried to do a heel-faced turn (which, anyone who is familiar with quadrupeds would be able to tell you, is impossible).
Looking at Fluttershy, surrounded by an image of the world at it’s best, there was only one answer. Allan leaned in and kissed her. “I wouldn’t want it any other way.”

Fluttershy went to kiss him back, only to turn bright red when she realized the foal’s and chick’s ball games had come to a halt and that they were staring at the kissing pair with wide eyes. “Uh…..I think we should get to Sugarcube Corner….”

Allan peered over his shoulder, before he too, turned bright red, and galloped off with her to the bakery.


“Where have you been?” Rainbow demanded as they entered, screeching to a halt in front of them as the pair entered.
“We’ve been waiting for aaaaaages!”

“We ain’t been waitin’ fer ages, Dash!” Applejack chided. “It’s been ten minutes since Pinkie brought out the cake.”

“At a party, ten minutes feels like forever!” Rainbow retorted. Allan rolled his eyes.

“Well, come in Darlings! I’ve saved you some punch.” Rarity announced, trotting over. Out of concern for his mortal well-being, Allan inquired as to the whereabouts of Rarity’s sister. “Oh, not to worry dear, Sweetie and the other foals are currently playing together at the game stalls Pinkie set up. I gave them enough bits to keep them out of trouble until it’s time for their bedtime, and then we won’t have to worry anyway...hopefully.”

“Good, Trixie doesn’t do too well with older foals. They’re at that point where they have far too much energy, and ask too many questions.” Trixie was sprawled over two chairs, her trademark hat and cloak hanging from a peg on the wall. A drink cup floated next to her in her magical grip, which she drank from between long intervals.

“Tired, Tixie?” Allan asked with a grin.

“Buck you, Ryder.” She snapped, though no harshness accompanied the words.

“Thanks for the offer, but I’m spoken for.”

Trixie stuck her tongue out as the pair made their way further inside, to stand with their friends.

“Well, even though Twilight couldn’t make it, I’m glad we get to celebrate you two making up!” Pinkie pronked in place in excitement. “Here! I made you cake! Blow out the candles and we can get to eat it too!”

That was all the convincing they needed. With the candles blown out, the cake was eaten and compliments given to the baker. That done, the music was turned up and the group danced the hours away.

As night fell, Rarity, Applejack and Rainbow all went off to find their sisters, and adopted sister in Rainbow’s case. They came back not long afterwards, and the party continued for a little while longer.

It was ten when they left Sugarcube Corner, having exhausted a plethora of party games, and made their way through town, until Rainbow took charge and lead them to a place she recommended as being the: “Best watering hole ever!”

It was a watering hole alright, with brass taps and shiny oak counter tops, barrels and bottles lining the shelves behind it, as well as several patrons who seemed cautious of the newcomers. Allan had never really been in a place like this before, but he found the warm fire and cheerful decor made the place more than palatable.

“You girls lost?” The Earth Pony bartender asked, a twinkle in his eyes. He was bald, but he didn’t seem bothered. He was wearing an apron, tied carefully around his waist.

“We’re not lost! We’re here to celebrate these two making up!” Rainbow exclaimed, shoving Allan and Trixie forward, where they waved awkwardly.

“Ah, the alien Changeling and the stage Magician. Pretty sure that’s the start of a joke.” There was a small smattering of chuckles from here and there, including from Rainbow and Trixie. “So, what can I get you all?”

“I’ll get a Fillydelphia Fire for starters! Hey, AJ, you wanna do shots?” Rainbow bellowed before anypony else could even get put a suggestion.

“Oh hey no! I’m not getting roped into another drinking contest with y’all! Last time was bad enough!”

“Oh, there’s a story here.” Trixie mused with a conniving, sly grin. “And Tixie wants to hear it! My good stallion! The Great and Powerful Trixie requests a Las Pegasus style Strawberry Sunrise, no ice…..oh, and one of those little umbrellas.”

“Ooh, that sounds good! I’ll have one of those too.” Starlight chirped.

The Bartender laughed. “I’ll see if we have some umbrellas. Anypony else want to order?”

“Straight up Hard Apple Cider.” Applejack requested. “And don’t let this’n order ANY shots, ya hear?” She stated, pointing a steely gaze at Rainbow.

“What?” Dash asked, trying to feign innocence.

“Don’t y’all pretend you weren’t gonna go an’ order some behind ma back- again!”

“I wasn’t!”

“Fibber.” Allan muttered, a wry smile on his face as Rainbow grumpily crossed her hooves.

“Can I have a Strawberry daiquiri, please….” Fluttershy requested politely.

“I’ll have a Cider too.” Allan said, just as politely as Flutters. “I’m not too big on drinking.”

The Bartender gave an understanding look. “Not an issue. Just remember to drink plenty of water.”

Nodding, Allan watched as the Earth Pony started flipping and mixing drinks with a practiced precision garnered through years of experience. Turning to Pinkie, the pony grinned. “Shall I get your usual?”

Several sets of eyes turned to Pinkie.

“What? I’m a Party Pony. I go everywhere.”

Several ponies all nodded in acceptance. “Eh, it’s Pinkie.”

“Martini, please, sir. Shaken, not stirred.” Rarity asked, with her usual amount of flair. Excessive.

“You got it!” The Bartender proclaimed, starting to slide finished drinks to their respective orderers. “Let me know when you’d like to get more.”

“Sure thing, Sugarcube!” AJ grinned with a wink. “And remember, no shots.”


“MORE SHOT’S HONEY!” Applejack yelled, a drunken burp erupting from her mouth like a thunderclap. “I’M DRINKING THIS SHOWBOAT’N BIRD-PONY INTO THE GROUND IF IT KILLS ME!”

“You ain’t got- *hic*- nothin’ on me, Apples!”Rainbow slurred, proudly. “Still- *hic* goin’ strong!”

“They really shouldn’t be allowed out.” Rarity complained from her safe table in the corner of the bar. She’d nursed both of her martini’s through the night, and was the least buzzed mare in the room, save one.

“Oh, relaaax Rarity.” Pinkie beamed. Her usual had actually turned out to be an enormous root-beer float with no alcoholic content whatsoever. “It’s not like they’re supposed to be two of the most upstanding mares in Equestria or anything. Besides, they’re having fun!”

Rainbow and AJ’s contest was relatively tame and didn’t involve anypony else. But Allan and Trixie however, were stood up on the bar, red faced and enjoying themselves immensely, with a guitar, a makeshift drum set made of pots and pans from the kitchen, and a very tipsy Fluttershy dancing around and singing a drinking song that nopony knew where she had picked it up from.

It went a little something like this:

“Well the night that old Starry Bearded died was a night I’ll never forget,

Some of the colt’s got loaded drunk and they ain’t been sober yet!

Long as that bottle was passed around, every pony was feelin’ gay!

Old Hoof-y brought the bagpipes, and music for to play!

That’s how they showed their respect for Starry Bearded,

That’s how they showed their honor and their pride!

They said it was a cryin’ shame and they winked at one another!

And every drink in the place was full the night that Starry died!”

The bar patrons cheered as the song increased in tempo, growing a little wilder, a little more raucous. Fluttershy’s inhibitions were long since banished by the drink, and her cheeks were beet red, but she was a little dizzy from her dancing, so Allan took over the singing.

“As missus Starry sat in the corner, pouring out her grief,

Celly and her gang came tearin’ down the street!

They went into an empty room and a bottle of whiskey stole,

Then put that bottle with the corpse to keep that whiskey cold!

That’s how they showed their respect for Starry Bearded,

That’s how they showed their honor and their pride!

They said it was a cryin’ shame and they winked at one another!

And every drink in the place was full the night that Starry died!”

Fluttershy finally recovered from her dizzy fit, blushing but still all too happy to rejoin the song, and Trixie started crooning along as well.

“About four o’clock in the mornin’, after emptyin the jug,

Ol' Magnus raised the icebox lid, to see poor Starry’s mug.

We stopped the clocks so Mrs Starry couldn’t tell the time,

And then a quarter after two, we argued it was nine!”

Rainbow and AJ started drunkenly singing along to the chorus, as did over half the bar patrons, happily missing notes and slamming beer glasses onto tables with reckless and wild abandon, ignoring the outrageous number of spillages that were all over the floor and on the tables.

Starlight had found herself caught up in Fluttershy’s dancing, and, while still holding her drink with her magic, prancing around in time to the beat, while shaking her tail around like a wild thing.

“They stopped the hearse on Prance Street outside Sundance Saloon,

They all went in at half past eight, and staggered out at noon,

Then went up to the graveyard, so holy and sublime,

And found out when they got there, they’d left the corpse behind!

That’s how they showed their respect for Starry Bearded,

That’s how they showed their honor and their pride!

They said it was a cryin’ shame and they winked at one another!

And every drink in the place was full the night that Starry died!”

The bar by now was reduced to a cacophony of drunken revelers belting out the words to a song their drink addled minds could barely recall, swaying and dancing and cheerfully guzzling more of their chosen drinks, not a care left in the world. The impromptu performers where among the only ones besides Rarity and Pinkie who had yet to drink their body weight in liquor, as they had been too busy playing their instruments for half the time they’d been there. The final verse arrived, the music at its loudest, and at its most rambunctious since the start, with all three singers yelling the repeated lyrics instead of singing them.

“Well the night that old Starry Bearded died was a night I’ll never forget,

Some of the colt’s got loaded drunk and they ain’t been sober yet!

Long as that bottle was passed around, every pony was feelin’ gay!

Old Hoof-y brought the bagpipes, and music for to play!

That’s how they showed their respect for Starry Bearded,

That’s how they showed their honor and their pride!

They said it was a cryin’ shame and they winked at one another!

And every drink in the place was full the night that Starry died!

And every drink in the place was full the night that Starry died!”


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