• Published 19th Apr 2017
  • 2,035 Views, 75 Comments

Not Just A Bug 2 : Not Just One - Bringiton6611

Well, this seems familiar... I just don't know why. It's not like I'm in the Everfree forest again, taking care of a bug pony like Thorax. Only this time though, there's not just one of them. Shit just got real again.

  • ...

Chapter 15 - Stalker

Author's Note:

I've tried to improve my writing and add more detail to scenes, can you tell, or do I still suck? :moustache:

After that little encounter with the two retards, I continue on my way, pulling the string of the crossbow back and placing a bolt firmly in place. That went smoother than I thought it would... well, it didn't really go smoothly at all. Not for them at least.

The hunters themsevles didn't have that much useful stuff on them beside more bolts, but with me already having eight, I figured I had enough. Plus I can always retirve the bolts once I fire them, assuming I don't fire them at a brick wall and snap them.

They did, however, have a small hatchet in one of their saddlebags, and of course, I took that. Why wouldn't I? The only downside is that since I don't have my backpack with me, carrying too much stuff is... well, I would say hard, but it's more awkward than anything. Although I could hold the crossbow with one hand and the hatchet with the other, what happens when I have to fire that shot? I'll tell you what would happen, I'd come down with a serious case of dead. I could reload with one hand, but two hands is faster. Of course, that's common sense.

Why am I taking so much time talking about how to carry shit? Long story short, I still took the hatchet like I said and slid the handle of it between my belt and my pants. It fit and is more comfortable than I thought it would be. Now I just have to be carful and not cut myself on the exposed blade. It looks worn, but it easily is still very sharp.

Looking forward from my newly acquired hatchet, my eyes scan the surrounding forrest around me. I have to be getting close to that camp. I've been walking for what feels like forever already. The canopy above me has grown thick as I've walked, casting my surroundings in heavy shadows. It also prevents me from seeing how much progress I've made to my destination. Hell, knowing my luck, I could be going in the complete wrong direction. I highly doubt I am, but still, it would be my luck.

About another... ten or so minutes I could see a soft glow coming from the trees ahead. "Thats gotta be it..." I mumble to myself. I am not a patient man, as I believe I've said before, so I'm looking forward to getting to that camp... even if its full of ponies that want me dead.

I get to what I believe is a good point to scan the camp and crouch down by a tree. (I know, a tree? They would never suspect that.)

Upon looking ahead... yep, that's definitely it. There's about 3 old buildings up ahead, no clue they could've been used for. They look like they are, er-, they were just little cozy cabins. They don't look that worn down, but you can tell that there was a large decent time period where nothing was living here. On top of this, there were several tents set up around those buildings. Presumably, they sleep in both places. The entire area is cast in the same soft, orange glow, the canopy above still very thick. Keeps them hidden from anything flying above, smart.

The camp still seems to be mostly empty, the outside area deserted, but I cannot seem anything inside the tents around, nor inside the houses.

I glance back behind me, staring into the darkened woods, before looking back at the camp, considering my options. Since the camp looks empty, it would be easier to search around, see if I can find anything around here. On the downside, if I'm searching around, and a lot of those bastards come back at once, my chances go from being probably fine to probably fucked...

After a moment in thought, I say my famous line.

"Fuck it."

I stay low to the ground, starting to creep toward the camp. "You're the last one left, complete the mission..."

There's no reason for me to check the tents... actually, I take that back. My first spot to check was going to be the house, just behind the tent. What can go wrong?

A lot, but let's push that thought aside for just a second.

I reach the tent and find the flap already half opened, allowing me to peak inside. Nothing useful. Two sleeping bags and a lantern, currently turned off. Even though it is dark, there is enough light around this camp to provide for me, so I leave the lantern.

Now, the cabin. The tent is pitched literary right next to the cabins backdoor. I approach it, stepping up the small three steps to that door and wrap my hand around the knob.

"Surely it can't be that...easy?" To my surprise, the door knob gave no resistance, turning until I heard a small click and the door slightly holy forward. "...These guys seem too cocky if they just leave these door unlocked... or maybe the locks don't even work anymore."

I push the door open, peaking inside and glancing around. The inside is void of any hunters, good news for me. It's only a single story as well, so I don't have to worry about a second floor. I creep inside, softly closing the door behind before standing back up to my full height. "Let's see what we have..."

The cabin was dark, no lights of any kind inside. The only light being what comes from the outside lanterns. At least this way, they can't see my shadow in this cabin. I don't even know where they got all this stuff from in the first place, It couldn't have been all found in these woods, some of the equipment doesn't look old at all.

As I slowly walk across the floor, I approach a table with a variety of papers and books on it, nothing really worth... wait...

I set my crossbow off to the side on the same table and go to shifting the junk around. I soon discover a larger piece of paper underneath everything else. My eyes widened as I realized what it was.

"A map! Fuck yeah!" I quietly celebrate as I begin to study it.

"Changelings spotted here... 'Taken care of' here... Royal Guard camp? How long have they been watching us...?" I feel a breeze blow through my hair as I quickly glance out the window and back at the map. "This map shows their camps, our camps, Changeling sightings... this has everything..." My eyes drift to a notepad I brushed aside when first uncovering the map. I pick up the pad and start skimming the notes written. Most of the notes detail supply trading between camps, but I did see something that caught my attention. "'Changeling brought in after our scouting team was attacked. Taken to the cellar, maybe we can finally get some answers to more changelings to take care of. Been slow the last week'... wait, this is dated today."

If this is dated today... Is it talking about me, Luo, and Sean? I need to see if I can find that cellar it talks-

My thoughts grind to a halt as I hear commotion outside. I rush to the window and look through the cracks. I see a group of... about 10 of those fuckers walking into camp. Three of which are coming right for my house. I back away from the window, fanatically looking for a place to hide. "Shit, shit shit..." My eyes scan to a closet.

"Fuckin... as cliché as it is, I got nothing else." I rush to the closet and open the door. The closet was completely empty, making it very easy for me to squeeze inside. Once inside, I close the door and peak through a very small gap. Only then did I realize I left the map uncovered and my crossbow on the table. "Shit..." I swear, as it's all I can do as the backdoor opens, and in the hunters came.

Comments ( 4 )

I was so glad to see this story updated again. Can't wait for the confrontation between David and Chrysalis.

The hunters themsevles didn't have that much


Plus I can always retirve the bolts once I fire them

(personal comment: how I wish that was the case in minecraft...)

no clue they could've been used for

‘‘no clue what they could've (...)’’ ?

turning until I heard a small click and the door slightly holy forward.

Is ‘holy’ supposed to be something else?

Hello...? Another infinite hiatus?

Sorry my friend, I’ve lost interest in writing mlp, and mlp as a whole mostly. I’ve moved on to writing other stuff. Perhaps I’ll return and finish it one day, but I make no promises. :fluttercry:

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