• Published 19th Apr 2017
  • 2,035 Views, 75 Comments

Not Just A Bug 2 : Not Just One - Bringiton6611

Well, this seems familiar... I just don't know why. It's not like I'm in the Everfree forest again, taking care of a bug pony like Thorax. Only this time though, there's not just one of them. Shit just got real again.

  • ...

Chapter 7 - The Campsite

Well, that's something.

After walking for what a think would be an hour or so, I've found what appears to be a campsite. Abandoned, of course. Just like everywhere else out here.

But just because it's abandoned, doesn't mean there's nothing worth taking. Everything little bit can help me.

Approaching the site, I start to take in the surroundings of the place.

It's completely in the center of these woods, one could easily miss it if they didn't know it was here. The only reason I found it was because I was walking straight in its path.

There's the tent and fire pit, the thing that make a camp site a camp site... if that makes... since.... what the hell?

There's embers in the fire pit. Hot, glowing embers.

This was used recently...

I suddenly have mixed emotions about this. On the good side, it means ponies may or may not come back, but there's a chance that I can get help. On the bad side though, the ponies here could be the exact same as the ones that attacked me, and that would be bad. Very bad. In my current condition, I don't know if I'll be able to fight back if that were the case. Yes, I have my rifle, but the fire rate is shit.

I'll just stay near by and wait I guess. If it turns out the ponies are not so friendly, I can quitely sneak away.

Then my stomach growls. I'm about to take off my pack when I remember something.

I don't have any food packed with me. It's all stored at base camp. The protein bars I had with me I ate earlier.

...Well shit.

What the hell I'm I gonna do here... I guess I can look around the area for some plants or something like that. Thanks to the knowledge I gained during my first two weeks here, and some studying in the Empire, I have an idea of what to look for and what to avoid. I learned of this plant called poison joke... it does not sound fun.

Since I'm not going too far, I'll leave my stuff here. Not all of it, of course, just my knife and my rifle will do.

I open my pack and feel around for my knife, and within about four seconds, I feel it enter my palm, and after grabbing some spare bullets, I zip it closed and start scanning for hiding places.

The tent? No. If someone else finds this place, I can kiss my stuff goodbye. Not that I couldn't threaten them for it, but I'm hoping to avoid that, or anything similar.

A tree? No. Even if I got it up there, I don't think I would be able to get it back. With my knee the way that it is, I doubt I can climb.

... I guess I could dig a small hole and then cover it back up. I would just need to remember where It is.... yeah, I'll do that.


I settled on a spot that I thought I could remember easily. A triangle of trees with a small bush in the middle of it. My pack is buried beside the bush, to the left when you're facing the camp. Hopefully, I can find something out here before it gets dark. I don't know the exact time (remind me to get a watch or something sometime) but I can tell it's getting late. The sun is starting to go down, making a orange light shine down across the trees. It would be peaceful, if I wasn't in one of the most dangerous in Equestria right now.

But hey, I survived this place once for a month and a half. I'm pretty sure I can live for a few days until I can find the others. Atleast I hope so.

Back on the topic of food, I couldn't really find anything close to the campsite, so I decided to head out a decent distance away from the site. I little father than I would've liked, but I couldn't find anything, so it was the best option. There is also a steam running close to the camp, so if I need water, I can use that. I made sure my bottle was full before I left base camp this morning, so I don't have to worry about water.

So far, I've only found a couple of berries off a bush here and there. I don't remember what they're called, but I remember that they're safe to eat.

I guess that's good enough, I can always look tomorrow while I search for the others. Hopefully I won't be out here for more th- OH SHIT.

Quickly ducking to the ground and into a nearby bush, I watch as a timber wolf walks by me. Damn, have I ever said that I hate those things? Yes, I have. I slowly pull my rifle off my back and aim at the wolf, knowing already that a bullet was in the chamber. All I had to do was turn the safety off, which I had done.

Right before I pulled the trigger, I freeze. What if there are more of them nearby? Shooting this one could alert others that may be nearby. I can't risk that.

Putting the safety back on, I slowly exit the bush. My face turns to a grimace as the pain my knee becomes worse from the pressure. I'm not using my branch that I found, the reason being that I need to get use to not using it, even with the hole in my leg. The last thing I need is to be in a situation where I have to run away, and I can't because I not have my branch. I'm considering it pratice not using it.

Another hour passes before I start to see the camp site again. I'm thinking I can sleep in the bush for the night. It will be uncomfortable, but I won't be seen easily if anything happens to walk by.

Wait... why does it look like the fire is lit...? Oh you have got to be kidding me. Whoever's camp this is must've come back while I was gone. Man I'm gald I hid my stuff. As I get closer to where I buried my stuff, I begin to hear a conversation. I hear two voices, one male, one female. Okay, so there's two of them here. If push comes to shove, I can j-.... holy shit.

One of the someone's just came into my view, and the first thing I notice is their eyes.

Solid blue.


That would explain why there was no food at the camp, since changelings normally don't eat solid food.

So a male and female changeling, in the middle of the woods. I think about making myself known, I mean, just because I didn't find food while searching the camp, doesnt mean that they don't have any. Plus, the only reason I'm out here is to find changelings.

But what if these changelings are bad news? All it would take is an last from one of them and I'm screwed. Is it worth it?

(Make Yourself Know) (Stick To The Shadows)

Author's Note:

It's been awhile, hasn't it?

Here we are, the first choice of the story. The choice you make here will affect the future of the story.

The choices you made in the first story will also affect how certain scenes are written in this story.

Every choice has a consequence. It's up to you wether or not it's good or bad.