• Published 19th Apr 2017
  • 2,035 Views, 75 Comments

Not Just A Bug 2 : Not Just One - Bringiton6611

Well, this seems familiar... I just don't know why. It's not like I'm in the Everfree forest again, taking care of a bug pony like Thorax. Only this time though, there's not just one of them. Shit just got real again.

  • ...

Chapter 6 - Alone

I'll admit, I was never really one to be scared of pretty much anything.

Now? I'm actually scared for my life. Or rather was. I'm not so much now. I am however worried about Thorax. If I know him, he'll flip shit and freak out without me there, considering how close we've become.

It's been about 10 or so minutes since I was separated from the others, and about 3 minutes since I lost the damn Timber Wolf that chased me away from the group.

I hope everyone's okay, and I hope the fuckers that attacked us die in a hole...

...Okay, maybe that's a bit much, but I don't really care right now. What I care about is finding my way back to the others. I don't hear anything from the direction I came from, so that means one of two things.

One, The others won the battle with help of the timber wolves.

Or two, They ran for it.

Either way, they live. I know there's a chance for death, but knowing Shining, It takes a lot to bring him down, and I know he'll protect Thorax for me while I'm gone for however long that may be.

But now, since that timber wolf is gone, at least for now, I can treat my leg, which still has the arrow in it.

I'll be honest, I have no clue how I lost the wolf, considering how limited my speed was. I guess I took advantage of the terrain. Look at me, I don't even know what I did when I did it.

Okay, getting off track again, bad time too. The arrow is just above the knee, but I can't tell if it's in the bone or not.

One way to find out, but before I do that...

I take off my backpack and open it up, quickly locating a red box with a white plus on it, reading 'First Aid' right below it.

Wondering how I got this? Later that day, when I agreed to this trip, Cadence stop by our room and asked me if there was anything I needed for the trip. Thorax was elsewhere, otherwise she probably would've asked him too. I'm sure she did when she found him later that day. I did I quick mental check of my pack. I had a knife, two guns at the time, and my pick. Plus a shit ton of ammo.

It's no mystery what my answer was.

I now have a first aid kit with the following: bandages, painkillers, anti-septic, which I believe is a disinfectant, antibiotics, and stuff for stitches. You know what's funny? I don't know how to stitch up a wound. Well, I kinda know to do a shitty job at it. I can't tie those knots the doctors do. Anybody who knows me would find that shocking, considering my mom is a nurse, and my dad was in the military. You would think one of them would've taught me.

Moving on, the first aid kit wasn't the only thing I got from Cadence.

In addition, I also have some nylon rope, food and water, and a map with a compass.

The rope I can use to tie things together, because that's why rope exists. While I have no clue what I could tie together, rope is usually pretty useful for anything, so I'm sure I'll find something to do with it. Food and water I shouldn't even have to explain. The last time I was here, I ate plants. Now I have some energy bars. Better than plants. The map, again, I shouldn't have to explain. The same with the compass.

I'll look at the map later, I have to take care of the arrow, which is STILL in my leg, and it STILL FREAKING HURTS!

Putting my pack to the side for now, I went to pull up my jeans...

Only to realize I couldn't with the arrow STILL in my leg, since it did go through my jeans.

I'll have to remove the arrow first... this isn't going to suck at all. Nope, not all all.

Not at all... -_-


...Yep...that di... didn't suck at all...

Since I don't really know how to tie stitches, and the wound turned out to be small, I just wrapped it up with the bandages I had.

Still, It hurts like a bitch, and I still can't walk without a limp.

With all of that being said, It's time to move.

I pack up the first aid kit and place it back in my backpack, and after making sure I have everything packed away, I stand up using a tree as support and slip on my pack. Before leaving the tree, I glance to the side of it and spot a branch that must have fallen from the tree.

Wow, good eye. I never would've guessed that branches came from trees.


Reaching over to the branch, I firmly grasp it.... and Spongebob flash backs, for anyone who saw that episode.

God I miss TV.

Picking it up and standing it up reveals it to come to my chest, and the branch is in the shape of a capital y.

Okay, that's so convenient, it's stupid. Sound familiar? I said the same thing about that mirror pond thing.

Getting off track again. With a grunt, I start walking in a random direction,

Before you say anything, yes, I know I have a map, but I want to be out of the open before I use it. Between the timber wolves and the other creatures of this forest. Plus the bandits that are apparently killing changelings when they find them, wether the changelings are friendly or not, AND the changelings themselves. Thorax isn't with me now, so if I find a changeling that's friendly, how the hell am I going to convince it that I'm friendly as well.

I guess I'll cross that bridge when or If I come to it.

Author's Note:

Came later then expected. A LOT longer.

Sorry for the long wait, I've had a lot on my plate recently, This chapter was suppose to be up yesterday, but with it being the fourth of July, that didn't happen.

I am still trying to make that triple upload happen, as I said in my blog post. It would be last week like I said, but It is going to be this week. 100% sure.

With all of that being said, happy fourth and stay awesome.