• Published 19th Apr 2017
  • 2,035 Views, 75 Comments

Not Just A Bug 2 : Not Just One - Bringiton6611

Well, this seems familiar... I just don't know why. It's not like I'm in the Everfree forest again, taking care of a bug pony like Thorax. Only this time though, there's not just one of them. Shit just got real again.

  • ...

Chapter 3 - Concerns

Day 118

Okay, not the best sleep I've had, but certainly not the worst. You think that I wouldn't be the guy to complain when I sleep on the ground, considering I slept like that for my first month and a half in Equestria, but I've slept on a bed for 2 months and I forget what it was like to sleep on the floor.

And I would've preferred to keep it that way, but life had other plans.

Right now, me and the others have just finished packing up the camp, and have started our mission to find any surviving changelings out here.

I don't know how hard this is going to be, but finding another changeling this long after the invasion just doesn't seem that likely. I only meant Thorax because he crashed into me, and we didn't see any changelings at all during out time together in these woods, but here's to hoping.

Shinning is leading us though the woods, my revolver sticking out of his amour beside his sword. Behind him are Thorax and myself, Thorax has my other revolver tucked between his wings, and I have my hunting rifle clipped to the side of my pack on the left side. I also have my pick attached to my belt, and my switchblade is in my pocket, ready for use. Behind us are about 10 to 15 guards, all equipped with either swords or spears. Or both.

I talked to Thorax again this morning about staying or going on this trip. He said he still wants to do it, that he wants to help us, but looking at him right now, he looks like he's about to shit a brick.

"Hold up." I hear Shinning say from in front of me. I look toward his direction to see him motioning me over, and to stay quiet. I comply and crouch down while making my way over to him. I reach him and take the position beside of him.

"What's wrong?" I ask in a whisper.

"Over there, see him?" He replies, pointing ahead of us.

I follow his hoof and see what he means. About 30 feet away from us, is a Timber Wolf, which appears to be eating something.

"What's it eating?" I hear a guard behind me ask, as Thorax appears beside me.

I take my hunting rifle from my pack and rise it up to look though the scope. It's eating something, that's for sure, but I still cant tell what.

I notice the Wolf's head pops up every so often, giving my a clear view of the top of its head. I got a idea.

"Still can't tell, but I have a shot if you want to find out."

Shining looks to the wolf for a few seconds, before nodding his head at me.

I pull the bolt of my rifle back, take a bullet from my back pocket and slide it in to the chamber. I slide the bolt back in to place and turn the safety off while lining up the shot.

I take a breath and hold it to make my aim steady, and after a few seconds, I pull the trigger.


The wolf instantly goes limp and falls forward onto it's meal.

"Got him."

"Nice. Now lets see what it was eating."

I put my rifle back on my pack and move forward with Shinning.

I see Shinning visibly cringe when he gets close to the body, and when I close, I see why.

There isn't red blood like you'd expect. Instead, the blood is green...

...like a changeling's.

Shinning gives me a look, and motions me to help move the Timber Wolf.

I move to help him, and within a few seconds, the wolf is out of the way, and we can clearly see what the wolf was eating.

In a pile of green blood and gore, is a changeling. Dead, of course.

I here a gasp from behind me and turn to see Thorax staring at the body with wide eyes. After a few seconds, he slowly backs away until he's a good 20 feet away and sits down, leaning on a tree.

"Umm, one or two of you should probably make sure he's okay." I say to a few random guards.

Two of them nod and moving to Thorax. Meanwhile, Shinning starts to investigating the body, of the changeling, with me in tow.

"He's been ripped apart."

"No shit. What, how do you know that's a he?"

"Body structure."

"...Okay, that makes sense." I say while looking at the body up and down. I cringe when I see his face. The changeling's face has a look of horror plastered on it. His mouth open in a silent scream of agony, eyes widened and frozen with his lifeless stare to the sky.

That sounds hella morbid when I say it aloud, huh?

"Some of the blood hasn't dried yet. He hasn't been dead long. Probably a hour or two." Shinning says.

"If we would've woken up and gotten moving earlier, we would've had a chance to save him. He would've still been alive..." I say to myself.

I'm not usually one to take death that hard, put considering Thorax's reaction, and the fact that the only reason we're out here in the first place is to find and recuse changelings.

"We should take him back to the Empire. Bury him." I suggest.

Shinning stays silent for a second before replying, "Yeah, I'll have some guards take him back to out main base camp. We can take him back to the Empire." He gets up after finishing the sentence, and moves to Thorax. I follow behind.

Not the way I wanted this trip to start out.