• Published 11th Jan 2017
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Dragonfire 🐲 Enter The Dragon Hero 🐲 - Phantom-Dragon

Born in the Year of the Dragon, gifted with a powerful magic called the Dragonfire, Spike Draco fights the forces of evils that threatens to destroy the worlds of his friends and family.

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Familiar Faces? Part 2: Dragon Dodgeball

After Chemistry class, it was time for lunch. Spike was sitting at a table, eating his meal alone, when Snips and Snails came over.

"Hey Spike!" Snips called as he and Snails sat down across Spike.

"Hey guys," Spike replied. "How've you two been?"

"Just glad to be out of that class," Snails exclaimed. "Professor Flintheart's is just evil, even for a teacher!"

"Yeah," Snips added. "You really don't want to make him mad. At least he's shown interest in Twilight."

"Yeah, lucky for her," Snails agreed. "Cause then she wouldn't have to worry about Professor Flintheart giving her that look that can just pierce through your soul," the boys shuddered, remembering the piercing stare the professor gave.

Deciding to change the subject, Spike asked, "So, besides Flintheart, how's first day treating you guys?"

"So far, it's alright," Snips began. "Although I wished something exciting would happen."

"Like what?"

"If it's not too much, then maybe some pretty girls come walking right up to us and ask if they could sit with us."

"Could we sit with you?" a quiet voice asked.

Surprised, the boys looked up to see Twilight and Fluttershy, standing before the boys, holding their food trays, and smiling, specifically towards Spike.

"Whoa! Your wish came true!" Snails gasped, before grasping and shaking the shorter boy, "Okay! Say a million dollar come raining from the sky!"

Shaking his head, Spike got up and pulled a chair for each of the girls, both of them gratefully accepting the boy's generosity.

"So," Spike started. "How've you girls been? First day of school treating you ladies well?"

"It most certainly is," Fluttershy beamed. "Even more now that we get to see you again."

Once again, Spike looked confused. Snips and Snails on the other hand were curious.

"You know Spike?" Snips asked.

"Definitely!" Fluttershy replied. "I've known him once when he saved me from a group of bullies when we were kids, and later a whole gang of thugs."

"No way!" the boys, besides Spike, shouted.

"I did what?" Spike asked.

"Well, I've known him when we first met at the Public Library of Canterlot," Twilight added, while Spike looked confused. "I was carrying so many books, I was having a hard time seeing where I was going. Suddenly, I just bumped into Spike and the books all just scattered. Spike's been a big help in finding all of the lost books, and later, he offered to help me carry some back home." Twilight pulled Spike close, much to Snips and Snails frustration and jealousy as well as Fluttershy's. "Since then, Spike's been my #1 Assistant, and I couldn't ask for anyone else."

"He was your what?" Snips and Snails shouted, catching attention from all the other students.

"Guys! icsnay-on-the-outburst-nay," Spike said through his teeth, before he turns to the girls. "I'm sorry to burst your bubbles girls, but I think you might've mistook me for someone else."

"No way," Twilight exclaimed. "We know for a fact it's really you."

"Definitely!" Fluttershy agreed. "Who else can do martial arts and look like a cute little puppy?"

Spike's face glowed a shade of red, which only grew as bright as a tomato when Fluttershy pulled him close for a nuzzle, "Wait!" Spike quickly broke away as he looked at Fluttershy, puzzled, "How do you know I study the martial arts?"

Twilight looked at Spike, puzzled, "Spike.....it's us," She explained. "We've known you since we were kids. Don't you remember?"

Before Spike could answer, the school bell rang, signaling the end of the lunch period.

"Talk later," Spike quickly replied, carrying his lunch tray away, leaving the two girls and boys at the table.

"Twilight?" Fluttershy looked to her friend in concern.

"...He still can't remember us," Twilight said sadly.

"Hey girls!" Snips called, doing a fighting stance. "Spike isn't the only one who can do kung fu!"

"Yeah! Look!" Snails added, doing an awkward pose. "We're white belts!"

With that, the two boys threw out some kicks and punches, before they accidentally launch their lunch trays up in the air and onto the other students. Everyone glared angrily at the boys, before they proceeded to beat them up, while Twilight and Fluttershy escaped, unnoticed.

Spike was later at the school's gymnasium for P.E. He was still thinking about Twilight and Fluttershy, puzzled over what they had said.

'I can't seem to remember meeting those girls,' he thought. 'Yet, those two seem to remember me. On top of that, they both knew I've studied martial arts. But since when have I ever used them in an actual fight? And where have I met them? And what is Canterlot? It sounds like a blend of Camelot and canter.'

Spike didn't have time to think when more students started flooding into the gymnasium. Among them were five boys who were all about his age. They are Button Mash, Rumble, Featherweight, Tender Taps, and surprisingly, Pipsqueak.

Button Mash is a nerdy boy with a moderate scarlet hair with moderate orange streaks, moderate vermilion eyes, light brown skin, and speaks with raspy voice. For attire, he wears a moderate orange jacket, over a minecraft t-shirt, white tanned baggy pants, black socks, red and white sneakers, a yellow, white, and red striped beanie with a green propeller, and on some occasions, a fake, bushy, Luigi mustache.

Rumble is a young athletic boy with two shades of dark grayish sapphire blue for his hair color. For attire, he wears a light bluish gray jacket over a dark blue shirt, gray cargo pants, and dark sapphire sneakers.

Featherweight is a thin boy with a low cut, light brown hair with a lighter streak, and buck teeth shown. His attires are a simple white shirt, long blue jeans, and red sneakers.

Tender Taps is a thin boy with a smooth, grayish and moderate mulberry hair, and moderate purple eyes. His attires are a brilliant orange shirt, black short jeans, and black shoes with long white socks with red stripes.

Pipsqueak, the shortest of the five, has matching hair colors with Featherweight, has deep reddish brown eyes, and speaks with a Cockney accent. For attires, he wears an open, dark blue vest, over a white shirt with the picture of a red tailed hawk imprinted on the front, short brown pants, and matching shoes with white socks.

"Spike!" Rumble called, followed by the boys.

"Hey!" Spike replied happily, running over, exchanging fist bumps and high fives.

Snips and Snails later arrived, covered in foods, something to show for their clumsy feats of martial arts.

"Whoa!" Button exclaimed. "What happened to you guys?"

Snips and Snails only reply were a grumble as they took a seat, away from everyone else. The rest of the gang shrugged before getting back to catching up with another.

"So how've you guys been?" Spike asked.

"Brilliant!" Featherweight replied. "The New York Times Article has never been better with me on the job," Featherweight reached into his backpack and pulled out a rolled up newspaper, unrolling the article to show, "Black Rhinoceros escaped from zoo. Jeweled Thief: Rough Diamond caught and currently behind bars, courtesy of one Bad Seed. Assistant paleontologist Petunia Paleo discovers 1,000 year old Deinosuchus fossil in New York sewers."

"Wow!" the boys exclaimed.

"These are great stories, Feather," Spike said.

"How did you get them all?" Pip asked.

"Eh, I have my sources," Feather winked.

As the boys continued to fill each other in on what happened with each of them over the summer, Spike suddenly hears a raspy voice whispering, "AJ, look! It's Spike!"

Another voice spoke in a southern drawl accent, followed, "No way! It's the little fella himself."

"Well, he's not so little anymore."

Curious, Spike turned his head around and sees two girls, whispering to each other, while staring at him. The first one has a rainbow colored hair, with beautiful moderate cerise eyes. For attires, she wears a dark blue jacket over a white t-shirt with black trimmings and a cloud with a rainbow colored lightning bolt imprinted on the front, a pink mini skirt with white stripes over black shorts, long rainbow stockings under the boots that matched her jacket, and rainbow bracelets.

The other has blonde hair, tied in a ponytail with a red band, a light brown stetson hat, freckles on her face, and beautiful moderate sap green eyes. For attires, she wore a simple white silk shirt with green patches on the shoulders, a mini jean skirt with pockets at the side, a brown belt with the buckle shaped like an apple, brown cowgirl boots decorated with apples.

When the girls noticed Spike looking at them, they smiled as the waved their hands to him. Spike uneasily waved back, before turning his attention back to his posse.

"How about you Spike?" Rumble asked. "Anything happened to you as of late?"

Before Spike could answer, the school bell suddenly rang and the floor shook, with the students all bouncing in their seats to the beating sounds of heavy footsteps, before walking through the door was a really tall, buffed man, with buzz cut hair.

"Whoa! That's Iron Will!" Rumble gasped.

"Iron Will?" Snip asked. "The Iron King? The wrestler? No way! He's a legend!"

"He's a monster!" Rumble replied. "Just ask the guy who broke his own leg when he first kicked the man! He's got bones made of steel!"

"What'd you expect from the man who gets all his teachings from Bruce Lee and Chuck Norris?" Button asked. "He practically invented the famous falcon punch!"

"Oh yeah?" Pipsqueak began. "Well I heard, that while serving in the military, he rescued some hostages from a band of terrorists, using nothing, but his own bare hands! And when the terrorists tried to behead him, their blades broke!"

"Oh d-d-d-d-dear," Featherweight stuttered frighteningly.

[Survivor-Eye Of The Tiger]

"ATTENTION!" the coach hollered. "FALL IN!"

The students complied as they got up from the bleachers,walked down and stood on the gym floor.

"Alright troops, listen up!" Iron Will began. "Coach Iron Will don't want to hear no cry or cheer, til Iron Will say," Iron Will quickly whipped out a ball, "DODGEBALL!!"

"YEAH!!" Bulk Bicep, a really buffed junior who's almost as big as Iron Will, hollered.

"Iron Will like your spirt soldier!" Iron Will said to the student. "But it takes more than muscles and 'YEAHs' to impress Iron Will!"


"So, Iron Will will divide you students into teams of two! Rookies vs Goodies!"

"Hey coach!" a senior jockey called. "Can we get extra credits for hitting those two?" He said while pointing accusingly at Snips and Snails. "My girlfriend's told me about them, and I'm aiming to show punks like them what happens when they peep on my girl!"

"YIPE!" the boys in question screamed, as disapproving glances, mostly from the girls, were being shot towards them.

Spike and the rest of his gang shook their heads, shameful at the two.

"Why did we ever risk our neck for those two at Crystal Prep?" Button asked.

"They just never learned," Spike muttered.

"Very well," Iron Will replied. "Like you, Iron Will has respect for the ladies. But peep on the ladies, IRON WILL GIVES YOU THE HAZIES!!" With a blow of his whistle, "HIT THE PIGS!"

With that, a rough game of dodgeball has just begun.

Snips and Snails both ran around the room, frantically trying to dodge the balls.

"C'mon guys!" Spike called out. "Just do what Tender Tap is doing!"

The said boy was listening to some music in his headphone, while dancing and skillfully dodge all of the balls thrown at him.

Snips and Snails tried to do the same, but no matter how hard they danced, they kept getting hit in the chest, the rear, the stomach, and worst of all, their tenders.

Iron Will stood, glaring disapproving at the boys, "Iron Will's seen London. Iron Will's seen France," Iron Will began. "BUT IRON WILL'S NEVER SEEN A CLUMSY DANCE!! GET UP AND GIVE IRON WILL 20 LAPS! NOW!!!"

The two boys complied as they got up and jogged around the gym.

"You know Snips," Snails panted. "I think I'd rather have detention from Professor Flintheart right now!"

"Me too!" Snips panted.

Rumble in the meantime was having a one on one fight with a senior athlete boy, who happens to be his brother, Thunderlane. Thunderlane threw several balls at his little brother, who dodge them all with some skillful evasive moves he learned from the former. Thunderlane smiled, "You sure ain't a squirt anymore."

"Not today brother of mine," Rumble smirked. "I know all your tricks."

"Oh really?" With that, Thunderlane threw two balls. One was at a basketball hoop, and the other at Rumble who leaped backwards.

"You missed!" Rumble blew a raspberry, only to get his words eaten when the Ball from before rolled from the hoop and conked him on the head, knocking the boy out of the game.

"Not all my tricks rookie," Thunderlane laughed, before he was hit in the stomach by a ball, courtesy of Button Mash.

"He who laughs last!" Button smirked, just before he spotted a beautiful girl about his age with grayish mulberry hair with light, grayish rosy streaks don up in curls, sparkling harlequin eyes. For attires, she wore a white t-shirt with pink strips, red velvet jacket, a long yellow skirt, and red boots. Needless to say, Button was smittened.

"Wow," he sighed lovingly. "Who's that girl?"

Before Button knew it, a ball was heading in his direction.

"Button look out!" Rumble called from the stands.

Just as the boy was about to be struck, Spike quickly ran in and shoved the boy out of the way.

Button gasped, "What happened?"

"I just saved ya from a nasty hit, that's what," Spike answered, helping the boy up.

Spike quickly grabbed some nearby balls as he he threw some of them at his opponents, while keeping one as a shield. As he did so, Spike took notice of the girls from before watching him with smiles as they chased him down with balls.

"Easy there girls! Why are you only interested in me?" Spike asked, dodging their attacks.

"We've been wanting to see you again since you left," the rainbow headed girl smirked. "We haven't seen you for like ten years, Spike."

"10 years?" Spike asked.

The game went on, until at last, Spike was the only one left of his team, while on the other side were only the girls and Bulk Bicep.

"We've got you now, Spike!" the rainbow haired girl smirked. "You're going down!"

"Bring it on!" Spike said challengingly, while thinking, 'Whoever you are.'

Bulk Biceps threw a ball that nearly got Spike had he not jumped out of the way in time.

The rainbow girl threw a ball up in the air, jumped up, did a flip and kicked the ball, causing it to fly as a flaming cannonball at Spike, who stepped to the side as the ball zipped past him and smashed into the wall, leaving a slight dent.

"Whoa!" Spike gasped. "That could've been me!"

"Easy Dash!" the blonde girl said. "Remember what Twilight said. He's still a bent out of shape."

"Relax AJ," the girl named Dash replied. "I'm only getting him warmed up."

'So those girls are friends with Twilight and Fluttershy!' Spike thought. 'Guess that explains how they know me,' Another ball was lobbed at him, which he dodged. 'But why do they keep acting like they've known me?'

Spike picked up another ball and threw it, while kicking another towards the girls, but they were skillfully blocked by Bulk Biceps who was using some other balls to knock the balls away.

"YEAH!" the junior hollered.

Spike reached out for another ball, only to see he was out.

"Uh oh!" Spike whimpered, as the girls and Bulk Biceps lobbed more balls at him.

Spike narrowly dodged all of the balls thrown at him, with only one touching him by the hair.

'This is a loss cause,' Spike thought. 'There's only me and three of them. On top of that, one of them is about Iron Will's size and strength. Who do I top that?'

"It is not the greatest strength that wins," Scorpan's voice echoed. "But the strongest will."

A younger Spike was being lobbed with tennis balls, courtesy of his uncle Scorpan.

"Thrashing your arms around isn't blocking Spike," Scorpan lectured. "It's showing you have poor aiming. The enemy doesn't tell you where they're going to strike."

"Well, it's hard to protect yourself from tennis balls without a racket!" Spike yelled in frustration. "I mean, how can I block against a barrage of a thousand tennis balls with just two arms? It's impossible! I can't win!"

"You can't win with that kind of thinking," Scorpan replied calmingly. "An angry mind is a narrow mind. Whenever you're angry, you're only thinking about what you can do to somebody. But not what could happen to you."

Spike looked at his uncle in confusion, "But doesn't anger make me strong?"

Scorpan shook his head, "No it doesn't. It makes you think you're strong, when in reality it's burning out your mind. Wherever your mind goes, your body follows. And when that happens, it's the perfect chance for your enemies to strike you down."

Spike nodded, understanding what his uncle is saying, "But how does that help me against a barrage of tennis balls thrown at me?" he asked.

"Rather than using your aggression to fuel your fight and take your enemies head on, you need to let your mind flow freely. It'll allow you to adapt to the situation better and you'll find the solution," As an example, Scorpan brought young Spike to an overflowed stream of water, filled with dead leaves and broken twigs, where a rock was the source of the clogging. "Like this clogged stream of water, your mind is so pent up with rage that it could hardly think clearly, making the answers unclear. However, if you are willing enough to let it all go, your mind is more clearer and has more room for you to think when you're adapting to the situation you are in. That's why we say 'go with the flow.'" To prove his point, Scorpan removed the rock, releasing the clogged water, relieving the other side of twigs and leaves.

"Yes Uncle," Spike nodded as he resumed his training, only this time, Spike remained calm as he dodged the tennis balls being fired at him, until at last his Uncle ran out of tennis balls.

'Go with the flow,' Spike repeated his uncle's words in his thoughts.

Taking a deep breath, Spike calmed himself as he felt more relaxed and stabled.

"He's suddenly looking calmer now," AJ spoke.

"That's what they say about cobras before they strike," Dash replied.

Bulk Biceps threw another ball toward Spike.

Spike reacted quickly as he ducked his head down and lept to the side, dodging another ball from the girls and Bulk.

"Get him!" Dash shouted as she, AJ, and Bulk all threw their balls after Spike, who kept a clear mind as he dodged the balls before spotting an opening. As Bulk Bicep threw his ball, Spike dodged to the side and threw another straight to the boy's knee.

Dash turned to Bulk, "Sorry Bulk, looks like you're out."

"Oh man!" Bulk groaned as he sat down on a bleacher.

"C'mon, Dash!" one of Dash's teammates called from the stands. "Hit him!"

The girls kept on throwing tirelessly, while Spike kept on skillfully dodging them all.

"Get him!" Rainbow shouted, as she threw more balls at Spike, who repeatedly dodged every one of them.

Applejack kicked a fast ball at Spike, who blocked it with another ball, while still being forced back about seven feet away from where he once stood. Seeing Spike disoriented from the impact, Dash took the chance to get him, but Spike rolled to the side, before he spin kicked a ball towards Dash. Dash dodged to the side as the ball flew past her, and knocked AJ's hat off. As the girl bent down to pick her hat up, Spike, aiming for Dash, threw a ball which missed the rainbow haired girl and got AJ in the rear, which resulted in a surprise yelp from the girl. Spike gasped, along with his boys, Dash, Iron Will, and the rest of the students present as the girl turned her head, looking at Spike with a surprised look on her face.

"Oh I'm so sorry," Spike stuttered. "I was aiming for her, but she-"

The girl surprisingly smiled as she put her hat on and walked back to the bleacher, without another word.

Dash looked back at Spike, "That was a clever move on your part kid," she said. "But you've made a big mistake. Cause now, you're left to face me!"

With that, the girl tossed some balls up in the air as she jumped up, did several spin kicks, and launched the balls at Spike, who narrowly dodged some of the balls, while blocking most of them with two balls he used as shields. Remembering a trick his uncle once taught him, Spike bounced a ball on the floor, before doing a roundhouse kick and sent it flying towards the rainbow girl. Dash stepped to the side, dodging the ball before looking back at Spike with shock as the boy look back at the girl, tired but confident. Suddenly, unknown to Spike, his eyes shined a blazing fire of green and his pupil became reptilic.

'There you are Spike,' Dash thought happily.

"HIT HIM!" one of the athletes shouted at Dash.

Snapping back into reality, Dash quickly hurled one last ball at the boy, who surprisingly caught it. Suddenly, in his subconscious state, Spike spun around in a tornado, before launching the ball as a flaming cannonball towards the girl. Dash tried to block the ammo, but it was so strong that she was launched back into the bleachers.

"I'm okay," Dash groaned.

Spike's boys ran up to him,"Spike! That was awesome! What was that? How do you do that?"

"I don't know....." Spike groaned, his eyes turning normal, before he went over to Rainbow Dash, holding his hand out.

The girl gratefully accepted it, as he helped her up.

"Good game, Dash," Spike said.

"Same to you Spike," Dash smirked. "I'm glad you still remember some of your mad skills."

Before their talk could go on any further, Iron Will blew his whistle.

The students all lined up in a singled filed lines.

"Alright troops!" Iron Will lectured. "From your performances today, Iron Will has seen better! But on a brighter note, Iron Will does see some great potentials in some of you!" Iron Will said, shooting looks at Spike, Dash, AJ, Bulk Biceps, and some others. "And for the rest of you," he towered over Snips and Snails, both looked as if they're about to soil themselves. "IRON WILL HAS NEVER SEEN THE SADDEST BUNCH IN HIS LIFE!! If you wanna pass this class, SHOW IRON WILL YOU'RE NOT MADE OF GLASSSSSSS!!"

"Yes sir," Snips and Snails whimpered.

Everyone, including Spike, all resisted the urge to laugh at the two's misfortune.

After collecting his backpack, along with Iron Will's class syllabus, Spike was walking out of the gym after his posse, when two voices called out to him.

"Spike!" he turned around to see the girls from before running up to him.

"Oh, hey girls," he greeted. "What's up?"

"Nothing but my hat," the AJ joked.

Spike chuckled sheepishly, "Listen, about what happened-"

"Oh it's alright," the girl replied. "It's all in good fun, right?"

"Yeah," Wanting to change the subject, Spike began, "So um, who might you girls be? I don't think I got your names, yet you already know who I am."

"Shoot yer right," the blonde girl gasped, before clearing her throat. "My name's Applejack. And it's a pleasure to see you again Spike."

"And I'm Rainbow Dash," Dash said. "And like AJ here said, it's awesome to see ya again buddy!"

Spike looked at the two in confusion, "Have we really met before?" he asked. "Because I'm sorry, I don't remember seeing either of you girls before."

"We've known you more than you know, Sugarcube," Applejack replied sadly.

"Yeah, we've been....." Rainbow Dash was interrupted by the ringing of the school bell.

"Yikes, gotta go!" Spike exclaimed as he took off. "Bye now!"

The two girls looked sadly as the boy left.

Author's Note:

The lecture between Spike and Scorpan is based on this scene from Never Back Down 2

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