• Published 11th Jan 2017
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Dragonfire 🐲 Enter The Dragon Hero 🐲 - Phantom-Dragon

Born in the Year of the Dragon, gifted with a powerful magic called the Dragonfire, Spike Draco fights the forces of evils that threatens to destroy the worlds of his friends and family.

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Mission Rogue Diamond to Dragonfire Part 5: Mission to the Moon || Forgive Me?

"They're on the moon?!" everyone exclaimed loudly.

"Hmmm, go figure," Pinkie Pie spoke.

Ember held out the Fucanglong Box, and felts its pull, directing upward, towards the sky, "Well played, Nightmare Moon," Ember muttered.

"Now the question is, how do we get up there?" Button asked, as he turns to Twilight. "By chance, there wouldn't happen to be a spell that would just beam us all the way up, would there?"

"I'm afraid it's not that easy," Twilight shook her head. "Even if we could be able to teleport up there, it would require a lot of magical forces to do so, even for an alicorn, such as myself."

"Ooh! I have an idea!" Pinkie bounced. "Maybe we can just skip the majority of this chapter, and get to the part where we arrived on the moon!"

"Pinkie, this ain't the time for jokes," Twilight replied. "This is serious."

"I'm not joking!" Pinkie replied. "We can-" Seeing that the group weren't paying any mind to her, Pinkie gave up, as she decided to just go along with it.

"Think you guys," Twilight said. "How do we get to the moon?"

"If only we'd have one of those fancy rocket ships, like the ones from NASA," Spike frowned. "Then, we'd be able to fly up there."

At the mention of rocket ships, Celestia's eyes widened in realization, "Starswirl's beard!" she exclaimed. "That's it!"


The heroes were later in one of the cave networks in the mountain of Canterlot, where they were amazed to see, what appeared to be, a huge spacecraft. In appearance, the vehicle looked almost like the ones seen in sci-fi movie genres that take place in outer space.

"Whoa!" the boys awed, marveling at the vehicle before them.

"It's big!" Rumble whistled.

"It's sleek!" Pipsqueak marveled.

"It's beautiful!" Button Mash squealed, with tears welling up in his eyes. "I'm in love!" Button quickly snapped out of his trance, as he turns to see Sweetie Belle, giving an annoyed look. "But I still love you more, Sweetie!" he chuckled.

"What is that?!" Twilight and Spike asked, simultaneously.

"My little ponies, and friends," Celestia spoke the last part, on behalf of the Knights, dragons, anthro parrot, and griffons present. "I give you, the Celestial Phoenix!"

"Wow," Spike gasps, while walking on the railings, checking the ship out. "It's amazing. But what's it doing here?" he asked, turning to his mother.

"It was all part of a secret project that we've worked on, ages ago," Celestia explained. "Long before you came to Equestria, Spike," Celestia looked at the ship, while placing a wing on her son's shoulder, as waves of memories washed over her.

"You see, Spike," she began. "Thousands of years ago, when I was still a young princess, and before Luna become Nightmare Moon," she spoke sadly at the mention of her sister. "Our mentor, Starswirl the Bearded, was a brilliant unicorn wizard. He was well known for his expertise in the arts of magic. He would spend tireless hours, studying magics, inventing new spells, as well as making newfound discoveries that he believed would serve as benefits to Equestria. And it was during one of those long hours, when he discovered, the world you know as, Earth."

"He discovered Earth?" Spike, and Twilight, looked at Princess Celestia, in bewilderment. "How?"

"Through a magic mirror he invented," Celestia replied. "But that's a story for another time. The fact is, he observed the technology of the humans, watching as how they advanced from the days they were considered 'primitive.' In turn, those technologies have inspired him to creating, this spacecraft you see before you."

Twilight and Spike turned their attention back to the spacecraft, with Twilight staring at it, starry eyed, "I'd expect nothing less, from Starswirl the Bearded, himself!" Twilight swooned, almost fainting, had Spike not been able to catch her.

"Looks like someone's got a crush," Sunset whispered to Starlight.

"Too bad she missed her chance for like thousands of years ago," Starlight whispered, to which both unicorns let out a faint snicker.

Wanting to get back on topic, Applejack spoke, "So, ya mean to tell us, we're gonna use this thing to get to the moon?" the apple pony asked.

"In a way, yes," Celestia replied. "Though, the problem is, Starswirl never revealed the proper functions on getting it to work. And he's been missing for over a thousand years."

"So, with all due respect mom," Spike began. "How do you expect us to pilot this thing, without worrying we might, I don't know, crash?"

"I remember long ago, that somewhere in Starswirl's private chamber, are the plans he kept for this machine," Celestia explained. "It is located, somewhere, deep, within the mountain. And only I know where it is."

"OMIGOSH!! FOR REAL?!!" Twilight exclaimed, as she appeared in a flash of light, with a wide grin on her face.

"BWAH!!" Spike and Celestia both yelped, before they rapidly beat their chests.

"I'm sorry," Twilight blushed. "It's just, I couldn't help but overhear you saying that you know the location of the brilliant Starswirl the Bearded's secret chamber, which texts of histories said have been lost for centuries!" Looking at her teacher, Twilight quickly cleared her throat, "I mean, by chance, you can take us there?"

"I was just going to suggest that," Celestia smiled nervously. "The plans are there, after all. And if all of you are ever to stand a chance on getting to the moon, and stopping the Shadowbolts, we should go and get them."

"Then let's go already," Spike spoke.

With that, Celestia left the room, with Spike and Twilight following, "Meanwhile, the rest of you should take the time to prepare yourselves," Celestia called to the rest of the heroes.

"You got it, Princess," Rainbow saluted.

"Hmm, now that I think about, I guess we shouldn't skip to the part where www arrive on the moon," Pinkie shrugged. "Gives Spike some more time to bond with his mother again."

"Ooh, this simply cannot do!" Rarity exclaimed, as she produced a handkerchief and started wiping some dusts off the surface of the ship. "We cannot go into outer space like this!"

"Honestly, Rarity," Applejack began. "Only you would make such a big deal between a stubborn dirt cleaning to the fight of our life.

"Well, honestly for you, Applejack," Rarity retorted. "It's never too late to learn how to save the day, with style."

Meanwhile, Fluttershy had released her squadron of gremlins to check on the ship, when a phoenix flew into the room.

"Oh, hi Philomena!" Fluttershy greeted the phoenix. "So lovely to see you again."

The phoenix squawked in agreement, when Peewee flew over. The two phoenixes both flapped around the room, circling each other in graceful dances, before they perched together on one of the railings.

"Aw, don't you two look cute together," Fluttershy awed. "Like mother and son."

Speaking of whom

"Stay close," Celestia whispered, holding a wing around Spike's shoulder, while her horn was lit up, as she navigated their way through the dark caves.

As the three kept on walking through the caves, Spike turned to Twilight, who was right next to him, "So, how good is this Starswirl the Bearded?" Spike asked.

"Oh, he's just the best of the best, that's what!" Twilight squealed excitedly. "He's the father of the amniomorphic spell, the most important conjurer of the pre-classical era, he created more than 200 spells! He even has a shelf in the Canterlot Library of Magic named after him."

"Wow, he sounds awesome," Spike replied.

"Awesome?!" Twilight repeated in bewilderment. "Try brilliant! He's my magical hero!" Twilight swooned, until she tripped on a rock, which Spike quickly caught her time.

"Gosh," Spike began. "I wished I could be him for you right now."

Twilight giggled in response, "Oh, Spike."

While the two were conversing, and sharing laughs, Celestia took a moment to look back, having another flashback, seeing how both Spike and Twilight were very close. It brought smile to the Sun Princess, who looked on in nostalgia, 'It's just so hard to believe, you were that little boy I've lost years ago,' she thought about Spike, with a mixture of happiness, and sorrow.

"Mom?" Spike asked. "Are you okay?"

"Huh?" Celestia gasped, snapping back to reality. "Oh, yes, I'm fine. Just a little, distracted, that's all," she smiled nervously.

Spike and Twilight, however, didn't buy it. Nevertheless, the two let it slide, as Celestia continues to guide them through the caves, before they arrived at a huge, double sided door, with a huge swirl, adorned with stars, decorated on the front.

"This is it," Celestia spoke.

"EEEEEH!!!" Twilight squealed, and with a speed of Pinkie Pie, the eager alicorn princess broke down the doors, as she enters the room, seeing it was dusty, with a series of antiques, scrolls, and books that Starswirl had left behind.

Twilight happily zips around the room. "Omigosh! Omigosh! Omigosh! Omigosh! The candle he used to light his way through Maretania! The staff he used to tame an Ursa Major! And the Chi Spells he learned from the Eight Immortals! They're all here!" Twilight squealed.

"Remember what we're really here for, Twi," Spike remind the enthusiastic alicorn.

"Yeah, yeah, we'll get there in a moment," Twilight replied, clearly not paying attention, as she was in her own little world.

Celestia smiled in amusement as she shook her head, incredulously, while Spike rolls his eyes in amusement at the alicorn's hyperactive fangirl moment.

"Refresh my memory," Spike chuckled, turning to his mother. "Was she ever like this?"

"Usually, it's only when you brought up the time the both of you have passed the entrance exam to my school," Celestia chuckled, 'That and whenever she expresses enthusiasm of perfecting one of the magic projects you would occasionally work on,' Celestia thought in nostalgia, gazing at Spike, and couldn't help but picture a cute little infant Spike, who aged up to a an even sweeter five year old Spike, until a blink of an eye reveals the child, covered in scorch marks, and his face wrapped in bandages.

The last vision brought fear to Celestia's face, as she closed her eyes and shook the image away, and looked, to see Spike, in his current age, looking through some bookshelves, on a ladder, searching for the plans they came for.

"Spike, be careful!" Celestia called, worryingly. "You'll fall, and hurt yourself!"

"Relax, mom," Spike replied. "I've got this," With that, Spike went back to looking through the shelves, looking through some old scrolls and journals, "Hey Twilight!" he called. "This it?"

Twilight, snapping out of her fangirl trance, flies over and reads the document titled: "The Journal of Techno-Wizardry," Twilight reads. "This must be it!" With that, Twilight enveloped the journal in her aura, as she eagerly skims through the pages, reading several ideas of Starswirls. "The Memory Scanner, the Flameless Fireworks, the Unbreakable Puzzle Box, EEEEEEH, the inventions of my hero, and they're all right here!" Twilight squealed as she continues to skim through the pages excitedly.

While Twilight eagerly looks through the document, Celestia took the chance to walk over to Spike, who just got down from the ladder.

"It seems like only yesterday the two of you were busy taking notes, and researching in the library," Celestia said in nostalgia.

"I get ya, mom," Spike replied, groaning while rubbing a hand to his head, as he recalls the tragedy.

"Spike!" Celestia got down to her son, holding a wing out for comfort. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine, mom," Spike replied, "It's just.......has it really been that long?"

"Sadly, yes," Celestia frowned, 'Though not as long as all the years Luna's been gone, it's still just as painful,' the alicorn princess thought, before she laid a gentle wing on Spike's shoulder, and brought him close. "Can you ever forgive me, my son?"

"Forgive you?" Spike asked in bewilderment. "For what?"

"For not being a better mom," Celestia replied, with tears pouring from her eyes again. "If I hadn't been too careless, then you wouldn't have been struck by Somnambula. I should've been more vigilant, to protect you more efficiently. I should've been the one to take the hit from that lightning spell," Spike could hardly believe his ears, along with Twilight, who finally snapped out of her crazy fangirl moment, as they both looked at the Sun Princess in disbelief.

"Mom, you can't mean that," Spike gasped.

"But I do," Celestia sobbed. "As a mother, I was supposed to take care of you, and keep you safe from harm. I've lived long enough to know a mother must guide and love her child into the person they were meant to be. But I've failed to do so, on that horrible day when the Shadowbolts attacked. I fought so hard besides you, my son. I tried to protect you, but in the end, it was the other way around. It was you who willingly sacrificed yourself, to insure my own safety. For that, I can never forget your bravery, Spike. But I also can never forget my poor judgement, and my inability to save you," At that point, the pipe broke, as Celestia cried, "I'm so sorry, Spike! I really am!"

Spike, feeling a tear escaping, turned to Twilight, who too, couldn't bear to see her teacher cry, before they both walked over and embraced Celestia.

"If anything," Spike began. "I'm the one who failed you," Celestia looked at Spike in bewilderment. "If I hadn't been so rash, and too reckless, I would've figured some other way to save you mom, and you wouldn't have to suffer this painful heartache, plus the one you've already endured from Aunt Luna's imprisonment with Nightmare Moon."

"It wasn't just you, Spike," Twilight sobbed. "I failed on that day, as well. Besides BBBFF, you were my first friend, and my BFF. Not to mention my Number One Assistant. Getting straight As, and awards for passing a test, or making an accomplishment, just meant nothing to me, when I don't have someone to share it with."

Celestia, further overwhelmed with the love from the two young teenagers in front of her, wrapped her wings and hooves around the two, as she brought the two of them close.

"Spike?" Celestia began.

"Yeah, mom?" Spike looked up.

"Can you ever give me another chance?" Celestia asked.

"Why do you ask?" Spike asked rhetorically. "I've already given the girls, and all my other Equestrian friends a chance to make up for all the years we've been apart, because of some crazy witch's lightning bolt. And for you mom, what's say after this whole Nightmare Moon fiasco blows over, you, me, Uncle Scorpan, and Aunt Luna, we'll all catch up on lost times?"

Celestia smiled, as she nuzzled her cheek affectionately to Spike's, "I'd love that very much," she cried.

"And what am I? Chopped liver?" Twilight joked, half-heartedly.

"Don't worry, Twilight," Spike chuckled. "After this whole adventure thing is done. I'm making plans on spending lots and lots of quality times with you, and all of our friends."

"Oh you," Twilight chuckled.

Spike's eyes suddenly snapped open, "Oh, what are we doing?!" he exclaimed. "We've got a planet to save! Quick! Search for the plans!"

"Got 'em right here, Spike," Twilight smirked.


"It's about time!" Rainbow groaned. "What took you so long?"

"Sorry, Dash," Spike apologized, on Twilight and Celestia's behalf. "We were kinda, distracted."

"So you got the plans?" Applejack asked.

"Yeah, we got them," Twilight replied. "Right here," the lavender alicorn unrolls the parchment with her aura, "Though, the writings are a little bit too sloppy," Twilight replied. "I can't seem to make out what he's saying."

"Here, let me have a look," Starlight said, as she levitated the plans, and read them. "It's not pretty, but this word looks like it's saying 'red wire' to grid."

"Red wire to the grid," Fluttershy said to the gremlins, who gave her a thumbs up, before they did as they were told.

In a matter of seconds, the ship started to come to life.

"Amazing!" Sunset gasped. "It's working!"

"EEEEH!!" Twilight squealed. "This is history in the making! Quick! What next?" she asked happily, turning to Starlight.

"Here's something," Starlight spoke. "Es-ca-pay! I don't know what it means, but it sounds funny."

"Let me see," Trixie looked. "That's pronounced 'escape.'"

"Oh," Starlight giggled in embarrassment.

"Come on, everyone!" Rainbow exclaimed. "Let's jet it up!"

It wasn't long, before the ship was back to its former glory, and a runway was formed before it.

"I think, that's done it!" Applejack spoke, taking her hat off to wipe some sweats off.

"Okay, everyone ready?" Spike asked, to which the heroes in the room, besides Celestia, all nodded their heads. "Then here we go!"

"Not so fast!" a voice called out, which reveals to be Scorpan, walking in.

"Uncle Scorpan!" Spike shouted.

"Scorpan!" Celestia spoke. "What's the status?"

"We've managed to evacuate every pony we can save from the North," Scorpan replied. "Most of them are all taking shelters in some of the zeppelins we've provided from Canterlot, and some have already evacuated to the South. But that won't make a difference. The Smooze won't stop, until it's succeeded its worldly conquest. We have to stop it now, with the Breezies."

"And that's another bad news, uncle," Spike replied. "You see, it just so happens, the Sun Stone's been taken to Midnight Castle, by Nightmare Moon, and the Shadowbolts."

"And we're going to the moon, to storm the castle, and take it back from them!" Pinkie added.

"Is that so?" Scorpan asked. "Well in that case, I'm coming with you youngsters."

"You sure uncle?" Spike asked. "I mean, not the I minded or anything, just wondering. Any reason why?"

"Midnight Castle was once my home," Scorpan answered, much to the surprise of the heroes in the room. "If you're going into that dark, treacherous place, then you're gonna need a guide."

Knowing Scorpan has a point, the heroes all nodded their heads, "Then come onboard, uncle!" Spike replied.

"Alright!" Pinkie cheered. "Welcome back to the team, General!"

"Ooh, this is going to be scary," Fluttershy whimpered. "Blasted all the way to the moon? Fight Shadowbolts? And Nightmare Moon? I just want to stay home, locked in my backpack, with my teddy bear!"

"Aw, don't worry Sugarcube," Applejack replied, putting a comforting hoof on Fluttershy's shoulder. "We'll protect ya."

"Eeyup!" Pinkie cheered. "Besides, we've done daring adventures many times, during Spike's absence!"

"Only this time, I'm here now," Spike added. "And I won't let you all down, m'ladies."

"But of course," Rarity smiled. "We know you won't, Spikey-Wikey! You cared too much about us, you gallant Dragon Prince."

"And don't forget, Spike," Button began. "We got your back, all the way til' the end!"

"We the Knights have pledged our services to you!" Pipsqueak added, as the Knights all voiced their agreements.

"Well, if you young Knights are going," Celaeno began. "Then I'm coming with you!"

"Aye, aye, captain!" Pipsqueak saluted.

"That's what I like to hear!" Rainbow exclaimed. "Some real, hero spirits! This is what we signed up for! It's time to be awesome!!"

"Rainbow Dash," Twilight began. "Now's really not the time for-" Too late, Dash already started singing. "Song."

[Mashup(if possible): CHS Rally Song and It's Time To Be Awesome]

One Up-Beating, and Inspiring Song Later
[HTTYD-Flying Theme]

The heroes were all suited up, in special space suits for travels, complete with some techno-magic collars for oxygen.

"Oh yeah!" Rainbow smirked, spinning around, showing off her suit. "Am I awesome? Or am I awesome?"

"My, these suits are simply fabulous," Rarity marveled at herself.

"Now, let's get this baby flying already!" Rainbow exclaimed excitedly, taking first seat, and seizing shotgun.

"Not so fast, Dash," Twilight began, while wearing a crown. "Here, put these on," With that, Twilight levitated five golden bracelets to Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie, each bracelets adorned with gems that matched their colors.

"The Elements of Harmony!" he gasped. "Besides the Armor of Heroes, the legendary artifacts in all of Equestria."

"And the only things that can insure Nightmare Moon's immediate defeat," Twilight added. "If she can stay still, long enough."

"Don't worry, Twilight," Pinkie Pie bounced. "We'll be ready for her this time. There's no way she'd give us the slip."

Applejack then turned to Rara, who was coming on board, with Gilda, Gabby, Ember, and Mina.

"Ya better stay here, Rara," Applejack insisted. "This could get dangerous."

"Just be careful, AJ," the mare replied, as she and the apple farm pony gave each other a hug.

Gilda and Gabby were about to get onboard, when Rainbow stopped them.

"Sorry, Gilda," Rainbow spoke. "I don't think there's enough room on the ship for some more."

"You're gonna leave us here?" Gilda asked, on Gabby's behalf.

"It's not that we're leaving you. It's just, every pony here needed some protections," Rainbow said, pointing down to Canterlot, showing the ponies who are taking refuge from the Smooze.

"Well, can't call myself a friendly neighbor for nothing," Gilda replied, before she nodded. "Okay! We'll make sure nothing happens to these ponies!"

"You can count on us!" Gabby saluted.

"Just kick Nightmare Moon's ass for me, Dash!" Gilda replied.

"You got it, G!" Dash smirked.

Celestia walks over to Spike, "Spike, you don't have to go up there," she said worryingly.

"But Flare's parents, and Aunt Luna's already up there," Spike replied. "And they're family. No pony gets left behind, or forgotten, right?"

Fleur, who had been listening, felt touched, together with Celestia who flared her wings out, embracing her son by his cheeks, as she spoke, "No matter what happens, I can never ask for a better son," With that, Celestia kissed Spike on the forehead.

"Thanks mom," Spike replied, as he and Celestia shared one last embrace, before they parted. As they did so, Spike's hand was coated in his mother's gold, shimmering aura, together with her cutie mark on his hands.

Setting a look of determination, Spike turned to the rest of the heroes, "Alright, guys!" he began. "Let's rock and roll!"

The heroes all cheered in response.

"Hold it!" Ember roared, catching everyone by surprised.

"Now what?" Spike asked, as he and everyone onboard looked at the dragoness, hoping it won't take long.

Ember blushed a shade of red, as she walked up to Spike, "Look, Spike," Ember breathed, while sweating a few beads. "I just....I don't.....I...I....Please don't die up there, okay?!" Ember blurted out at the last part.

Needless to say, everyone besides Spike, were all surprised at the Dragon Lord's outburst.

"Ember?" Spike began, uneasily, before Ember silenced him.

"Let me say it, okay?" Ember pleaded, while cupping Spike's face. "If this is the last time I'll ever see you again. I just wanted to say, you're amazing, okay? And that says a lot from me! You're strong, you're brave, and you're an awesome friend, and....." Unable to keep it contained anymore, Ember instantly clamped her jaws on Spike's as she passionately makes out with him.

Needless to say, everyone were all taken by surprise at Ember's bold move.

"Hey! Claws off-" Rarity, unfortunately, was stopped by Princess Cadence, who insisted that Ember has a moment with Spike. Begrudgingly, Rarity complied, with a pout.

After what felt like hours, both dragons parted, and Spike was left in a daze.

Just then, a black dragonfly came buzzing in, before it perched on Ember, "How was that?" Ember whispered, to the dragonfly.

"Nice," Thorax replied.

"Y'know, Spike," Mina began. "I'd like to give you a farewell kiss."

"You too, Mina?" Spike asked, as he got over his daze.

"Hey!" Trixie exclaimed. "Why should you give him another farewell kiss?"

"Because I called for it," Mina grinned.

"No fair!" Gabby exclaimed. "What if I wanted to give Spike a kiss good-bye?"

"Um, girls," Spike tried to speak.

"How about this," Thorax spoke, as he appeared in a flash of green light. "Any girls who won't be coming onboard, will all get the moment to kiss Spike!"

Spike looked at the changeling in bewilderment, "Geez, thanks a lot, Thorax," It wasn't long before the girls on deck all exchanged agreements, as they all gazed at Spike, lovingly. "Now, now girls," Spike began to panic. "Please don't look at me that way! HELP!!" the boy screamed, trying to run away, only for Mina to leap forward, as she pinned him down. "Help me out here, Knights!" he called to his posse.

"Sorry, Spike," Button called. "You're on your own on this one!"

"I'd count myself lucky if I were you!" Rumble said.

"Et tu, boys," Spike grumbled, before he turns back, to see Mina, smiling down on him.

The red dragoness was looking at him with bedroom eyes, "Like the Dragon Emperor from the comic series of Flashfire, you're a hunk of red rubies," With that, the red dragon, too, seizes Spike's jaws as she planted a hot, steaming, passionate kiss on the Dragon Prince.

"No fair!" Trixie pouted, as she seizes Spike. "Let the Great and Powerful Trixie enchant you," With that, Trixie gave Spike a kiss.

"One side there sister!" Gilda said, as she shoved Trixie to the side, and pounced on Spike, pinning him to the ground. "Alright, Spike," Gilda growled. "You've got your kisses from those three. Now it's my turn!" With that, Gilda, despite her beak being so sharp, carefully clamped her jaw around Spike's, and the two made out. "That was for being awesome," Gilda smirked flirtatiously, after they parted.

"And this is for being an inspiring hero! Kay?" Gabby chirped eagerly, as she too kissed Spike.

Afterwards, Spike was all red in the face, as he was left red in the face, while the girls who kissed him, couldn't help but giggle, while the rest of the girls, onboard the ship, pouted in jealousy.

Just then, Lyra and Bon Bon, both came up to Spike, who snapped out of his daze, and looked at them, confusingly.

"Uh, girls?" he asked.

"Y'know, Spike," Lyra began, as she twirls a lock of her hair. "We never did got the chance to properly thank you for saving us, back in that terrorist attack in New York."

"And before we ever forget it completely," Bon Bon spoke.

"This is our way to say, thank you," the girls said together, before they both kissed Spike on the lips.

"What was that about the terrorist attack in New York?" Scorpan asked, before turning to the Mane Six, who all shrug in response.

Lastly, Rara stepped forward, as she bashfully looked to the side.

"Hey, um, Spike?" Rara began.

"Yes, Rara?" Spike asked.

Initially, feeling unsure of herself, Rara, out of impulse, simply grabbed Spike in her hooves, as she tenderly embraced him, "I'll never forget who I am, as long as I can sing about you, my Dragon Prince," she smiled, before she quickly kissed him, on the cheek.

Princess Celestia couldn't help but smile, chuckling, while playfully shaking her head, "After all these years, he still has that effect on girls?" Celestia asked.

"As we like to say before we're older," Zecora began. "Absence does makes the heart grow fonder."

However, as much as Scorpan would like the girls to savor a moment between Spike, he quickly cleared his throat, "If we're all done yet, perhaps we can get moving now?"

Spike, shaking out of his daze, quickly turned serious, "You're right uncle," Spike replied, as he got onboard. "C'mon team! Let's do this!"

"Let's go and kick some SHADOWBUTTS!!!" Rumble shouted, as he and the boys all hopped onboard, and into the spaceship.

"EXCELSIOR!!" Rainbow cheered, as she puts the pedal to the medal, and the ship was blasted off, into space.

Changing into her anthro form, Celestia clasped her hands together, "Good luck, Spike," she prayed. "Be safe, my son," she repeated the very same prayers she spoke since the prologue.

Later in outer space

"So far, so good," Fluttershy whimpered.

"At this rate, we'll reach the moon in no time," Rainbow smirked, as she kicked back in her seat.

Suddenly, the alarm for the spaceship went off, as the heroes looked, to see something heading straight towards them.

"OR WE MIGHT NOT MAKE IT ALL!!!" Fluttershy screamed.

Frozen North

Somnambula, Abacus Cinch, and some Shadowbolts were in a large ice cavern, with a single large opening in the ceiling.

"There," a Shadowbolt replied. "Complete to Mistress Nightmare Moon's specifications."

"Excellent," Somnambula replied. "And right on schedule, as well."

"Obviously," Abacus began. "Crystal Preps didn't receive all those 29 Best Tech. Ed. Students for nothing."

"Do not presume too much, Abacus!" Somnambula replied bitterly. "Remember, the price for failure would be, extreme."

"I'm well aware of that, Somnambula," Abacus replied. "Why else did we capture that meta human of a ruffian's daughter?"

Just then, a shadow ran past some ice crystals in the cavern. This, however, didn't go unnoticed for Somnambula, whose ear perked up.

"We've got company," Somnambula sneered. "Quickly! Secure the area! I'll deal with the intruder, myself!" With that, Somnambula stamped her staff on the ground, as a wall of ice was formed, between her, and the rest of the Shadowbolts.

Just then, the intruder made herself known.

"Well, if it isn't Queen Gwyneira," Somnambula noted.

"Well, if it isn't Somnambula, former High Priest of the Pharaohs!" Neira frowned. "What do you plan on doing with that machine?"

"Only in the business of her majestic highness, Princess Nightmare Moon!" Somnambula replied. "Nothing you should meddle around with!"

"Oh on the contrary!" Neira replied. "This is the Frozen North! These lands belong to me, the penguins, and the yaks! Whatever happens here, will answer to me!"

Somnambula lets out wicked laugh, "I was hoping you'd feel that way," the sorceress smirked, before with a stomp of her staff, she summoned a pack of flying monkeys, who all exchanged screeches, and chitters, while glaring the lone alicorn menacingly. "Have at her, boys!" Somnambula ordered, as the monkeys all pounced after the alicorn.


Discord was drinking himself to some chocolate milk, when his whole body started shake violently, "Ooh, someone else is spreading chaos," he said to himself.

Author's Note:

I'm just making a list to help me, and all of you faithful readers to keep track of.

Heroes to the Moon:

  1. Spike
  2. Fleur "Flare Heart" De Lis
  3. Sunset Shimmer
  4. Starlight Glimmer
  5. Mane Six
  6. The Knights
  7. Captain Celaeno
  8. Scorpan

Heroes in Canterlot

  1. Rara
  2. Trixie
  3. Thorax
  4. Kyrie
  5. Gilda
  6. Gabby
  7. Ember
  8. Mina
  9. Lyra Heartstrings
  10. Bon Bon
  11. Daring Do
  12. Celestia
  13. Zecora

Edit 10/18: I've been thinking about what Omnifox has said, and I think, maybe there should be a scene where the girls, who aren't coming onboard the Celestial Phoenix, give kisses to Spike......for it could be the last they'll ever see of him.

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