• Published 11th Jan 2017
  • 17,215 Views, 792 Comments

Dragonfire 🐲 Enter The Dragon Hero 🐲 - Phantom-Dragon

Born in the Year of the Dragon, gifted with a powerful magic called the Dragonfire, Spike Draco fights the forces of evils that threatens to destroy the worlds of his friends and family.

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Dragon's Second Flight


Somewhere, at the top of a tall, snow covered, mountain, a hooded figure was meditating, with only a small ray of sunlight, shining on her face, before it turns to moonlight. Suddenly, a cold wind blew its way, through her cavern, snapping her out of her concentration.

"You're back...." the figure said, before she looked to her left, to see a set of armor. She walked over to the armor, with a puzzle box next to it. "Time to return your birthday gift."

[Treasure Planet OST - 03 - 12 Years Later]

After the party ended, Spike was later sitting on top of a cloud, watching as the sun sets, "3...2...1." He counted, before the sun disappears out of sight. "We have sun down!" With that, Spike jumped up in the air, concentrating his powers, before he was surrounded in a coat of green fire, before he emerged in his new and improved dragon form. With a flap of his new wings, Spike became airborne and flew up into the night sky.

"Whooo!" Spike hollered, as he flapped his wings, granting him a burst of speed. "Whooooo! Whooooo-hooooo!"

Before long, Spike was flying so high up, that Ponyville was nothing but a dot, beneath him. Looking down, seeing how high up he is, Spike closed his eyes, as he reverts back to human form, and plummeted back down to Equestria. While doing this, Spike spins his whole body, doing flips, and several spins, before at the last second, before hitting the ground, he changes back into a dragon, spreads his wings out, catching himself in the nick of time, and continues to fly onward, through a valley he had flown into.

"YAAAAAAAAAAAAHOOOOOOOO!!!" Spike hollered, echoing off the walls of the mountains, as he kept on flying.

Soon, pillars of rocks started to come into view. Spike spins his whole body, shifted his wings from side to side, as he narrowly weaves his way through. Evading the rocky structures, before he chipped a chunk off, with his feet, and used it as a surfboard. With that, Spike started to fly towards some mountainsides, surfing on them with his makeshift board, doing several skateboard tricks, such as the kick flip and heel flip on several rock structures on the mountains, followed by some grinds.

"WHOOOOO!" Spike screamed.

Taking it up a notch, Spike spotted a nearby cave, with waterfalls flowing from its mouth. Flapping his wings, and cracking his tail, Spike accelerated, as he flew towards the cavern. Once inside, Spike changes into his dog form, while keeping his dragon wings, claws, and his board, and his eyes glowed green, granting him night visions. Spike surfed on, within the cavern, grinding on the floor, together with some hand flips, from the stalagmites and stalactites. Soon, Spike saw a ray of moonlight, through a small opening, guiding him out of the exit.

Breathing a burst of green fire at the opening, Spike made a flaming exit, as he fully assumes the form of his dragon.

"WHOO! Ha ha ha ha!" Spike laughed, as he spreads his wings out, and continued to surf on the mountains.

"Did you always have to make a grand entrance like that?" a voice asked.

Spike screeched to a stop, as he quickly turns around, smiling to see Twilight herself, along with Starlight Glimmer, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Rarity, with beautiful butterfly-like wings, and a floral dress.

"Hi girls," Spike returned the greeting. "Beautiful night for flying. Don't you think?"

"Oh absolutely darling," Rarity smiled, giving herself a twirl, as she flew closer to Spike. "By the way, Spikey-Wikey. What do you think of my dress darling?"

Spike blushed, as he finds the words, "You look, absolutely stunning Rarity," he replied. "I like the way your wings glisten in the moonlight, and how your dress compliments the colors."

"Aw, thank you, darling," Rarity smiled, while the girls looked on with envy. "And which way do you prefer? As a pony?" Then, in a flash of blue light, Rarity turned herself in human form, "Or as a human?"

"I honestly don't care," Spike replied bluntly, resulting in a gasp from Rarity. "I-I-I-I mean, I don't care if you're a pony, or a human, or heck even a dragon. You're still beautiful in your own way, Rarity. I-I-I-I mean...." Spike was cut off, as Rarity tackled him, in a hug.

"Oh, my knight in shining armor!" Rarity smiled, tightening the hug. "You say the sweetest thing!"

Spike blushed, and smiled, as he changes back in human form, and returns the embrace.

Rainbow, not liking how close they are, snapped them out of their loving embrace, as she got in, "So, Spike," Rainbow began. "Since you've gotten in touch with your old ariel tricks, and you're getting the hang of your wings. Care to show us some more?"

[Celine Dion - I'm Alive]

Spike was later, standing on top of a cloud, before he leaps off, and nose dives towards the ground. As he does this, Rainbow Dash, Starlight Glimmer, and Twilight Sparkle all flew at his sides, as they circled around him, before they pulled up at the last second. Using their magics, Twilight and Starlight manipulated some clouds nearby, reshaping them into two series of floating rings, which both Spike and Rainbow flew through.

Once they came through the other ends, both Spike and Rainbow Dash linked their arms together, as they spun each other into a blazing, rainbow tornado. Finally, they both released their hold on each other, resulting in a sparkling blast of multicolored sparkles. Rainbow kept on flying, rounding up all of the sparkles, while Spike spins himself, before he did a nose dive, breathing fire as he did so, living a twin trail of spinning flames behind him.

'Now this is what I call a Fire Drill,' Spike thought, before he pulled up at the last second, and joined in with Rarity, and Fluttershy. Pulling out her backpack, Fluttershy released a whole flock of colorful, magical creatures, that glowed brightly at night, Peewee was one of them.

"Hey, Peewee!" Spike said, seeing his pet phoenix. The bird squawked, returning the greeting, before both he and his owner flew together.

Rarity flew high up, in the sky, with the moon behind her, allowing its lights to illuminate her wings, causing them to shine their radiant colors, across the valley. Peewee soon flew behind the girl, as he shines his whole body, illuminating her wings even more brightly.

Starlight Glimmer, in the meantime, focused her magic, projecting the staff from Spike's dream, and with a wave of the staff, she manipulated some waters, in the valley's river, and with it, formed a huge tornado made entirely of water. The tornado picked Starlight off the ground, as it propels her into the air, where she joined in with Spike and the others.

Spike watched, as Starlight waves the staff around, manipulating the water's structure, as it formed into a bubble beneath her. Before long, Starlight tapped the bubble, with the bottom of her staff, causing it to morph into a manta ray. With that, Starlight sat down on top of it, as it flew around.

The friends kept up their performance, laughing and having a good time, until it was time to turn in for the night, as they flew back to Twilight's castle.

"See you in the morning girls," Spike said, landing in his guest room.

"Goodnight, Spike," Twilight smiled, before she and the other four embraced him, tightly.

"Sleep tight," Fluttershy smiled.

"Dream of cupcakes, tonight," Rarity added.

The girls then took their leave, along with stealing a kiss from the dragon, before they left. The young dragon changes back into a human, got into bed, and closed his eyes. Just then, Peewee flew into the room, and perched next to the sleeping boy.


Within the darkest depths, of a mountain, another hooded figure, was stirring up a cauldron, while chanting some incantations in an ancient language. While doing so, the water in her cauldron started to churn, as an image of Spike came to view.

"Ah," the figure cackled. "The prodigal son has returned," The water churned again, as it reveals the boy in his new dragon form. "Ah, so the Dragonfire has reached its state of maturity," the figure cackled evil, as she continues, "No fear of that. The Dragon Prince has yet to unlock his other new abilities. And by the time he starts with the first one, it'll be all too late. Now, tell me more," the water churned, before it projected an image of.......

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