• Published 11th Jan 2017
  • 17,216 Views, 792 Comments

Dragonfire 🐲 Enter The Dragon Hero 🐲 - Phantom-Dragon

Born in the Year of the Dragon, gifted with a powerful magic called the Dragonfire, Spike Draco fights the forces of evils that threatens to destroy the worlds of his friends and family.

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Adventure In The Fast Lane

Rainbow Dash was flapping her wings, as she flies across Ponyville, scanning for any sign of Fear Haunter.

"Come out, come out wherever you are, freakazoid," Rainbow said to herself.

Suddenly, a loud shriek pierced the sky, and a blur of black came soaring from the sky and struck Rainbow Dash, cutting her cheek.

"OW!" Rainbow winced, before she looked up at her attacker. "What the-" The attacker appeared to be a giant sixteen foot raven with four eyes and black chains covering it's wings, as it makes a sharp turn, and makes another dive at Rainbow Dash. Rainbow flapped her wings, moving to the side, dodging the attack. Unfortunately, the raven made another turn, and Dash wasn't quick enough to dodge out of the way in time as the massive bird grabs her with it's talons and slams her to the ground, pinning her down.

"Get off of me!" Rainbow snarled, struggling to escape. Then, without warning, the raven grabs her wings by the beak...and rips them off her back. Rainbow screamed in pain as the raven lets go of her and devour her wings. "No! My wings!" Rainbow cried, tears pouring from her eyes. "My beautiful, awesome wings! Not again!" She cried, recalling how she first lost her wings, to the Three Magicians.

The difference then was that it was only temporarily, and she was able to reclaim her wings with Twilight's help. This time, however, it may be permanent, as Rainbow's wings have been devoured whole, by a demonic raven, before her very eyes.

Rainbow laid her head on the ground, as she sobbed, "My wings....gone. I'm nothing without them...."

"If you're nothing without those wings then you probably shouldn't have them in the first place!" A demonic voice coldly told her.

“AAAAAAH!!!” Rainbow screamed, waking up in the middle of the night.

"If you're nothing without those wings then you probably shouldn't have them in the first place!" Fear's words continued to echo in her mind.

With a frantic thought, Rainbow Dash quickly looked behind her, and quickly breathed a sigh of relief, when she sees that her wings remain intact. However, her relief quickly disappeared, as she thought back on what Fear said, and hugged herself.

"Am I really nothing without my wings?" She asked.


Zephyr Breeze was drowning his sorrows in a cups of Starbuck's frappuccino, with Snips and Snails joining him.

"It's just not fair, boys," Zephyr grumbled. "How come Rainbow Dash is always going on and on about, Spike Draco? Every time I try to ask her out, it's always Spike this, Spike that. And when it's not Spike, it's always her girl friends! WHAT IS IT THEY'VE GOT THAT I DON'T?!!"

"Zephyr!" Snips panicked. "Calm your temper! Calm your temper!"

"I INVENTED CALM!!" Zephyr Breeze exclaimed, dramatically, and angrily, much to the other patrons' disturbance.

Soon, the boys were walking outside, as Zephyr began dramatically, "I've had enough of Dash paying more attention at Spike, and not me!" He grumbled. "She wants awesome kung-fu?! I'll give her kung-fu! Because starting today, it's good-bye to useless, butt-in-the-joke, procrastinating Zephyr Breeze! Time for me to go to the gymnastic, immediately!" With that, Zephyr Breeze marched away, feeling proud of himself.

"What about our homeworks?" Snips asked, causing Zephyr to face fault to the ground.

"Time for me to do my homeworks," Zephyr grumbled.


A young Spike was doing his fighting stance, with Scorpan observing, and reviewing the progress of his training.

"Spike!" Scorpan said. “You need to go deeper!” With that, he placed a flat rock on top of Spike's hold, forcing the boy to bend his knee, lowering his bottom to the ground further, much to his discomfort. "Like the steps to making tea, the progress of your training must taste bitter before it is ripened to sweetness. Horse stance! Grow roots!" Scorpan went back to observe the progress of his training.

Just then, Mako came flying into the garden, and walked around the young dragon, "Horse stance," Spike explained to the elder dragon.

"Very good," Mako replied. "For pretending to be a duck!" With a flick of his long serpentine tail, Mako tripped Spike, knocking him off his feet.

"Hey! He's my student!" Scorpan berated to the elder dragon. "Two tigers cannot live on the same mountain! Two teachers can't teach the same student!" With that, Scorpan grabbed Spike by the arm, as he helped him back up, and beckoned for the boy to resume his stance.

"If he's really to learn how to fight, and have better control of his powers," Mako began, gruffly. "He must develop speed, accuracy, and power!" Turning to the young dragon, Mako changed himself in human form, as he got down to Spike's level.

"I will punch. You will attempt to block me," Mako said. "Ready?" Spike gave a quick nod, as Mako thrusted his fist, close enough to simply touch the tip of Spike's nose, with the young dragon's hand barely making contact.

Scorpan shook his head in disapproval, "What did I told you about the snake?" Scorpan asked, while doing the said block maneuver. The stern gargoyle pulled Spike away from Mako, and told his nephew, "You try and punch me!" Spike complied, only for his punching fist to be deflected by the hand that shaped itself as the snake, before he was jabbed in the chest by the other hand. "See?" Scorpan asked. "Now do that to him!"

With that, Spike deflected the first strike from Mako, only for the older dragon to quickly thrust his striking fist again, catching Spike by the throat.

"It's not right for a snake," Mako mused. "To fight an eagle."

"Crane, Spike!" Scorpan lectured. "Crane!" With that, Scorpan grabbed both of Spike's arms and beckoned the young dragon to hold them out like great wings of a crane. With Scorpan's help, Spike had to move his arms downward in front of him, in a clockwise and counter-clockwise movement, shoving Mako's hand off, only for the dragon to quickly resume grabbing his throat again.

It wasn't long, before Spike was met with a flurry of jabs and strikes, that he was finally fed up, "Stop!" Young Spike screamed, before he angrily looked up at his mentors. "I've had enough! No more!" He shouted. "No more silent riddles! Or no more of the cups!"

The dragon turned his back on the two masters, who quickly grabbed him from behind, before they pinned him down on the ground, with their feet to his chest.

"First rule," Scorpan began sternly. "Show respect to your teachers!"

Frightened beyond all reasons, Spike complied, "Yes sirs."

Mako turned to Scorpan and asked, "What about the two tigers living on the same mountain?"

"We can kill each other when this is over," Scorpan replied.


Following the tragedy in Canterlot, and their departure to Earth, Spike and Scorpan began their journey for Spike to slowly relearn all his lessons of the martial arts. Spike was about 5 years old when he and Scorpan traveled to China, and to meet up with the Shaolin Monks, to begin his training of Kung-Fu, and the start of his journey of martial art training.

"Kung fu is hard work over time to accomplish skills."

"Or the butcher who cuts meat every day with such skill his knife never touches bone."

"Learn the form, but seek the formless. Hear the soundless. Learn it all, then forget it all. Learn The Way, then find your own way."

"The musician can have kung-fu, or the poet who paints pictures with words and makes emperors weep. This, too, is kung-fu."

"But do not name it, my friend, for it is like water. Nothing is softer than water yet it can overcome rock. It does not fight. It flows around the opponent, formless, nameless."

"Formless, nameless, the true master dwells within. Only you can free him."

-Jackie Chan & Jet Li, The Forbidden Kingdom


Zephyr Breeze was running on a treadmill, panting heavily, "Phew, I can feel the burn," He said. "But it's the good burn! I can feel myself getting stronger with every minute!" Snips and Snails were keep track of his progress, when Snails accidentally hold down the acceleration button too long. "Whoa! Whoa! Hey guys? Too fast! Too fast! AAAAAAAHHH!!!" Zephyr screamed, as he flew off his tracks.

"Oops," Snips said meekly. "Sorry, Zephyr! We'll get ya a first aid kit."

Meanwhile, back with Spike

Spike was at his apartment, practicing his forms, when there was a knock at his door. Toweling himself off, while donning up his hoodie, Spike walked over to the door, and took a quick look through the peephole to see Rainbow Dash at the door.

Turning the knob, Spike opened up the door, "Hey Dash," He greeted. "What's up?"

"Just thought I'd drop by and say hello," Rainbow replied. "Can I come in?"

"Sure, be my guest," Spike showed Dash in.

Peewee was eating some seeds in his claws, when he looked up and squawked at Rainbow Dash, "Hiya Peewee," Rainbow greeted, as the phoenix flew over, and perched on a counter, close to the girl. "Great to see you again my phoenix friend," She said, gently petting Peewee's stomach.

Peewee squawked, as he flaps his wings and fly away, revealing a whole gallery of pictures, displaying captured memories of Spike's trips around the world, the different forms of martial arts he's learned, as well as all the belts, medals, and other awards he's earned.

"Wow, Spike!" Rainbow marveled. "It's hard to believe that all of this is you!"

Looking up at the gallery of his achievements and travels, Spike smiled in nostalgia, "I don't like to brag, Dash," said Spike. "But seeing is believing. And your eyes aren't deceiving you."

"Wow," Rainbow replied as she continued to look at all the pictures. "You and General Scorpan have been going to a lot of different places, haven't ya?"

"Just to learn some martial arts, here and there," Spike replied. "Uncle did say that each martial arts have their own style, strength, and philosophy. And if I learn them all at once, then I'm practically a powerful fighter."

Rainbow smirked, "Well the way you fought off the Shadowbolts, defeat Nightmare Moon, save your pals from those Diamond Dog thugs, and most of all, beat me and AJ in that game of dodgeball, I'd think you're a badass."

Spike chuckled sheepishly at Dash's compliment, "I wouldn't call myself a badass," he replied modestly. "I mean, you and the others. You're fighters of magic. You've had years of fights against forces of darkness. Compared to all of you girls, I'm still just a magical rookie."

"Well in my book, you're anything but a rookie, Spike," Dash smirked, as she ruffled the boy's hair. "So, what's it like to travel a lot?" the girl asked excitedly, as she took a seat.

Spike was caught off guard, as he suddenly feels flustered, "Huh, where to start?"

"Well, tell me which one you think is most exciting," Dash replied.


A young Spike, roughly twelve years old, was on another trip to China, with Scorpan. During this trip, the two stopped at a food joint, where Scorpan purchased both himself and Spike, a scorpion on a stick.

"Yuck!" Spike grimaced at the sight of a living scorpion, skewered on a stick. "Uncle, I said I'm hungry. Not digestively imbalance."

"It's either this, or sea horse head on a stick over there!" Scorpan replied.

Spike quickly looked, and sure enough, there were fried sea horses, on sticks. Spike felt himself on the verge of losing his lunch. He didn't know why back then, but the thought of eating something that looks like a horse, let alone a pony, always make him queasy, and grief-stricken.

Looking back at his scorpion, Spike shrugged, "Oh well, hakuna matata," he quoted, something he learned from Africa. Closing his eyes, bracing himself for the taste, Spike took a bite off the scorpion's lower half, before he downed the rest, "Mmm, tastes like shrimp," he said in a mouthful. 'A shrimp with spider legs,' he thought in disgust.

Scorpan chuckled, "Don't worry," the man spoke. "After awhile, you'll get use to it."

While the two of them were eating, Spike couldn't help but get a feeling that he was being watched. Turning his head, he quickly caught sight of a girl, who quickly looked away, acting innocent.

Spike took the chance to observe the girl, seeing that she has moderate azure eyes that are framed by a pair of purple pointy glasses. Her hair is a strong cerulean with moderate arctic blue streaks, with the bang cut straight, and the back of her hair done up in two long pigtails. For attires, she wore a purple shirt, with the sleeves rolled up, a blue-and-green juniper leaf decorated on the collar, black skirt, long white knee socks, and purple shoes.

The girl turned her eyes, and blushed when she saw Spike looking at her.

"What are you looking at, Spike?" Scorpan asked.

Snapping out of his gaze, Spike turned to his uncle who was looking at him, confused.

"Uh, nothing uncle," Spike replied, pointing off to the distance. "I was just looking."

Though he clearly wasn't buying it, Scorpan decided to let it slide for a moment, "Well hurry and eat up. After this, we're off to the Shaolin Temple to further your training."

Looking back at his stick, seeing there are still some scorpions left on his stick, Spike grimaced as he continues to snack on them, before he and Scorpan left for the temple.

After arriving at the temple, donning up in the appropriate garbs for a student of Shaolin Gongfu(Kung-Fu in Chinese), Spike started off with some tai chi exercises, before he quickly went to training with his fellow students.

In this trip to China, Spike went through some excruciating exercises, that were more intense than they were the last time he and Scorpan were there. The young boy was once again doing his horse stance, while enduring the heavy weight of the bricks and stones being placed on his head, shoulders, and knees. The main point of this exercise was to further strengthen the back and leg muscles, in order to provide him a firm stance, to stand his grounds.

Following his horse stance training, Spike later practiced doing his punches and kicks, with a monk being specific that the boy is required to expel his energy, when punching, for a more powerful impact. Furthermore, Spike was reminded of his tai chi forms, with which he would use to control the flow of the energy within him, before striking on a hard tree the monks used in their training.

Later, when he finds solitude in the nearby forest, close to the temple, Spike was practicing the forms of the ancient martial art's various animal styles, from the praying mantis to the tiger.

Suddenly, his ears perked up, at the sound of sticks snapping, under foot. Reacting fast, Spike quickly got into a fighting stance, turning to the source, and saw a shadow dashing behind a tree, "Who's there?" He asked, demandingly.

Taking few careful, and quiet steps, Spike prowled up to the tree, before at a speed that's too fast for the naked eye, Spike grabbed someone, by their hand, and pulled them out of hiding, revealing themselves to be the girl from before.

"AAH!!" The girl screamed, as she was taken by surprise. "I'm sorry. Was I distracting you?" She asked.

Easing his grip on the girl's hand, Spike released her, before he calmed himself, "Not at all," He replied. "But, what's a girl like you, doing out here?"

Before the girl could answer, a voice called out, "Juniper!" A tall man, came over to the two.

In appearance, he appeared to be in his 70s, with a rugged grayish malachite green hair, with streaks of light malachite greenish gray, that flowed down into a long goatee, and the back of his hair tied up in a small ponytail. He wore a pair of thick black glasses that framed his moderate amaranth eyes. For attires, he wore a long green collared shirt, beneath a light brown vest, a long grayish pants, and light brown shoes.

"Juniper, there you are!" He breathed a sigh of relief. "Is everything alright? I thought I heard you screaming."

"Yeah, I'm fine uncle," The girl, now identified Juniper, replied. "Just startled, that's all."

"Spike!" Scorpan called, as he came over. "There you are! It's time for you to-Canter Zoom?!" Scorpan exclaimed, when he took notice of the man.

"Scorpan?!" The man, named Canter, shouted in equal shock. “Why, it’s been almost thirty years since I last saw you!”

“Yes, I guess it has,” Scorpan replied nostalgically, while stroking his mustache. “Back when you had me work on the choreography for that last action-thriller movie of yours.”

Confused, Spike spoke up, “Um, uncle? You know this man?”

“Yes, nephew,” Scorpan answered. “This is Canter Zoom. He’s an old friend of mine.”

“Oh, well nice to meet you sir,” Spike said, bowing his head in respect to the man, who returned the gesture.

“Likewise, young man,” Canter replied, before addressing to Juniper. “And I see you were just getting acquainted with my niece, Juniper?"

After the introductions were in order, the four walked back into the temple, where Spike resumed his martial art trainings, with Scorpan and his fellow masters. In the meantime, Canter Zoom and Juniper both stood on the sidelines, while filming the whole session taking place. Turns out, they were in China, making a documentary film around the culture and history of China's Shaolin Kung Fu.

While practicing some of his techniques, Spike was approached by Juniper, "Hey," Juniper greeted quietly.

"Hey yourself," Spike returned the greeting.

Blushing up a storm, Juniper broke the silence, "I just wanted to say, sorry again for disturbing you back there in the woods. I just wanted to see you doing those moves you were doing."

"That's okay," Spike replied. "It's not everyday someone wants to catch a glimpse of a martial arts student, like me, performing some awesome feats. So, no hard feelings."

Smiling, and scratching the back of her head, Juniper eventually blurted out, "Can you teach me some kung fu?"

"Huh?" Spike stopped what he was doing, and turned his attention to the enthusiastic girl.

"Can you to teach me kung fu, please?" Juniper repeated, enthusiastically.

"Pray tell, why?"

"Because I've always wanted to learn kung fu," Juniper replied. "Ever since I've watched movies of Jackie Chan, Jet Li, Chuck Norris, Michelle Yeoh, and some other amazing martial artists in their movies, such as Rush Hour, Hero, Way of the Dragon, and Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. And I would love it if I could learn some martial art skills of my own, so that way I too can become a martial art hero!"

Spike shook his head in disapproval, "That's not what martial art is all about, Juniper," Spike replied. "Besides, it takes years of experience and teaching to do it. It's not as easy as it looks."

"Aw....," Juniper pouted. "But you made it look so easy!"

Just then, a scuffle was heard outside the courtyard, prompting everyone inside to run out and investigate. Upon arriving at the scene, they looked to see a gang of hooligans running off with a donation box.

"Hey!" Juniper shouted. "That doesn't belong to you! Give it back!" The girl gave chase after the hooligan, despite the sound of her uncle, calling after her.

"Juniper! Get back here!" Canter shouted, as he quickly ran after his niece.

Spike turned to his uncle, who nodded, before the boy took off.

Spike was running across the plated roofs of the houses, as he gave chase after Juniper, who continues in her persist after the hooligans.

"Stop!" Juniper panted, on the verge of collapsing out of exhaustion.

The hooligans looked back, and couldn't help but share some laughs, before saying something in Chinese. Spike was running on the roofs, before he stepped on a loose plate, that slide off the roof, taking Spike with it.

"WHOA!!" Spike screamed, as he fell off the roof, and landed on one of the hooligans, causing him to drop the donation box.

The others stopped, to see Spike and the hooligan going at with each other. Spike picked up the donation box and threw it at the hooligan, who quickly caught it in his hands, before he was met with a kick to the stomach, causing the hooligan to stumble for a moment. Realizing who he's dealing with, the hooligan tossed the box to the side, before he rans after Spike and threw a punch, only for Spike to perform the snake block maneuver Scorpan taught him, by deflecting the punch, then thrusting his other hand into a jab at the neck.

The hooligan was briefly stunned, coughing from the sharp impact to his throat, before he was met with a strong front kick to his face, then a flying roundhouse kick to the head, then he was knocked off his feet by Spike's Dragon Swipes His Tail maneuver.

Juniper finally caught up, just in time to see Spike fighting the other hooligans. Spike was climbing up ladder, with his back against the steps, as he continues to kick at one of the hooligans advancing upon him. The hooligan pounced forward, only for Spike to jump at the last second, landed on his hands, and thrusted his legs out, doing a donkey kick, hitting the man in the rear, and forced him into the ladder, getting stuck between the steps. Spike quickly seized this opportunity to spank him repeatedly with a flurry of kicks and punches.

Suddenly, Spike was grabbed at the arm by one of the other hooligan. Thinking fast, Spike grabbed the hooligan's head, swings himself around his back, before thrusting his leg out in a side kick, landing an impact to the hooligan's stomach.

Having enough, the man got out a pocket knife. Juniper gasped, as she watched Spike standing his ground, before the hooligan wielding the blade. The hooligan lunged forward, only for Spike to dodge to the side, while grabbing the arm that was holding the knife, and kneed the man in the stomach at the same time. Taking the chance, Spike quickly jabbed the man in his throat again, before he kicked him in the groin. Twisting his arm, Spike quickly slapped the hooligan's face repeatedly, followed by an uppercut. Disoriented, the man threw a punch, only for Spike to retaliate with a flexible back kick, striking to the head. Twisting his arm again, Spike was able to pry the knife out of the man's hand, before he spins the man, and placed his hand on a nearby, discarded box.

Juniper watched, as Spike spins the knife in his hand, similar to Chloe Moretz's trick with the butterfly knife, as Hit-Girl, from the movie Kick-Ass. Spike raised his hand in the air, as if to plunge the knife into the man's hand. The man closed his eyes, ready to feel the cold feel of the blade, cutting the skin in his hand. However, it never came. Looking up, he saw that Spike had only jabbed the knife into the wooden face of the box.


Spike was laughing his heart out, as he recalled the memory, "Oh, those jokers couldn't even hold their hands up when the police came to arrest them!" Spike laughed. "That look on their face when I scared them was just priceless! I wished I had gotten a picture of them!"

"Yeah, I can imagine it sounded like, fun," Rainbow sighed sadly.

Spike's laughter instantly dies, as he looked at Rainbow Dash with concerns, "What's wrong, Dash?" Spike asked. "Is something the matter?"

Rainbow frowned sadly, "Don't get me wrong, Spike," She replied. "It's great to hear that you've had a really good time with Scorpan over the years. And I'm proud to see the boy you've grown into. But it's just...."

Rainbow took a deep breath, before she started pouring out her emotions, "I really wished I could've been there with you all the way! Look at you! You've mastered about six martial arts! Earned black belts in each of them! Five degrees of black belts for each! And also, traveling around the world! Learning each countries' cultures, styles, and people! Having the adventures of a lifetime! All the while, not having the faintest recollection of Equestria!"

Dash turns her head away, hiding her tearful face behind the multicolored locks of her hair.

“Meanwhile, me and the girls were left in Equestria, forced to move on with our lives without you, accomplishing our dreams, and saving the world from total destruction," Rainbow frowned, as she continued. "I know you're back and all, Spike. But still, it doesn't change how you've been having the excitements of adventures with General Scorpan, while leaving us behind. Because compared to you, I'm just a flat out nobody...”

Spike frowned, as he looked at the once tough rainbow maned pegasus mare he called a friend. Reaching his hand out for her, he stroked her by the hair, which Rainbow welcomed, blushing in response, "Hey, Dash," He began. "I don't think you're a nobody. You're fast, you're brave, you're adventurous, and an awesome girl. I may have traveled around the world of Earth, with Uncle Scorpan. But none of them are anything compared to the recent adventures I've been having with you and the others," Dash looked up, as Spike continued, "Because unlike the trips I've had with uncle, I didn't have any friends to share them with. And guess what? Life is an adventure! Just spending the day with you right now is an adventure."

Rainbow gave Spike a small smile, before it disappeared, "But can I ask you a quick question?" Spike nodded in response, in which Rainbow asked, "Would you still want to go on an adventure with me? Even if I'm nothing without my wings?"

"Who said that?!" Spike asked. "Wings or no wings, you're still you, Rainbow Dash. Heck, I don't even care if you're an earth pony, fashionista, with a British-accent."

Rainbow Dash tried picturing herself, the way Spike had described her, but ultimately failed to do so, "Hehe, yeah right," Rainbow chuckled nervously.

“So Dash,” Spike began, deciding to change the topic. “You up for some parkour?”

"Heck yeah!" Dash smiled, excitedly getting up on her feet.

"Then adventure is through the door!" He announced.

"Let's do it, to it!" The two said together, exchanging some fist bumps and handshakes, before they ran out the door, shouting excitedly.

Not wanting to miss out on some fun, Peewee flapped his wings, and followed.

Meanwhile, with Zephyr

Zephyr was continues with his workout, pulling a wagon, with Snips and Snails, riding in it.

"Hey guys?" Zephyr called. "How does it look from back there?"

"What?" Snails asked.

"My buttocks," Zephyr clarified. "They're pretty firm, yes?"

"Oh," The boys looked to each other, before they answered, "Yeah. That's a wonderful butt you've got there."

"Si. Si, I know," Zephyr agreed.

Spike and Rainbow Dash racing across the ceilings of the buildings, doing flips, and huge leaps, across the roofs, before landing on the other.

Rainbow Dash was ahead of the game, still being the fastest and the athletic of the girls, and heroes. Spike, despite having done parkour on a daily basis, was strangely finding some difficult in getting ahead of Rainbow Dash. Nevertheless, he was not out of the race just yet, and he is not going down without a fight.

"C'mon, Spike!" Rainbow called. "You can do better than that! Where's that free spirited dragon I once knew?"

"I'm just getting warmed up, Dash!" Spike replied.

In fact, the rush of adrenaline brought back memories of when he and Rainbow Dash had their first race, with Gilda, against Dumb Bell, and his gang of bullies, to win back Gabby's doll. As the memory flashed before him, Spike looked to see the happy expressions on Rainbow Dash's face, together with Gilda's, when he and the two athletic flyers raced together, and supported each other all the way, which in turn helped them win the race at the end. To top it all off, there was also Gabby, whose smile was even bigger than Pinkie Pie's, after they won her doll back.

The joyful expressions on the girls' face made Spike feel pleased about himself in return. Back in the present, Spike was smiling in nostalgia, and didn't notice his whole body was glowing in a green aura. Next thing he knew, he was catching up to Rainbow Dash. Rainbow was jumping in the air, doing a front flip, before she rolled forward, upon landing the next the ceiling. She heard the sound of shoes landing behind her, and turned to see Spike running neck and neck with her.

"What?" Spike asked. "You said I could do better, didn't you?"

Rainbow smirked, as she playfully punched his shoulder, "Now that's more like it, Spike," She said. "I was wondering if I'll ever see that side of you, again."

"Well, like I said before," Spike spoke. "It ain't over until the fat pony sings!" Upon hearing those last words, Rainbow instantly recalled the race she had with Spike and Gilda.

Soon, it was Rainbow who felt nostalgic, "You really have a way to give me determination, and faith, Spike," Rainbow smiled. "You know that?"

Spike smiled, "I have you, uncle, and mom for teaching me the value of teamwork, and loyalty," Rainbow chuckled, while feeling a little unsure of what Spike said at the last part. "That, and for letting me have a ten second head start!" Spike said, zipping away from Rainbow Dash, who finally came to. "See ya!"

"Hey!" Rainbow shouted, as she quickly ran after Spike. "Cheap shot, Spike!"

Soon, the two climbed down a fire escape, as they took their free run, on the ground. Along the way, they did some parkour jumps and tricks, impressing several bystanders. Peewee continued to follow the two racers, while circling overhead.

Spike was running, while skillfully jumping from one fence post to another, before he came towards a wall, where he ran up, and flips off, doing a spin, before he landed on his feet. Rainbow Dash did the same, only she landed on her hands, followed by several backflips. Their performance earned several praises and applause from the people who were watching them.

Soon, the two took their run through Central Park, where they both jumped, run, and rolled across the layouts of the park.

Snips and Snails were out walking, when they spotted Spike and Rainbow Dash, having a good time together.

"Whoa, Snips!" Snails shouted, pointing to the two friends. "Look!"

The two boys watched, as Spike and Rainbow Dash both did a spin flip together, before they both run up together, looking as if they're both running along an invisible wall between them, before they flipped off, doing a backflip, and landed on their feet.

"OMIGOSH!!" Snips exclaimed.

"No way!" Snails shouted.

"Big deal," A voice said, revealing itself to be a displeased Zephyr Breeze. "I can do that whenever I want."

"Why don't you put your money where your mouth is?" A green haired, freckle-faced girl grumbled, startling the three boys.

"Where did you come from?" They asked.

The girl rolled her eyes, "I've been behind you boys, about an hour ago!" She frowned. "We were just talking, then."

"Oh, sorry," Snips apologized. "I guess we-"

"It's okay," The girl sighed. "I get that all the time," Looking back, she smiled as she watched Spike and Rainbow doing their parkour tricks and run. 'Well, not all the time,' She thought fondly.

Spike and Rainbow Dash both stopped by a tree, where they took the moment to catch their breaths.

"Wow, that was fun!" Spike panted. "Do you feel the rush? Wow! My heart's pounding so fast!"

Rainbow had a short laugh, barely out of breath, "I do," She panted. "You were right, Spike. It is like an adventure! Maybe better! It was AWESOME!!!"

"I told you life's an adventure," Spike smiled to his athletic friend.

“Now, it’s my turn on the next adventure!” Dash spoke.

"I'm listening," He replied.


"WHOO-HOO!!" Rainbow cheered, as she and Spike were flying over Equestria, while surfing on clouds.

"OH YEEEEEAAH!!!" Spike shouted in equal excitement. It's been awhile since he last cloud surfed, and he was enjoying every moment he's having to relive it.

Flying by their sides are Peewee and Rainbow Dash's pet tortoise, Tank, who was wearing a pair of aviator goggles and a magic propellor, strapped on his shell for flight.

"WHOOO!! I forgot how much fun cloud surfing is!" Spike smiled, remembering all the times he's had as a little dragon, cloud surfing across Equestria whenever he's got the chance.

"You practically invented it, Spike!" Rainbow replied, as she came flying next to him. "None of us ponies have ever thought about cloud surfing, until you made it popular with all those sick tricks you've pulled! And some of my 20% cooler tricks as well! Check out this free demo!"

With that, Rainbow flew downward, towards a field full of hills, where she flew up one of them, before she flipped the cloud, doing a kickflip, making it spin several turns, before she landed back on the cloud. Then, she came towards a huge gangly looking tree, where she did a grind trick on its dull barks, before she leapt off, doing a backside 180 kickflip.

"Whoa!" Spike marveled. "Cool moves, Rainbow!" Spike quickly did an ollie, "Now try these!" With that, Spike started doing some freestyle tricks of his own, all of which he personally learned from Rumble. He first did an old school kickflip, a boneless, and a wallie.

"Oh, it's on!" Rainbow soon did the same tricks Spike showed, before she added a few more aerial tricks.

After showing off some moves, the two flyers flew back down towards Equestria, cutting through the Ghastly Gorge, evading the quarry eels, before they once again flew up the mountain of Canterlot, and flew into the city.

Blueblood was once again, out walking with his dog, Bunny, when Spike and Rainbow Dash were flying through, with their pets.

"Not this time!" Blueblood said, as he quickly dons himself an army helmet, and puts on a smug grin, as Spike and Rainbow Dash flew past him. The smug unicorn prince stood his ground, while his pet dog was blown away. "Nice try, cousin of mine!" Blueblood blew a raspberry, before he was knocked off his feet when Tank came flying at the speed of a cannonball, with Peewee, and bounced off the unicorn's helmet. "Bunny.....did you catch the license on that flying turtle?" Blueblood asked, before he fainted.

Meanwhile, in Canterlot, Princess Luna and some of her reformed Shadowbolts were serving as tour guides for a group of school fillies, who were also getting acquainted with Luna's children, in the royal Canterlot garden, when Spike and Rainbow passed by. Luna was caught by surprised, as she felt a rush of strong winds blowing through her mane. Once it stopped, there she stood, with her mane and tail frizzled, in an afro-like style.

The Shadowbolts and children all laughed at the sight of the night princess's new hair style. Soon, Peewee and Tank came flying, and the two pets unintentionally knocked the guards off their feet, making their helmets fly off, revealing they all have had some bad hair days. Soon, it was the children and Luna's turn to laugh.

Princess Celestia couldn't help but laugh from her balcony, "Hi mom!" Spike waved to the sun princess, who smiled and waved back at him.

Rainbow had some quick laughs, before she looked to the side, seeing Spike surfing through the sky, on his cloud makeshift board.

'Spike,' She thought lovingly. 'I'm proud of you.' As the last words echoed through her head, a memory flashed before her.


It was during the Wonderbolts' Air Show, for the Summerfell Festival, in Ponyville, in which Rainbow Dash was expected to perform the stunt she was best known for since her first race with Spike and Gilda, against Dumb Bell and his gang - the Sonic Rainboom.

Rainbow was just on the verge of breaking the sound barrier, when a giant storm cloud appeared, and stopped her in her tracks.

"What the hay?!" Rainbow exclaimed, as she finds herself trapped within the cloud.

Claps of thunder and lightning sounded, everywhere around Rainbow Dash, "Okay, Dash," She said to herself. "Don't get scared. It's just a dark creepy cloud you're stuck in while your wings are on the fritz. Nothing to freak out about at all..." Another clap of thunder, and Dash was sent over the edge, "Little help?!" She called out, frightfully.

"Help?" A demonic voice asked. "Why would you need help? Why don't you just fly away?"

Turning her head, Rainbow answered, "I....I was going too fast. And now my wings won't life me."

"How sad," Another demonic voice, albeit lower than the previous, said. "Does that make you sad?" It asked.

"Not as sad as I'm talking to a cloud for pony's sake," Rainbow answered. "But yeah, it makes me sad."

"Excellent!" The demonic voices said together.

"What do you call a pegasus who can't fly?" They asked.

Thinking on the question, Rainbow answered, "A new friend who you should be nice to....?"

"A sitting target!" The voices said together, before a snowball flew and smacked Rainbow Dash in the face.

"Hey! Not cool, ya jerks!" Rainbow growled. "Play nice!"

"What do you call a scared pony in the dark?" The voices asked again. "A NIGHTMARE!" With a crack of thunder, a demonic face appeared, startling Rainbow Dash.

"What do you want?" She asked, frightfully.

"To rain on your parade, little pony," The face replied. "Run and never come back. We're here for your tears and your broken little heart!" Then, a blast of cold wind picked up Rainbow Dash, as the face continues, "We'll drink up your sorrow and feast on your fear. We've swum in sadness you wouldn't believe." Soon, Rainbow was thrown out of the cloud, as the voices continued, "Ponies sobbing off the shoulder of orion. We've watched rainbows glitter with sadness near the Tannhauser Gate. We sang the grievance of your beloved Dragon Prince's departure. All these moments we collect in time, your tears our rain....little pony.....time to cry."

Rainbow screamed, as she plunged towards Equestria. On her way down, a blur of pink came flying past her, nearly clipping one of her wing's feathers off.

"Pinkie Pie?!" Rainbow asked, turning to see her friend, disappear into the storm cloud. "PIIIIIIINKIEEEEEEE!!!!" Rainbow screamed, before she was caught by a Wonderbolt.

"It's okay," The Wonderbolt panted. "We've got you." Before long, the storm cloud began to shift, and turn, before it took the form of a huge bulky giant monster, with lighting aura pulsing from its eyes and maw, huge arms, and a great pair of wings. The monster let out a bloodcurdling scream, as it terrorized the ponies.

"That thing is no ordinary storm cloud!" The Wonderbolt exclaimed, as soon as she sets Rainbow Dash, safely on the ground. "It's a storm beast!"

"No kidding!" Another Wonderbolt added. "What do we do now, Captain Spitfire?"

Turning to Rainbow Dash, Spitfire asked, "Rainbow Dash. You're crazy good at busting clouds. What do you recommend we do?"

Putting on a look of determination, Dash replied, "I need to get back up there!" The cyan pegasus quickly spread her wings out, but quickly retracted, upon feeling a painful sensation running through her wing joints. "AH!"

"I don't think that's a good idea," Another Wonderbolt commented in concern. "I don't know if you noticed it, but your wings looked like linguini right now."

Still determined, Rainbow replied, "I'll get back up there. I don't know if you noticed, but I'm pretty awesome. I'm 'pony newsman's hickory-infused awesome sauce.'TM Leave this to me, I'l have this storm beast crying 'uncle' by morning."

A week later

The storm beast continued its reign of terror across Ponyville, growing bigger and stronger for every ponies' fears and sadness it feasted on. By then, Rainbow Dash's wings finally recovered, and the pegasus was able to fly again, though she continued to face difficulty in resolving the problem, even with the Wonderbolts at her sides.

"Rainbow Dash!" A wonderbolt colt shouted. "We need you up here!"

"Just keep doing what you're doing!" Rainbow replied. "I'll be there in a sec," With a frustrated groan, the colt flew away, as Rainbow turned her attention to Tank, whom she consulted, "I'm trying really hard, but I'm worried, Tank. I couldn't fly for a week after pushing myself last time," Looking back up, she could see the Wonderbolts were failing to defeat and contain the beast. "But this small fry stuff isn't working."

Over the course of the storm beast's rampage, Rainbow had several weather pegasi trying opening clouds, making way for the summer breeze, which didn't work. They tried inner shine, which made more negative, than positive. And the most embarrassing attempt of all, was to shimmy.

"I refuse to give up!" Rainbow said, setting her sight in determination on the beast. "I'm flying again, and I'm going to save the town and Pinkie Pie!" Rainbow frowned, as she muttered. "But I'm hesitating," Rainbow growled, as she stomped her hoof on the ground. "This is so frustrating! I can't remember the last time I failed this bad! This is more frustrating than the last time I've had to clip your toenails, Tank."

With a flap of her wing, Rainbow flew back up in the air, where she confronted the cloud monster, narrowly evading its huge claws, when it tried to swat her away. Rainbow quickly spins herself into a tornado, hoping to leave a dent in the monster's cloudy mass. Instead, it did little to nothing, as the tornado simply bounced off, as if it was nothing. The cloud monster laughed, before he breathed a strong burst of lightning, narrowly singeing then end of Rainbow Dash's tail.

Shaking her head, Rainbow Dash barked, "Listen up, cloud head, it's last chance time. This dance has been too long and I don't like the beat anymore! Leave or I go from toe-tapping to neck-stomping!" Rainbow flew around its neck, as the cloud monster continued to growl menacingly at her words. "I'm sick of people not talking about how awesome I am because they're too wrapped up in their doldrums. Right now, we finish this!"

"It's no use, foolish filly!" A voice spoke from the cloud monster. "Your every defeat fuels our success!" Then, in a clap of thunder, there stood on top of the cloud monster's head, was a small dark cloud-like creature, in the shape of a brain, with two skinny arms. Standing by his side, are two cloud gremlins.

"What the-?" Dash exclaimed. "Who are you?"

"I am Strife," The brain cloud creature answered. "I am the Storm King's second-in-command. I, and my Cloud Gremlin comrades, shall take every last drops of your sadness, and use it all to fuel our cloud-behemoth! You can't stop us!"

With a round of evil cackles, the three villains disappeared back into their cloud beast, as it blasted another bolt of lightning at Dash. Rainbow narrowly dodged the attack, as she continues to fly around the monster.

From within the monster's mass, one of the cloud gremlin gloated, "It's just as Mule Tzu says in 'The Start Of A War.' Do. Not. Mess. With. Us!"

With another clap of thunder, the cloud beast hurled several lightning bolts at Rainbow Dash, who ducked behind several clouds, escaping the blasts, before she flies back, "This is my sky!" Rainbow snarled. "My domain! And you guys are a bunch of trespassing jerks, who are asking to get their butts whooped! You want to get physical? Then let's rumble like apple crumple in the jungle!"

Laughs can be heard from the cloud beast, as it held its hands together, conjuring a bolt of electricity, "Your frustration is delicious!" Strife spoke.

"Thank you!" One of the cloud gremlin gloated.

"Consider your threat ignored!" The other spoke, as the beast fired its lightning bolt at Rainbow, who swirled overhead.

"Consider your faces lame!" Rainbow replied. "Prepare to find out why fillies look up to me, whether I'm in the sky or not. Prepare for the web of rad delights!" With that, Rainbow Dash reached into her saddlebags, and pulled out a rope, which she used to capture the cloud beast in a massive web. With a firm grunt, Rainbow Dash began to pull the rope, with all her strength. "C'mon! C'mon! Move!" Unfortunately, her effort only made the cloud beast bigger and stronger, as it broke free, and grabbed her. "WHAT?! But how?!"

Strife and the cloud gremlins appeared, once again before her, "Did you really think a simple rope trick can get rid of us?!" Strife cackled. "Was that your best shot? Now let us show you ours!"

With a crack of a whip, the cloud beast started to hurl several lightning bolts, down on Ponyville, striking the houses, and frightening several of the inhabitants into a blind stampede. Tank was trying hard to evade the lighting blasts, before he was knocked to the side by one of the frightened ponies.

"TANK!!" Dash screamed, as she flies down to inspect her tortoise, who had withdrawn into his shell. "Tank, are you alright?" She asked, anxiously. "Give me a sign!" Tank complied, sticking one of his leg out, and gave Dash a brohoof. "I'm sorry I let this happen," Dash frowned. "The more I try, the stronger they grow with my failures. And the stronger they grow, the longer Pinkie remains inside of them. It's a cycle and not the cool kind with streamers on the handlebars and a boss pink basket on the front." Dash collapsed on the ground, covering her face in shame, while Tank looked grimly from the side.

Just then, a certain elderly dragon mentor appeared from the trees, and nudged Dash by the shoulder, "Rise up, young warrior," He said. "The fight is not over!"

Dash looked up at Mako, "I can't fight 'em!" She replied. "They're too strong! They have magics! I have nothing!"

Mako looked disapprovingly at Dash, "When you began to take on this challenge, you were determined! Nothing could stop you, like the wind that runs free!" He lectured. "But now that you are down on the ground, are you willing to stay down, forever?!"

"It was easier from the start!" Dash replied.

"The start of a journey is often easier," Mako continued. "But remember, it is not the destination that mattered! It's the journey! Think of all you have accomplished, and what you have learned from your adventures with your friends!"

At the mention of friends, Dash's memories flashed, quickly recalling her moments with the girls, Gilda, and most of all, Spike.

"I've learned plenty, alright," Dash frowned, even more sadly. "Like how I wasn't fast enough for my friends! Just like how I was unable to save Spike from leaving us!"

"There is always going to be a chance, where you fail your friends and yourself," Mako spoke. "But that should not stop you from doing what you know is the right way! You can never be fast enough to save your friends. But you can be smarter for them! This is your fight, young warrior. Do you still wish to surrender?"

Dash though hard on what Mako had told her. Her memories flashed again, as she finds herself thinking about her first race with Gilda, and Spike. How determined Spike was to win the race, how much faith he had in Rainbow and Gilda, and how they worked together as a team, to ensure their victory.

"It ain't over until the fat pony sings!" Spike's words echoed.

With a determined look on her face, Rainbow got up, "No!" She stomped her hoof. "I'm not going to quit! Not now, not ever! Spike's never given up on me before! And I'm not going to give up on my friends!"

Looking up, Dash pondered, 'I've got to be smarter than those goons!' She analyzed the situations, 'But how can I beat these gremlins and cloud monster if every attempt makes them stronger? Our negativity powers them so surely some positivity would break them,' Dash frowned, as she recalled the current situation they were in. 'But where are we going to get some positive thoughts now?'

After a moment of thinking, Dash finally answered, "I got it!" Turning to Mako and Tank, Dash answered, "I don't have to cheer myself up, I've been looking at it all wrong. This isn't about me at all - which is really kind of weird," Dash said bashfully at the last part, while Mako rolled his eyes. "Even if I could make myself happy, it wouldn't be enough.That's a drop in the pond, when we need a storm. I need to inspire everyone. Even more than I naturally do, every day. If I can make every pony feel happy, even for just a moment, I'll be-"


"Ow!" Rainbow yelled, rubbing where she was inflicted on the head. "What you do that for?!" She turned to Mako.

"You talk too much," Mako frowned. "Less talk, more do!"

Still miffed at the elder dragon's action, Rainbow pulled her goggles over her eyes, and spreads her wings. However, she took one last glance at the elder dragon, "One more thing," She began. "If I'm not back by Tuesday, tell the others I love them. At 20% faster, I lost control and couldn't fly for about a week. With what I'm about to do.....I may not be able to fly again." With a final flap of her wings, Rainbow Dash took off, into the air.

With a burst of strength, Rainbow Dash broke through the sound barrier, resulting in another Sonic Rainboom.

"This again?" One of the cloud gremlins grinned deviously. "It didn't work the first time, why would we worry now?"

"Poor pony is going to be very sad when she fails again," The other said, before they both entered a fit of laughter.

Strife however, noticed something else, "Don't laugh yet!" He said, pointing to the ponies. "Look!"

Every pony and creatures below were quickly smiling. Their fears and sorrows evaporated, as they saw colorful lights filling the air for the first time, in a long while.

"Oh my," The little cloud gremlin began. "It's so intense."

The tall cloud gremlin's eyes began to water. "It's....it's...."

"BEAUTIFUL!!!!!" Strife wailed, as Dash delivers another Sonic Rainboom.

"This is for you, Spike," Dash whispered, while picturing the young dragon, flying at her side, on a puff of cloud, before doing the final Sonic Rainboom together.

At the same time, Strife and the Cloud Gremlins felt something stirring within the cloud beast, as it started to fall apart, and broke up into several smaller cloud beasts, courtesy of Pinkie Pie, working from her part of saving the day.

"Ah, the happiness!" The little cloud gremlin wailed. "The goggles, they do nothing!"

The gremlins' spell was broke through the collective happiness of Equestria's ponies, brought about through the wet nosed determination and sacrifice of one pony who could not give up.

Exhausted from her adrenaline, Rainbow plummeted out of the sky, and into the trees of Sweet Apple Acres, where she was caught by Mako, before being handed over to the medical ponies who arrived on the scene.

Today, Equestria honors and celebrate a true selfless hero, who learned from another true selfless hero, or two.

As Dash laid on the gurney that carried her away, she took one last look at the sky, seeing a cloud, shaped like a dragon.

"I did it, Spike," Dash said hoarsely. "I did it, just like you knew.....I......would....." Dash's whole world clouded out.


"Dash?" Spike spoke, snapping the mare back to reality. "You okay there, Dash? You looked kinda zoned out for a moment."

"Oh, yeah, I'm fine," Dash smiled. "I'm just lost in some thoughts of how awesome I am....and you, of course."

"Right...." Spike said, dryly. Just then, their stomachs rumbled, "Whoa. All that adventures we've had really worked up our appetite."

"Hehe, yeah, I guess," Rainbow chuckled.

"Well, let's go get some grubs at Hay Burger," Spike replied. "I'm buying."

"No way," Rainbow retorted. "You did that last time! I'm buying it."

"No way, I insist," Spike countered.

"Not cool, Spike! Let me do it!"

The two looked at each for a moment, before they compromised, "50/50! Are you happy? No! Are you happy? No! Deal!" With that, the two did a series of hoof and hand shakes and fist bumps, before they flew off to get some meal.

Spike and Rainbow Dash were inside a fast food restaurant, where they both had a meal of burgers, fries, and cups of sodas.

"Now this hits the spot," Spike smiled, as he took a bite out of his burger. "Though, I'm not so sure if I'll ever get use to eating these hays," He said, gesturing to the hamburger's patties being made of oats and hays.

"Don't worry, Spike," Rainbow replied, taking a bite out of her fries. "I won't judge." The girl took a bite out of her burger. "So, Spike. After this, what's say we head back to my place and wash up? I mean, let's face it. We really worked up a sweat during our last flight."

"Took the words right out of my mouth," Spike replied, while cringing at his own odor.

After they had their meal, they flew back to Rainbow's house in the sky.

"Whoa," Spike marveled, noting its cloudy base structures that formed the tall pillars around it, and rainbow waters that flowed from the top, down to the bottom as waterfalls.

"He he, I guess I've never had you over, huh?" Dash asked, with Spike shaking his head in response.

Once inside, Spike took notice of how the inside of the house was more brilliant than it looked from the outside, with portions of the walls decorated in posters and merchandises of the Wonderbolts.

"Wow," Spike gasped.

Seeing how Spike was taking a liking to her home, Rainbow gestured to a nearby sofa, “Why don't you get comfortable, Spike?” Dash suggested. “I’ll be back, in a flash.”

"Ok." Spike said, as he kicked back on the couch, as the girl went to take a bath.

Spike was left to look around the house, looking at all the collections of Wonderbolts merchandises, some sports awards she's earned over the years, as well as pictures of herself, the girls, and her families. Spike smiled, seeing all the mementos displayed, before he sets his sight on a picture of him, Rainbow, and Gilda, as children during their times at the Junior Speedster's Flight Camp. Another was of him and Dash, together with Twilight and the rest of the girls of Ponyville.

Spike smiled at all the good old days they've had as kids, before he noticed a piece of news article from the Equestria Daily, telling the story about Rainbow Dash saving Ponyville from a Cloud Beast's rampage. It was only about ten minutes, by the time Spike finished reading the whole story.

"Wow, Rainbow Dash," He gasped. "I'm impressed."

"Amazing story, huh?"

“Sure is," Spike replied, as he turned to face Rainbow Dash. "When were you go-BWAH!!” Spike exclaimed.

There stood, Rainbow Dash, in her anthro form. What’s really eye catching was the fact that she stood, clad in only her undergarments, while her hair was wrapped up in a towel, like a turban.

Rainbow’s bra is colored dark blue, with her rainbow lightning bolt on the left cup, while her panties are rainbow colored, just like her mane and tail. Except they had pink cute bunnies hopping around with smiles.

Spike gawked, losing control of his powers, turning into a puffer fish, and bloated.

"Dash!” Spike groaned. “What the hell?”

“What? This is how I relax at home.” Rainbow replied nonchalantly. “Besides, it’s just the two of us.”

“Yeah, but.....can’t breathe,” Spike groans, clearly on the verge of losing oxygen, being a fish out of water, literally.

“Come on, Spike,” Dash said, smiling mischievously. “Get a grip on yourself! You can’t let my awesome good look be the death of you!”

“I’m trying,” Spike groaned, struggling to revert himself back to human form. Soon, Spike changes back into a human, breathing more naturally. “I’m okay, Dash,” Spike panted. “I’m okay.”

Dash laughed, “You goofball!” She said, as she walked over and sat on the couch. "Just a few more minutes, and I'd have to flush you away, down the toilet."

Spike's eyes widened, "You wouldn't!"

"Nope, I wouldn't," She smirked. "I'll just fill up the bathtub again, and give you a scrub, myself."

"Uh, thanks, but no thanks," Spike replied, as went to take his shower. ‘First Pinkie Pie, and now Rainbow Dash?’ He thought. ‘Not that I don’t like it and all, but still.....’

Surprisingly, the bathroom in Rainbow Dash's house operates just like any other bathrooms in every other houses, that are built on a ground level. After adjusting the water's temperature, Spike soon got himself undressed, as he stepped in and lets the water spray over him, before lathering the soap all over his body, ridding himself of the stench, before he applied some shampoo and conditioners to his hair. After his shower was done, Spike pulled out a deodorant stick from one of his cape's inner pockets. Much to his surprise, Spike also found himself a spare set of fresh clothes, from his cape, with a note that reads:

Dear Spike,

In case of stinky clothe emergency.


Pinkie Pie

Rolling his eyes, Spike smiled as he got himself changed, and walked outside to meet up with Rainbow Dash, still in her undergarments. The girl was standing in the doorway, leaning by the frame, with her back turned, before she heard Spike’s footsteps and turned her head.

"Hey Spike!" Rainbow waved the boy over. "You're just in time to see the sunset!"

Spike blushed, as he tries not to look at her, too directly, so as to not give her the wrong message.

"Don't you think you might want to put some clothes on?" Spike asked.

"Hey, give a girl to feel free and good about herself," Rainbow smirked, while putting a hand on her hip. "Besides, it's not like you haven't seen me without clothes on, before."

"That was because you're....y'know, a pony?"

"Newsflash, Spike. Even in this anthro form, I'm still a pony."

"Loopholes," Spike muttered.

"And it's not like I haven't seen you without clothes on," Rainbow added. "Y'know, whenever you dragon up, your clothes disappear. You know that?"

Spike blushed, while feeling tensed up, "Yeah. I still don't know how that happens," He muttered.

"Me neither," Rainbow replied casually. "But I don't care," Walking outside, Rainbow patted a spot on the cloud, for Spike to sit on. "Come on. Sit, and enjoy the show. And by show, I don't mean me, mind you."

"Don't worry, I'm not like that," Spike grumbled. "At least, not too much," Rainbow chuckled, as both she and Spike watched the sunset.

Rainbow stretched her arms, before she puts her hands behind her head, and reclined, "Today was a lot of fun, huh?" Spike nodded in agreement. "Sad that it had to end soon," Rainbow frowned.

"Mmm-hmm," Spike replied in equal solemn. "But at least there will always be some other funs in the nearest future."

Rainbow nodded her head, "I guess," Just then, Rainbow groaned as she grabbed her shoulders.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Spike asked.

"Just a few kinks in my shoulders," Dash groaned. "Probably from all the adventures we've had today. Y'know?"

"Here, let me have a look," With that, Spike got around Dash, and placed his hands around the rainbow maned pegasus girl's shoulders, and massaged them.

"Whoa, that felt good," Rainbow moaned in relaxation, her wings erecting in response. "Since when have you massaged someone?"

"Oh, it just so happens that I've done this for mom, once in a while, whenever she goes to sleep," Spike answered. "Believe it or not, she's had a backache for centuries, ever since she tangled with Mako some times ago."

"Heh, a momma's boy lil the end," Rainbow smirked. 'And a ladies' man,' She thought.

"I aim to please," Spike replied, as he continues to massage Rainbow's shoulders, earning some relaxing moans from her, before he finished. Rainbow gave her arms a few stretches, "Feeling better?" Spike asked.

"One hundred percent," Rainbow smiled, before she pulled her turban off, letting her hair blow freely in the wind. "Thanks Spike."

"You're welcome," Next thing Spike knew, he was pulled in a hug.

"Don't ever stop being awesome, Spike," Rainbow whispered, as she held him close, and ruffled his hair affectionately. "Please? And don't ever stop being a hero."

Spike returned the embrace, while shifting into dragon form, and wrapped his wings around Dash, "How can I, when I have someone as awesome and heroic, like you and the girls?" Spike asked. "And you're anything than a nobody, Dash. You're a 100% awesome to me," The two parted, as Rainbow looked at him, with a smile, and her eyes welling up in tears. "Aw, Dash. Are you crying?"

"No, I'm not," Dash sobbed. "It's liquid pride. Totally different thing. Of course I'm crying, you big purple goofball!" Reacting on instinct, Dash quickly planted her lips on Spike's, taking him by surprise.

Slowly letting the warm, fuzzy feeling wash over him, Spike, once again lets instinct take over as he wrapped his arms around Rainbow’s waist, pulling her close to deepen the kiss. Rainbow Dash’s wings quickly erected once more, as both she and Spike started to get a bit more riled up with their make out.

To Rainbow Dash, this was the happiest moment of her life. Here she was, making out with the dragon whom she’s admired since the first day she met him, who helped her win her first race and performed the legendary Sonic Rainboom, and who believed in her, every steps of the way. It’s a wonder why she would be crying, while kissing her lover at the same time.

Meanwhile, Spike still finds this all so new to him, 'What's happening to me?' He asked himself mentally. 'What's going on with me and the girls? Never before in my wildest dreams or fantasy would I ever envision myself and the girls like this, but the way I'm experiencing this with Rainbow Dash right now, it's just...amazing.....like I never wanted it to end....'

Soon, the two fell on the cloud as they started to roll around, trying to fight each other for dominance, still kissing and all.

Finally, the two parted to catch a breath, with Spike on the top, with Rainbow on the bottom, “Wow,” Rainbow panted. “You never told me how passionate you can be.”

“I’d say the same for you, Dash,” Spike said, breathtaking heavily. “Heck, I knew you would be the wild type. But not this wild.”

“Remember Spike,” Dash grinned, before she skillfully got Spike off, and quickly straddled on top of him, at the chest, “I’m full of surprises,” Rainbow said, seductively giving him a good view of her whole physique, clad in her underwear, illuminated by the sunset behind her.

“Besides, admit it. Seeing me like this has turned you on, hasn’t it?” Rainbow asked seductively, while bending down, giving him a view of her cleavage contained in her bra.

"Oh yeah," Spike said in monotone, before he snapped back to his senses. "I mean, no! No! Not a chance! I mean, yes you look sexy this way. But I-I-I don't-"

"Oh, shut up and kiss me," Rainbow quickly silenced him, with another pounce for his mouth.

Once again, the two passionately make out, with their tongues battling for dominance in their mouths, and their hands roaming freely over their bodies. At first, Spike wanted to cop a feel of he breast, but decided against it, and stroked her wings instead. In response, Rainbow blushed and giggled at the feel of his hands on her wings. It reminded her of the time she first showed off her wings to him, while beckoning him to feel them with his hands, during their first day of his dragon training, in ten years.

Seeing how aroused Rainbow is, when he felt her strong, and yet soft, wings, Spike took it up a notch, as his hands trailed up, along the wing muscles, further arousing her.

"Spike," Dash moaned in arousal. "Stop~" It was no use, Dash was quickly overwhelmed by the hot passionate feeling that washed over her, threatening to burst out of her chest, while inadvertently lets herself off of Spike, only the young dragon to jump free, before he tackled her, albeit lightly.

"I knew there was someone softer underneath that tough exterior," Spike grinned.

"Two can play at that," Rainbow smirked, quickly beating her wings, together with her hands at Spike's stomach. Little known fact, dragons are heavily armored along the back and head. Their soft underbelly, however, is another story.

Spike couldn't help but laugh, as he succumbs to his ticklish spot, and once again, lost control of himself, before he turned into a fish again, "Awww, man," He groaned, before he was picked up by Rainbow Dash.

"Relax, Spike," Rainbow grinned. "I won't let you suffocate by my awesome look again," Before Spike could say another word, Rainbow clamped her jaws on his, causing him to bloat. If he can fly, then he would definitely float away right now, as a literal balloon fish.

Regaining control of himself, and his loving thoughts, Spike turned back into a human, "I really need to work on that," He panted.

"Don't worry, Spike," Rainbow sat down next to him, changing in human form. "Dragon, dog, human, even fish, you're still awesome to me," She said as she lovingly nuzzled her cheek close to him.

Spike grinned, as he held Dash close, "Feeling's mutual, Dash," He replied, before an idea came to him. "Say, Dash. Have you ever ridden a dragon before?"

"Uh, can't say I have," Dash replied, unsure of where Spike was going.

"Well, what say I take you on another adventure before we call it a night?" Spike offered.

Soon, Spike was back in dragon form, as he flapped his wings, carrying Rainbow Dash on his back, while flying under his aunt's beautiful night.

Rainbow Dash was enjoying the rush of the cold wind, blowing across her face, through her hair, and at the bare parts of her body.

Dash smiled, before she leaned her head forward, and embraced Spike around his neck, "Oh, Spike," She sighed. "I love you."

Once they returned to Dash's house, Spike carried her in bed, and gently placed her down, before pulling her blanket over herself.

"See ya, Dash," Spike was about to take his leave, when Dash got up.

"Wait!" She said. "Can we have, just one more?"

Spike turned to face Dash, looking tired, but lovingly. Once more, Spike couldn't find it in himself to deny her request, as he got in bed with her, and they kissed passionately once more.

[Céline Dion - I'm Alive]

Author's Note:

The flashback of Spike's past trainings are from The Forbidden Kingdom (starring: Jackie Chan and Jet Li).

The Cloud Gremlins are from MLP Micro Series Comic #2. Strife appears in the MLP Movie prequel comics.

Meanwhile, the interactions between Rainbow Dash and Spike are inspired by Wildcard25's Freshman Blues, and from the fan comic by Destinkim.

Oh, and I blame Rated-Ponystar for giving me the other idea.

Pinkie's Scoreboard

1. Twilight Sparkle: 0
2. Rainbow Dash: 4
3. Applejack: 2
4. Rarity: 0
5. Fluttershy: 2
6. Pinkie Pie: 2
7. Sunset Shimmer: 1
8. Fleur-De-Lis: 5
9. Lyra Heartstrings: 0
10. Bon-Bon: 0
11. Starlight Glimmer: 0
12. Trixie Lulamoon: 0
13. Dragon Lord Ember: 2
14. Mina: 0
15. Gilda: 0
16. Gabby: 1
17. Princess Skystar: 0
18. Queen Neira: 1
19. Sunny Flare: 0
20. Indigo Zap: 0
21. Sugarcoat: 0
22. Sour Sweet: 0
23. Lemon Zest: 0
24. Rara: 0
25. Coco Pommel: 0

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