• Published 27th Jan 2017
  • 718 Views, 60 Comments

Tainted Silver - Bluecatcinema

The history of Sterling Cross, revealed at last.

  • ...

A Mother's Touch

To nopony's surprise, Sterling still had a pounding headache as he worked in the orchard that afternoon. He would have preferred to take the day off, but he still needed the money to get out of Equestria, so he pressed on, in spite of the fact that even the sound of cherries dropping was enough to make him feel like there were hammers beating against his skull.

'Ugh, I am never drinking again...' Sterling thought, as he gathered up the fallen cherries.

"Mighty good a' ya to still be workin' today, Sterling." Big Red declared. He was wearing an ice pack under his head, to soothe his own pounding headache. "That's sum work ethic ya got there..."

"Hey, I still need the money." Sterling shrugged. "And sooner rather than later. So I gotta keep working, hangover or no hangover."

"Still mighty admirable." Big Red smiled. "Ain't nuthin' more honorable than a stallion who sticks tah his goals, no matter what."

"I'm guessing that's the same reason you're still out here?" Sterling asked.

"Nah." Big Red chuckled. "Ah'm out here cuz Ah love mah work. Harvestin' cherries, makin' delicious food an' drink outta them... that's mah callin'. Besides, I've had worse hangovers, and powered on through 'em."

"And you think I'm admirable." Sterling shook his... and got a twinge in his brain for his troubles. "Ow..."

"Some stallions jest have a stronger tolerance." Big Red chuckled. "No offense..."

"None taken." Sterling rubbed his head. "Don't suppose you've got another one of those ice packs handy?"

"Ya can have mine." Big Red took off his hat. "I'm through the worst of it anyway."

"Thanks, big guy." Sterling smiled, placing the pack on his head. "Ah, that's the stuff..."

"Mah pleasure." Big Red grinned. "Besides, Ah'm the one who invited ya tah the party in the first place. Only fair..."

'That Red.' Sterling thought, as he returned to his work. 'Such a great guy. I'm sure gonna miss him when I finally leave this place...'

Meanwhile, back at the homestead, Cherry was glancing out of the kitchen window, in the direction of the orchard. She was still thinking about what Sterling had drunkenly said the night before.

'"Trying not to be seen"... "They're watching me"...What did he mean by that?' She wondered. 'It would be easy to pass it off as drunken mumblings, but the look on his face when he said it... so serious, so earnest, so worried...'

At that moment, Globe entered the kitchen. He had dropped off a couple of bushels full of cherries at the storehouse, and had come into the kitchen to get a glass of water.

"Hey, mom." He smiled.

"Hi, Globe." Cherry beamed. "Working hard?"

"You know it." Globe nodded. "And so are Huckleberry and Eclipse."

"Wonderful." Cherry smiled. "I'll be sure to make you all a nice, big dinner tonight."

"Mmm, I'm looking forward to it." Globe grinned, as he filled a glass with tap water. After finishing his drink, he noticed Cherry had returned to gazing out of the window. "Is everything okay, mom?" He asked. "You look a little... preoccupied."

"Oh, I'm just... thinking about this and that." Cherry mused.

"Okay..." Globe frowned, not exactly satisfied by her answer.

"...You like having Sterling around, don't you, Globe?" Cherry asked suddenly.

"Well, yeah." Globe nodded. "He's a really nice guy."

"Yes, he is." Cherry agreed. "But don't you think it's a little strange how he's been staying with us all this time, yet we still don't know that much about him?"

"I guess..." Globe mused. "But maybe he's just the quiet type?"

"I suppose.." Cherry frowned. "But he's been here for weeks, and he hasn't seen fit to share any of his past with us. It's almost like he has something to hide."

"Wh-what?" Globe laughed awkwardly. "Why would he have something to hide? Why would anypony around here have something to hide?"

"...You do have a point there." Cherry said awkwardly. "Still, it wouldn't hurt for Sterling to be more open with us. We did take him into our home, after all."

"I'm sure he will." Globe smiled, ever the optimist. "Let's just give him some time."

"We'll see..." Cherry frowned.

"Well, I've gotta get back out there." Globe declared. "See you later, mom."

"Goodbye, dear." Cherry nodded.

After Globe departed, Cherry returned to her worries.

'I hope you're right about Sterling, Globe.' She thought. 'But if you're not... if Sterling really is keeping something from us, and if that something threatens this family... I'll make him sorry he ever came here.'

Miles away, at the Taskforce headquarters, the Taskforce was still hard at work trying to locate Sterling. However, their search still bore no fruit. Black and Ballista were in the operations room, going over several files and reports on Sterling.

"Unbelievable." Black sighed. "Dozens of case reports, and nothing useful in any of 'em."

"And our pals over in Bitaly haven't had much luck either, I'm afraid." Armory entered the room. "Just got off the mirror with them."

“How long does it usually take for the mob to find somepony?” Black frowned. “I mean, with an empire as big as Napoleons’, you think they would be able to find a guy quickly.”

“Well, it’s not like they’re trying to find Waldo, mate.” Ballista scoffed, “This is a pony who really doesn’t want to be found. I betcha right now those pasta munchers are doing the same thing we’re doing and trying to get some dirt on him so they could find the guy.”

“And while they’re doing that, we are stuck here with no leads.” Black shook his head.

“Well, maybe Master Mind and Incognito had some better luck.” Armory suggested.

"I'm afraid not." Master Mind declared, as he Incognito, and Elite joined them. "Aside from the file we already have on Sterling, we couldn’t find anything of value."

"No bank account, no home, no nothing." Incognito added.

“Doesn’t that beat all?” Black grunted in frustration.

"So it appears we're no closer to finding Sterling." Elite mused.

"Yep." Black nodded. "We've run into one giant dead end."

“Well, maybe not.” Master Mind declared.

“Oh, how you figure?” Black frowned.

“Think about it.” Master Mind explained. “Sterling doesn’t seem to have anything resembling a bank account, and since he is believed to be rogue, it stands to reason that he doesn’t have access to the Forefathers’ funds. That could only mean that Sterling himself has no cash. Without any money, he can’t get far. By that logic, Sterling must still be in Equestria.”

“But he could'easily hitch-hiked. That’s how he traveled from Deerbai to Cairode to burn down his house.” Incognito growled, as he glared at Elite. “By the way, still not liking this plan.”

“Oh, come off it, mate.” Ballista huffed.

“Master isn’t wrong, though. If Sterling is without funds, he can’t really get anywhere quickly.” Armory admitted. “And I doubt he would risk exposing himself trying to stow away on an airship.”

“My thoughts exactly. With the Forefathers out in the open, authorities are more wary of possible agents.” Master Mind nodded. “That said, Sterling would want to draw as little attention to himself as possible. By that conclusion, he’s probably holding out in some small town somewhere.”

“...Well, that does make sense.” Black agreed.

"Not that it helps us." Incognito scoffed, “There has to be like dozens in Equestria, and that’s not counting those not big enough to get on the map.”

“Hey, it’s better than nothing.” Armory said matter-of-factly.

“But will it help us find Sterling before the Forefathers?” Black asked.

“It won’t be easy, that’s for sure, but we have to try.” Ballista declared. “Besides, it's not just us looking for him. On top of Titan and the mob, we have contacts all over keeping an eye for him, and we even have Barbossa helping us out by going to that brother of his.”

“...Yes, which leads us to our other problem.” Elite sighed.

“Other problem?” Black frowned, “What? Did Barbossa’s talk with Crystal not go well?”

“Well, it did, but not in a way we liked.” Elite mused, “Crystal expressed his intent on helping us in our search for Sterling Cross.”

“Isn’t that good, though?” Incognito asked, “With the Haygyptian government helping us, we would find him twice as fast.”

“Yeah, what’s the problem?” Master Mind questioned.

“A few, actually.” Elite declared, “Barbossa and I believe that Crystal has ulterior motives in wanting to find Sterling.”

“Ulterior motives?” Black repeated.

“Yes.” Elite nodded. “Apparently, there has been many rumors about Crystal. Very troublesome ones. In fact, we aren’t so sure if what Crystal had to say regarding Sterling is true either.”

“And what exactly did Crystal have to say about Sterling?” Incognito glared.

“Right now, that isn’t important.” Elite said firmly. “All we know for sure is Crystal is very insistent on aiding on in this ponyhunt. There is no doubt in my mind that if and when we find Sterling, he will do everything in his power to have him put in his custody, and have Sterling either thrown in a deep hole or killed.”

“Look, I’m not a big fan of politicians either, but are you sure that this will be the case?” Ballista frowned.

“Barbossa believes he’s hiding something, and I believe him.” Elite nodded. “There might be more to this than we realize.”

“Maybe Crystal just wants his scumbag brother put in jail.” Incognito scowled. “Not everything is a conspiracy.”

“Look, I know all of this is just speculation right now.” Elite admitted. “But if we intend on recruiting Sterling, we can’t take any chances with Crystal.”

“But what can we do?” Ballista asked, “We can’t just tell him to get lost. Crystal might think something's up and go over our heads.”

“Yes, and I can’t imagine Crystal reacting so kindly to us having a former terrorist and criminal on our team.” Elite admitted, before sighing. “Had I known Crystal possessed such vitriol towards his brother, I wouldn’t have sent Barbossa to talk to him.”

“Where is Barbossa anyways?” Master Mind asked.

“Still in Haygypt.” Elite declared. “There's still some leads that he wishes to follow up on before returning to Equestria. He already sent Professor Alchemy back, though.”

“Oh, I’m sure our feathered stress case would like that.” Incognito scoffed.

“That’s why we won’t tell him.” Elite declared. “Right now, we need all hooves and claws on deck here.”

“Still, we're not doing so well.” Black frowned. “Not only do we have to find Sterling before the Forefathers, but now we have to find him before his brother butts in.”

“True… however, Barbossa was able to throw a wrench into the works.” Elite revealed.

“What d'ya mean by that, Elite?" Ballista asked.

“Barbossa gave him the wrong mirror connection.” Elite smirked, “Right now, probably as we speak, Crystal is on the line with the RDL call centre.”

“Funny, I never heard of that department.” Black frowned.

“Well, it is the mirror connection and phone number we give all the whiners and rabble-rousers.” Elite explained. “We’re talking hours upon hours of staying on the line, while listening to boring hold music, being passed back and forth between representatives, and having your ‘option 1’ be confused for ‘option 2’.”

“Sounds awful.” Black cringed. “How long would it take for a pony to get you on the line?”

"Longer than you'd think." Elite smirked. "Much longer..."

"Aw, yeah." Ballista chuckled. "One poor sucker waited nearly a week before losing his marbles."

"Oh-ho." Black snorted. "That Crystal clown is in for it now..."

“At best, Barbossa bought us at least two to three weeks before Crystal gives up and come over here to Equestria himself.” Elite explained. “That means more time for us to find Sterling without any interference.”

“Well, then let’s get back to it then.” Ballista smirked.

"If we have to..." Black sighed.

"It could be worse." Incognito smirked. "At least you're sitting down, in this nice, warm room. I'm the one going outside and chasing down leads."

"I'll gladly trade." Black offered.

"Yeah... no." Incognito shrugged. "Somehow, all this paperwork doesn't seem worth it. Reminds me of study hall back in school."

"Funny, that was one of my favorite parts of school." Master Mind smiled.

"I don't see you lining up for this." Black frowned.

"I'm nostalgic, not idiotic." Master Mind grinned.

"We'd better find Sterling soon." Black sighed. "If nothing else than to make him handle some of the future paperwork..."

"No kidding." Armory chuckled.

"I will admit, it is one of the dullest parts of the job." Elite declared. "Think of it as incentive to find Sterling."

"No arguments, mate." Ballista chuckled.

Back in Dodge Junction, the sun was starting to set. Sterling, Big Red, and the boys had returned home for dinner, which happened to be a generous helping of tumbleweed stew and cactus juice smoothies. While the others wolfed down their food, Sterling ate more slowly, fearful that his stomach would not be able to handle too much after what happened the night before.

"Mmm." Globe smiled, as he swallowed another mouthful of stew. "Great food, mom."

"Yep." Big Red agreed. "Five star work as always, darlin'."

"Thank you, boys." Cherry beamed. "It's always nice to know my efforts are appreciated."

"That's an understatement." Eclipse grinned. "You're the best chef I've ever known."

"Yeah." Huckleberry agreed. "Maybe you should open up your own restaurant."

"Oh, hush." Cherry said humbly. "I'm not interested in that. I just want to keep my family's stomach's full."

"And you do a great job." Big Red smiled. "Right, Sterling?"

"Definitely." Sterling nodded. "This is really good stuff, Cherry."

"...Thank you, Sterling." Cherry said tersely. "Eat it all up, now."

"...Sure." Sterling nodded, perturbed by Cherry's sudden change in attitude. "I'm just... making sure to savor each bite."

"That's very nice of you." Cherry declared, giving Sterling a weak half-smile. "You may not say too much, but when you do, it's usually good things. Almost like you're just saying what we want to hear..."

"Nah, he's jest that good a guy!" Big Red slapped Sterling on the back.

"Thanks, Red." Sterling cringed.

"Any time, pal." Big Red grinned. "Any time."

Since Sterling was still eating slowly, he was the last to finish his meal, watching Big Red and the boys finish up their own, drop their plates in the sink then depart from the kitchen.

"Ah think ah'll jest take a nice bath before bed." Big Red declared. "Ah've been itchin' tah try out that new cherry-scented soap..."

"Later, Sterling." Globe told him as he left the room.

"Great work out there today, big guy." Huckleberry declared.

"Eh, it was okay." Eclipse shrugged. "You're getting better, that's for sure."

"Gee, thanks, feathers." Sterling snorted. "I think pretty highly of you, too."

Eclipse rolled his eyes as he followed his brothers out of the kitchen.

Sterling finished the final mouthfuls of his meal. As he stood up, he realized that Cherry was looking at him in an odd way.

"Uhh... good kids, am I right?" He said awkwardly, walking in the direction of the living room. "Especially Globe."

"Yes, they are." Cherry smiled, getting up and following him. "Having them here has made my and Red's life so much richer."

"That's... Really nice to hear." Sterling declared.

"You know, Sterling, adopting those three was one of the best decisions Red and I ever made." Cherry announced. "We were always happy together, but it seemed like there was always room for more."

"So why adopt?" Sterling asked. "Why not have foals of your own?"

"Unfortunately, Red is sadly, shall we say... Lacking in that department." Cherry frowned.

"Oh." Sterling cringed. "Sorry, I didn't mean to-"

"That's all right." Cherry declared. "It's a simple​ fact. Nothing more, nothing less. We were fortunate, though. Having those three little darlings enter our lives. If I didn't know better, I'd say they were a gift from Faust herself. Ever since Red and I took them in, there hasn't been a day that I haven't counted our lucky stars for Globe, Huckleberry and Eclipse. Having them here was like a whole new beginning for us."

"You don't say." Sterling replied.

"I do say." Cherry nodded. "Being a mother has brought great joy into my life. I really do love those boys with all of my heart."

"That's nice-" Sterling started.

"And if anypony were to threaten them, harm them, or even mislead them... well, I wouldn't like that at all." Cherry's smile gave way to a frown. "Anypony who dares to mess with my boys will have to deal with me. It doesn't matter who they are, from a complete stranger to a family friend... I would show them no mercy."

"...Ooookay." Sterling cringed, unnerved by Cherry's fierce expression. "Thanks for sharing..."

"My pleasure." Cherry smirked. "Now if you'll excuse me, those dishes won't wash themselves."

Cherry returned to the kitchen, leaving Sterling to try and comprehend just what had gotten into her.

'Whoa, that was intense.' He frowned. 'Wonder what brought that on... Can't have been me. We've been getting along okay lately.' He shrugged. 'Still, you can't deny the lady loves her kids, and wants to protect them. Now that's a real mother right there. Too bad I couldn't have had one of those...'

Many years ago...

Naturally, Sterling awoke the morning after his mission with Ricochet to the experience of his first hangover.

"Oh, my buckin' Faust..." He groaned, clutching his head. "Who let the drummer in my head?"

"Rrf! Rrf!" Ward barked, awoken by Sterling's groans.

"Ahh!" Sterling cringed. "Easy, Ward! Daddy's got a monster migraine this morning. So please, try and keep it down!"

"Rooo..." Ward whined.

"Aw, jeez, I'm sorry, pal." Sterling patted Ward's head. "I didn't mean to snap like that. Forgive me?"

Ward licked Sterling's hoof in response.

"Thanks, pal." Sterling smiled. "Now, let's get you a bowl of kibble, and me a bowl of aspirin."

Despite the consequences of his time with Ricochet, Sterling had made it a point to try and loosen up in the following months. He knew now that if he was going to continue to work for the Forefathers, he would need something to distract himself from the doubts he has been experiencing.

And what better way than with other comrades?

One morning, Sterling was enjoying breakfast with several of his fellow agents, such as Clay and Baritone.

"Glad you could join us for breakfast, Sterling." Clay declared.

"No problem." Sterling smiled. "How are things with you guys?"

"Not so bad." Baritone admitted. "I'll admit, it was tough at first, living with the loss of Alto and Tenor, but I'm getting better."

"Good for you, pal." Sterling patted him on the shoulder.

“Hey, have you guys heard about that Solomon fella?” Clay asked.

Sterling’s ears perked at the mention of the lightning stallion’s name.

“Yeah, the others were talking about him.” Granite declared. “They say he's been hard at work, climbing up the ranks. He’s an elite agent now, I hear.”

"What?!" Sterling gaped.

"I heard that too." Baritone nodded. "Shot up the hierarchy like a weed."

"Wow, that was fast." Clay mused. "'Course, it doesn't hurt your career when you can shoot lightning out of your hooves."

"'Scuse me." Sterling suddenly stood up.

"What's wrong, Sterling?" Clay asked.

"Nothing." Sterling lied. "Just gonna... do some training."

"Very well." Baritone nodded. "Have fun."

As Sterling walked out of the cafeteria, he considered what he had just heard.

'This could be a problem.' He mused. 'Solomon so high up on food chain. He could be an even bigger pain in the neck. Why is why I've got to keep up my own good work...'

Sterling increased his training regiment, pushing himself hard than ever. But he didn't forget to make time for some fun. One morning, he was in his quarters, playing tug o' war with Ward.

"I'm gonna beat ya this time!" He chuckled. "Just you wait and see!"

"Grrr!" Ward snarled as he tugged on the rope with all his might.

Just then, there was a knock at the door.

"Who's there?" Sterling called, letting go of the rope and allowing Ward to win.

"Ruff!" Ward yipped happily.

"It's me, kid." Jetstream's voice called. "Got a mission for ya. Loveless is already in the operations room, so let's get moving."

"You got it." Sterling nodded. He glanced at Ward, who was happily chewing on his hard-won rope. "Enjoy that while you can. Next time, it's all mine..."

Sterling joined Jetstream, and together, they hurried over to the operations room.

"Ah, there you are." Loveless smiled as they entered. "Prompt as always."

"You know me, I aim to please." Sterling grinned. "So, what's today's caper?"

"There is a summit being held in Aerovis, with several Senators and representative of countries all over the world in attendance." Loveless announced.

“Ugh, more politicians?” Sterling groaned, still remembering his mission with Ricochet.

“I’m afraid so.” Loveless admitted, “One of the matters that will be up for discussion during this summit is a bill to fund international efforts to have ancient ruins and buildings restored."

"And... what does that have to do with us?" Sterling asked. “I mean, this place is old, but I don’t think many ponies know it even exists.”

“We’re not referring to Infinity, kid.” Jetstream rolled his eyes.

“Yes. You see, this mission is actually a favor to one of our fellow Ouroboros.” Loveless frowned.

“Oh, really? Which one? Doc, Gridlock… Ricochet?” Sterling guessed.

“You haven’t met him yet.” Loveless explained, “This Ouroboros doesn’t hang around here very often, what with him being very busy with ‘official matters’.”

“I see… and what is this favor, exactly?” Sterling asked.

“You see, he has this project of his in the works.” Loveless clarified, “And he has been spending months in a couple of ruins in the outskirts of Equestria, trying to decipher some scriptures they found in there.”

“...Okay…” Sterling frowned in confusion.

“Yeah, to be honest, I don’t know what’s going on down there myself.” Loveless admitted, “But our fellow Ouroboros is afraid that if this bill were to pass, those so-called ‘renovation’ crews will come poking around, and possibly uncover what it is he’s trying to do and ruin his project before it can begin.”

“And that’s where we come in.” Jetstream told Sterling, “You and me have got to get over to that summit and... 'persuade' as many senators as we can not to vote for the bill to pass... by fair means or foul."

"Okay, that sounds like an important mission." Sterling nodded.

"Of course, you're going to need disguises for this mission." Loveless declared. "I've always found that blackmail and coercion go much more smoothly when you wear a different face..."

"Then let's get into wardrobe, kid." Jetstream smirked.

Hours later, Sterling and Jetstream were almost unrecognizable; Jetstream had donned a fake beard and eyepatch (over the scarred left eye), while Sterling wore a false mustache and a wig that made him appear to have a longer mane. They also both wore business suits.

"Now we're ready to go." Jetstream grinned.

"Easy for you to say." Sterling scowled, scratching his head. "This wig itches."

"So does the beard, but I'm not complaining." Jetstream shrugged. "Now, let's get moving. Aerovis awaits."

“Don’t you think the eye-patch is a little much?” Sterling asked.

“Hey, chicks digs battle scars.” Jetstream smirked, “Just because we are going in disguise doesn’t mean we can’t play up our personas.”

“Easy for you to say.” Sterling frowned. “I look like some middle-aged beatnik”

“Quit your bellyaching.” Jetstream rolled his eyes. “Our airship leaves in a hour.”

"Coming..." Sterling groaned, still scratching his head.

The two made their way to the airfield, stopping by the armory to pick up a couple of crossbows. Minutes later, the airship took off, carrying them to their destination.

"Now remember, I am Senator Canter Step from Maretonia, and you are Junior Senator Coralmane from Costa Reinca." Jetstream reminded Sterling. "Since neither of those nations officially agreed to attend the summit, we used a contact of ours to arrange our attendance. There we will meet our associate."

"Got it." Sterling nodded. 'My parents always wanted me to be a politician.' He thought. 'If they could see me now, about to make a mockery of their precious profession...'

Hours later, they arrived in the skies above Aerovis.

"There it is." Jetstream smiled. "The Griffon nation itself."

"Funny, I heard the Griffons originated over near Equestria." Sterling frowned.

"Not exactly." Jetstream shrugged. "A whole bunch emigrated there a few centuries back. That was before Aerovis was the thriving country it is today. And considering Griffonstone's recent troubles, it's easy to mix 'em up."

"...Gee, thanks for clearing that up." Sterling snorted.

"History lessons were never my strong suit." Jetstream shrugged. "Now get ready. We're about to land."

The airship landed on the main airfield, just outside the parliamentary building where the summit was being held. After taking a moment to ensure their disguises were still in place, Sterling and Jetstream entered.

"Senator Canter Step from Maretonia, and Junior Senator Coralmane from Costa Reinca." Jetstream told the Griffon at the front desk. "We're here for the summit."

"Of course." The Griffon fished under her desk, and handed them some identification badges. "First door on your left."

"Thank you." Sterling smiled, as he pinned the badge to the lapel of his suit.

Jetstream and Sterling made their way down the corridor, entering through the door to the main room, which was filled with Senator and other such political officials, most of them seated, others standing, and talking amongst themselves. They were mostly ponies, but there were several delegates from other species too.

"Check out all the political bigwigs." Sterling whispered.

"Yeah, no kidding." Jetstream snorted. "See that guy over there?" He pointed out a haughty-looking Unicorn stallion with a red mane, brown coat and brown eyes, lounging in his seat. "He's some big-headed Prince from this impossible-to-pronounce country."

"Think we'll have to 'convince' him not to vote for the bill?" Sterling asked.

"Absolutely not." Jetstream sneered. "The guy only cares about himself. He'd never give so much as a dented Bit for a project like this one."

“Sounds like a ‘prince’ alright.” Sterling scoffed, “Hopefully our Ouroboros friend isn’t an stuck-up bucker like that guy.”

“Funny you should say that…” Jetstream murmured.

“Wait, what are you-” Sterling frowned.

The red-maned Prince took notice of the two, and his haughty gaze turned to a scowl.

“You!” The Prince hissed, barely loud enough to be unheard from the other senators, but clear for the two disguised ponies.

Sterling glanced around in confusion, perturbed by the Prince’s gaze, only to point to himself.

“Us?” Sterling asked.

“No, the other suited commoners... of course you!” The Prince snarled silently.

“Ah, jeez…” Jetstream grumbled.

The two made their way towards the Prince.

“Took you two long enough to get here.” The Prince growled.

"Nice to see you too, Princey." Jetstream snorted.

"'Nice'. That's charitable." The Prince spat.

“Um, what is going on here?” Sterling murmured.

“And who is this clown?” The Prince glared.

“Um, I’m Junior Senator Coral-” Sterling tried to introduce himself, keeping his cover.

“Your real name, you dirt-eater!” The Prince growled.

“What did you just say?” Sterling scowled, dropping his act.

“Sterling…” Jetstream said soothingly, as he glared at the prince, “You better watch your mouth, Prince. After all, we came all the way out here for you.”

“Wait, this asshole is the Ouroboros you were talking about?!” Sterling gaped.

“Unfortunately, yes.” Jetstream cringed.

“Who are you to call me an asshole, you mud-walllowing fool?” The racist Prince sneered. “I am Prince Nalik Aqqbar-Royale, ruler of Schwartzamungaknackerhobblestan!”

The three stood there for a moment… as Sterling tried to stifle a laugh.

“Are you serious?” Sterling couldn’t help but giggle. “That’s your kingdom’s name?”

“Yes. What’s so funny?” Nalik glared.

“Oh, nothing… nothing…” Sterling tried to hold in his laugh, but failed. “But it’s such a stupid name!”

“Stupid?!” Nalik gaped, “Why you-”

“Take it easy, Nalik, everypony knows it’s a stupid name.” Jetstream scoffed.

“Just who is this mudpony?” Nalik growled.

“This mudpony is Sterling Cross.” Jetstream glared. “And I would refrain from using that term. This kid is my pupil after all.”

“Sterling Cross?” Nalik cringed in disgust, “As in that urchin you and that half-mudpony broke out of jail eight months back? I thought I was promised professionals! Not just you and an incompetent rookie!”

“Wow, some gratitude.” Sterling scowled, his laughter gone.

“I’ll have you know that Sterling here is quite competent. Maybe more competent than some ponies I won’t name.” Jetstream frowned. “Besides, this is not some elaborate operation we’re running here. We’re here to ensure that the renovation bill doesn’t pass, and you can carry on with whatever it is you’re doing in those ruins.”

“Well, since you’re already here...” Nalik grumbled, “I do know a couple of ponies and other ‘lesser’ specimens I would like you to take care of. Maybe start with that delegate from Russiadle over there.” He pointed to a nearby Pegasus. "His ridiculous accent annoys me."

“Nalik, we’re here to convince the others to vote no on this bill, not play hitpony.” Jetstream glared, “We’re only going to kill when it’s absolutely necessary. Otherwise, everypony is going to find it suspicious that proponents for a renovation bill are all dead.”

“Well, how else are you going to ‘ensure’ the bill dies?” Nalik growled.

“Simple. Me and Sterling are going to mingle with the crowd, share some drinks, drop a hint here and there, and poof, the ruins will remain broken and old for you to desecrate.” Jetstream revealed.

“And if not?” Nalik asked.

“We’ll cross that bridge when we get to it.” Jetstream huffed, “Now, let us do our job, and you worry about not causing ‘another’ diplomatic incident.”

"Whatever." Nalik snarled, walking away.

“What the hell is his problem?” Sterling growled. “What I do to him?”

“It’s not you.” Jetstream shook his head, “Nalik has garnered a unappealing reputation for being a Unicorn supremacist. Any other races or species means nothing to him. As you can tell, Nalik doesn’t really care for me either.”

“Yet he is somehow an Ouroboros.” Sterling frowned, “I mean, I was skeptical about Ricochet, but he made it clear why he’s an Ouroboros. What makes Nalik so special?”

“To put simply, his money.” Jetstream deadpanned.

“What?” Sterling gasped.

“You see, the Forefathers usually have to reach out to get fundings, to cover food, weapon, and other necessities that comes with running a secret organization.” Jetstream explained, “Nalik is one of those ponies who had been supplying the Forefathers with money and resources for many years.”

“But then how did he get up into the Ouroboros? The guy doesn’t look like he can hold himself in a fight.” Sterling asked.

“Oh, he can’t.” Jetstream scowled, “You see, before, Nalik was just a lowly agent who got by on fact-finding and blackmail missions, supplying us daily allowances from his kingdom’s treasury, and this was back when Dysley was still…” Jetstream trailed off, his scowl turning to a sad frown. “...Dysley was one of our other major benefactors when it came to fundings, and when he passed, Nalik caught on, and threaten to withhold his money if we didn’t give him a big promotion.”

“...Wait, so Nalik paid his way into the Ouroboros?” Sterling frowned. “He didn’t earn it?”

“Trust me, we weren’t happy about it.” Jetstream growled. “But with Dysley’s death, we lost a lot of revenue. We couldn’t access the fundings from his companies without rousing suspicions from his associates. Nalik knew if we lost his fundings as well, the Forefathers would be in a bind financially. Father knew this as well, and let him in, on the condition that he gives twice as much to the organization.”

“Unbelievable. A racist and a scumbag.” Sterling snarled. “Ponies like him are part of the reason I hate politics.”

“Part of the reason, eh?” Jetstream gave a wry grin, “What’s the main reason?”

“...I rather not say.” Sterling muttered, growing silent.

“Fair enough.” Jetstream shrugged, “Now, let’s try and blend in a little. Mingle with the crowd, y'know?"

"On it." Sterling nodded.

The two stallions split up, making idle conversation with the attendants.

"Senator Canter Step from Maretonia, how ya doing?" Jetstream smiled.

"Very well, thank you." A Griffon male with the name tag "Broadbeak" nodded.

"Junior Senator Coralmane from Costa Reinca." Sterling told a minotaur delegate. "Nice to meet you."

"And you, little fellow." The Minotaur, a young but powerful fellow with the name tag "Head Strong" smiled.

"Thanks." Sterling chuckled.

The two continued to chat with the other senators, until Sterling bumped into somepony.

"Ooh, sorry-" Sterling turned, only to look upon a most unwelcome sight.

"So you should be." The mare he collided with growled.

Sterling froze in abject horror. The mare standing before him was none other than his mother, Silver Cross. She still wore her blonde mane in a short style, had a few more wrinkles than he remembered, and was wearing earrings with teardrop-shaped sapphires hanging from them. And her glare still haunted his soul.

"I... ah... eh..." Sterling mumbled.

"If you have something to say, than say it." Silver scowled. "If not, then get out of my way!"

Sterling stepped aside with a speed he had never known before.

"Hmph!" Silver briefly glanced at Sterling like he was something unpleasant she'd just stepped in, then walked away.

Sterling, still overcome with horror, stepped back until he was leaning against the wall.

'She's here.' He thought. 'My mother's here... which means I shouldn't be...I gotta get out of here.'

Sterling quickly located Jetstream, who was speaking with a female Thestral.

"My dear, meeting you just made this whole trip worthwhile." Jetstream flirted.

"Why thank you, Mister Step." The Thestral blushed.

"Sorry to interrupt." Sterling quickly stepped in between the two. "A word, Senator?"

"In a moment, Junior Senator." Jetstream nodded. He turned to the Thestral. "Now, where were- whoa!"

Sterling dragged Jetstream over to the far corner of the room.

“Hey, what the hell, Sterling?!” Jetstream growled silently. “I was about to get her number!”

“Look, I’m sorry, but we have to abort the mission!” Sterling panicked, “Abort it now!”

“Abort- what?!” Jetstream sputtered, “What’s the matter with you?! You look like you’ve just seen a ghost!”

“Oh, I wish it was a ghost.” Sterling shook his head, “There’s somepony here I gotta get away from now!”

“What do you mean? Have your cover been blown?” Jetstream frowned with worry.

“No, no…” Sterling shook his head, as he then pointed to where his mother who was busy talking to another delegate. “It’s her… it’s my mother…”

“Wait, your mother?” Jetstream gasped, “As in Silver Gilded Cross? The minister of the Haygyptian Defense?”

“The very same.” Sterling nodded, “We need to go, right now!”

“Hold on, what have you so scared? So it’s your mother. What’s the big deal?” Jetstream frowned.

"It's... nothing." Sterling muttered.

"It doesn't sound like nothing." Jetstream mused, acknowledging Sterling's worried look.

"Well, it is." Sterling insisted, gritting his teeth.

"Then tell me why." Jetstream urged.

"You wouldn’t understand!” Sterling snapped.

Jetstream stepped back in surprise, seeing what seems to resemble pain in Sterling’s eyes.

“...I’m sorry.” Sterling muttered, unable to look Jetstream in the eyes. “I didn’t mean…” He shook his head. “...I just can’t be here right now. Not with her.”

“Sterling…” Jetstream murmured. “I don’t know what happened between you and your mother, but we can’t leave. We have a mission, remember?”

"I know." Sterling nodded. "Trust me, if it was anypony else, I would gladly see it to the end. But I cannot stay here! Not when she’s around. I don’t know if I would be able to handle it!”

“What about Nalik?” Jetstream gestured to the prince, still lounging in his chair, casting a wary glance their way, “If we walk out on him now, he'll make us regret it for the rest of our lives. And what of the other ponies? Gridlock, Solomon… Father? What would they all say if you refused to do a simple mission like this?”

“...I…” Sterling frowned, realizing the truth in Jetstream’s words, “I didn’t think of that… but-”

“Look kid, it’s going to be okay.” Jetstream put a hoof on his shoulder, a small smile on his face, “Besides, as far as she knows, you’re Junior Senator Coralmane. She has no idea that you’re you. All you have to do is avoid her as much as possible. You can do that, right?”

“I… I think so.” Sterling nodded weakly.

"Good." Jetstream smiled. "Now let's get back there. Proceedings are about to start."

The two stallions made their way to an available pair seats (as far from Silver as possible). As they sat, a Unicorn with a powder blue coat and a blue mane stepped forward. He bore the nametag "Grey Locke".

"We now call this summit to order." He announced. "First item on the agenda: the bill to support the restoration of various ancient monuments. As we all know, the ancient buildings of our countries aren't getting any newer. They are our cultural heritage, signs of glorious eras past. If we want them to still be around for future generations to enjoy, we must take proper care of them. Is there anypony who has issues with this bill?"

“Yes, me!” Nalik spoke up, “Why should we have to spend good money to fix up some dusty old ruins? We could put that money to better building something new, like hospitals, or schools!”

A number of delegates muttered in agreement with the Prince.

“Wow, for a jerk, he knows how to sway the crowd.” Sterling whispered.

“Eh, you should see Harlhooves in action.” Jetstream shrugged, “He could run mental rings around Nalik any day.”

"Well, either way, it looks like we won't have much work to do here after all." Sterling admitted.

“I wouldn’t be too sure.” Jetstream frowned.

The mutterings of agreement was silenced as Silver stood up, her intimidating gaze quieting everypony.

“How typical of you, Nalik.” Silver started at Nalik, with a haughty look that outmatched Nalik by a long shot, "You expect anypony in this room to believe that you have any pony’s best interests other your own? Get real. We all know you only ever spend money on yourself. Why else is Schwartzamungaknackerhobblestan’s one of the weakest kingdoms in Equestria?”

A few ponies began whispering among themselves, seeing logic in her statements. Others began to snicker, the name of Nalik’s country being so easy to ridicule, as the prince himself felt a eye twitch.

“I for one think that those monuments are treasures of our countries, and worthy of restoring. After all, without history, what are we?" Silver asked..

Silver's words struck a chord with many of the delegates, who started muttering in the affirmative.

“But why should we waste money on the past? We should be more focused on the future!” Nalik insisted. “So that we could make our own history!”

Everypony muttered some more, seeing a point in Nalik’s rhetoric.

“Forget about the past?” Silver laughed haughtily. “That’s about as likely as Celestia ever accepting you as a viable husband.”

“Oh no.” Jetstream cringed.

A good portion of the delegates began to laugh, seemingly aware of Nalik’s ill-fated pursuit of the Princess.

“You filthy little-” Nalik growled.

“That’s quite enough.” Grey Locke stepped in, “Clearly we have some very strong opinions here. We’ll table the motion for now, and move on to the next bill. Tomorrow, we will put the restoration bill to a vote."

As they continued onto the next bill, Sterling and Jetstream discussed matters.

“Eesh, I heard Silver Cross was vicious when it came to politics, but that was brutal.” Jetstream admitted.

“Yeah, this is just like her. What mother wants, mother gets.” Sterling scowled, “She clearly wants this bill to pass so she would look good to everypony back home.”

“Well, it looks like she’s going to be a problem.” Jetstream frowned. “You don’t suppose your mother can be bribed into changing her mind?"

"No way." Sterling shook his head. "She's a real stubborn mare. Once she decides on something, she won't back down." He scowled angrily. "Trust me…”

“In that case, it seems we gonna have to take care of her…” Jetstream nodded.

“Take care of her?” Sterling repeated. “You mean…”

“Look, we have to make sure this bill pass, no matter what.” Jetstream declared, before noting the look on Sterling’s face, “Are you going to be okay with that?”

“...Yeah… yeah, I think so…” Sterling agreed weakly.

“Okay…” Jetstream glared at Silver, who sat smugly in her seat, “We’ll see how tough Silver really is…”

After the summit ended for the day, Sterling and Jetstream went back to their airship, stripping of their disguises (which was a welcome relief for Sterling, the wig being so itchy). It wasn’t long before Nailk came and joined them. Nalik was clearly steamed, made apparent as his first words to them were:

“Kill that witch, kill that witch, kill that witch!” Nalik roared.

“Nice to see you too, Nalik.” Jetstream deadpanned.

“Shut up!” Nalik snarled. “I am in no mood! I can’t believe the nerve of that whore!”

“You need to take it easy, man.” Sterling said weakly, still a bit shaken from seeing his mother again.

“Don’t tell me what to do, urchin!” Nalik spat, “You two better take care of this stupid mudpony! I don’t care how you do it! Poison her, drown her, cave her skull in, lynch her for the mudpony she is! I want her head on a silver platter!”

“Look, we already got a plan.” Jetstream huffed. “According to sources, Mrs. Cross will be staying in the penthouse suite of the local Bitz hotel. Me and Sterling will stake out the place, and once she steps out for whatever reason, we’ll go up there, enter her room, and-"

“And kill that mud-lover?” Nalik finished.

“You see, it’s because of stuff like that that ponies don’t like you.” Jetstream scowled, “As I was saying, once we get into her room, we’ll wait for her to come back, and when she does, we’ll hold her at crossbowpoint. If she values her life, she will change her vote… if not…” He did a crossbow gesture. “‘Chunk’, the bill loses its primary supporter, and the rest will follow swiftly.”

“That’s it? That’s your plan?” Nalik grimaced, “Why not just kill her and be done with it?”

“I prefer that we keep things clean with this mission.” Jetstream said firmly, sharing a glance with Sterling, “Besides, we’re doing the work here, so we do this our way, okay?”

“Fine! Just don’t buck this up!” Nalik snarled, as he then glared at Sterling, noting his quietness. “...What’s his problem?”

“Nothing that concerns you.” Jetstream stepped in. “Why don’t you go for a walk, and cool off? The last thing we need is for you to make a scene like you almost did today!”

“You know what, I think I’ll go do that.” Nalik huffed. “I just hope I don’t get dumped on by some stupid bird-cat abominations, or-”

Nalik left the room, mumbling to himself as Jetstream turned to Sterling.

“Are you ready to do this?” Jetstream frowned. “I know that you are having a hard time with this. If you want, I can go at this alone-”

“No, you know what? I need to do this.” Sterling said firmly. “I hadn’t seen my mother in a long time and I still have unfinished business. If I don’t do this now, I will regret it for the rest of my life.”

“Now that’s something I want to hear.” Jetstream smirked, before getting a wary frown. "...Just don’t go doing anything rash, okay?"

'No promises...' Sterling thought. '...Seeing mother here brought back everything I was trying to forget. I don’t know what I am going to do when we meet her again… but what I do know is…’ Sterling clenched his hoof, ’I won’t be afraid of her anymore…’

Donning stealth outfits which masked practically their entire bodies, Sterling and Jetstream hid in the bushes outside the hotel, watching and waiting. As they did, Sterling's mind kept flowing back to all the years of abuse, both physical and emotional, that Silver had inflicted on him. Her cruel words kept floating through his mind.

"You're such a disgrace to this family, Sterling..."

"Can't you do anything right?"

“You stupid, stupid boy!”"How did I end up with a son like you?"

’Mark my words, mother.’ Sterling thought, anger stewing within his body. ’I’m going to make you pay for everything you had done…’

"Look alive, kid." Jetstream shook Sterling out of his musings. "Our target is stepping out."

Silver was indeed leaving the hotel. She got into a carriage, which rolled off in the direction of the main town.

"That's our cue." Jetstream nodded. "Let's go."

"Right behind ya." Sterling nodded.

The two stallions made their way to the rear of the hotel, being sure to stick to the shadows to avoid attention. As night was starting to fall, this goal was easy to achieve.

"Now what?" Sterling asked, as he looked up the tall building. "We didn't pack any grappling hooks..."

"Don't need 'em." Jetstream declared, grabbing Sterling and flying upwards. "Up we go!"

"You sure I'm not too heavy for you?" Sterling asked, feeling more than a little awkward.

"Please." Jetstream smirked. "I once airlifted three wounded comrades off the battlefield... through a hailstorm of arrows."

"No need to brag." Sterling rolled his eyes. "I was just asking a question."

They soon reached the balcony of the penthouse suite, with its sliding glass door, which was currently locked (which was to be expected, Aerovis being chiefly populated by a flight-capable species with a liking for riches).

"Allow me." Sterling pulled out a lockpick. After a few twists and turns, he unlocked the door.

"Nice one, kid." Jetstream smiled as they entered the room. "Now, let's get into position."

Both stallions stood on opposite sides of the suite's door, awaiting Silver's return. As they did, Sterling's mind raced once more.

’Okay, Sterling, this is it…’ Sterling thought, ’In a few moments, you will be seeing mommy dearest again. Get your head in the game, and whatever you do, don’t show her any fear.’

The two stallions did not have to wait long for their quarry, they heard the click of a key in the lock. As Silver entered, they jumped her from both sides.

"What the-?!" Silver gasped.

"Scream and you're dead." Jetstream declared, pointing the crossbow at her.

“What is this? Who are you?” Silver frowned, “What do you want?”

“It’s simple, really.” Jetstream nodded, gesturing Sterling to get the door. “We have to come to discuss politics. Namely, that restoration bill you have shown quite an interest in supporting.”

“Oh, for Faust’s sake, did Nalik put you up to this?” Silver growled, as she gave an arrogant sneer, “Where is that cheeky conehead? Is he hiding behind the curtains?”

“We’re here of our own volition, lady.” Jetstream scowled, a bit put off by how calm she was, “And we’re here to tell you to vote against the bill.”

“And throw away a valuable PR opportunity?” Silver scoffed, “While I’m at it, why not kick all the orphans out of their orphange?”

“...Wow…” Sterling spoke up, his voice a bit muffled by his mask, as he finished locking the door. “You didn’t even bother to pretend to care about repairing those ruins. Shoulda known you were only thinking of yourself…”

“As if I have to explain myself to a bunch of thugs.” Silver huffed. “All those pile of rocks are good for is reminding us that ponies before us were worthless neanderthals with IQs well below zero. But I figure if the bill were to pass, and I played the role of supporter, I would be well on my way to becoming a senator myself.”

“Talk about real appreciation for our world’s history.” Jetstream scoffed.

“Say what you will, but I’m not going to change my mind because two dumb stallions had an idea above their stations that they could intimidate me.” Silver sneered defiantly.

"...Told ya, didn't I?" Sterling nodded at Jetstream. "Too stubborn to back down."

“No kidding.” Jetstream grunted, “It looks like we might have to do this the hard way.”

“I guess so…” Sterling said firmly.

"The 'hard way'?" Silver repeated, arrogant as ever, “You mean this sad display of holding me at bowpoint wasn’t ‘hard’ already?”

“I don’t think you understand how serious of a situation you’re in, minister.” Jetstream sneered, “We don’t want that bill to pass, and if you’re not going to play ball… we’ll just have to bench you… permanently.”

“Oh, so either I go along with your scheme, or you will kill me?” Silver asked, not a least bit scared. “Could you two not be any more cliché?”

“We mean it, lady!” Sterling growled, the smug grin on her face making his blood boil. “Either you vote against the bill, or the cleaning crew will be wiping blood off the walls in the morning!”

“And who is going to pull the trigger? You?” Silver chuckled darkly. “Look at you, you must be barely out of your teens. What? Were you too stupid to get an actual education?”

Sterling gritted his teeth under his mask.

“Or is it that you were so damn unpopular that the closest you could get to being one of the ‘cool kids’ was to hang out with other losers, like this guy?” She indicated Jetstream.

Sterling clenched his hoof tightly around the crossbow's handle.

“Oh, oh, I know. You were abandoned as a child. Because your mommy and daddy couldn’t bear the sight of you, is that it?” Silver sneered.

The words that came from Silver’s mouth, filled with vitriol and utter spite, ate right at Sterling’s core, fueling the rage that was slowly building within.

“You better shut up right now!” Jetstream stepped in, not liking how intensely focused Silver was on Sterling, “Show my brethren some respect!”

“Can it, feathers, I'll get to you in a bit.” Silver snorted, turning to him. “Besides, why would I show respect to him? You were the ones hiding in the dark, waiting to ambush me! Me, a middle-aged mare! How pathetic is that?”

“Don’t talk to him like that!” Sterling growled.

“Why? What is he, your babysitter?” Silver snorted, “The only pony who could stand being around a disappointment like yourself?”

“Shut up…” Sterling snarled.

“Ooh, did I touch a nerve?” Silver mocked.

“I said zip it!” Sterling seethed.

"Or what?!" Silver suddenly snapped, threw Sterling one of her trademark glares.

Upon locking eyes with his mother, Sterling was thrust back to his foalhood days, when he lived in terror of that look. He stepped back and slightly cowered in fear, much to his humiliation.

“...Sterling.” Jetstream whispered silently.

“Ha-ha-ha!” Silver cackled. “That’s what I thought!”

“Okay, you witch, eyes on me-” Jetstream snarled, trying to regain control of the conversation (and Silver’s attention from Sterling).

“I will get to you in a moment!” Silver snapped back, as she then glared at Sterling, whose grip on his crossbow was quivering, “Do you want to know what you are, boy? You’re a coward! A worthless, insignificant coward!”

“Shut up!” Sterling growled, though his voice was wavering, “Shut up or I will kill you right now!”

“Oh, please, if that were the case, you would had pulled the trigger already!” Silver laughed haughtily, “You don’t have the guts to kill me! You’re too weak-willed!”

Sterling stifled a growl of frustration. In a way, he knew she was right. His hoof was frozen, unable to pull the trigger that could had shut her up moments ago.

“Well, I’m not!” Jetstream tried to step in once more, “And if you don’t shut your trap-”

“For the last time, let me finish!” Silver shot an annoyed glare, silencing Jetstream, before returning to face Sterling, “You know something? You remind me of my son. He was such a disappointment. Disobedient, disrespectful, and oh so cowardly.”

Sterling felt his eyes grow misty, hating that he was letting Silver get under his skin again.

’...You weren’t supposed to be afraid, Sterling… you had one job, and you couldn’t do it!’ Sterling berated himself harshly.

“And boy, was he more trouble than he was worth!” Silver laughed haughtily. “He burned down our house. I don’t know why, but I’m sure it was his way of ‘thanking me’ for sending him to Deerbai.” For a moment, Silver’s sneer softened, giving a small huff. “It’s his own fault for not getting over what happened to Gold.”

The moment Silver said those last words, Sterling went from unnerved to outraged.

“But enough about me.” Silver shrugged, “Now, why don’t you two get out of here before I call the-”

"SHUT UP!" Sterling roared.

“Kid?!” Jetstream nearly leapt in shock.

“What?” Silver frowned in annoyance, “Did I hurt your-”

In an instant, Sterling shoved Silver square in the chest right into the wall, much to her and Jetstream’s (further) surprise.

“Ow, you piece of crap, that actually hurt!” Silver grunted, rubbing her chest.

“SHUT THE BUCK UP!” Sterling screamed, getting up close as he practically shoved the crossbow in her face, his grip no long shaking (in fact, if he squeezed any tighter, the handle would break off).

“Whoa!” Jetstream gasped.

“Uh…” Silver felt her throat grow dry, her arrogance soon being replaced with a feeling she wasn’t familiar with.

“What’s the matter? Have you finally ran out of insults to dish out?!” Sterling snarled.

“N-No!” Silver tried to keep her cool, but was finding it hard with a crossbow aimed right in her face. “I… I was…”

“Feeling a little scared, minister?” Sterling sneered, “You should. After all, you had this coming for a long time.”

“W-What are you talking about?! Why do you care about a bunch of stupid ruins?!” Silver growled, though it wasn’t as fierce as she would had like.

“You think this is still about the bill?!” Sterling roared, “Oh, no, this is about you.”

“Me?!” Silver blanched.

“What are you…” Jetstream said quietly to himself.

"You are a cold, cruel, heartless mare." Sterling snarled. "You don't care for anypony. You use everypony around you. Even your own sons were little more than pawns at best, and trained dogs at worst. You made them jump at your command, and whipped them when they wouldn't obey."

'Sterling...' Jetstream thought, horrified. 'Is that really what she was like?'

Silver’s eyes widened in shock.

“What… how…” Silver then glared fiercely, “Who could you know that?! Just who are you?!”

“I’m afraid there's no point in telling you that. After all… you’re going to be dead in a moment.” Sterling chuckled darkly.

“Wait, perhaps I was a little hasty.” Silver nervously tried to reason, the realization that her assailant was truly intent on killing her finally sinking in, “I mean, there’s no shame in not having a education or having friends or a family. In fact, I’m sure it can be a-”

“I’m afraid we are past reasoning, minister.” Sterling growled. “I’m going to do to you what somepony should had done years ago!”

"M-maybe we can talk this out?" Silver pleaded.

"I don't think so." Sterling growled.

As Sterling held the crossbow, moments away from pulling the trigger, he took a moment to relish in the mare’s fear, seeing her squirm the way he had all those years ago…

However, something felt off.

When he had imagined this scenario several times in the past (especially following his incarceration in juvie), he thought he would feel good. After all, he was about to kill the mare who had made his life a living Tartarus.

Instead, he was getting this odd feeling. He wasn’t sure what it was, but he felt something… and that something was telling him not to fire.

'What are you doing, Sterling?' He told himself. 'Do it! Not only for the Forefathers! But for yourself! She deserves it!'

'This doesn't look good.' Jetstream frowned, noticing the delay. 'Maybe I should step in... No, it's his call. Gotta trust him.'

Sterling looked straight into Silver's eyes. Everything she had ever done to him ran though his mind, fueling his anger.

'Now is the time.' Sterling told himself as he finally squeezed the trigger. 'Payback time...'


“Eek!” Silver nearly yelped in shock.

Jetstream’s eyes widened in surprise. And for a very good reason.

Sterling had pulled the trigger, firing the crossbow… however, at the very last moment, he turned a fraction to the left, missing Silver’s face, and hitting one of her earrings.

“...Huh... huh…” Silver panted, as she gave a weak sneer. “See… I knew you couldn’t do it. I told-”

Suddenly, the crossbow (now reloaded) was trained on her again, cutting her off.

“That was just a warning shot.” Sterling growled, though he didn’t sound as angry as he was moments ago. “This time, I won’t miss!”

“You… you don’t scare me, you… you…” Silver spluttered, trying to maintain her dignity.

"Either vote against the bill, or get a bolt between the eyes." Sterling growled. "What's it gonna be?"

"N-never..." Silver tried to stand strong.

"Suit yourself." Sterling slowly squeezed the trigger.

"Okay, okay, you win!" Silver wailed. "I'll change my vote! Just please, don't kill me! Don't!"

"Is that a promise?" Jetstream asked. "Because if you're lying..."

"I'm not, I swear!" Silver pleaded. "Let me live, and I'll do whatever you say!"

“Well, kid?” Jetstream turned to Sterling, “Should we spare her?”

"...Yeah." Sterling nodded, lowering his crossbow, “I think I got what I came for."

"Okay then." Jetstream nodded, as he approached the window they came in. "Guess we should be going now." He turned to Silver. "Remember, vote 'no', or you'll be sorry."

"I will." Silver nodded, tears still in her eyes, as she slid down, huddling and leaning against the wall. "I swear on my husband's life… just… don’t hurt me..."

Sterling soon made to join his comrade… before he turned back to his mother, looking down at the sniveling mare. He knew he should have been taking joy in his mother’s humiliation… however, something was stopping him from enjoying it… and he felt it was that same something that stopped him from killing her.

Turning away in disgust, Sterling made his way to the glass door.

"...Let's go." He told Jetstream.

The two stallion exited the room by the same way they came in. Silver, traumatized by the ordeal, sat down on her bed. She couldn't get the fierce, angry glare of her would-be killer out of her head.

'Those eyes...' She thought. 'So cold, so angry... almost like...' She shook her head. 'No, it couldn't be him. Not in a hundred lifetimes...'

Their work done for the evening, Sterling and Jetstream returned to the airship.

"Well, that went pretty good, all things considered." Jetstream smiled. "Right, kid?" He turned to see Sterling gazing at his crossbow, his eyes misty. "Kid?"

“...Why couldn’t I do it?” Sterling murmured.

“...Sterling?” Jetstream asked tentatively.

“Why couldn’t I do it?” Sterling repeated… before his face contorted into an anguished scowl. “What couldn’t I DO IT?!”

Sterling chucked his crossbow across the room, letting out a snarl.

“Kid!” Jetstream gasped.

"That mare made my childhood a living nightmare!" Sterling roared. "She belittled me, tormented me, treated me like dirt... no, worse! She treated me like a disposable tool, that she could use any way she wanted!" Tears started pouring from his eyes. "She was supposed to be my mother, but instead she was more like a prison warden, keeping me on permanent lockdown, and punishing me whenever I stepped even a little bit out of line!"

"Hey, take it easy, kid." Jetstream urged.

“Easy! That's what it was supposed to be!” Sterling snarled, “Easy and satisfying! But I couldn’t do it!” Another tear slipped down his face as he sat down, a hoof over his snout. “I am such a weakling…”

"Don't beat yourself up, Sterling." Jetstream declared, saddened to see his pupil in such a way. "Not every pony has it in him to kill his own mother."

“That’s just it…” Sterling sniffed, “That mare was no mother to me… I wanted so badly to put a bolt between her eyes… but I… but I just couldn’t.”

“You know… that’s not necessarily a bad thing, kid.” Jetstream gave him a small smile.

“How so?” Sterling frowned.

“Well, the way I see it, Stelring…” Jetstream explained. “If another stallion were in your postion, and had the same upbringing like yours, then yes, he probably would have snuffed out that rotten witch." Jetstream admitted. "It would've been all too easy for them. But you’re different. You were able to put aside your hate, and spare her life. That takes some serious moral fibre. Not many stallions in your position would've done the same thing."

"Then maybe they should've sent one of them." Sterling pouted.

“Look, it’s not easy, I know.” Jetstream admitted. “But you have a good heart, Sterling. I admit, I tried to harden it, so you wouldn’t be shackled by attachments… but you’re not that kind of guy. I know that npw. And it’s nothing to be ashamed of.”

“You really think so?” Sterling asked.

"Without a doubt, kid." Jetstream nodded. "I'm proud of you. You stood up to that mother of yours. And in not killing her, you proved that you won't let what she did to you over all those years define you. You've chosen to be your own stallion, and that's pretty damn impressive.”

“...Thank you, Jetstream…” Sterling gave a warm smile, wiping his tears, “That really means alot to me, hearing you say that.”

“Now, don’t you get all mushy on me.” Jetstream chuckled. “We've still got a job to do. Silver may have been one of the bill’s biggest supporters, but we can’t take any chances with any of the other supporters." He grinned smugly. “So… think you’re up for some more blackmailing and coercion?”

“Yeah, I think I’m game.” Sterling smirked.

"Great." Jetstream smiled... then faltered. "...Is it true, though? What your said about you burning the house to get back at her?"

"'Course it's not." Sterling scoffed. "As much as I hated her, there was… there was somepony else I wanted to hurt more than her."

"Oh, yeah?" Jetstream raised an eyebrow. "Who was that?"

"...I don't want to talk about it." Sterling said flatly.

"Fair enough." Jetstream nodded. "But if you ever do want to talk about it, I'll be willing to listen."

"I'll keep that in mind." Sterling smiled. "But for now, let's focus on the job at hoof."

“Speaking of which, I want first whack at the next delegate we visit.” Jetstream smirked, “Your mother wouldn’t let me get a word in edgewise.”

“By all means, teach.” Sterling smirked, “Let’s get cracking.”

And so, the rest of the evening was spent bribing and coercing most of the others who had supported the bill. Fortunately, none of them came half as close to being as difficult as Silver was. It was tiring work, but they went to sleep deeply satisfied.

The next morning, the vote was made.

"All in favor of passing the bill for the renovation of ancient monuments?" Grey Locke inquired.

Barely any hooves (or other appendages) were raised.

"Hmm, I'd expected more of you." Grey Locke frowned. "Mrs. Cross, I thought you were all for this."

"I... reconsidered." Silver said awkwardly. "In light of the current economy, I'm afraid Haygypt just can't afford to be part of such a project at the moment. Perhaps a few more years down the line, but not now..."

"Very well then." Grey Locke shrugged. "All opposed?"

Several appendages went up, including Silver's. "Very well. Bill is defeated."

Delegates murmured amongst themselves, some of them not happy with the results of the vote… however, one pony was very elated to see the bill defeated: Nalik, who had a smug grin on his face the whole time. He then glanced at Jetstream and Sterling, both back in their senator disguises, and gave a firm nod to the two stallions.

"Well, there we go." Jetstream smirked. "Mission accomplished. Nalik gets to continue with whatever it is he’s doing with those ruins, and we won’t have to see him for awhile.”

"Yeah." Sterling sighed, glancing at his mother. "Now can we go? I may not be willing to kill my mother, but I still can't stand the sight of that mare."

"Of course, kid." Jetstream nodded.

The two quickly departed. As they took the airship home, Sterling still kept thinking of his mother.

'I may not want to kill you, mother, but I will never forgive you.' Sterling thought coldly. 'Never...'

That thought stayed with Sterling as they returned to the Infinity, ready to put the whole experience behind them.