• Published 27th Jan 2017
  • 718 Views, 60 Comments

Tainted Silver - Bluecatcinema

The history of Sterling Cross, revealed at last.

  • ...

Wasted Potential

As Sterling expected, Cherry wasn't exactly warm to him during dinner. In fact, she barely even looked at him. That suited Sterling just fine; Now that she knew who he really was, he felt no need to try to earn her favor anymore, so he interacted with her as little as possible.

But he couldn't help but notice that Big Red was a little distant with him too. Big Red usually tried to strike up conversation with Sterling, but instead, he talked with his son, pointedly keeping Sterling out of it.

'Guess I can't blame the guy.' Sterling thought, as he finished his dinner. 'Even if he did know who I am from the beginning, neither expected Marshall to find out.'

After dinner, the family prepared for bed.

"Good night, Sterling." Globe smiled.

"Night, kid." Sterling nodded.

"Yeah, night." Eclipsa declared.

"See ya tomorrow." Huckleberry grinned.

Cherry said nothing, but threw a cold glare Sterling's way.

"Good night, Red." Sterling declared.

“...Night, Sterling.” Big Red sighed, “Sleep well…”

Once the family went upstairs, Sterling laid down on the couch.

'Ugh… you really have made a mess of things, Sterling.' He thought, ’Not only does Cherry hate you, I think you might had actually pissed off the nicest stallion you probably ever met… Faust damn it…’

He glanced at the front door, deep in contemplation.

’Maybe I should take what I have and just leave.’ Sterling mused, ’Big Red and Cherry won’t have to put up with me or get in trouble, and I won’t have to be constantly judged. Everypony wins…’ He then frowned in frustration, ’...But then, I will just run out of money, and I’ll just become somepony else’s problem…’

He then looked at the jacket he had with him, eyeing the pocket that held the mirror Father had placed inside his first night here.

'Maybe I should just go back to the Forefathers…' He briefly considered. '...No, no. That won't solve the problem. And it really wouldn't improve Red's opinion of me. For now, I've got to stay put, no matter what...'

The next morning brought with it an equally quiet breakfast. Before long, the boys departed for the orchard, set on playing a game before getting to work in the afternoon. Then it was just Sterling, Big Red, Cherry... and more silence.

’Okay, I’ve got to do something to get this conversation ball rolling. I ain’t going to spend the rest of the month being given the cold shoulder.’ Sterling thought firmly.

“So… Red.” Sterling began, catching Big Red’s attention, “I was planning on headin’ into town. You want me to pick up anything from the store?"

"...Well, Ah guess we do need sum more rutabagas..." Big Red mused. He turned to Cherry, “What do you think, Cherry?”

"Whatever gets him out of the house, even for a little while..." Cherry muttered.

“Well, sorry if my very presence disgusts you, Cherry.” Sterling growled, “You hadn’t been exactly the best mare to be around yourself.”

“Hey, watch it, Sterling.” Big Red frowned, “No matter what ya may think a' her, Cherry's still mah wife. So you mind yer language around her."

"...Sorry." Sterling cringed.

"Apology accepted." Big Red nodded firmly, as he then handed over a few Bits. "Here, this should be enough. Take care and, er... try tah stay outta trouble, huh?"

"I'll try." Sterling joked.

Big Red returned Sterling's joke with a small half-smile, while Cherry simply rolled her eyes.

"Be right back." Sterling declared.

As Sterling left the homestead, he reflected on the small victory he had achieved.

'Well, at least Red was talking to me.' He shrugged, ’I just hope it lasts…’

Back inside, Cherry turned to Red.

"Are you sure that was such a good idea?" Cherry asked. "What if he just takes the money and runs?"

"He can't get far with just a few Bits." Big Red snorted.

"But still... letting him go off on his own like that, after all the trouble he's caused..." Cherry frowned.

"No trouble that wuzn't started by sumpony else." Big Red shrugged. "Besides, now he knows Ah know, and mah good graces are the only things keepin' him from arrests, he probably won't try anythin'..."

Cherry leaned in closely to her husband.

"Red, I need to know." She declared. "What exactly is your plan for Sterling?"

“Plan?” Big Red repeated.

“Yes. You don’t really expect us to just let him go, do you?” Cherry frowned, “He has to answer for the crimes he committed. In fact, I’m still trying to wrap my head around why we haven’t had him arrested already. I mean, aren’t you the least bit afraid of what he could do, if we just let him leave?”

“Of course Ah’m afraid.” Big Red said firmly, “Ah’m been afraid of him for a while.”

“...Really?” Cherry raised a brow, “You didn’t look like it when you were standing up for him.”

“Look, Cherry…” Big Red sighed, “Ah still think he’s a good pony, but that don’t mean I ain’t afraid of what he’s capable of. Ah mean, look at him! He kinda has that Trotler Youth look goin’ fer him, ya know?”

“Then what are you thinking?” Cherry demanded, “What plan do you have for him that you would stick your neck out for him and risk being sent to prison?”

"Well… ah wouldn't call it a 'plan', exactly." Big Red shrugged.

"You do have a plan, do you?" Cherry frowned.

"Ah jest... feel sorry fer him." Big Red sighed, "He may be a criminal and a terrorist… but deep down, I know… he's just a lost soul. A lost soul who needs somepony to guide him."

"And you think that somepony is you?" Cherry inquired.

"Well... yeah." Big Red admitted. "Ah managed tah get through tah the boys, didn't Ah?"

"That's different." Cherry rolled her eyes. "They were kids who didn't know any better. Sterling is an adult. He made his own bed."

“So what? That suddenly means he’s beyond saving?” Big Red challenged.

“Red, I know you love helping ponies.” Cherry gave a sad frown, “In fact, that is one of the things I love about you…” Her frown became firm. “But you have to realize that some ponies can’t be helped.”

“And ya think Sterling is one of them ponies?” Big Red frowned.

"I'm just saying, Sterling has done some awful things in the past." Cherry declared. "He took part in the attack on Canterlot. All the pain and suffering on that day... he was a willing part of it. A pony who'd turn a blind eye to such evil, even take part in it, isn't a pony I'm comfortable being around. A pony like that has some serious issues, and being nice to him may not be enough to mend them."

"...That may be, Cherry…" Big Red admitted. "But if Ah can jest get through tah him, then, with a li'l luck, he'll turn himself in all on his own. He'll face the consequences of his actions like a true stallion."

"And you really think that will happen?" Cherry asked.

"It's worth a try, at least." Big Red frowned.

"I suppose." Cherry said grudgingly. "I just hope it works."

"Me too, darlin'." Big Red nodded. "Me too..."

Sterling made his way into town. Thankfully, the store had very few customers at the time, so Sterling was able to pick up the rutabagas with little hassle.

'Job done.' Sterling thought as he emerged from the store. 'Now to make the delivery...'

Marshall suddenly stepped out of the shadows, standing in Sterling's way.

"Hello, Sterling." He declared.

Sterling stopped in his tracks, a scowl appearing on his face immediately.

"Marshall." He nodded sourly. "Love to stay and chat, but I have some rutebagas to bring back to Red."

"Not to delay your errand, but I was hoping we could go over to my office and... talk." Marshall offered.

"...What about?" Sterling frowned, surprised by the sudden offer.

"Oh, just about some small matters." Marshall shrugged. "Since I'm bound by my word to Red not to arrest you, I figured I may as well see to it that your tracks are covered. Neither of us want Big Red to get arrested for harboring you, and with your assistance, I could better cover up any leads that would suggest you're here."

"That does sound like a smart move." Sterling admitted. "...But like I said, I have a delivery to make."

"It'll barely take five minutes." Marshall declared. "Red won't mind a slight delay."

"...Eh, why not?" Sterling shrugged. 'Maybe it'll even get him to back off for a while...'

"Excellent." Marshall grinned. "Right this way."

Sterling followed Marshall to his office.

"So, where are these tracks you need me to cover?" He asked.

"I may have misspoken." Marshall smirked. He turned and locked the door. "I meant to say I'm going to stop you from making tracks.”

“...What?” Sterling growled, as he turned to Marshall, “Marshall. Unlock the door.”

“I don’t think so.” Marshall sneered, “I told you I would get you, and I meant it.”

"Hold on, you said you were bound by your word not to arrest me!" Sterling snarled.

“That I am.” Marshall huffed, “But I said nothing about detaining you. I can’t arrest you, but I sure as hell can stop you from leaving. I know you need bits from working Red’s orchard to get anywhere you’re going. If I can keep you here, you won’t be able to get the money, thus keeping you here.”

He then sneered at Sterling.

“Sooner or later, the Royal Guard will be by, whether to give me more wanted posters, or maybe Prince Shine and his wife will be by for a friendly visit. Either way, you will be prosecuted, and Big Red and Cherry will get off scot free. Everypony wins… except you.”

“Okay, jackass, I see several flaws with that plan.” Sterling scoffed, “Assuming you can contain me, what do you think's gonna happen when Big Red finds out I'm missing?”

"Maybe I'll just tell him one of your criminal cohorts picked you up, so you could go back to ruining lives." Marshall retorted. "I hope poor Red won't take it too badly..."

"You dirty piece of-" Sterling began.

"Don't you dare judge me." Marshall's glare with disdain. "I'm a sheriff doing his duty. You are a no-good criminal.”

“Says the guy who’s going behind his friend’s back, lied to get me here, and plans to illegally detain me against my will!” Sterling snarled.

“Hey, I am not going to let my best friend throw his life away for somepony like you!” Marshall stomped his hoof, “I can care less about what good judge of a character he is, I know a cold-blooded killer when I see one!”

"Well, Red doesn't seem to think so." Sterling retorted… before adopting a wry grin. “...And neither does your sister.”

“You leave Shooting out of this…” Marshall seethed. “You do not get to talk about her! Not after what you did to her!"

"After what I did to her?” Sterling sneered. “Hate to burst your bubble, but it was really more of a two-pony job."

"I said SHUT UP!!" Marshall roared.

"Or what?" Sterling said defiantly. "You seem to be under the impression that you’re the one in control. That you're the top stallion… but I think we both know who that really is.”

"That remains to be seen." Marshall snarled.

"Oh, really?" Sterling retorted. "I humiliated you during target practice, remember?"

"That may be." Marshall snorted. "But I seem to recall you running for your life two days ago!"

"I just wanted to spare Shooting the indignity of watching you getting beat up." Sterling shot back, “Trust me, I did you a favor.”

"Yes, because that makes total sense." Marshall scoffed. "I'm an officer of the law. I eat crooks like you for breakfast."

"Yeah, sure." Sterling sneered. "I could take you with three hooves tied behind my back."

"Is that a challenge?" Marshall retorted.

"More than that." Sterling smirked. "If you're really so sure you can take me, then how about a little sparring match? You and me. Right here, right now."

"Wait... You're actually giving me the opportunity to hit you?" Marshall smirked. "It isn't even my birthday..."

"That's assuming you can even get by my defenses." Sterling retorted. "It's not like I'm gonna just stand there and take it."

"Like that'll even make a difference." Marshall scoffed. "I'm gonna pound you flatter than an oatcake."

“Well, if you’re confident, tough guy, how about we make things more interesting?” Sterling asked.

"How so?" Marshall frowned.

“Just a little wager.” Sterling smirked, “If by some miracle, you do beat me, I’ll turn myself in, and you, your sister, and anypony else will never hear from me again… but if I win, I get to walk out that door and go back to Big Red, and maybe, if you’re a good little cop, I might just not bring up this little incident.”

“You’re out of your buckin’ mind.” Marshall scowled, “If you think I’m going to chance you slipping through my hooves, then you got another thing coming.”

"I knew it." Sterling jeered. "All that tough talk, and you're just a wimp. Scared you can't win?"

"Of course I can win." Marshall snarled.

“If that’s so, then you have nothing to worry about." Sterling retorted. "Right? So go ahead, prove you're not a chicken."

"Oh, I will." Marshall spat. "Let's go. Hoof to hoof."

"With pleasure." Sterling grinned.

The two circled each other, front hooves raised.

"I've been waiting for a chance like this for so long..." Marshall smirked.

"So have I." Sterling smirked back. "And I'm going to savor every moment."

"Why don't you savor this first?!" Marshall swung his hoof, catching Sterling across the chin.

"Not bad, Sheriff." Sterling rubbed his chin. "Now let me show you how a real stallion does it."

Sterling retaliated with a punch of his own, knocking Marshall back.

"Gah…” Marshall gasped, admittingly off-put by the blow, before regaining poise, a trickle of blood running down his noise, “Okay, not bad. Shouldn't have expected any less from a professional thug."

"You insult me, lawpony." Sterling sneered.

"That's the plan." Marshall lashed out with a kick.

"Ugh!" Sterling stumbled backwards.

"Got ya now..." Marshall lunged.

As Marshall threw another punch, Sterling recovered in a second, and caught the blow.

"What the...?" Marshall gaped.

"Enough of the warm-ups." Sterling smirked. "Now for the real fight..."

Sterling headbutted Marshall, the struck him in the neck with a hoof.

"Argh!" Marshall grunted. "You'll pay for that, scum!"

"Just try it." Sterling taunted him.

"Yarrgh!" Marshall charged at Sterling.

Marshall threw several more blows at Sterling. Sterling dodged most of them, with the few that landed barely staggering him or were simply blocked.

“Wha…” Marshall gaped, stepping back. Despite the many punches he threw at the stallion, Sterling still looked the same as he did when he first came in.

"My turn." Sterling smirked.

Sterling unleashed a barrage of lightning-fast blows upon Marshall, striking him all around his head and upper body. Unlike Sterling, Marshall didn't weather the onslaught well; Before long, he was teetering on his hooves, bruised and weakened.

"Had enough yet?" Sterling taunted, “Because this is just becoming tedious.”

"Never!" Marshall lashed out, striking Sterling square in the face.

"Yeow!" Sterling cringed. "Still got some fight in ya, huh? ...Well, I know how to fix that..."

As Marshall threw another punch, Sterling caught it, then twisted his hoof around and pinned him against the wall.

"Ahhh!" Marshall yelped.

"Hurts, doesn't it?" Sterling grinned. "Feel like submitting yet?"

"Never!" Marshall spat.

Sterling pulled Marshall's hoof back further.

"Argh!" Marshall groaned.

"Submit!" Sterling ordered. "Don't make me break it!"

"You... wouldn't... dare!" Marshall snarled. "Arghhh!" He screamed, as Sterling pulled the hoof back even further.

"Wouldn't I?" Sterling hissed.

"Okay! Uncle! Uncle!" Marshall yelped.

Satisfied with the answer, Sterling let Marshall go, dropping him to the ground.

"No..." Marshall groaned.

“Well, Marshall, you put up a decent fight…” Sterling admitted, wiping a bit of blood from his lip and snout, and straightening his mane, “But now, I must take my leave.” He grabbed the key from the downed sheriff, “And since I’m in a good mood, I won’t tell Red about the little stunt you tried to pull today.”

“Grr…” Marshall groaned. As he struggled to get up, Sterling picked up the bag of rutabagas.

As Sterling turned to face him, Marshall was back to his hooves, though he looked as if he could be knocked over by a breeze, his stance wobbly.

“You are out of your mind if I’m going to let you go.” Marshall snarled, trying to keep a strong face despite the pain he was in, “You’re a murderer. A heartless monster…”

“...Well, I may be a murderer, Marshall.” Sterling admitted, “But a monster?” He let out a small chuckle, “If I was a monster, you would be dead right now. And trust me, while the thought had crossed my mind, you’re not worth the bloodshed. Now if you excuse me…”

Sterling brushed Marshall aside as he made his way to the door.

"This isn't over Sterling! I promise you!" Marshall growled, knowing full well he was beat… for now, “I will have you out of here in cuffs! Just you wait…”

"Yeah, yeah." Sterling snorted as he unlocked the door. He glanced back at Marshall, “Put some ice on those bruises... and say 'hi' to Shooting for me, will ya?"

"Raargh!" Marshall snarled.

Sterling marched out onto the streets, deeply pleased with himself.

'And to think, this started out looking like such a bad day.' He thought. 'Ol' Marshmallow put up a decent fight, I'll give 'im that... but I've faced tougher fights. Even when I was a kid...'

Many years ago...

Sterling, ten years old, was walking through the streets of Cairode, taking advantage of some free time in the schedule his mother had forced upon him.

"Hey, runt!" A voice yelled.

Sterling turned to see a dull orange Earth Pony with a black mane, pale blue eyes, and a Cutie Mark of a block of stone. He was flanked by two other Earth Ponies, one dark red with a yellow mane and brown eyes, and another light green with a brown mane and purple eyes, and neither one had a Cutie Mark.

"Hello, Sandstone." Sterling growled, well aware of the neighborhood bully.

"What brings a spoiled snob like you to our neck of the woods.?" Sandstone sneered. "You probably want a reminder of how you think you're better than us, huh?"

"That would require me actually thinking about you." Sterling scoffed. "Like, ever. And why would I do that?'

"Think you're so smart, huh?" Sandstone growled. "If you were, you'd know better than to make me angry!"

"Ooh, scary." Sterling scoffed. "You'd be a lot scarier if you didn't have your flunkies always backing you up."

"Who says I need them to teach you a lesson?" Sandstone spat. "I'll flatten you myself."

"Bring it." Sterling smirked.

Sandstone swung a hoof at Sterling, who used his smaller size to duck under the blow. His fencing lessons had taught him well.

"Huh?" Sandstone frowned, confused.

"Gotcha!" Sterling punched Sandstone.

"Ow!" Sandstone groaned. "You little..."

Sandstone lunged at Sterling again, but Sterling jumped over him, then lashed out with a kick as he landed.

"Had enough, yet?" Sterling taunted Sandstone.

Sandstone, enraged, nodded to his minions, who attacked Sterling from behind.

"Hey, no-ugh!" Sterling grunted as one of them hit him.

"Let's see ya laugh now, runt." Sandstone smirked.

The three colts started pummeling Sterling together. Sterling was now at a major disadvantage. But he wasn't going down without a fight. He swung blows in all directions, landing some definite hits on his foes.

"Hey, stop that!"

Sterling and Sandstone's gang turned to see an aquamarine Pegasus stallion with a green mane, blue eyes, and a Cutie Mark of a river in a suit of armor and cloth with a cylindrical helmet rush over. He was a member of the Vanguard, Haygypt’s version of the Royal Guards.

"You kids! stop!" The stallion yelled.

"Run!" Sandstone yelped.

The young thugs fled the scene. Sterling made to follow, but the stallion grabbed him before he could get away.

“Hey, let me go!” Sterling growled.

"Picking fights, little guy?" The stallion asked.

“They started it!” Sterling retorted.

“Well, you didn’t end it.” The stallion frowned, “If I hadn’t intervene, you could had gotten hurt.”

“Hey, I had him where I wanted him. But he sicced his cronies on me!” Sterling defended.

“That doesn’t matter. What would your mother think if she heard about her son getting into fights?” The stallion declared.

“...You’re not going to tell her, are you?” Sterling gasped, his anger turning to fear.

“Well, I just might.” The stallion admitted, “After all, it’s my job to keep little scamps like you out of trouble.”

"No!" Sterling yelped. "P-please, don't tell her! I'm begging you!"

Nile was unnerved by Sterling's sudden bout of fear.

“Whoa, take it easy...” The stallion soothed. “I don’t even know who you are… how about we start there? What’s your name, little one?”

“...Sterling…” Sterling murmured, “Sterling Cross.”

“Cross?” The stallion repeated, “As in Silver Cross? The secretary?”

"Uh-huh." Sterling nodded.

"Now why would a colt from such a well-to-do family be on the rough side of town, fighting with some street punks?" The stallion frowned.

“I could ask the same about you.” Sterling growled, partially out of fear and defiance, “I don’t know who you are.”

“...Fair enough.” The armored stallion admitted, “My name is Nile Rivers. I am a member of the Cairode Vanguards. It’s my job to patrol these streets to keep an eye on all its’ citizens… including roughhousing hooligans.”

"Hey, those clowns were asking for it." Sterling scowled, “I was minding my business when they ganged up on me.”

"That's as maybe, but there are better things for a colt of any family to be doing." Nile lectured.

"You sound like my mother." Sterling frowned. "She's always telling me what I should be doing or what I should not."

"Because she wants you to live up to your potential." Nile declared.

"You really don't know my mother." Sterling shook his head.

"Maybe not." Nile shrugged. "But what I do know is that you should always strive to do the right thing. If not, you'll be no better than those thugs."

"I already am better than them." Sterling replied. "They only got me because they ganged up."

"That's not what I mean." Nile frowned. "You should always do the right thing. That's why I became a Vanguard in the first place. So I could protect those who can't protect themselves, and show everypony the true use of strength."

"And what's that?" Sterling urged. "To make sure everypony knows not to mess with you, or else they'll get a beatdown they'll never forget?"

"Of course not." Nile frowned. "That way of thinking is for bullies like those brats who just ran off."

"Then what is this 'true use'?" Sterling asked.

"To help those without strength." Nile smiled. "Strength isn't a free pass to do whatever you want. It's an obligation to use it for the good of others. To protect, to guide, to set the best example you can... That's what being a Vanguard's all about."

"Wow." Sterling mused. "That's... kinda cool, if you think about it."

"Thanks, kid." Nile smiled. "And I caught a few of your moves before I stepped in. You might make a decent Vanguard yourself some day."

"I would?" Sterling gaped.

"As long as you remember what I told you today." Nile declared. "And try to stay on the straight and narrow. It'd be a shame for such talent to go to waste, don't you think?"

"I guess so..." Sterling admitted. "Am I still in trouble?"

"I'm gonna let you off with a warning this time, kid." Nile smiled. "Just don't let it happen again, okay?"

"Okay." Sterling nodded. "Thank you, Mr. Nile."

"My pleasure." Nile grinned. "See ya around, kid."

"Bye!" Sterling waved as he headed home. He had never considered a career in the Vanguard before, but he was definitely starting to see the attraction. 'Me, a Vanguard...' He thought. 'How cool would that be?'

The present...

Sterling made it back to the homestead just before lunch.

"What kept ya, Sterling?" Big Red frowned.

"Sorry, Red." Sterling shrugged. "There was... a really long line."

"Well, I suppose better late than never." Cherry mused. "Plus, it kept you out of the house for a good long while. I'd call that a bonus."

“I guess that’s the closest I’m going to get to a thank you, isn’t it?” Sterling scowled.

"Okay, that's enough." Big Red sighed. "Ya'd better wash up fer lunch, Sterling. And eat yer fill. We got a full day a' work in the orchard tah get to..."

"Sure thing, Red." Sterling nodded.

As Sterling made his way to the washroom, he noticed for the first time how similar Red was to the Vanguard he had befriended all those years ago. It had been so long since he had thought about him, but now as he thought about it, the two had a lot in common.

'Good old Nile.' He thought. 'I wonder what he's up to right now...'


Back in Cairode, Barbossa was making his way through town. It had been over a week since Barbossa and Echo had spoken with Crystal. While he had sent Echo home, he had remained in Haygypt, hoping to get more information about Sterling that could give them an idea of where to find him.

He had a file full of leads, consisting of ponies who had in contact with the Cross family over the years. It listed political allies, family friends, former employees and everywhere in between. And for the past few days, he had been going from house to house, hoping to learn more about Sterling.

However, he hadn’t much luck. While he didn’t have much hope with reaching many of them, considering how long ago it was since anypony saw Sterling, it seemed like almost everypony he came across in the file had been unavailable in one way or another, whether they had passed away or have moved elsewhere.

As of now, he was in front of a small, plain-looking house. He glanced at the file, confirming the address.

“Okay, two hundred and fourth time’s the charm… I hope.” Barbossa sighed.

He made his way up to the door, and gave a few knocks.

The door soon opened, answered by none other than Nile. The stallion has gotten on in years, with streaks of grey in his mane and wrinkles on his face.

“Um… hello, there.” Nile frowned, “Can I help you?”

“Greetings, sir.” Barbossa Wheatley, “My name is Barbossa Wheatley. Senator from the town of Coltonwood. And you’re Nile Rivers, former Cairode Vanguard, correct?”

“...Yeah, that’s me.” Nile nodded, though visibly confused, “...What brings a senator to my neck of the woods? You seem a little far from home.”

“Well, it’s a long story.” Barbossa admitted, “But to put simply, I am here to ask you about a pony you might had known a long time ago… Sterling Cross.”

Immediately, Nile’s eyes lit up with shock.

“Sterling?” Nile repeated.

“Might it be alright if I come in?” Barbossa asked, “I don’t mean to be a bother, but I have been walking around town all day.”

“Yeah, sure.” Nile gestured him inwards, “Come on in.”

Barbossa followed Nile inside, to his sitting room, which was a modest place with a well-worn couch and carpets.

“So… you’re here about Sterling.” Nile asked, as he took a seat, “Why?”

“My colleagues and I have been looking into Sterling’s past.” Barbossa announced, taking his own seat, “I reckon you might be aware of what has happened over in Equestria?”

“Oh, yes.” Nile cringed, “An attack on the capital, and a bio-attack on the changelings. It was world-wide news.” His face fell, “And I heard Sterling was part of all that?”

“Only the former.” Barbossa clarified, “But as of now, he is in the wind, and I have been going around town, asking ponies that had contact with his family, hoping they could give me and my friends some idea as to how to find him… and you’re pretty much the first pony I come across in my file that I was able to meet.”

“I see…” Nile frowned, “Have you talked with his brother, Crystal?”

“He was the first pony I talked to, yes.” Barbossa nodded, “According to him, Sterling was a… troubled child.”

“Troubled child? HAH!” Nile scoffed loudly, “That’s rich, coming from him.”

“Really?” Barbossa asked, intrigued, “Because Crystal seem pretty confident that he is.”

“Trust me, senator. I’ve known the Cross family for a good while.” Nile glared, “And let me tell you, Sterling is no troubled kid… the same can’t be said for Crystal.”

“How so?” Barbossa questioned.

"Crystal was an utter hooligan back in the day." Nile said darkly. "He would cause all sorts of trouble, tormenting the neighborhood children, targeting other ponies for kicking and teasing. He even stole from the local candy store, just for fun. He would have the one to end up in juvie if not for his mother always stepping in. She would either bribe or threaten Crystal's victims to keep word from getting out and tarnishing the family name."

“Well, I heard Silver was a very uncompromising mare.” Barbossa admitted.

“Uncompromising mare?” Nile repeated incredulously, “I don’t mean to speak ill of the dead, but that mare was a cold-hearted bitch. Ever since she became the minister of Haygyptian Defense, she acted like she owned all of Cairode. She cut the budget to the night watch, and bumped up their actions abroad, having the troops set up outposts on countries she thought were 'trouble spots'.. which, funnily enough, were mostly countries populated by non-pony species. And woe betide you if you stood in her way. She had no qualms about ruining any pony’s life if they dare cross her.”

“Oh, she was one of those ponies.” Barbossa growled, “I have met too many of them.”

“Yeah, but I think the family had it worse...” Nile frowned.

“What do you mean?” Barbossa questioned.

“Well…” Nile’s eyes shifted back and forth, as he leaned closer towards Barbossa, “There has been talk going around for years regarding the Cross family. As rumor has it, Silver abused her sons. Both physically and mentally.”

“You’re kidding?!” Barbossa gasped.

“Wish I was.” Nile sighed, “We never had any proof… but more often than I would had liked, I'd seen both Crystal and Sterling sporting all sort of bruises, cuts, burns... Heck, one time, Crystal was sent to the hospital, having been beaten black and blue...” He shook his head, “I would've been lucky if I see a smile on either of their faces.”

“Where was their father in all this?” Barbossa demanded, “Green Cross?”

“Their father?” Nile scoffed, “That stallion has a backbone of a worm. Green was probably more afraid of his wife than the rest of us. That the fact that this went on for years, I bet he just let it happen.”

“So, on one end, you have a abusive mother… and on another… you have a father that is too scared to do anything.” Barbossa mused, “Lauren Faust, that is one sure-fire way to have a ruined childhood.”

“You got that right.” Nile snarled, “Trust me, I wanted to step in and help… but without any proof, and Silver’s power to cut off any fundings to the Vanguard, there was nothing we could do. If there’s anypony to blame for how Crystal acted in his youth, I can bet you it’s because of Silver.”

“I guess…” Barbossa mused, “But Crystal seem to had turned his life around. I mean, look at him, he’s a senator now.”

“That he is.” Nile shook his head, “And while a part of me wants to be happy that he’s no longer a nuisance… I can’t help but be worried… like his mother, there has been some talk.”

“Oh, yes… these ‘rumors’.” Barbossa frowned, “I am more aware of them. That is why I have come to you to ask of Sterling.”

“Well, I can tell you this much. Crystal is wrong.” Nile glared, “Sterling was a good kid… but he had a very rough upbringing. And I sure as hell can tell you that he isn’t the monster that Crystal is trying to make him out to be.”

“Then what was he really like?” Barbossa asked.

“Well…” Nile mused, “He was kind… caring… a bit of a troublemaker, but boys usually are… and he loved the hell out of his little brother.”

“You speak real highly of him… were you two friends?” Barbossa asked.

"Oh, yeah." Nile nodded. "It was more of a mentor/student thing at first. Sterling really looked up to me. And I liked having the kid around. I could tell there was a lot of potential there, potential that could be put to good use with a little guidance. And it didn't seem like he needed that much help from me. Sterling was a decent kid... especially when it came to little Gold."

"Gold... you know, I never thought to ask... what ever happened to the youngest of the Cross brothers?" Barbossa inquired.

Nile's face fell into sadness.

"He... he passed away many years ago." Nile declared. "A few years after I first met Sterling, in fact."

"Oh my. Barbossa gasped. "What happened?"

"Well... there was this old well that was a few miles outside Cairode." Nile declared. "Back in the olden days, it was a spot for travelers to replenish their water supply. But it eventually dried up, and back then, ponies would go out there and toss coins in there, you know, like a wishing well."

"I'm guessing Sterling and Gold went out there often?" Barbossa asked.

"Yeah... it was a thing those two would do together." Nile chuckled sadly. "I still remember the times I was posted on the city walls, and I would watch the two make their way over to the well. Gold was the one who always dropped a coin in there, but he was too short, so he would have Sterling give him a boost. And then the two would go back home. And I swear, it was one of the few times I ever saw a truly happy smile on Sterling's face."

“Was Gold a victim of Silver’s abuse as well?” Barbossa questioned.

“Oddly enough, no.” Nile admitted, “It was strange, but Silver never laid a hoof on him. I don’t know why, but Silver doted on him, and more often and not, treated him as if he was his ‘only’ true son.”

"So she wasn't all bad, then." Barbossa mused. "I wonder why he was spared?"

"Who knows?" Nile shrugged. "Maybe he was just her favorite... not that that helped him in the end."

"Why, what happened?" Barbossa asked.

"...One day, I got a call from the Cross residence. At first, I feared that Silver might had actually done it... that she'd killed one of her sons." Nile recalled. "But... to my surprise, it was Silver herself."

Barbossa raised an eyebrow, but said nothing.

"She was calling me, asking me if I had seen Gold." Nile continued. "She told me that he was late for his trombone lesson, and that he wasn't with Sterling or Crystal. And I could tell she was worried. Considering she never seem to care what her other sons were doing, I was concerned myself. I went and looked around the usual places you would find a young colt: the marketplace, the alleyways, the square... it wasn't 'till two hours later that I decided to check out the well... that was when I found his stuffed doll."

"Oh, no..." Barbossa sighed.

Nile shook his head, his eyes misty.

"A part of me was hoping that the kid just forgot his doll, and that he was playing elsewhere... but then... I had to look in the well... it was dark down there." He continued. "But I could make out a shape of a small body. I had some of my guys come and get him out... and sure enough... Gold was down there. Dead."

"I cannot imagine how awful that must have been." Barbossa said sadly.

"Trust me, it was... from what I could gather, Gold must had went down to the well by himself." Nile reflected. "Perhaps he thought he was big enough to finally drop a coin in the well by himself, and just leaned too far in. The fall didn't kill him outright... but he bled out down there... ten, maybe fifteen minutes of agonizing pain... alone. Just the thought alone kept me up for nights."

"The Cross family must have been devastated." Barbossa remarked.

"That would be an understatement." Nile said grimly. "Mr. and Mrs. Cross were inconsolable. I don't take back what I said about Silver... but even I could tell she loved Gold. Even Crystal himself was shocked... and Sterling... oh... Sterling."

"Sterling?" Barbossa frowned.

"Sterling wasn't home when I first broke the news to the family." Nile admitted. "But when he came in, asking what was going on... I told him what had happened. And in that moment, I knew I'd broken his heart."

“Losing somepony you love can do that to a pony." Barbossa noted. "I've seen that way too many times."

"If only that were the end of it..." Nile frowned.

"Wait, there's more?" Barbossa asked.

"Yeah." Nile nodded. "As far as everypony was concerned, what happened to Gold was an unfortunate accident... but Sterling didn't think so. At first, it seemed like he was having trouble coping with his little brother's death. It was natural, after all. But after the first few months, Sterling started visiting me, asking that we look more into Gold's death, suggesting that somepony killed him."

"And did you?" Barbossa inquired.

"On what grounds?" Nile shrugged. "Everything pointed to Gold's death being an accident. I tried endlessly to tell Sterling that. But he just wouldn't listen. He would spend hours upon hours at the headquarters, wanting to see me. Even on school days. It wasn't long before that mother of his caught on. She came to me, demanding that I set him straight once and for all."

"What did you do then?" Barbossa asked.

"...I'm not proud of what I did, Mr. Wheatley, but Silver made it abundantly clear that she would have my job if I didn't do what she wanted." Nile sighed. "I only wanted what was best for Sterling... and at the time, I felt that Sterling was never going to move on with his life if I wasn't hard on him... so I told him: 'stop coming to the headquarters', 'get over it', 'let it go', 'your little brother is never coming back'... and just like that, the visits stopped. And Sterling stopped talking to me.

"And that was the last of when you saw Sterling?" Barbossa frowned.

"That's right." Nile nodded. "A few weeks later, Sterling was sent to Deerbai, and months after that, he came back, only to burn the house to the ground. With his brother still in there. Then he was shipped off to juvie, awaiting trial... and... well, you probably know what came after that."

"Faust... I never imagined..." Barbossa whispered, shocked.

"Yeah." Nile sighed. "Easily the worst months of my career. Sometimes, I feel if I had only listened to Sterling, maybe none of this would had happened. Sterling wouldn't have got shipped to Deerbai, get sent to juvie, joined these Forefathers, and hurt all those ponies... "

"We mustn't dwell on 'what ifs'." Barbossa declared. "Only on what is."

"I suppose you're right." Nile nodded sadly.

"Thank you for the information, though." Barbossa smiled. "It was... very illuminating. I really must be going now..."

"One last thing?" Nile asked.

"Of course." Barbossa nodded.

"Look, I know Sterling has done some awful things." Nile admitted. "But despite that, I know he's still a good pony, deep down inside..."

"Your faith in him is admirable." Barbossa smiled.

“Yes… but what I really want to ask is… if and when you and your ‘friends’ find him… could you tell him… I’m sorry?” Nile requested.

"...I shall." Barbossa nodded.

With that, Barbossa departed Nile’s home, enlightened by what he has learned, and more determined to seek out more ponies in his file, hoping to gain a better understanding of the pony they sought…

But little did he realized that he was being watched.

From the shadows of an alley, a bald tan pony in a business suit observed the senator, a pair of shades concealing his eyes that followed the pony. He then pulled out a pocket mirror, and with a tap, the mirror activated, creating a contact to another pony…

“Sir, Wheatley’s on the move again.” The stallion declared, “He just left Nile’s place. He looks… well-informed. Should I intercept him?”

“No, not yet.” The voice on the other line grunted, “I need to know what he is up to. Keep on him… and act when necessary.”

“Yes, sir.” The stallion nodded.

"I had a feeling he'd stick his nose into things." The voice growled. "I tried to get on the line with the department about this... but they put me on hold! Me, can you imagine? They can't treat me like this! Especially over a matter like that! It's an outrage! An outrage, I tell you!"

“...I’ll call you back.” The stallion cringed, as he hung up.

Back in Dodge Junction...

Sterling finished washing up, and joined the family for lunch. The boys had of course already sat down, eager for Cherry's cooking.

"Hey, Sterling." Globe smiled, sitting beside him.

"Hey, kid." Sterling grinned. "How's your day been?"

"Not too bad." Globe declared. "I caught up with an... old friend."

"Good for you, kid." Sterling nodded, knowing Globe was speaking of Bolero. "I've had lots of friends over the years. Lost touch with most of 'em. Try not to let that happen to you."

"I won't, thanks." Globe beamed.

'Good kid.' Sterling thought. 'But we all start out good, don't we? And some of us don't stay good...'

Years ago...

Sterling was in the Ouroboros' lounge, the Snake Pit, with Loveless and Ricochet, taking a moment to relax after a very tiring mission, one that involved tracking an extremely elusive group of artifact thieves in order to get information from them.

"Now this is the life." Sterling smiled.

"You said it, bro." Ricochet grinned, as he cracked open yet another bottle of beer.

"Indeed." Loveless agreed. "After a job well done, there's nothing like a nice, relaxing break."

“Yeah. We got everything we need here: friends, drinks, a chef that can make great food…” Sterling listed off.

“Your welcome!” Ignite added, busy cleaning the bar.

“Thank you, Ignite.” Sterling chuckled, “Right now, there is nothing that can ruin this moment…”

"Oh, please..."

Sterling’s smile immediately soured, as Solomon had just came through the doors, approaching them.

“You guys think you’ve all earned a break?”

"Well, it was a very tough mission." Ricochet pointed out, “Even tougher than the in-flight meal on the way back..”

"You think you've had tough missions?" Solomon sneered. "I had to fend off a few dozen rabid Diamond Dogs just last week. But you don't see me lounging around like some lazy couch potatoes, do you?"

"No, we see you acting like a total lunatic." Sterling sneered. "I take it when you say 'fend off', you actually mean 'fry 'em to a crisp'?"

"And what if I did?" Solomon retorted. "Those mangy mutts had it coming, getting in my way like that."

"And that's what you do to things that get in your way?" Sterling glared. "You kill them, right?"

"Sterling..." Loveless frowned.

"Is that not part of the job?" Solomon declared. "To let nothing stand in our way?"

"It's one thing to kill if you have to, but taking out an entire pack of Diamond Dogs?" Sterling grimaced. "You just did that for fun, didn't you, ya sicko?"

"How dare you talk down to me, you little punk!" Solomon snarled.

“Why not? You been doin’ it ever since the ambush on Black Knight!” Sterling shot back.

"Because I earned my spot on the Ouroboros!" Solomon sneered.

"So did I." Sterling retorted.

"You got lucky by killing that traitor." Solomon shot back. "Considering your connection to him, he probably tried to go easy on you. So it wouldn't be that much of an accomplishment."

"It was harder than you think." Sterling snarled. "Besides, Jetstream was an Ouroboros himself, so I'd still say I did better than you to get where I am!"

"But I've been an Oruoboros longer." Solomon growled. "So you still shoudl show me some respect, you brat!"

"Whoa, easy there." Ricochet spoke up. "You're harshin' out our chill time."

"It's not like I can talk to you any other way." Sterling retorted. "You're just some psycho with freaky powers. That's the only reason you were recruited."

"At least I was recruited for a reason." Solomon sneered. "Not just because Loveless felt sorry for you."

"Excuse me?" Loveless frowned.

"Hey, don't even think about insulting Loveless!" Sterling growled.

"That's right, defend the cripple." Solomon chuckled. "It figures that a broken pony would choose a joke like you..."

"That's it!" Sterling punched Solomon in the face.

"Gah!" Solomon grunted. he put his hoof to his nose, and saw blood upon it. "You little..."

Solomon threw a bolt of lightning at Sterling, who dodged it, leaving the wall behind him scorched.

"Whoa!" Ricochet yelped.

Sterling headbutted Solomon.

"Relying on your freaky lightning powers?" He chided Solomon. "Afraid to face me like a stallion?"

"In your dreams!" Solomon punched Sterling.

"Now we're talking..." Sterling smirked.

"Not for long..." Solomon snarled, charging up.

Sterling headbutted Solomon, breaking his concentration.

"How's that for using your head?" Sterling smirked.

"Rarrrgh!" Solomon wrapped his hooves around Sterling's neck.

"Get... off!" Sterling slammed his hooves into Solomon's temples.

"Arrgh!" Solomon roared, releasing his grip. "You'll pay for that!"

Solomon fired more lightning. Sterling dodged, and the bolt blew up some leftovers.

“Hey! Hey!” Ignite roared, “Somepony, do something!”

“That is enough!” Loveless yelled. He pushed a button on his chair, causing small darts to fire at Sterling and Solomon.

"Hey, what the-!" Sterling yelped, as his body began to droop.

"You son of a biiiii..." Solomon cursed.

The two suddenly collapsed.

"Sorry, boys, but you leave me no option." Loveless declared, picking up Sterling. "Ricochet, you grab Solomon. These two need to have a talk with Father..."

"You got it." Ricochet nodded, throwing the unconscious Solomon over his back. "Jeez, this guy's heavy..."

Shortly after, Sterling regained consciousness…

“Ohh…” Sterling murmured, opening his eyes.

To his surprise, he found himself in the Coils, seated in his chair at the table. Right next to him was Solomon, who was just waking up himself.

“Ugh…” Solomon groaned.

“Solomon?” Sterling frowned, his eyes a bit bleary, “What happened… how did we get here.”

“I dunno…” Solomon grunted, as he then pulled out a dart from his hide, “But I think that cripple drugged us!”

“You would be right.”

Sterling glanced next to him to find Loveless sitting there, watching him intently.

“Loveless? The buck?” Sterling grimaced, pulling out his own dart.

“I’m sorry, Sterling.” Loveless apologized, “But two Ouroboros fighting each other like that cannot be allowed.”

“You had no right!” Solomon snarled, “This is between me and this piece of crap! You have no business interfering!”

“Actually, I would say he does...”

Sterling and Solomon froze, recognizing the voice.

“Aw, buck…” The two gaped in unison as they turned to the head of the table, only to find Father sitting before them.

“Um, Father… when did you get here?” Sterling cringed.

“I’ve been here the whole time.” Father declared, “Loveless and Ricochet had told me of what transpired mere minutes ago in the Pit. I’m a bit disappointed. I expected better from you two.”

“Hey, it’s not my fault! He started it!" Solomon pointed at Sterling.

"Are you kidding me?" Sterling snarled. "I was just sitting with Loveless and Ricochet, minding my own business, when this clown comes over and starts insulting me!"

"That is totally untrue, sir!" Solomon retorted. "I attempted some friendly conversation, then Sterling started insulting me!"

“He’s a liar, sir!” Sterling snarled. “Ever since what happened with Black Knight, he has been nothing but a asshole to me!”

"And he's been nothing but a disrespectful brat!" Solomon yelled.

"Like you deserve anypony's respect!" Sterling snarled.

"Enough!" Father yelled. "You two are both Ouroboros. You are supposed to be the best and brightest among my followers. Yet you act like quarreling children."

"...Sorry, Father." Sterling and Solomon chorused.

"Well, that certainly isn't helping to throw off the 'children' description." Father remarked.

“...What exactly are you going to do to us?” Sterling frowned.

“The way I see it, you are both at fault here.” Father declared, “Solomon, as much as he tried to tell me otherwise, did start the argument… but you on the other hoof, goaded him. And since you are both Ouroboros, much to my displeasure, one cannot be punished for attacking a superior.”

“What? Doesn’t seniority count for anything?” Solomon grunted.

“No.” Father said firmly, “But I believe i know how to handle this… dispute.”

“And how is that, sir?” Sterling asked tentatively.

“You should know, Sterling…” Father turned to him, “Or do you not recall what happened the last time you had a dispute with somepony? A certain ‘party boy’, if I recall?”

Sterling paused for a moment… only to realize in horror.

"Oh, no." Sterling froze, realizing the worst. "Oh, Faust no!”

“What? What?!” Solomon turned to Sterling, “What happened last time?”

“The two of you will embarking on the next mission together.” Father declared, “And any future missions should you two do not resolve your differences.”

“Oh, Faust dammit…” Sterling groaned.

“Come on, no!” Solomon growled, “Don’t do this to me! You can’t pair me up with this chump!”

“Yeah, you'd be putting my life in danger by leaving me alone with him!” Sterling protested.

"I'd be the one in danger... by your incompetence!" Solomon spat.

"And you killing anypony you see would drag me into a boatload of trouble!" Sterling yelled.


Sterling and Solomon clammed up.

“You two will be going on this mission together, and that is an order.” Father said firmly, “And you continue to go on missions together until I see that you two aren’t at each others’ throats. And I don’t want to hear another complaint… understand?”

"...Yes, sir." Sterling and Solomon said in unison, begrudingly.

"Good." Father nodded. "It just so happens that I have a mission for Sterling, which is now both your mission.”

"Okay… what would you have us do, sir?" Solomon inquired.

"In an Haygyptian museum, there is an ancient urn, one whose markings are actually an ancient, powerful spell, one that will serve our purposes well." Father revealed. "Your mission will be to sneak into the museum and recover the urn."

"Sounds simple enough." Sterling declared. "As long as somepony doesn't cramp my style."

"And as long as somepony doesn't get in my way." Solomon growled.

"What did I just say?" Father growled.

"Sorry, sir." Sterling and Solomon apologised.

"Alright, then." Father said, satisfied. "You leave for Haygypt tomorrow afternoon. Good luck."

"Thank you, sir." Solomon nodded as he departed. "I'm going to need it..."

As Sterling and Loveless followed, Sterling glared at Loveless.

"Don't look at me like that, Sterling." Loveless frowned. "I did what I was supposed to."

"You shot me in the butt with a dart!" Sterling yelled. "While I was defending you, even!"

"I did not ask you to defend me, Sterling." Loveless frowned. "And as Father said, two Ouroboros fighting each other does not set a good example. I know you have little love for Solomon, but he is still a comrade. And you two need to learn how to work together."

"Don't hold your breath." Sterling scowled. "I'll take the mission, but I won't be working with him. The guy still has it out for me for what happened all those years ago, and I know the moment I turn my back, he’s going to fry me.”

"That's ridiculous." Loveless scoffed... while privately agreeing with Sterling. "Look, this animosity between you and him has to end. This mission could be a chance to finally bury the hatchet."

“Somehow, I doubt it.” Sterling grumbled.

“Just give it a chance.” Loveless urged, “...And good luck.”

"Yeah, yeah." Sterling rolled his eyes. "If you don't mind, I'll be going to bed. Which is strange, because I feel like I already a little extra sleep than usual today..."

The next morning, Sterling and Solomon picked up their thieving equipment, and took an airship to Haygypt, not exchanging a single word throughout.

It was only once they landed that Solomon spoke up.

"Okay, Sterling, since we have no choice but to go on this mission together, we may as well get to work." He declared.

"My thoughts exactly." Sterling nodded.

"Just follow my lead." Solomon ordered.

"And why would I do that?" Sterling demanded.

"Because I've been an Ouroboros for longer than you, that's why." Solomon sneered. "I have seniority, so you'd better step into line... unless you want to disappoint Father."

"Okay, fine." Sterling scowled. "But if things go wrong, it'll be your fault... boss."

"With me in charge, that seems unlikely." Solomon boasted.

"We'll see..." Sterling sneered.

As they neared the museum, night had fallen. They waited a few minutes until it closed, then sprang into action. Solomon used his magic to float up, while Sterling utilized a grappling hook.

"Try to keep up, kid." Solomon sneered.

"Just watch me." Sterling scowled.

As they reached the museum skylight, Solomon used his electrical abilities to short out the circuit lock, and they descended into the museum.

"The urn should be around here somewhere..." Solomon checked the map of the museum he'd been given.

"No need for that." Sterling snorted. "I went to this place when I was a kid. They usually keep the ancient pottery and housewares in the... east wing." He rushed off in that direction.

"Hey, wait up!" Solomon growled. "I'm the leader, remember?"

Solomon followed Sterling as they entered the east wing. Among several other artifacts, the urn resided, under a glass case.

"I'll handle this." Solomon ordered. "You keep watch. If some nosy security guard shows up, deal with him."

"Yeah, sure..." Sterling rolled his eyes. 'Stick me with the grunt work...'

While Sterling kept his eye on the exit, Solomon used a diamond blade to carve a hole into the case, and extracted the urn.

"Mission accomplished." Solomon smirked. "See how smoothly things go when you do what you're told?"

“What is that supposed to mean?” Sterling glared.

"Don't play dumb." Solomon sneered. "I've heard stories about you doing things your own way when you feel the need to. Clearly, Loveless never taught you the proper discipline."

"So I have a bit of a problem with authority." Sterling shrugged. "After my upbringing, that's no surprise..."

"Oh, yes, I'm sure being raised in a big mansion was just terrible." Solomon sneered.

"You wouldn't say that if you ever met my parents... or my brother." Sterling growled. "And you think you had it worse?"

"I know I did." Solomon retorted. "I spent my youth being pushed around by the rich and taken advantage of by thieves... and there wasn't a blasted thing I could do to prevent it. That's why I joined the Forefathers, so I could have my revenge on all who have ever wronged me."

"So that's why you joined the Forefathers?" Sterling sneered. "Revenge? Seems pretty cheap to me..."

"And why did you join the Forefathers?" Solomon asked. "What did you hope to gain by joining the order?"

"I... er..." Sterling muttered, unable to produce an answer.

"Who's there?!" A voice called.

“What the- somepony’s coming!” Sterling gasped.

“Hide!” Solomon hissed, as the two slipped into the shadows, hiding behind exhibit cases.

An armored figure stepped into the room.

"I know somepony's in here!" He announced. "I heard you talking!"

The figure stepped into the light coming down from the windows. It was Nile, slightly wrinkled, with a receding mane, but still the same Vanguard member Sterling had once known.

’Is that… Nile?’ Stelring gaped.

“What the hell?!” Solomon whispered, as he glared at Sterling, “There wasn’t supposed to be anypony in here!”

“I don’t know.” Sterling admitted, still in shock. “Maybe he volunteered...”

“Well, that’s just perfect.” Solomon grunted, “This is the last thing we need…” He glared at the Vanguard, “We need to take him out and fast…”

“Um…” Sterling muttered, barely silent enough for Solomon to not hear. 'I... I can't do this. It's Nile, my childhood hero. He taught me so much...' His face formed a grimace. 'But he didn't listen to me when I asked him to investigate what happened to Gold. I trusted him, and he let me down...' The grimace. 'But he doesn't deserve to die for it...'

Sterling was snapped out of his contemplation when he heard Solomon.

"That's it..." Solomon growled, his horn sparking with electricity. "Just a little closer..."

Sterling realized in horror that Solomon was aiming for Nile's head.

"No!" He yelled, tackling Solomon.

"Gah!" Solomon yelped. His lightning bolt was off-balance, flying past Nile's head, and striking a nearby alarm, causing it to go off.

"Why did you-?" Solomon yelled.

"No time!" Sterling hissed. "Run!"

Sterling and Solomon fled, but Nile was in hot pursuit.

"Get back here, you crooks!" He yelled. "Return that museum property at once!"

Sterling and Solomon raced toward the rear of the museum. Sterling kicked open the back door.

"Come on!" He told Solomon.

"Just a second..." Solomon fired a bolt of lightning at the ceiling, bringing a few chunks down.

"Whoa!" Nile barely dodged the rubble, backing away.

“Let’s go!” Solomon roared, as he ran out the door.

Sterling made to follow.

"Stop!" Nile yelled.

Sterling found himself glancing back to look at Nile. The two locked eyes for a moment.

“...Sterling?” Nile whispered.

Without another word, Sterling quickly made an about-face and ran off into the night, leaving the bewildered Vanguard behind.

Once outside, Solomon and Sterling kept to the shadows, and didn't stop until they were aboard the blimp. As they took off, Solomon rounded on Sterling, as they stood on deck.

"What was all that back there?" He scowled. "You almost ruined everything! I had a clear shot, and you made me miss!"

"We were just supposed to grab the urn." Sterling growled. "Killing shouldn't have been part of the agenda."

“Hello, the guard wasn’t part of the agenda!” Solomon snarled, “Besides, what’s the big deal?! You've killed ponies, just like me!”

“Yeah, because they were coming at me with knives and crossbows!” Sterling defended, “I killed in self-defense! What you were going to do was just plain murder!”

“You know something, I am getting real tired of you acting like you’re somehow the better pony!” Solomon growled, “This is what I was talking about earlier!”

"This again?" Sterling rolled his eyes.

"Yes, this again!" Solomon shot back. "You were supposed to follow my orders, but you couldn't do it, because you think I'm the lesser stallion!"

"Because you are." Sterling snarled. "You act like you're so perfect, but you're not. You've got all these flaws, and you refuse to acknowledge them."

"Oh, don't I?" Solomon spat.

"No, you don't!" Sterling nodded.

“You want me to say it? ‘Cause I’ll say it!” Solomon growled, “I, Solomon Thunder, am a reckless, impulsive buck!” He glared intensely at Sterling, “But I know I am a reckless, impulsive buck! You’re a reckless, impulsive buck, but you won’t buckin’ admit it! You can’t seem to get the fact that it’s kill or be killed world! Like morality still has a place in our line of work! And that’s what pisses me off the most about you! You’re lying to yourself if you think that somehow, you are still a good pony. You’re not, and the sooner you realize that, the sooner the rest of us won’t have to put up with your bullcrap!”

With a huff, Solomon slammed his front hooves on the railing, his horn crackling, fuming.

Sterling was silent for a moment, having been taken aback by the outburst.

'Is it true?' He thought. 'Am I really just fooling myself? ...No, wait. That's not the problem here...'

Sterling took a deep breath.

“You wanna know something, Solomon, this is ridiculous.” He frowned.

“Oh, you’re really working on my last nerve.” Solomon snarled.

“I’m not talking about that!” Sterling snapped, “I’m talking about us! This is what Father and Loveless were talking about! We shouldn’t be fighting like this!

“Hey, I’m not the one who started this feud!” Solomon growled.

“It doesn’t matter how it started.” Sterling said firmly, “All I know is that I’m ending it, right here, right now.”

“Oh, so you’re admitting I’m right.” Solomon gave a small smirk.

“No. What I am admitting is that we are two different ponies.” Sterling glared, “And we are never going to like each other… but as it stands, if we come back to Father, still fighting, he’s only going to pair us up more and more. And I’m pretty sure neither of us wants that.”

"Way to state the obvious." Solomon snorted, “But what do you propose we do?”

“I propose that instead of us fighting, we start working together.” Sterling suggested, “A truce if you will.”

"Together?" Solomon scoffed. "Seriously?"

"Yes, seriously." Sterling nodded. "I'm not suggesting we become pals, or anything. Just that we try to reign in our emotions whenever we work together. You keep your grievances with me to yourself. And I keep mine. And should it ever come down to it, we will have each others’ backs. That way, we will all strive as a team… sounds fair?”

“Hmm, I gotta say… you do make a valid point.” Solomon admitted, “And to be quite frank, I have big plans, and I can’t spend all my time dealing with you.”

"Gee, thanks." Sterling rolled his eyes. "So, whattaya say?" He offered a hoof. "Truce?"

"Truce." Solomon nodded, shaking Sterling's hoof.

The two shared awkward grins with each other, the hatchet seemingly buried between the two…

However, their minds suggested otherwise.

’Oh, you naive buck.’ Solomon laughed evilly in his head, ’We may have a deal, Sterling, but this changes nothing. Once the time is right, and after I have finally get what I sought for, I’m coming for you, Sterling… and your death will be slow and painful…’

’That asshole thinks I’m so naive.’ Sterling mentally sighed in defeat, ’Anytime, any place… I’ll be ready for you, Solomon… then we’ll see who’s the better stallion…’

It took them a moment to realize that they were still shaking hooves. The two glanced at each other awkwardly, as they slowly pulled their hooves away.

Upon their return to the Coils, Father applauded their success (Sterling and Solomon choosing to leave out the part where they encountered Nile). The only other ponies that were there were Loveless and Ricochet (who had since returned from his mission), the others having been busy with other matters.

"Well done." Father declared. "I am glad to hear you were able to put aside your differences and work together."

“Were there any doubts, sir?” Solomon smirked, “

"Thank you, sir." Solomon nodded. "As always, it was an honor to serve. Now, if nopony minds, I'll take the urn down to the research department."

"As you wish." Father nodded.

As Solomon departed, Loveless happily turned to Sterling.

"Well done, my friend." He smiled.

"Hey, just doing my job." Sterling grinned, “I hope you weren’t too worried about me.”

“Oh, not at all.” Loveless chuckled, “Though I am a bit surprised. I never thought you two would actually get along.”

“Well, you were right, Loveless.” Sterling admitted, “Our fighting had to come to an end. I can say, for the foreseeable future, that me and Solomon won’t have any problems.”

“You have no idea how happy I am to hear you say that, my boy.” Loveless smirked, “It kinda makes feel bad for drugging you.”

“Kinda being the keyword, right?” Sterling grinned.

The two let out a small laugh.

“Well, I don’t know about you, but I think we earned ourselves another break!” Ricochet smirekd, “Let’s head to the Pit! I’ll have Ignite whip us up a feast!”

"Sounds good to me." Sterling grinned.

Shortly after, the trio entered the pit.

"Yo, Ignite!"Ricochet called out. "Think you can cook us up some of those fantastic combo platters?"

"Comin' right up, brah!" Ignite nodded.

Sterling and Loveless sat down at a nearby table.

"Once again, good work, Sterling." Loveless smiled. "I'm glad you could finally put your animosity behind you."

"Eh, no big deal." Sterling shrugged. "I just did what to be done for the good of the mission."

"Like a true Ouroboros." Loveless nodded.

As they waited for their food, Sterling heard a nearby radio in

"...The Haygyptian National Museum was broken into last night." A reporter announced. "A priceless urn was stolen by unknown thieves. Senior Vanguard member Nile Rivers was on the scene..."

Sterling froze, unnerved.

“Tell us, Mr. Rivers, do you know who these thieves who had stolen the artifact?” The reporter asked, presumably talking to Nile.

’Oh no… no, no, no…’ Sterling whispered in shock.

“I’m afraid not.” Nile’s voice declared, “It was dark, and I was unable to get a good look at either suspect. Chances are, they’re long gone by now…”

Sterling let out a sigh of relief.

“However, whoever they are… I know they’re better than this.” Nile said firmly, “I do not know what would possess them to waste their potential on this petty thievery. If you are listening right now, I hope you can find it in your heart to do the right thing and return the urn. It is something that we should all strive to do…”

That feeling of relief faded away quickly, as Sterling felt a heavy pang of regret. There was no denying that those words were meant for him.

'Maybe Solomon and I aren't so different after all...' He thought sadly. 'Speaking of, was he right about me lying to myself? Am I really just fooling myself into thinking I'm still a good pony? Am I just doing this because I like doing bad things? No, he can't be right... But what if he is? We might not be so different after all...'