• Published 27th Jan 2017
  • 718 Views, 60 Comments

Tainted Silver - Bluecatcinema

The history of Sterling Cross, revealed at last.

  • ...

A Colt's Best Friend

The next day, Sterling awoke from his slumber on the couch of his own accord (clearly, nopony had dared to rouse him after what happened with Huckleberry the previous morning).

'At least Father wasn't in my dreams last night.' Sterling thought as he made his way into the kitchen. 'Thank Faust for small mercies...'

"Mornin', Sterling." Big Red smiled as Sterling entered the room. "Yer jest in time fer breakfast."

"Looks like I didn't have to wake you yesterday after all." Huckleberry noted. "Would've loved to have known that sooner..."

"Yeah, sorry about that, kid." Sterling cringed.

Cherry soon walked in, carrying plates with toast and waffles.

"Eat up, boys." She smiled (though less so when she gave Sterling his dish).

"Thanks." Sterling said curtly, eager to get in Cherry's good graces after the very tense and awkward conversation with Marshall. "I'm sure it'll be great."

"Of course it will." Cherry declared.

"Her cookin' weren't the main reason Ah married her." Big Red admitted. "But it is a nice bonus."

"Mmm, you're telling me." Globe grinned.

After eating their fill, the boy set aside their plates.

"Great stuff as always, mom." Eclipse smiled.

"Understatement of the year." Huckleberry chuckled. "I'd better go work some of this off. Don't want to end up looking like Globe..."

"Hey!" Globe pouted.

"Nothing personal, bro." Huckleberry shrugged. "But chubby only looks cute at your age. Ladies in my age range prefer a more slender bod."

"Would they prefer a more bruised bod?" Eclipse glared. "Because that's what you'll be getting if you don't zip it."

"Ooh, what put a twist in your feathers?" Huckleberry joked.

"It's Wednesday, remember?" Eclipse sighed. "Meaning it's my turn to clean out the cherry cellar. I hate doing that."

"But yer so good at it, kiddo." Big Red smiled encouragingly. "Nopony gets the place cleaner than you do."

"And we do appreciate that." Cherry added. "Enough to give you an extra-large course at dinner tonight."

"Guess I can't argue with the fringe benefits." Eclipse smiled. "Let me just get my gloves."

Eclipse left the room, followed closely by Huckleberry.

"I'll, er, just be heading into town." Globe declared, an odd look on his face.

"And where will you be going?" Cherry asked. "Somewhere important?"

"No, just... walking around." Globe said nervously. "It's a beautiful day. Be a shame to waste it by staying inside."

"Uh-huh." Big Red nodded. "Well, jest be sure tah get back in time fer lunch, kiddo."

"Sure thing." Globe nodded. "Bye."

Globe slipped out of the room. Sterling watched him shrewdly.

'If I didn't know better, I'd think the kid was hiding something.' He thought. 'Nah. A sweet kid like that couldn't possibly keep secrets from his parents...'

As Cherry collected the plates, Sterling picked up his.

"Here, let me." He offered, bringing his plate to the sink.

"How gracious of you." Cherry said flatly. "Picking up one plate and taking it to the sink. Makes my workload so much easier..."

"C'mon Cherry, cut the guy some slack." Big Red admonished his wife. "Ain't it enough that he's makin' the gesture?"

"I suppose." Cherry shrugged. "Thank you, Sterling."

"Happy to help." Sterling smiled. 'Especially if it actually gets you off my back...'

"Ain't he such a gracious guest?" Big Red beamed.

"Eh, since you're letting me live under your roof for free, I figure I oughta do something to earn my keep around here." Sterling shrugged.

"Well, ya don't haveta put yourself out." Big Red declared. "Yer still our guest, y'know."

"If you say so." Sterling nodded.

A short while while later, Sterling was in the front room, reading the morning newspaper. Much to his chagrin, the news in Dodge Junction was tediously stale.

'Typical small-town paper.' He frowned. 'Biggest news they have is about some baking contest…’ He then shrugged. ”Then again, at least the stories of what happened in Canterlot hadn’t gotten here yet… though I might need to prepare myself for when it does.'

Feeling a bit thirsty, Sterling wandered back into the kitchen for a drink. There, he saw Big Red putting aside some empty cherry soda bottles, and Cherry opening up the cupboards.

"Don't mind me, folks." Sterling declared. "Just getting some water."

Big Red nodded, while Cherry simply busied herself with her efforts.

"Oh no." Cherry said suddenly.

"What's up, darlin'?" Big Red asked.

"I forgot to get some bread and butter yesterday." Cherry groaned, as she realized the cupboards were lacking those particular items. "And I've already got so much to do today. Cleaning the attic, baking tonight's dessert... if I squeeze in going to the general store, I won't have any time to myself."

"Ya know Ah'd love tah help ya, darlin'." Big Red sighed. "But Ah gotta go prune the branches in the west orchard."

"I'll go get that stuff for you." Sterling offered.

"You?" Cherry gaped.

"Yeah, why not?" Sterling shrugged. "Better than just sittin' around here all day."

"Sounds like a good idea tah me." Big Red smiled.

"I don't know." Cherry frowned. "I wouldn't want to burden our... guest."

"Honestly, I'd prefer it." Sterling sighed. "I've only been here a couple of days, and I'm already bored. It'll give me something to do, at least." Mentally, he added 'And a little trip into town might help me get the lay of the land, as they say. Could come in handy if I ever need to make a quick escape.'

"I suppose there's no harm in that." Cherry shrugged. "If you really want to, Sterling, then you can go into town and get the bread and butter."

"Great." Sterling smiled. "Don't suppose you need anything else while I'm going?"

"Now that ya mention it, Ah could use sum horseshoe polish." Big Red admitted.

"Okay then." Sterling nodded. "Consider that added to the list."

"Give me a moment to get the Bits together." Cherry instructed.

Moments later, Cherry had counted out the exact amount of money required to buy what they needed, while Big Red had given Sterling directions to the general store.

"Here you are." Cherry handed Sterling the money. "And... thank you for offering to help."

"No problem." Sterling smiled. "Happy to help."

As Sterling departed the homestead, Big Red grinned smugly at Cherry.

"Ah told ya he wuz a decent guy." He smirked. "Case in point: He offered to go shoppin' fer us, going tah such effort, all outta the goodness of his heart."

"I know, I know." Cherry rolled her eyes. "Please don't gloat, Red."

"Sorry, darlin'." Big Red apologized.

"I suppose Sterling isn't all bad." Cherry admitted. "That's assuming he doesn't just keep the money and run off..."

"Seriously?" Big Red frowned.

"Just joking." Cherry declared. "Mostly…”

"Ah don't think we gotta worry about Sterling running off jest yet." Big Red declared. "It ain't like he got sum place to head off ta in a big hurry. Or any kinda reason tah leave too soon. Not unless a pal a' his comes by lookin' fer him..."

"Somehow, I find that very unlikely..." Cherry declared. "We found Sterling out in the desert. If somepony were out to find him, they would have started looking by now."

"Yeah, yer prob'ly right." Big Red admitted. "Gotta feel sorry fer 'im, though. Poor guy's got no friends lookin' out fer 'im..."

Meanwhile, back in Infinity, Loveless has hard at work.

Ever since hearing about Sterling’s impending fate within a month’s time, Loveless had taken it upon himself to find him before the month has passed, in the hopes of convincing him to come back.

However, due to his own obligations, he had to delegate his work to the many informants that the Forefathers called upon.

He was in contact with one of them right now, as he talked to a midnight blue Earth Pony with silver eyes, a dark green mane, and a target reticule Cutie Mark.

“Are you sure there has been no sign of Sterling, Seeker?” Loveless frowned.

"Afraid so." Seeker declared. "I hit up all my contacts in all the bigger cities in Equestria. Not one of them has seen anypony matching his description."

"Then try the smaller towns." Loveless urged. "If I know Sterling, he'll take to hiding out in the sticks somewhere."

"You got it." Seeker nodded… before frowning. "Before I go, sir… I have to ask you something.”

“Yes?” Loveless frowned.

“What exactly do you expect to do once we do find him?” Seeker asked. “I heard that Sterling doesn’t want to come back.”

"Perhaps." Loveless retorted. "But I'm sure I can talk some sense into him, if I can only see him face to face."

"I'm not so sure about that, sir..." Seeker frowned. "Sterling gone deep into hiding, by the looks of things. When a stallion does that, he's not really in the mood for talking..."

"Just do it." Loveless said coldly.

"...Yes, sir." Seeker cringed, chastised. "I'll redouble my efforts, and let you know if I and the others find anything."

"Yes, you do that." Loveless grunted. "Loveless, out."

Once the mirror shut off, Loveless lowered the mirror, and lean back into his chair.

"It's times like these that I regret teaching you all those undercover skills, Sterling." Loveless sighed. "Even with our best out there searching, you're more than capable of keeping yourself hidden. It's doubtful you'll stray out into the open for anything that isn't absolutely necessary..."

Back in Dodge Junction, Sterling made his way into town, intent on running his errand.

'What a quaint little place.' He admitted, as he glanced around the streets. 'Not the kind of town my folks would ever want to visit, that's for sure...'

Some of the townsponies who had seen Sterling arrive with Big Red and Cherry gave him some quiet nods or waves. Most of the others simply walked by politely.

'Decent folks, at least.' Sterling mused. 'Let's face it, there are worse place to live around here.'

As Sterling passed by the Sheriff's office, he noticed Marshall in the window. Marshall gave him a sour look when he passed by.

'Really got off on the wrong hoof with that guy.' Sterling frowned. 'Best to avoid him in future. Don't want to blow my cover...'

Soon after, Sterling reached the general store, quickly locating the provisions required.

"That'll be seven Bits." The store owner, a kindly-looking old Earth Pony stallion with a peach coat, white mane, green eyes, and a Cutie Mark of an apron, declared.

"Here ya go." Sterling passed over the Bits. 'One good thing about small towns; Everything's dirt cheap.'

After exiting the store with the supplies in a paper bag, Sterling started to make his way back to the homestead. But as he did, he spotted Globe up the street, carrying a satchel, and slipping into a back alley.

'What's this?' Sterling mused. 'The kid's sneaking into some back alley, carrying a bag full of... stuff? Maybe he really is up to something...'

Sterling quickly followed after Globe. The chase lead him through several side paths and alley ways.

"Geez." Sterling panted slightly. "Kid's pretty fast when he wants to be."

The chase came to an end when Globe reached an abandoned junk yard.

'Why would the kid want to come here?' Sterling frowned, as he kept a safe distance. 'This place is a dump. Literally.'

"Hey." Globe said out loud. "It's me again."

'Is he meeting somepony?' Sterling frowned. 'Somepony who wants the contents of that bag?'

To Sterling's surprise, a Saint Bernard pup came barrelling in from around the corner, throwing itself at Globe. It was a short, stout little thing, much like Globe himself. Its fur was scruffy, making it clear that the pup hadn't seen a bath in a while. But its eyes sparkled with excitement at Globe's arrival. Yipping happily, it started licking the colt's face like there was no tomorrow.

"Easy boy, easy!" Globe chuckled. "I missed you too!" He held up the satchel. "I got you more snacks!"

The puppy barked excitedly. Globe opened the satchel, giving the puppy pieces of bread, and left-over fish from Eclipse's own meals. The puppy eagerly wolfed them down.

"That's a good boy!" Globe petted the puppy. "Eat it all up!"

'Well, I'll be.' Sterling smiled. 'Guess the kid wasn't up to anything too shady after all.'

"That's right." Globe smiled, as the puppy continued eating. "Keep this up, and you'll grow up big and strong. And I'll be with you every step of the way..."

The puppy yipped once more after he finished his food. He then sat on his haunches, panting as he looked up at Globe.

"And that's a promise." Globe scratched his ears.

Sterling couldn't help but be touched by Globe's obvious bond with the puppy.

'As much as I hate to break up this heartwarming scene...' He thought, before stepping forward. "Hey, kid."

"Sterling?" Globe gaped. "I, er... this isn't what it looks like..."

"Really?" Sterling smirked. "Because it looks like you're feeding a stray puppy. Maybe I need to get my eyes checked..."

"Okay, it's exactly what it looks like." Globe sighed.

“So… is this what you have been doing on your ‘walks’?” Sterling asked, “Visiting this little guy right here?”

"...Kind of..." Globe said awkwardly.

"Hey, I'm not judging you." Sterling declared. "I'm kind of a dog-lover myself…” He moved in closer. “May I?"

"Sure..." Globe nodded.

"Hey, little fella." Sterling approached the puppy.

With another yip, the puppy padded over to Sterling. Sterling stroked the puppy's back, and scratched behind his ears. In return, the puppy licked Sterling's hoof.

"Oh, I think he likes you." Globe smiled.

"I like him too." Sterling grinned. "So, what's the little guy's name?"

"Bolero." Globe revealed.

"Nice." Sterling grinned. "So how'd you two meet?"

"Oh, I found Bolero all alone, sniffing around the theater during opera season." Globe declared. "That's where I got the name. I felt so sorry for the little guy, I just had to do something."

"I understand." Sterling nodded. "Like I said, I'm a dog-lover myself."

"Really? Did you have a dog when you were a colt?" Globe asked.

"Not really." Sterling shrugged. "Always wanted one, but my folks wouldn't let me. Didn’t get one till after I left home…” His mind went to someone else he had left behind… “But that’s beside the point. Mind tellin’ me why you've been caring for this little guy?”

“It’s complicated…” Globe admitted. “I've never really been one for pets, since me and my brothers traveled a lot in the past… but when I saw Bolero here…” Globe scratched Bolero behind the ear. “...He reminded me of myself back then…” He scoffed at himself. “It’s dumb, really…”

“Not as dumb as you think.” Sterling nodded. “But why haven’t you brought him home?”

“Well, I wasn’t sure how to bring it up.” Globe sighed. “And besides… I think dad hates dogs.”

“Really?” Sterling frowned, “How do you figure?”

“Have you seen him with timber wolves and cactus coyotes?” Globe deadpanned. “He hates each and every one of them with a passion. And I may not be smart like Eclipse, but I know dogs are in the same boat as those two.”

“Well, I’m sure if you ask him… maybe it'll turn out dogs are an exception?” Sterling frowned.

“I dunno… but I don’t want to take the chance.” Globe frowned, as he then glanced worriedly at Sterling. “...You’re not going to tell him and mom, are you? If they find out, they might just have Bolero sent to the pound, and I'll never see him again."

Sterling looked at Bolero's happy face, then back at Globe's frown.

"Relax, kid." He smiled. "Your secret's safe with me."

"Thank you." Globe beamed. "I really appreciate it."

"No worries." Sterling grinned. "Trust me, I know how strong the bond between a colt and his dog can be. The last thing I'd want is to have you two torn apart."

Sterling patted Bolero on the head, and the pup leapt up and licked him.

"I think Bolero is thanking you too." Globe chuckled.

"You're welcome, pup." Sterling scratched behind the Saint Bernard's ear. "Anyway, I should be getting back." He held up the bag. "I was out on a little errand before I decided to follow you. Your folks are probably wondering what's taking so long."

"Then we shouldn't keep you." Globe nodded. "And... thanks again, Sterling."

"No problem, kid." Sterling ruffled Globe's mane. "No colt should be separated from his best friend..."


Three months after they had left Sterling to take care of himself, Jetstream and Loveless were making their way back to the forest. Jetstream had a bag of tacos in his saddlebag. As they traveled deeper into the forest, they came across a campsite. They weren't sure who the campsite belonged to, as many ponies camped out there from time to time.

"Jetty, are you sure this is where we left Sterling?" Loveless asked.

"Sure I'm sure." Jetstream nodded. "One thing I pride myself on is a great sense of direction."

"And yet... no Sterling." Loveless pointed out.

"He's here." Jetstream insisted. "He's gotta be."

"And what are you basing that on, exactly?" Loveless asked.

"Well..." Jetstream trailed off.

"Dammit... I told you we shouldn't have left him out here alone for so long." Loveless frowned. "He was only a boy."

"Hey, I'm not the one who picked him out." Jetstream snarled. "If you didn't think he was cut out for this, you should had just left him there in juvie."

"I didn't think you'd throw him into the deep end quite so quickly." Loveless retorted. "I thought we'd ease him into things. Not just leave him out here for months."

"Oh, were you expecting me to send him to summer camp?" Jetstream sneered, “Telling ghost stories by the campfire and singing ‘Kum ba ya’?”

"That's not what I meant-" Loveless stopped as he spotted a duffel bag near the camp site. "Wait. Does that bag look familiar to you?"

"Yeah, it does..." Jetstream nodded.

As they investigated further, they spotted a dead rabbit hanging from a tree branch.

"Looks like Buddy's still around, too." Loveless smiled.

“Yeah… but then where’s Ster-” Jetstream asked before suddenly...

A sound of a crossbow loading made their ears perk as a young voice snarled.

"Okay, give me one reason to not put a bolt through both your skulls."

Jetstream and Loveless turned around, and saw Sterling, who had a shaggier mane and a thick beard, glaring fiercely at both of them. At his side was Buddy, who also looked shaggier, but in good health. Loveless and Jetstream both glanced at each other, as Jetstream pulled out the bag of tacos.

"We brought tacos?" Jetstream offered.

"...What kind?" Sterling asked.

"The edible kind." Jetstream joked.

Sterling laughed sarcastically.

"Just set the bag down." He ordered.

Jetstream complied As he did, Sterling lowered his crossbow, still angered. Loveless, hoping to break the tension, spoke up.

"Sterling... I'm glad to see you're still in one piece." He smiled.

"Indeed." Jetstream nodded. "I was half expecting to find you had both been mauled by bears."

Loveless glared at him.

"Well, I was half expecting you two to never come back." Sterling said coldly.

"Sterling..." Loveless started.

"I was told you would be back in a couple of months!" Sterling seethed. "It's been three. THREE!!"

"Me and Loveless had some business to take care of back at home base." Jetstream shrugged. "I figured if you weren't dead already, you could have handled a little overtime."

"Yeah, 'little'." Sterling scowled.

Jetstream glanced at Buddy.

"Looks like you and Buddy got on just fine." He noted. "Guessin' you had a dog before?"

"No." Sterling shook his head. "My dad was too afraid, and my mom... well, she just didn't care for them." He smiled and petted Buddy. "But I usually played around with some of the strays back in Cairode. I guess I have a way with dogs."

“That you do…” Loveless nodded, “But I am curious…” He glanced at the campsite around them. “Where did you obtain all this gear?” He glanced at the crossbow, noting the scope on it. “And that rifle-style crossbow?”

“Well, the first few weeks were tough.” Sterling admitted. “I tried roughing it, but with what little you gave me, but before long, I knew I had to improvise." He then glanced into the distance, where there were a few cabins. "So I started raidin' cabins. I got a sleeping bag from a stallion called Bunker, a lighter from a mare called Smolder, and the crossbow from a stallion called Trickshot. Made my life easier.” He grinned smugly. “In fact, I was about ready to make my own cabin if you guys didn’t come back.”

"Excellente." Jetstream smiled. "You see, Sterling, this is what I was talking about. We toss you out into the wilderness and you learn to adapt."

"I told you Sterling has potential, Jetstream. And this proves it." Loveless grinned, himself impressed. "He stepped up in a big way."

"That he did... that he did..." Jetstream agreed.

A short while later, they were sat around the campsite. Sterling had quickly dived into the tacos, and was feeding Buddy some leftovers from his hoof.

"You know he's not a pony." Jetstream pointed out.

"He's better than a pony." Sterling smiled. "Smart, loyal, trustworthy."

"A very apt description." Loveless grinned.

"Yeah?" Jetstream sneered. "And where does all that trust and loyalty lead? Abandoned in the woods, or dumped at the pound. Then again, he's not smart enough to understand such ultimatums."

"What's your point?" Sterling scowled.

"The point is that you've passed the survival test, my boy." Loveless smiled. "With flying colors."

"Good." Sterling grinned.

"Survival's only one part of it, though." Jetstream declared. "If you're gonna be one of us, you've gotta have the combat skills to back it up."

"Yeah, not really many opportunities to practice fighting out here." Sterling snorted. "There are bears, sure, but I'm not dumb enough to fight them."

"Sterling makes a good point." Loveless admitted. "Taking on a bear hoof to claw would be tantamount to suicide."

"True." Jetstream shrugged. "But my point still stands: living rough in the woods may build muscle tone, but it's hardly a course in the fine art of combat."

"I still survived, though." Sterling boasted.

"But surviving isn't enough." Jetstream declared, standing up. "Living out in the woods won't get you what's really needed to survive in this world. But being one of us will..." He placed a hoof on the handle of his red katana.

“Jetstream?” Sterling frowned. “What are you-”

In an instant, Jetstream drew his katana from his sheath and with what could be the speed of lightning, swung it around.

"Whoa!" Sterling ducked as one swing came dangerously close to his head.

As one of Jetstream's swings came in Loveless's direction, the stallion activated a spring that catapulted his body out of the chair, and clear of the danger.

With a bark, Buddy ducked down as Jetstream continued swinging.

Everything around them wasn't lucky enough to dodge Jetstream's strikes. The makeshift log seats were sliced into splinters. The remaining tacos exploded into fast food fragments. The hanged rabbit was diced to pieces. Sterling's sleeping bag was cut to ribbons.

Finally, Jetstream ceased his movements. Several trees crashed to the ground, cut clean in half.

Sterling waited a moment, making sure it was safe, before he got back up, stupefied by what had just happened.

“What the buck was that?!” Sterling snarled. “You could've killed me!”

“That, Sterling, is pure unadulterated power.” Jetstream declared, sheathing his katana. “Stick by us, kid, and you will be capable of something like this in a couple of years.”

“Wow, really?” Sterling’s anger was slightly abated, as he glanced at all the damage dealt to the site. “I could be this strong?”

“Anything is possible if you put your mind to it.” Loveless declared, as he struggled back into his chair. He then glared at Jetstream. “Though I would appreciate fair warning before you did something like that again, Jetstream.”

“My apologies, Loveless.” Jetstream chuckled. “But I believed our recruit would enjoy a glimpse into his future…”

“Wait… does that mean I’m in?” Sterling asked hopefully. “I’m a part of the group now?”

“Not just yet.” Jetstream stepped in.

"What, really?!" Sterling seethed. "I just survived in the wilderness for three months! What else do I have to do to get into your little club?"

“Jetstream?” Loveless frowned, a bad feeling forming in the pit of his stomach.

"Oh, just a little thing." Jetstream shrugged. "Practically minuscule... you like Buddy, don't you?"

"Of course I do." Sterling nodded. "We've been living out here together for three months. He's like my best friend."

"How sweet..." Jetstream mused.

"Yes, it is." Loveless nodded. "A colt and his dog... such a classic tale."

"And yet... their closeness actually raises an interesting question." Jetstream declared. "One that requires testing..."

"What are you getting at, Jetstream?" Loveless asked.

"Indulge me." Jetstream smirked. He turned to Sterling. "Would you say you'd be willing to do anything for Buddy? Would you die for him? Kill for him? Put his fate above all else?"

"I... guess so." Sterling frowned, unnerved by the questions Jetstream was positing. "Why? What's with all the questions?"

"It's all part of the last test." Jetstream grinned, as he then picked up the scope-equipped crossbow (one of the few things to survive his earlier attack) and handed it to him. "Sterling, I want you to take that crossbow... and kill Buddy."

"What?!" Sterling gaped.

"Jetstream!" Loveless yelped.

Buddy cocked his head, confused at the sudden change in atmosphere.

"Why?" Sterling asked. "What will killing Buddy possibly prove?"

"Only that you can be counted on to obey orders to the letter." Jetstream retorted. "That you will do as you're told, when you're told, without letting emotions get in the way."

"Jetstream..." Loveless frowned.

"Don't 'Jetstream' me, Irons." Jetstream said coldly. "You know that our superiors value loyalty to the cause above all else." He turned to Sterling. "Sterling, in your own time."

Sterling looked down at Buddy's loving, faithful face. He looked back on all the time they had spent together. Buddy was the one thing that had made this nightmare bearable. Buddy had become his best friend. And now Jetstream was asking Sterling to kill him.

"I..." Sterling mumbled. "I... I can't do it."

"Of course you can." Jetstream smiled condescendingly. "Just take your crossbow and shoot him. It'll all be over in an instant, before the little one can suffer. Like putting down Ol’ Yeller."

"Jetstream, this isn't right." Loveless growled. “The boy has already been through Tartarus!”

“...You have a point, Loveless.” Jetstream nodded. “It would be cruel to have Sterling kill him right in his face.” He then turned to Sterling, “Sterling, fire your crossbow into the air. That should send Buddy running. Then you can take your shot. It'll be a test of your loyalty. Buddy won’t even know what hit him… and you can get a headstart in target practice..."

"...No." Sterling said quietly.

"Excuse me?" Jetstream spat.

"I won't do it." Sterling declared. "And you can't make me! Buddy is my friend!”

"Oh, really?" Jetstream smirked. "So you'd rather go back to juvie? Or worse, stay out here? This time, with absolutely nothing?"

"You can't-" Loveless started.

"You know how it is, Irons." Jetstream sneered. "Think about it, Sterling. This is your chance to prove that you're not weak. That you can actually accomplish something. That you have the strength to make something of yourself. And once you do, you'll be given a new life. Better than anything you've ever imagined. A life where you will be revered as a powerful, capable stallion, a stallion to be feared and respected. Isn't that worth the life of one mangy mutt?”

“Well…” Sterling began, unsure.

“Of course, if you'd rather remain a weak nobody for the rest of your life, go right ahead." Jetstream shrugged.

Sterling painstakingly mulled over the situation. He didn't want to kill Buddy, but he didn't to live that nightmare any longer. He wanted to be somepony, somepony who wasn't weak and helpless. The only way he'd have a chance at this ‘better life’ was through this group and the only way in was to put down the dog he grew to care for. It turned his stomach, but deep down, he knew he had no choice…

'Forgive me, Buddy...' He thought sadly.

"Well?" Jetstream asked.

"Okay." Sterling sighed. "I'll do it."

"Excellent." Jetstream grinned triumphantly. "Whenever you're ready..."

Loveless looked on with a grimace, sensing the turmoil that Sterling was feeling.

Sterling took one last look at Buddy's innocent face, then raised his crossbow in the air, and fired. The noise of the bolt firing spooked Buddy, as Jetstream surmised, and the canine rushed towards the forest. Placing another bolt in the crossbow, Sterling pointed it at Buddy's retreating form.

'I'm sorry.' Sterling thought, as he squeezed the trigger.

Once again, the noise of a discharged bolt filled the air, but this time, it was joined by a dull thud, and a shrill yelp. That last sound was the one that would haunt Sterling forever, as the guilt-ridden young stallion had just sacrificed the best friend he'd ever had for a chance at glory. Only time would tell if his choice would turn out to be worth it...