• Published 27th Jan 2017
  • 718 Views, 60 Comments

Tainted Silver - Bluecatcinema

The history of Sterling Cross, revealed at last.

  • ...

The Pony of No Consequences

Many years ago...

Far out in the remote country of Alpacia, a lone figure walked along the expansive grassy fields, spanning out for miles, as a downpour rained down upon the earth.

The figure in question was none other than Epoch. The elusive stallion had decided to venture out into Alpacia to take a stroll. Why he picked Alpacia, and why he chose to do it in the rain, no pony knew but the stallion himself.

But as the strange stallion walked through the fields, the wet grass squashing under his hooves, shielded from the rain with a black umbrella with fancy white markings, he gave a content smile, feeling at peace with himself…

"Ah… what a lovely day for a shower." He said to himself, “I do not know why ponies come out here more often. It’s so serene and peaceful…”

Unbeknownst to Epoch, he was being watched. In the shadows of a nearby cliff, somepony was looking at him through binoculars.

"I've finally found him." The stallion declared.

"Are you sure this is the guy?" Another stallion asked.

"Yes, I'm sure!" The first stallion threw the binoculars at his head. "Mobilize the troops!"

"Yes, sir..." The second stallion rubbed the newborn lump on his head.

Suddenly, the ground began to rumble under Epoch’s hooves.

“...Hmm?” Epoch frowned, “This is strange… Alpacia isn’t known for their tremors…”

Immediately, armored steel carriages (pulled by armored stallions) rolled up towards the lone stallion, tearing up the fields. They screeched to a halt as they surrounded Epoch. Soon after, ponies, covered from head to hoof in black suits, helmets, and goggles emerged from each one, taking up positions around him, pointing crossbows and aiming horns.

"Do not move, or we will shoot!" One soldier ordered.

However, Epoch simply stared at the soldiers, not the slightest bit daunted at all the weapons pointed at him.

“Well, good evening, gentlestallions.” Epoch said plainly, glancing around him, “What seems to be the problem?”

From inbetween the soldiers emerged a short, rather stout Earth Pony stallion, his mustard yellow coat hidden under a more grand gold and red uniform, a shock of purple hair sticking out from under a red beret.

"Epoch, I presume?" He asked.

“...Yes, I am Epoch.” Epoch nodded, glancing at him oddly, “...Why do you ask?”

“Oh, no reason.” The small stallion gives a smirk… before snarling, “Just that you are hereby placed under arrest by the Alpacian government.”

“...Under arrest?” Epoch raised a brow, “May I ask what charges have been brought up against me?”

“Where do you think you are, Russiaddle?” The small stallion chuckled darkly, “You are being detained because I said so. Because you have something we desire.”

“Hmm…” Epoch glanced at the stout stallion, “Some stilts, perhaps?”

The small stallion’s face immediately went red, as some of his soldiers did everything they could to not snicker.

“So… we have a wise guy, eh?” The stallion said, his right eye twitching, “I know how to handle that. Soldiers! Detain him!”

"Yes, Colonel Stature!" The soldiers chorused, closing in on Epoch.

Epoch glanced at the approaching soldiers as he let out a sigh.

“This is going to be one of those nights…” Epoch shrugged.

Later that evening...

It was late at night. Sterling made his way up to the Coils, having been roused from his slumber and ordered to report there immediately.

'Something big must be happening.' Sterling thought. 'I've never been summoned this late before...'

As Sterling entered the coils, he saw all of his fellow Ouroboros (save for Black Thorn) already present.

'The gang's all here.' He mused, as he walked over to Loveless. "Loveless, what's going on?"

"I'm afraid I don't know." Loveless admitted. "Though I fear it has to be something very important for it to warrant everypony coming here."

"In the middle of the night, even." Nalik scowled. "I need my beauty sleep, you know..."

"Can it, Nalik." Gridlock scowled.

"He has a point, though." Harlhooves declared. "How's it going to look for a senator to go to a debate with bags under his eyes?"

"I don't know what the big deal is." Ricochet scoffed. "I was still up."

"You always are." Doc sighed.

"I was actually in the middle of something important." Solomon scowled. "Not some insipid party."

"Ooh, like what?" Ricochet asked.

"None of your bus-" Solomon started.

At that moment, Father entered the Coils. The Ouroboros were quick to notice that something was off about him.

In all the time Sterling knew him, Father always carried himself with a sense of elegance and grace, as if he was a being beyond any pony, and when he walked, he did so with each step being light, but firm. Not demanding of respect, but at most, an urging.

Now, however, Father walked as if a monkey was on his back. His body was slightly hunched, the hood of his cloak rustling, as if he was trying to keep himself calm. His body language was silently telling anypony around him to part, or get trampled. This was further supported by his walk, going from his soft light pace to a brisk tempo.

'Okay, now I know something big's going down.' Sterling thought. 'I've never seen Father like this before...'

““Everypony, take a seat.” Father spoke up.

There was definitely an edge to his voice, and it certainly sounded like it wasn’t a request.

The Ouroboros took their seat, their eyes intently focused on Father, who sat in his chair, a bit concerned about what could troubling their leader.

“...I have called you all here tonight because somepony…” Father paused, his front hooves laid on the table, clenching tightly, “...Somepony very important, was taken earlier this evening… and is now being detained.”

“...That’s it?” Nalik asked, “You called us all here because somepony got themselves caught and landed in jail?”

“Come on, Nalik, surely that isn’t what happened.” Harlhooves chided… before turning to Father, “Is it?”

“No. As I just said moments ago…” Father repeated, stifling what could be a very irritated growl, “This pony was taken, against his will, and now he is being held prisoner.”

“Really? Forgive my bluntness, sir.” Solomon spoke up, “But why exactly does this concern us? Is this pony of some importance to the organization?”

“Yes. Why else would I call you all here?” Father asked coldly.

“...Who was it that they took?” Sterling asked.

“...I’m afraid I cannot say.” Father shook his head.

“Really? Care to tell us why?” Gridlock frowned.

“Look, it doesn’t matter.” Father said firmly.

“Well, it does to us.” Harlhooves glanced at him suspiciously, “Why else would you call us here, saying it’s urgent?”

"The identity of the pony doesn't matter!" Father growled... before taking a moment to call down. "All that matters is that he is recovered!"

"But why?" Solomon asked.

"Because he needs to be freed." Father said through gritted teeth. "That's all you need to know right now."

“As much as I am enjoying this bantering…” Nalik let out a yawn, “How about somepony tell me why this couldn’t wait till morning?!”

Because it can’t!” Father snapped at Nalik, slamming a hoof into the table, “So shut your Faust damn mouth, you repulsive, bigoted piece of walking bile!

Nalik’s seat was moments from falling backwards, the Prince leaning back, frozen in terror. The other Ouroboros were just as taken aback. It was clear to Sterling that they, along with himself, never heard Father raise his voice before. And that it was terrifying.

“Holy buck, dude.” Ricochet gaped.

Father quickly realized how his outburst must have looked. He then straightened himself up and turned to face them all again.

“...I do apologize for that.” Father declared, “To answer all your questions, I cannot disclose who this stallion is or why it is I know him… but I will say that he is important, not just to the organization…” He bowed his head, “But to me. And I cannot rest, until I know he is safe and sound…”

“It is alright, sir. We should had been more sensitive” Loveless declared, before casting a glare at Nalik.

"Right. If this pony is important to you, he's important to us." Sterling assured him.

"No doubt." Gridlock nodded. "Now, whose walls are we knockin' down? Whose flanks do we gotta kick?”

“The pony you must rescue is in the small country of Alpacia.” Father announced.

"Alpacia?" Harlhooves frowned. "Alpacia? As in that Alpacia?! That country of lunatics?!"

"You want us to go there?!" Solomon scowled. "With respect, sir, that may pose a problem."

“Is that so?” Father stared at Solomon, “And what problems are you speaking of?”

“Sir, I don’t know if you know about Alpacians…” Gridlock spoke up, his bravado gone, “But they really don’t like Equestrians. Especially the government. Me and Harlhooves could tell you all about the horror stories we heard coming out of that place.”

“I’m not hearing a problem…” Father growled, “None of you ever had qualms about infiltrating the RDL or other militant organizations.”

“Because no other organization is armed to the teeth with the best weapons and security imaginable as they are.” Harlhooves stated, “You can’t even fly over Alpacia without getting shot at!”

“Exactly! Do you really want us to put all our lives in danger, just to rescue this one pony?!” Gridlock frowned.

"For once, Gridlock and I are in agreement." Nalik nodded. "Why not just send some lower agents to do this, let them risk their ass for this pony. It's better than sending valuable operatives, myself in particular, on a doomed mission."

"This mission is too important to be placed in the hooves of mere agents." Father stated firmly. "It has to be you, my Ouroboros. You all…” He stared at Nalik, “...Mostly you all are the best agents I know. The pony you must rescue is being held by the troops of the dictator Colonel Stature, in his most fortified compound. I need you to extract him. No one else can be trusted to do the task.”

The Ouroboros shared uncertain looks.

"With the deepest respect, sir, this seems like a dangerous mission." Loveless declared, “Rest assured, we will think of someway to rescue your friend, but you’re asking all of us to risk our lives by sneaking into hostile territory for the sake of a single pony that we do not know.”

“...I know.” Father admitted, lowering his head, “Believe me when I say that I wouldn’t ask this of you if things were not of the utmost importance…” But he raised it again, staring at the Ouroboros. Though they couldn’t see it, they could tell that Father was staring at them with a gaze that made them uncomfortable, “...That is why I am not asking.”

“Sir…?” Sterling frowned.

“I had thought you would be willing to do this task had I asked you.” Father shook his head, “But I realize now that this mission might be a bit too dangerous… which is why I must give you all a push: effective immediately, until the pony in question is returned safely to Infinity, any and all projects are to be put on hold.”

“What?!” The Ouroboros all gasped.

“No!” Doc roared, “You can’t do that!”

"You can't be serious!" Gridlock gaped.

"We're so close to a breakthrough!" Harlhooves added.

“I still have so much to do!” Nalik snarled.

"C'mon, boss!" Ricochet protested.

“Sir, I’m about to reach the final part of my project! I put so much work into it!” Sterling announced.

“Father, I understand you’re worried about your friend, but you cannot simply force us into doing this!” Loveless tried to reason.

“Loveless is right.” Solomon spoke. Oddly, he wasn’t as panic-stricken as the others, “Everything we do is for the benefit of this organization, and you. if you make us drop everything, then you'll really be hurting yourself...”

Enough!” Father roared. All of them immediately clammed up, “You will all leave as soon as possible to Alpacia, and rescue the pony. If you want to continue about your businesses, you will do well to get him back.” He said coldly, “All the information and intel you required is in the planning room, and I have arranged a carriage to take you there. Am I making myself clear?”

"...Yes, Father." The Ouroboros chorused reluctantly, then made to leave.

“Oh, and one more thing.” Father declared.

The Ouroboros all glanced at Father.

“...If anything happens to this pony, and that he doesn’t come back alive…” Father began, as he stared coldly at them, “...don’t bother coming back.”

With that, Father suddenly vanished, leaving his followers alone.

"Guess that's that, then." Sterling deadpanned.

"Shall we get going?" Loveless asked.

"Like we have a choice..." Solomon scowled.

After stopping by the planning room for the information, and picking up weapons from the armory, the Ouroboros boarded one of the armored carriages, and set off to their destination. Inside the carriage, they were still dwelling on Father's behavior. The carriage was notably crowded, with most of the Ouroboros uncomfortable close to each other.

"Did you see the way Father acted back there?" Harlhooves asked. "I've never seen him like that before."

"Neither have I." Loveless agreed.

"Whoever this guy is, he must be a big deal if Father sent us all after him." Ricochet pointed out.

"If he's that big a deal, then why didn't Father so much as tell us his name?" Solomon frowned. "He essentially sent us off to rescue some nameless stranger!"

“Not to mention he’s threatening to flatline all of our projects for him!” Gridlock snarled, instinctly elbowing his seat… nearly missing Harlhooves.

“Easy!” Harlhooves hissed.

“What I don’t get is why Black Thorn isn’t here?” Nalik pouted, “He’s an Ouroboros too, so why didn't Father call him in? Why does he get a free pass?"

"Why would Father bother calling Black Thorn in?" Doc retorted angrily. "Unless his host is either asleep or angry, that foul Umbrum is as good as useless. I don't know why Father even made him one of us in the first place. That disgusting freak of nature. That would-be tyrant..."

Once again, the Ouroboros were struck dumb by a sudden, uncharacteristic outburst.

"Lauren Faust, what crawled up your ass and died?!" Gridlock asked, visibly taken aback.

“Yeah, that’s so not like you, man.” Ricochet frowned.

“I’m sorry. But I’m a little on edge.” Doc growled, “I can’t lose my project. If I’m not there anymore, who will be there for…” He shook his head, “I need to stay in this organization… and if it means I have to buckin’ kill everypony in my way in Alpacia, so be it.”

“We understand, Doc.” Loveless declared, “And trust me, I’m sure all of us are anxious to see this mission through.”

“Exactly.” Harlhooves nodded, “Take me and Gridlock for example… we were about to restart Project: Infestation again.”

“Wait, you’re going to try that trainwreck again?” Solomon grimaced.

“Of course not.” Gridlock grunted, “This will be Project: Infestation 2.0. Big difference.”

“Is that so?” Sterling asked, “What about that stuff with the serum?”

“Oh, that? It’s pretty much done.” Harlhooves shrugged, “We have a few warehouses developing and distributing the serums, and we already selected a couple hundreds to undergo constant injections. There’s nothing left for us to do really.”

"Yeah." Gridlock nodded. "But thanks to some help we got from the Hazard place, we got we needed to get back into the groove… again."

"Playing chemistry set again?" Nalik scoffed. “Oh, this has disaster written all over it.”

“Okay, smart-ass, what are you doing nowadays?” Gridlock growled, “Aside from skimping money from the organization, and playing patsy with the local discontent.”

“Well, if you must know.” Nalik growled back defiantly, “My men had recently discovered some ruins not far from my kingdom. From what I am told… there might be something there that could actually help me find a Deity.”

"Wait, seriously?" Solomon snorted.

"Yes, seriously." Nalik nodded.

"You're chasing a fairy tale?" Harlhooves scoffed.

"It's not a fairy tale." Nalik scowled. "There is solid evidence found in the writings of those ruins."

"I wouldn't put too much stock in stuff like that." Loveless declared. "Those ancient ponies were known to exaggerate, or describe things in ways their primitive minds could understand."

"Think what you will." Nalik said angrily. "But I know what's in those writings."

"Of course you do." Solomon rolled his eyes.

“What about you, Sterling?” Ricochet turned to Sterling, “You’ve been gone from the Infinity for quite a while on that undercover mission thing…” He frowned, “Where did you go again?”

“The Archive outside the Crystal Empire.” Sterling answered, “Synchro told me that was where they were keeping the pages they ripped from Sombra’s book.”

“Synchro? As in that one batpony who's been following you around the past couple of months?” Harlhooves grimaced.

“Yeah. That kid gives me the creeps.” Gridlock cringed, “I don’t get why you’re working with him.”

“Well, Synchro and I both have our reasons.” Sterling admitted, “But we do share common interests in helping out our new… ‘associates’.”

“Oh, yes, the ‘Order of Darkness’...” Nalik said mockingly, “...Faust, even the name makes me gag.”

“You can say that again.” Solomon crossed his hooves, “I can’t believe we have to waste our resources on that stupid operation of theirs.”

“I know… but it’s a necessary evil.” Sterling shrugged, “Believe it or not, they’ll be playing a decent role in helping me get my Maelstrom.”

“How did that undercover mission go anyways, Sterling?” Doc questioned.

“Oh, it was a walk in the park.” Sterling chuckled, “All I needed to do was put on some scholar robes, a pair of sunglasses, and some knowledge on magic, and they let me in no problem.”

“Really? No offense, but you would look too young to be one of those old bogeys.” Harlhooves frowned.

“I guess it was the robes. They do make you look a lot older. I swear, if you’ve seen me, you would had sworn I was there when they first built the place… in fact…” Sterling reached into the bag in which he kept his crossbow, and pulled out a photograph, “Those guys actually let me be part of the photo they take of the group every year.”

"Wow, you do look older." Ricochet mused.

"Indeed." Loveless nodded. "My compliments to whoever made those robes. It really helped you sell the act."

“But what of the pages? Did you get them?” Solomon questioned.

“Well… yes and no.” Sterling frowned.

“Yes and no?” Loveless raised a brow.

“Turns out the torn pages of the spellbook was a hot topic of sorts for the past several months, even before I got there.” Sterling declared, “They were deliberating on what to do with them. The historians wanted them preserved, but some of the royals, especially the Prince from the Crystal Empire, having been insisting that the pages be destroyed, so nopony can use them or the spellbook to its’ full effect.”

“Typical royals… they always want to ruin everything.” Solomon scowled.

“You know, Synchro said the same thing.” Sterling mused, “So, I had to step in, and try and find a way to ensure the pages stayed within our reach… and I did: I offered to take the pages and have them all taken to places all over the world, where they’ll be safe from any would be war-mongers.”

"And why would you do that?" Ricochet asked, confused. "Wouldn’t it be easier to keep them all back at Infinity?"

“Yes… but I didn’t feel comfortable leaving them all in the same spot.” Sterling grimaced, “And the Archive would had known if I hadn’t done what they asked… so, I left with ten different ponies from all over the world.”

“So rather than keep them with the Forefathers, you gave all the pages to ten complete strangers. Talk about counter-intuitive.” Nalik huffed.

“Very funny.” Sterling scowled, “But no. With the help of some of our contacts, I was able to pick out the ponies I thought would be perfect to leave a page with. I even left one of them with my old friend, Brody.”

“Are you sure that was a good idea?” Gridlock grunted, “I heard about that kid. Not really somepony you'd want to guard your valuables, let alone a page.”

“The point isn’t for them to guard it with their lives.” Sterling explained, “I left the pages with those ponies is because they’re harmless… well, maybe except that Top Bid guy… but they’re all ponies either Synchro or I could easily ‘persuade’ to part with their pages when the time comes.”

“You think nothing can go wrong with that?” Doc frowned.

“Doc, they’re just pages. It’s not like they’ll go do something stupid like actually using them.” Sterling snorted.

"So… what are you planning to do now, then?" Harlhooves inquired.

“Well, I’m actually going to be headin’ out on another undercover mission.” Sterling declared, “I’m going to be a Crystal Guard at the Empire. If our plans are going to work, I'l need to get close to Echo… and I’ll also have to find a mare to get with him… that might be a challenge.”

“Wait… so you’ll be leaving again?” Loveless murmured.

“Well, not if this mission go south.” Sterling grimaced, “All of that hard work will be for nothing.”

"Don't start planning any funerals just yet." Solomon smirked.

"Why aren't you worried about this, Solomon?" Harlhooves asked. "All our plans and goals are on the line here!"

"Didn't you hear Father?" Nalik asked. "Or was all that lightning crackling preventing you from hearing?"

"I know exactly what's at stake here." Solomon said flippantly. "I'm just not obsessing over it the way you all are."

"Lucky you." Sterling frowned.

Soon after the carriage arrived at its destination, a few miles from the compound (as they didn't want to be spotted).

"Okay, let's get to work." Sterling declared.

"The sooner we start, we sooner we finish... and the sooner we can get back to important matters." Nalik said bitterly.

The group exited the carriage, and started traversing the rocky terrain outside, clambering over ridges and through a small canyon.

"Are we there yet?" Ricochet asked.

"For the fifth time, no!" Solomon groaned.

"Lay off him, Solomon." Sterling frowned. "We're supposed to be doing this together, remember?"

"Easier said than done..." Solomon muttered.

"Wait." Harlhooves pointed ahead. "I think I see the compound!"

The rest of the Ouoboros looked to where Harlhooves was pointing. There was indeed a large, prison-like structure up ahead... one which was surrounded by sharp cliffs and rough waves. The compound itself had giant cannons and ballistas aimed at the sky, so as to deter aerial assaults The only way in was over a suspension bridge. However, the bridge was well-patrolled, not only by guards, but, to the groups' horror, a giant Titanbeast (taller and more powerfully built than the one Sterling would one day face), being held in check by massive chains attached to a collar around its neck.

“...Well, I’m out!” Nalik yelped, turning around.

“Come on…” Gridlock blocked him.

“No!” Nalik protested, “I’m not going to trot into certain death!”

"That is a very well-fortified structure." Harlhooves admitted.

"This place is a freakin' fortress!" Ricochet gaped.

"With a really big guard dog." Solomon noted.

"What the hell is that thing?" Sterling asked, daunted by the beast’s size.

“A Titanbeast.” Doc whispered, “Dysley told me about them a long time ago. They are very rare, and very savage creatures… I have to admit, I’m surprised the Alpacians were able to train one.”

“They’re Alpacians. They’re buckin’ insane!” Gridlock growled.

“Well, anypony have a plan?” Solomon asked, “Because there’s no way we’re getting in through the front door… or anywhere else for the matter.”

“I got one.” Loveless rolled forth, pointing to a cliffside path that went under the bridge, well hidden from the guards, “We might be able to slip through by going under the bridge. We’ll jump across the support, and then slip into the gatehouse.”

"That could work." Harlhooves nodded.

"I'm in!" Sterling smiled.

"Sounds like a real rush!" Ricochet grinned.

“I think you’re all buckin’ nuts.” Nalik sneered, “There is no way I am going to risk my neck by playing hopscotch over a hundred mile drop!”

“What’s the deal? Couldn’t you just teleport beam to beam?” Ricochet frowned.

“Ricochet. This is Nalik.” Doc glared, “He can’t even lift a crossbow with his magic, let alone warp a couple of feet.”

“I can too!” Nalik growled petulantly, “...I just don’t want to!”

"Don't think you're getting out of this, just because you're a yellow-bellied coward." Gridlock snarled.

"Oh, because I want to live, that makes me a coward?" Nalik growled.

"Yes." Harlhooves said flatly.

"Well, that's too bad!" Nalik roared. "I ain’t goin’, and you can’t make me!"

"Then we'll just have to do it the hard way." Loveless announced.

A claw emerged from out of Loveless's chair, grabbing hold of Nalik and pinning him to Loveless’ lap.

"What-let me go!" Nalik yelled, flailing.

"There we go, problem solved." Solomon smirked.

"Enough talk." Doc urged. "Let's get this over with."

The group made their way under the bridge via the valley below. Making use of the climbing equipment they had brought with them (save for Loveless, who used his chair's legs), They climbed up the stone, then began the daunting leaps from the support beams below the bridge.

"This... rocks!" Ricochet yelled as quietly as he could as he leapt from one beam to the other..

"Shh!" Sterling hissed. "Those clowns are right on top of us!"

"Sorry." Ricochet cringed.

"I knew I should've gone a diet..." Gridlock sighed after barely making one jump. "Too bad the rest of us don't have fancy chairs to do all the work."

Loveless's chair made what seemed to be a flawless leap. Unfortunately he hadn't accounted for Nalik's weight; As they landed on the next beam, the legs slipped, and Nalik found himself thrown near the edge.

"Ahhh-!" Nalik screeched, before Loveless silenced him with a hoof.

But Loveless hadn't acted fast enough. The brief sound caught the attention of the Titanbeast above. The creature walked to the edge of the bridge, threw its head over, and started sniffing.

The Ouroboros all froze, save for those miming for Nalik to keep quiet.

"Back, boy, back!" One of the guards ordered, as he and three others pulled on the giant chain, dragging back the Titanbeast.

“You think he smelled something?” A guard asked.

“Naw, probably just a bird.” Another guard frowned, “Honestly, I feel like we paid that Zugzwang guy way too much for this big lummox.”

“Yeah. You never know with that guy.” A third snarked, “I mean, you heard about that chimera he made a while back…”

With a deep grunt, the Titanbeast reluctantly moved away from the edge. Once they were sure it was gone, the Ouroboros continued the other side. Once they reached a ledge on the stone cliff, they turned on Nalik.

"Way to go, Prince yellow-belly." Gridlock snarled. "You nearly gave us away!"

"Me?!" Nalik snarled. "It was Loveless's fault! Him and his stupid chair!"

"I hadn't accounted for your weight." Loveless declared. "Besides, I wouldn't have had to carry you at all if you had just gone across the bridge under your own power."

"Enough arguing." Doc hissed impatiently. "Let's go!"

The group edged around the cliff ledge, and climbed up so they emerged right outside the gatehouse of the compound. Slowly and carefully, they made their way to a side door.

"It's go time." Sterling whispered.

“Hell to the yeah!” Ricochet chuckled.

“Before we go in, I want to say something.” Solomon declared, as he turned to Nalik, “Hey, princey...”

“Yes?” Nalik frowned.

“Don’t buck up.” Solomon declared.

“What?” Nalik growled, “What makes you-”

“Because if you do buck up, I think we all agree that we will leave you to be tortured and maimed by these buckers.” Solomon snarled, “You’re hearin’ me?”

“Oh? And what makes you think I’m gonna mess up?” Nalik hissed, “Besides you, I’m the only Unicorn here.”

"Only technically." Solomon sneered. "At least my horn can do something."

"When you're not relying on your freak powers that is." Nalik retorted.

"Maybe I can help you make better use of your horn... as a lightning rod." Solomon glared.

"Don't even try it." Nalik spat.

Meanwhile, Epoch was sitting patiently in a cell, Colonel Stature standing before him. Ever since the odd stallion’s capture, Stature and his men have been trying to get information out of him for the past hours.

Unfortunately, Epoch hadn’t been as abiding as they’d hope.

“For the last time…” Stature snarled, “Tell us all your secrets, or we will be forced to resort to the worst forms of torture imaginable!”

"Like what?" Epoch asked. "Forcing me to listen to a jazz flute solo?"

"Of course not." Stature growled. He noted a guard about to enter, carrying a jazz flute. "Get out!"

The guard beat a hasty retreat.

“And here ponies thought you were all crazy hellions, hell-bent on war.” Epoch shook his head with a grin, “You all have been a hoot so far.”

“I won’t say it again.” Stature growled, his eye twitching, “Tell me the secrets!”

“Well, since you asked so nicely…” Epoch chuckled, “Rosebud was the sled from when Kane was a colt.”

“What?! That’s not the kind of secret I had in mind!” Stature growled.

“No, but I saved you two hours of your life.” Epoch chuckled.

“No! Tell me an actual secret!” Stature roared.

“Fine. Russiaddle meddled with last year’s elections for senators in Equestria.” Epoch declared.

"Not that, either!" Stature screeched.

“‘You’re all poets, and you didn’t know it’?” Epoch mused.

“...Actually, I didn’t know that.” A guard smirked.

Stature kicked the in the knee.

"Ahh!" The guard yelped, collapsing.

“I don’t know why you’re so angry.” Epoch frowned, “You wanted secrets, and I am giving them.”

"You know those aren't the secrets I meant!" Stature scowled.

"Do I?" Epoch mocked him.

“Mark my words, fool. You will talk.” Stature seethed. "Even if we have to tear it out of you, piece by piece..." He headed towards the door, then turned to two guards. "Watch him. And don’t be afraid to use brutality. We can do that here."

“Wait, Stature, there is one more thing I wanted to tell you.” Epoch called out.

“Oh, and what is that?” Stature glared.

“...You made a grievous error, capturing me.” Epoch announced, his smile soon fading to grim seriousness.

“...Is that so?” Stature sneered.

“Indeed. But do not worry. You won’t have to regret it for long.” Epoch gave a low laugh, “I wager you five bits that by the time the night is through, I will be a free pony… that I can promise you.”

For a moment, Stature looked disturbed by the statement... before snorting.

“Whatever. You’re not leaving this place.” Stature growled, as he stormed out “...Not if I can help it.”

Soon, it was just Epoch, and his two jailors…

“...So, since it’s just going to be the three of us…” Epoch mused, “You two up for a game of ‘Hangpony’?”

After making their way through the gatehouse, the Ouroboros were within the compound’s interior. It was not long in their search for the target that they came across two guards, patrolling the corridor.

"I've got these two." Harlhooves declared. He extracted a small black orb from his saddlebag and rolled it over to the soldiers. The orb released some green fumes, which knocked out both soldiers.

"Good work, Harlhooves." Loveless smiled.

"Yes, way to roll an oversized marble." Nalik said under his breath.

The Ouroboros entered through the back door. Inside, they found two corridors leading in opposite directions.

"Okay, now we split up." Loveless instructed. "Sterling, you, Gridlock, and Ricochet are with me. Doc, Harlhooves, Solomon and Nalik, you go the other way."

"Why do we get Nalik?" Harlhooves scowled.

"Hey!" Nalik growled.

"Because somepony needs to make sure he doesn't kill himself." Loveless declared. "And I already carried across the bridge, so he's with you."

"Charming..." Nalik scowled.

"Let's just go." Doc sighed.

"I'd tell you to bring up the rear, but that would mean watching our backs." Solomon told Nalik as their group headed down one corridor. "And somehow, I doubt you can live up to that."

"It doesn't help when you don't have proper motivation." Nalik said under his breath.

"We'd better get moving ourselves." Sterling nodded.

"Right behind ya, kid." Gridlock nodded.

Sterling's group broke from the others, and moved deeper into the compound.

Gridlock and Ricochet took the lead, taking out guards as they went. Gridlock relied on karate chops and strikes to the back of the head, while Ricochet relied on more unorthodox methods, such as tripping them with marbles, or spraying them in the face with a can of soda he'd brought along.

While they were doing that, Loveless pulled Sterling aside.

"What?" Sterling asked.

"I realize this may not be the best time, but we need to talk." Loveless declared.

"About...?" Sterling urged.

"About you going off to the Crystal Empire." Loveless declared. "You were already gone a while, working undercover at the Archive. And now you're going off on another long-term infiltration, so soon after the last?"

“I know, it’s not conventional, but I don’t really have a choice.” Sterling sighed, “Echo is there. If Synchro and my plans are going to work, we need him.”

“And what exactly is Synchro’s plan?” Loveless frowned, “I don’t mean to sound prejudiced, but the boy clearly doesn’t have his hinges tightened.”

“Look, Loveless, the guy’s been through hell.” Sterling frowned, “You should see what he has hidden under that coat of his. You would agree with me.”

“Is that why you've been helping him? Because you and he share a troubled past?” Loveless asked, “You do remember what I said about letting emotions get the best of you, right?”

"Of course I do." Sterling nodded. "And it's not about that. Sure, I can relate to Synchro. But that's not the reason I'm helping him. He has knowledge, both about Nightcrawlers and Echo, that I can't afford to pass up."

"I suppose that makes sense." Loveless mused. "As long as you're allied with him for the right reasons. But even so..."

"Okay, 'fess up." Sterling frowned. "Something's wrong here. What’s bugging you?"

"...You are." Loveless announced.

"Huh?" Sterling gaped.

"I've been worried about you ever since you started up your project." Loveless admitted. "You've been so ‘into it’,as they say. I'm starting to worry that this project will end up consuming you."

"That's not going to happen." Sterling assured him. "Things are going to be fine, trust me."

"I do." Loveless nodded. "But I can't help worrying that you might not come back this time."

"I will." Sterling pledged. "Trust me. I'll always come back to the Forefathers. No doubt about-"

"Dudes, hurry up!" Ricochet hissed, interrupting the moment.

"Yeah, it's not like we're waitin' around for tour guide!" Gridlock growled.

"We'd better get moving." Sterling urged.

"Yes, I suppose..." Loveless sighed, following the others.


The air was filled with the screams of guards as they were electrocuted. Solomon had been clearing house, leading the charge.

“Hey, Harlhooves, how many is that?” Solomon grinned wickedly.

“Lost count after the twentieth one.” Harlhooves grimaced.

“Honestly, anypony tell you that violence isn’t the answer?” Doc shook his head in distaste.

“Well, they clearly haven’t met me.” Solomon scoffed, as he then snarled at Nalik, “Hey, princey. Take care of these bodies.”

“What?! Why me?!” Nalik whined.

“Because you hadn’t done anything but whine since we got here.” Solomon growled.

“Neither has Doc!” Nalik pointed to Doc.

“He’s our medic. He hadn’t done anything because there was no need for him yet… but there will be if you don’t shut up.” Solomon growled.

"Whatever..." Nalik pouted.

"I must admit, I'm impressed by your 'take charge' attitude." Harlhooves complimented Solomon. "Perhaps you should consider leading more often."

"Maybe." Solomon shrugged.

Meanwhile, Sterling's team were sneaking down the other corridor. As they turned a corner, they found two guards ahead, which Sterling took out with his crossbow.

"Still got it." Sterling smirked.

“I really hope we are getting close to finding this guy.” Gridlock grunted, as he took one of the bodies and hid it in a side room, “Because they’re gonna start noticing a lack of horsepower real quick!”

“We just to keep pressing on.” Loveless wheeled forward, “It can’t be that much farther.”

"Let's hope so." Sterling declared. "We're running out of places to hide the guards."

As they reached a large room, they found a group of guards on the other side.

"Dude, lame." Ricochet pouted.

"Allow me to handle this." Loveless declared. He extracted a flashbang grenade from his chair, and flung it into the room. The device went off, blinding the guards.

"Sweet." Gridlock smirked. "Plenty of free shots."

"Let's go!" Sterling declared as they faced into the room.

With the guards incapacitated, they were easily defeated.

"Which way to the cells, buddy?" Gridlock demanded of one badly wounded guard.

"I'll die before I-ahh!" He yelped as Gridlock twisted his hoof. "Okay, okay! Down the hall, make a left turn!"

"Thank you." Gridlock smiled... before knocking him out.

"Now we're gettin' somewhere." Sterling grinned.

Sterling's team arrived outside the cells soon after. Only one door was closed, making it reasonable to believe the pony they seek was in there.

“Here we go.” Loveless pulled out his lockpick, and worked on unlocking the door.

“Get ready, you guys.” Gridlock cracked his hooves, “No doubt they probably put their best stallions on this guy. We might be in for a fight.”

“Bring ‘em on. I got bolts with their name on it!” Ricochet cocked his crossbows.

“If these guys know what good for them, they might as well hang themselves right-” Sterling grinned.

Sterling was cut off by the sound of the cell door unlocking.

“Okay, here goes!” Loveless declared.

The four rushed into the room, ready to lay the smackdown on anypony who would get in their way…

Only to be met with a disturbing sight.

Epoch was simply sitting in his cell, reading a book, lounging as if he was just hanging out in his own room… and just outside his cell, the two guards who were assigned to guard him were strung up, their bodies dead and limp, hanging from the same noose.

“Eesh… when I said they might as well hang themselves, I didn’t think…” Sterling grimaced.

“Well, how do you like them apples?” Gridlock smirked, “Those guys must’ve somehow heard that we were coming, and decided to wuss out… like a pansy!”

"Actually, that was me."

The four Ouroboros stared at the captive pony in shock. Epoch glanced up from his book, giving a small smile.

“...Wait, you did this?” Loveless gasped, “How?!”

“Oh, it was nothing.” Epoch chuckled, “They just couldn’t get that last letter before the stick pony got hung…”

“Well, however you did it, that’s some party trick.” Ricochet said, impressed.

“Thank you, I thought so as well.” Epoch grinned.

“...Anyways...” Sterling stepped forth, “We were sent here by Father to bust you out.”

“Oh, good.” Epoch shut his book, as he got up, slipping it into his jacket, “I had a feeling that once news of my capture reached him, he would immediately arrange a rescue mission.”

“Yeah, yeah.” Gridlock scoffed, “Come on, Loveless, get to pickin’ that lock so we can find the others and get out of here!”

"For real." Ricochet nodded. "Never been a fan of these places..."

Ricochet touched one of the cell's bars... only for it to fall over.

"Huh, this must be one old cell." Loveless paused in his approach towards the cell.

“Yeah… I barely even touched it.” Ricochet shrugged. His hoof nudged another cell bar… only for it fall over.

“Okay, a really old cell.” Loveless said, shocked.

Suddenly, all the cell bars, and the door, all fall over.

“...What the hell?!” Gridlock gaped.

“Oh, do forgive the mess.” Epoch declared nonchalantly, as he made his way over to the group, “The guards have been hanging for two hours, so I had to do something to pass the time. Otherwise, I would've been done with my book already.”

He then walked past the still shocked Ouroboros.

“Now… shall we be off?” Epoch gestured to the door.

The four Ouroboros shared odd glances.

"...Why the hell did he need saving again?" Gridlock frowned.

“I dunno. You think Father didn’t know he could do that?” Ricochet asked.

“I think we should leave those questions for later.” Sterling suggested, though he was just as perturbed, “...All that matters now is that we got the VIP.”

"Indeed." Loveless nodded. "Now we just have to get him out of here."

Sterling's group found Epoch waiting outside.

"What was the hold-up?" Epoch frowned. "I thought we were escaping."

"We are." Sterling nodded. "Things should be smooth sailing from here-"

They suddenly heard an alarm go off.

"Oh, buck!" Gridlock yelled.

"What's going on?" Sterling frowned.

Some distance away, Solomon's team also heard the alarm.

“Oh no…” Doc groaned.

"Okay, who messed up?" Solomon asked angrily.

"Take a wild guess." Harlhooves pointed at Nalik.

“Oh, come on! There’s no way you can blame me for-” Nalik snarled.

"Alert! Alert!" A voice blared from a nearby speaker. "Several guard bodies were found in the vicinity of air vent gamma!"

“...Isn’t that the same hallway that Solomon told you to hide those bodies?” Doc frowned.

“Come on, those could be somepony else’s bodies!” Nalik growled.

"The guard bodies were badly burnt, and hidden very poorly." The voice announced. "Seriously, a hoof was sticking out of one or the vents!"

The other Ouroboros glared at Nalik.

“...Heheh…” Nalik chuckled nervously.

"...Oh, motherbucker..." Solomon growled, as he turned to the others. "We have to get out of here, right now!"

"This way!" Doc pointed.

As the group raced back the way they came, they soon crossed paths with Sterling's group.

"Hey, guys." Ricochet smiled.

"I see you found the VIP." Harlhooves nodded. "Excellent timing."

"Never mind that!" Sterling yelled. "What's going on?"

"Princey here bucked up!" Solomon pointed.

"I did not!" Nalik said indignantly.

“We heard the speakers, Nalik! Must you continue to prove how useless you are?!” Loveless snarled.

"Oh, sure!" Nalik scowled. "Blame me for everything!"

"Because it's usually your fault." Gridlock sneered.

"Is not!"Nalik shot back.

“As entertaining this argument is to behold, I believe it is best that we table this conversation for now.” Epoch said calmly, “We should make our way towards the nearest exit.”

"...He's right." Sterling nodded.

"So we're taking orders from the one we're rescuing?" Nalik scowled.

"A good idea is a good idea." Loveless pointed out.

"It's better than just staying here, at least." Harlhooves admitted.

The group all made a run for it. At first glance, with how empty the hallways were, it seemed like they might have made a clean getaway... but as they raced out into the courtyard, they found a whole squadron of soldiers, along with the Titanbeast, waiting for them.

“Grr…” The Titanbeast snarled, drool falling from its’ sharp teeth.

“I think we might have made a wrong turn.” Ricochet gulped.

“Oh, Lauren Faust…” Sterling silently cursed.

“Well, well, well…” Colonel Stature stepped out of the crowd, “Not only did we capture a prize catch, but a few rats along with it…”

“Rats? Come now, these mudponies and chickens are filthy and all, but I’m clearly a pheasant!” Nalik protested.

“Nalik, I swear to Faust…” Solomon snarled.

“Did you foolish Equestrians really think you could pull the wool over our eyes? Us, the Alpacians, the master race?!” Stature grinned.

“Well, considering the ‘master race’ is run by a foal, I doubt we’d have to try.” Gridlock snarked.

“Ooh, no, he didn’t!” Ricochet snapped his hoof.

Stature's lip curled into a snarl.

"Oh, even more wise guys..." He growled. "But the wisecracks ends here. Nopony infiltrates my compound, kills my guards, and tries to abscond with my prisoner, and gets away with it."

"Why do you want this guy so badly, anyway?" Sterling asked, “I mean, no offense to him, but he doesn’t look all that special.”

"Fools." Stature sneered. "You don't see that he's not a normal pony at all!”

“Oh, buck, a foal and a loon. How does the Alpacian economy survive?” Harlhooves rolled his eyes.

“Shut up!” Stature roared, “You may not see it, but that pony you all foolishly risked your life for… he is of a race that ponies have only heard of in legends… a race that existed long, long ago… the Great Alicorns…”

“...Um, you are aware that our country is governed by four Alicorns, right?” Nalik pointed out.

“Not Alicorns, you imbeciles!” Stature snapped, “Great Alicorns! They existed long before any of those meager wanna-be gods, and far more powerful! With that pony as our prisoner, we hope to unlock the secrets of immortality and limitless power, so that I and my fellow countryponies can wipe out all that opposes us, so that Alpacia can rule over all!”

The Ouroboros stared blankly at Stature… and then turned to Epoch.

“Um, do you care to add anything to this?” Loveless asked, “Because I am all sorts of lost.”

"Me too." Sterling nodded.

"Oh, good." Ricochet sighed with relief. "I thought it was just me."

"Not this time." Nalik admitted.

"What is shorty getting at here?" Gridlock frowned.

"No clue." Harlhooves shrugged.

"Do you have anything to add here?" Doc asked Epoch.

“I’m afraid I have no idea what he’s talking about.” Epoch shook his head, “Clearly, the pony’s insane. Probably from his desire to compensate for his small size.”

“You know what, buck this!” Stature roared, “Soldiers, kill!”

The soldiers charged.

"Take 'em down!" Sterling yelled.

The Ouroboros attacked the soldiers. Sterling and Ricochet utilized their crossbows, Gridlock relied on his hooves, Loveless on his chair's mechanical claws, Solomon on his lightning. Doc and Nalik stuck behind them with Epoch, the three taking cover from all the bolts and magic beams flying.

"You guys really picked the wrong job!" Gridlock snarled, smashing the heads of two soldiers together.

"And the wrong boss." Harlhooves noted, as he used one of his chemical orbs to knock out three others.

"Now this is what I call a party!" Ricochet declared, hitting one guard right in the face.

"Glad one of us is having fun." Loveless frowned.

"Not just him!" Solomon cackled, as he fried some soldiers.

One of the soldiers managed to slip through the main battle, and prepared to attack Doc, Nalik, and Epoch.

"Our 'guest' needs to be alive... but you two will die." He sneered.

"M-maybe we can talk about this?" Nalik cringed.

"Oh no, you don't!" Doc grabbed a fallen crossbow and fired at the guard.

"Gahh!" The guard fell, the bolt striking him square in the chest.

"At that moment, the Titanbeast stepped forward,

"Looks like the main event." Sterling frowned. "Give it everything we've got!"

Sterling and Ricochet fired their crossbows. The bolts barely registered.

"That is one tough dog..." Ricochet frowned.

"Down, boy!" Loveless tried to hold one its paws down with his chair's legs.

"Stay!" Loveless threw a sticky chemical concoction at the other paw.

The Titanbeast struggled for a moment, then broke free of the chemical. It followed up by flinging Loveless at Harlhooves, who was forced to leap aside avoid getting hit.

"Loveless, you okay?!" Sterling yelled.

"I'm fine." Loveless declared, using the chair's leg to right himself. "But for now much longer, I can't say."

Gridlock and Solomon stepped up next. Gridlock punched away at the Titanbeast's leg, while Solomon threw a volley of lightning at the beast's chest. Unfortunately, neither attack served to do more than annoy it.

"Graarrr!" The creature swung its clawed right paw, knocking both Gridlock and Solomon aside.

“Yes! Yes!” Stature cheered, watching the sidelines, “Nopony can kill the Titanbeast!”

“I hate to say it, but he might be right!” Harlhooves grimaced, “Nothing we throw at it seems to work!"

"If we're even going to have a chance of surviving this, we've gotta take that thing out!" Sterling declared.

"But how?" Ricochet asked, “We’re gonna need a bigger crossbow or something!”

Sterling looked around, spotting one of the ballistas.

"Up there!" He pointed. "Loveless, you’re with me! Ricochet, cover us! The rest of you, hold that thing off!"

"Consider it done!" Harlhooves threw one of his orbs, briefly choking the beast.

“Normally, I wouldn’t like being bossed around, but I make an exception!” Solomon snarled, firing lightning bolts at the beast.

“I always wanted to wrestle something bigger than me!” Gridlock roared, slugging the beast in the face.

“Doc, keep our VIP safe!” Sterling yelled to Doc.

“You got it, Sterling!” Doc cried back.

“Hey, what about me?!” Nalik screamed.

“Oh, right…” Sterling grunted, “Nalik! Don’t do anything! At All!”

"But-!" Nalik started, only to be interrupted by a crossbow bolt narrowly missing his eye. "Okay!"

While the beast was distracted, Sterling's team started climbing up the compound's walls. When they got up top, the guards spotted them.

"Stop them!" One guard yelped.

"I don't think so!" Ricochet fired a bolt into him.

The three of them began clearing a path through the soldiers, Sterling using his hooves, and Ricochet firing all around with trick shots, with Loveless simply plowing through them. In no time, they reached the ballista.

"Back away, interlopers!" One of the soldiers operating the ballista yelled.

"Better idea: you get lost!" Sterling headbutted the soldier.

More soldiers moved to defend the weapon. Ricochet took out two with a bolt each, while Sterling started pummeling the others. Loveless picked one up with his chair's claws and threw him over the side.

"Happy landings!" He taunted.

Once all the guards were dealt with. Loveless moved over to the ballista's controls.

"Can you work it?" Sterling asked.

"Mere foal's play." Loveless smirked.

At Loveless's command, the ballista turned and took aim at the Titanbeast, which was stomping through Solomon's lightning bolts.

"Get back, ya lousy mutt!" Solomon yelled defiantly.

"And... fire!" Loveless yelled.

A giant arrow flew through the air, striking the beast in the neck.

“Grk…” The Titanbeast flinched, teetering on its’ paws before toppling over, seemingly dead.

"Yes!" Sterling cheered.

“Nice shot, Loveless!” Ricochet slapped Loveless on the back.

“Thank you.” Loveless smirked.

As Sterling's group climbed back down, the others ran to meet them.

"Nice timing." Solomon snarked. "Couldn't have cut it a little closer?"

"Way to go, guys!" Gridlock smiled.

"Yes, excellent teamwork." Harlhooves smirked.

"Eh, not bad." Nalik shrugged.

"At least now, our job is done." Doc declared.

Suddenly, they heard the sound of clapping. They turned to see Stature standing before them, more soldiers behind him.

"Bravo, gentlestallions." He smirked condescendingly. "But if you think you've won, you're sorely mistaken."

"Oh, you want a piece of us too?" Ricochet taunted, “Well, let’s dance, motherbucker!”

"As much as I would love to, your last dance partner isn't quite done yet." Stature sneered.

“Whattaya talkin’ about, small fry?” Gridlock sneered, “Your big mutt is good as-”

A deep angry growl cut him off, as the Ouroboros’ blood went cold.

“...Dead?” Gridlock murmured, as the others turned to face the Titanbeast.

To their horror, the Titanbeast got back up, the bolt in its neck being shrugged off as if it was only a flesh wound.

“How the hell…” Sterling gaped.

“Funny thing about Titanbeasts.” Stature bragged, “Once their heart beat goes flat, their inner magic kickstarts it back up, bringing them back to life.”

"Oh..." The Ouroboros groaned collectively.

“Wait, there’s more.” Stature grinned wickedly.

The Titanbeast then got on its hindlegs, his body adopting a stance like that of a much bigger Diamond Dog.

"Oh!" The Ouroboros groaned even louder.

The Titanbeast suddenly spread wings it clearly have before.

“RAWR!” The Titanbeast roared.

“Ooh, that’s a new feature.” Stature smirked in amusement.

"Are you buckin' kiddin' me?!" Solomon yelled.

"HAX! I CALLED HAX!" Ricochet screeched.

“Well, we’re bucked.” Gridlock grimaced.

“So this is how it ends.” Sterling frowned, “All that work for nothing…”

“At least we’ll all go out together.” Loveless frowned, “...It was an honor knowing you, Sterling.”

“Same here, Loveless.” Sterling gave a sad smile.

“I just wanna say I love you guys.” Ricochet sniffed, before glaring at Nalik, “Except you, Nalik. I hate you.”

"Good call." Sterling nodded.

"Naturally." Doc nodded.

"Preachin' to the choir." Gridlock nodded.

"I cannot agree enough." Harlhooves nodded.

"Truer words were never said." Loveless smiled.

"That much we can all agree on." Solomon noted.

“Well, buck you all!” Nalik sneered.

Suddenly, Epoch stepped from his hiding place.

"Hey! What are you doing?!" Sterling yelped.

Epoch didn’t respond, as he came in between the Ouroboros and Stature’s group.

“Get outta there, man, you’re gonna get yourself killed!” Ricochet cried.

“Well, well, well, looks like your rescuers were worthless after all.” Stature taunted, “You should had just stayed in your cell, huh?”

The mysterious stallion again didn’t respond, as he turned to face the Alpacian army, a blank expression on his face.

“What’s the matter, Epoch?!” Stature taunted, “Ran out of quips?! Cat got your tongue?! No more words to fail?!”

“Actually… I believe the time for clever rebuttals have come to an end.” Epoch said quietly, “As much as I enjoyed your hospitality… I am just sick of you motherbuckin’ Alpacians.”

“Oh?!” Stature snarled, “And what are you gonna do-”

Before Stature could finish, Epoch raised his hoof. Suddenly, in a flash of red light, a elaborately decorated longsword, with engravings along the center of it’s long blade, and a winged ornament on one side of it’s hilt, appeared before him, as Epoch grabbed in his hoof.

“What the… where the heck has he been keeping that?” Gridlock whispered.

Epoch turned to the group, notably Ricochet.

"Ricochet, is it?" He asked.

"Um, yeah?" Ricochet nodded.

Epoch took off his hat, revealing his horn, which seem to shine with a godly glow.

"Hold my hat." He tossed it to him. Ricochet instinctively caught it, confused.

"Uh... sure." Ricochet frowned.

"Very good." Epoch smiled. He once again turned to face the Titanbeast, snarling viciously at him. "Let's get down to business, shall we?"

“Do your worst, Alicorn! This Titanbeast is the best of the best!” Stature roared, “He will stomp you-”

Suddenly, Epoch vanished in a similar flash of red light.

“What the-?”

Suddenly, a slash mark appeared on one of the Titanbeast's legs.

"Graahhh!" The beast growled.

Barely a second later, a swift flurry of slashes emerged all over its body, blood spilling all over. The cause of these wounds was nowhere to be seen.

"Rrarrrgh!" The Titanbeast screeched.

"Whoa!" Sterling gaped.

"Are you seein' this?" Gridlock asked.

"I see it, but I don't believe it." Harlhooves stared, “...Really, where is the VIP?!”

"Unbelievable..." Loveless whispered.

The others simply stared, too dumbstruck to even speak.

The Titanbeast, overwhelmed by the numerous wounds, dropped to its knees. Epoch returned to where he once stood, particles of red light fading off him.

“H-how…” Stature gaped.

“First rule about being a power-hungry megalomaniac, Stature:” Epoch smiled. The wing that lied on his jacket’s left side suddenly spread open.

With a flick of his hoof, his longsword was sent flying right into the Titanbeast’s forehead, Epoch warping right with it.

"Rrrruhhh..." The Titanbeast let out a death rattle as it dropped to the ground with a loud heavy thud.

Both the Ouroboros and the soldiers stared in shock. Epoch pulled out his longsword, flicking the blood off it. He then hopped off the Titanbeast, still smiling at the stupefied dictator and his men, his wing furling back up against his jacket.

“Always know what you’re dealing with before you try and use it for yourself.” Epoch finished.

“No!” Stature yelled, “Do you have any idea how much it cost to get that thing? I had to cut my whole army’s paycheck in half because of it!”

“Wait, what?!” A soldier gasped.

“I’m so sorry about that.” Epoch shrugged mockingly, “If you want us to leave, we’ll more than gladly oblige.”

“The only way you’re all leaving is on wheelbarrows heading to mass graves!” Stature snarled, “Second battalion, attack!”

“Um, with all due respect, sir, this guy just took down a Titanbeast!” Another soldier protested, “I don’t think we-”

“Either die to him, or die to me! Make your choice!” Stature roared.

Cowed by their colonel's anger, the frightened soldiers charged at Epoch.

Epoch smiled. In an instant, his engraved sword vanished, replaced by a short sword with less elaborate but still fancy engravings. With another flash of red light, he launched himself and his sword right into a soldier’s chest.

The remaining soldiers started panicking as they began to comprehend just what they were up against.

"He's not a pony, he's a monster!" One yelped.

"He'll kill us all!" Another gulped.

"Shut up!" A higher-ranked officer ordered. "Fire the crossbows!"

A group of soldiers readied crossbows, but, just as they fired, Epoch warped a long metal shield into existence, blocking the bolts.

“Child’s play.” Epoch smirked. The shield vanished, replaced by a rather large shuriken. With a chuck of a hoof, the giant throwing star mowed through the shocked soldiers like a buzzsaw.

"Yarrrgh!" The high-ranked officer rushed over, brandishing a sword.

"Ah, much more civilized." Epoch smiled. He caught his shuriken, and in a flash, it turned into a giant mace. With a upward swing, he slammed it into the officer's side, sending him flying over the compound’s wall.

“YA-HA-HA-HOOEY!” The soldier cried, as he fell to his death.

As more soldiers charged, Epoch produced a crossbow. With one hoof on the trigger, he fired bolts that materialized out of nowhere, each shot effortlessly hitting their mark.

"Unbelievable." Sterling gaped.

"Who is this guy?" Solomon frowned.

“I don’t want to freak anybody out… but I think we just bust out Lauren. He’s Lauren!” Ricochet declared, just as freaked out.

“Lauren is a mare, you idiot!” Nalik snarled.

“You see that, that’s why we hate you.” Ricochet growled

In mere seconds, only a few soldiers remained. They were all too scared to move, having witnessed the massacre of their brothers-in-hooves in mere seconds.

"Time for the big finish." Epoch declared. A glowing blue orb appeared in his hoof, and he threw at the soldiers.

“Oh fu-” The soldiers cried before the orb exploded in a cloud of white snow, a blizzard emerging from within the cloud.

“Whoa…” Gridlock gaped.

The blizzard and clouds soon faded, all the soldiers having been frozen completely solid. Soon, they all shattered to pieces.

"Now, now… there’s need to go to pieces, boys." He joked.

Just like that, only Stature was left.

“Now then… you were saying?” Epoch smiled pleasantly, summoning his engraved longsword once more.

"No… no…” Stature slowly backed away. Quickly, he turned tail and made to run…

But Epoch suddenly warped in front of him, grabbing him by the mane.

“AHHH!” Stature panicked, as he struggled to break free.

“Now… about those five Bits…” Epoch began.

“Please… don’t…” Stature pleaded.

“On second thought… you can keep them.” Epoch shrugged flippantly.

He slammed the sword into Stature’s guts. Stature went pale. With a swish, the stout dictator was disemboweled.

Epoch dropped Stature onto the ground, lying dead in his entrails. With a wave of his sword hoof, his weapon vanished.

The Ouroboros were beyond all reason dumbfounded, unable to come up with words, as Epoch approached the group.

"Thank you." He smiled at Ricochet, reclaiming his hat and donning it once more.

"You're welcome..." Ricochet mumbled.

Epoch then turned to the rest of the Ouroboros.

“Now then…” Epoch clapped his hooves, “Which way is it to the carriage?”

With all the soldiers either dead or fleeing in terror, it was a simple walk back to the carriage. However, the walk was anything but peaceful, as all the Ouroboros were trying to comprehend what they had just seen. While they kept an eye out for anypony who tried to do harm on Epoch, they made sure to keep their distance from the pony himself, genuinely afraid of what he could do with a simple thought.

However, they couldn’t keep their distance for long, as they all made it back to the carriage. The carriage was even more crowded than it was before, them having to fit Epoch in there with them.

The ride back to Infinity remained silent for about a half hour, as everypony stared at Epoch. It wasn’t long before Epoch decided to break the ice.

"So… I assume by your collective silence that you may have some questions..." Epoch announced.

"No buck do we have questions!" Gridlock yelled. "What in the hell was that?!"

"Yeah, who are you?" Solomon asked.

"How did you do all that?" Sterling frowned.

"And why did we risk our lives to save you, when you clearly didn't need saving?!" Nalik scowled.

“You know, he makes a very good point.” Doc growled, “It seems we didn’t even need to be there!”

"Well, it wouldn't be sporting for me to do your jobs for you." Epoch shrugged. "After all, how good would it look on the Forefathers if their leading members were becoming lazy?”

“...Touché.” Ricochet admitted, “Still, you could have busted out those moves earlier. We could have been goners!”

“I’m the kind of stallion who prefers to not get his hooves dirty.” Epoch declared, “I only do so at a last resort.”

“What are you, a pansy?” Gridlock grunted.

"More like... patient." Epoch answered.

"Why don't we go back to the question of who you are?" Loveless inquired.

“Fair enough… my name is Epoch Ardyn Millenium.” Epoch declared, “It is a pleasure to finally meet you all face to face.”

“Okay… ‘Epoch’.” Sterling frowned, “Why exactly was Colonel Shorty holding you prisoner? He seemed to think you were pretty important.”

"Like all that nonsense about 'Great Alicorns'." Harlhooves asked.

"Let's just say he wasn't too far off the mark." Epoch admitted.

"We kind of gathered that." Solomon deadpanned. "And what exactly is your connection to Father?"

"He and I are very good friends." Epoch smiled fondly. "And have been for quite some time."

"Well, that explains why he was so eager for us to get you." Harlhooves nodded.

“Yeah. Too bad we had to come all the way out here to bust out your lazy ass.” Gridlock scoffed.

"Ah, the classic thick-headed mutterings of a military pony." Epoch smirked. "Some things never change."

The carriage went silent, as Gridlock’s eye twitched.

“Gridlock, don’t-” Harlhooves tried to calm him.

“You motherbuckin’-” Gridlock snarled angrily, as he got up to punch Epoch in the face.

...Only for his hoof to strike Nalik in the face.

"Ow!" Nalik yelped.

"What the- Nalik?!" Gridlock frowned, “How did you-”

A small chuckle startled everypony, as sitting in Nalik’s place next to Doc, was Epoch.

“My word… how did you do that?” Doc asked.

“Oh, it was simple really. I used my magic. Stopped time. Moved Nalik into my spot. Took Nalik’s spot. Unstopped time. And watched the show.” Epoch explained nonchalantly.

“...Hold on, did you say ‘stop time’?” Sterling gaped, recalling a similar power from the late Easel Muse.

“Indeed, I did, Sterling.” Epoch grinned, “I happen to possess a distinct control over time. What you just saw is just a pinch of what I could do.”

“But why did you picked me to take your spot?” Nalik clutched his snout.

“Well your face looked so punchable.” Epoch shrugged, “Maybe it’s your boyish good looks… or the fact you are a despicable racist piece of filth. I’m partial both ways.”

“Wow, even Lauren hates you.” Ricochet laughed.

“...I hate you guys. I hate you guys so very much.” Nalik hissed.

“So… what are the extents of your powers exactly, Epoch?” Harlhooves asked, “Because you are clearly more powerful than you let on.”

“Oh, I’m not that powerful.” Epoch said modestly, “I do have some tricks, like say, seeing into the future, but it’s nothing for the history books.”

“...Wait, did you just say you can see into the future?” Solomon frowned.

“...Yes, yes I did.” Epoch nodded.

"Get outta town!" Ricochet smirked.

"You're joking, right?" Sterling asked.

"Not in the least." Epoch confirmed.

"That’s ridiculous." Nalik scoffed.

“But it’s the truth.” Epoch said firmly, “...Tell you what, since you all went to the trouble of saving me, I will be more than willing to answer one, just one, question about each of your futures.”

“For real?” Ricochet gasped.

“For real, my brother.” Epoch chuckled, “Just choose your question, and I will answer them to the best of my ability.:”

“...Okay, I’ll bite.” Gridlock crossed his hooves. “How will I die?”

“Hmm…” Epoch stared at Gridlock, “...I see… blades… spinning around and around… a mist of flesh and blood… your blood...”

“Wait… spinning blades… like a fan? A rotor?” Gridlock frowned.

“I said only one question.” Epoch reminded him.

“But that wasn’t really specific.” Gridlock protested, “What do you mean by spinning blades?”

“I’m afraid I can’t say anymore.” Epoch shook his head, “You asked how you will die, and I said it.”

“Okay, my turn.” Harlhooves leaned in, before Gridlock could protest, “...Will I ever leave a lasting legacy in the senate?”

"Oh, I think it will be difficult for ponies in the future to forget you." Epoch said cryptically.

“Do you mean that in a good way, or not?” Harlhooves raised a brow.

Epoch stared at him.

“Right… only one question.” Harlhooves sighed.

“Please, I think you are all reading too much into this.” Nalik scoffed defiantly, “If you can really see the future… then what will I be eating for breakfast in the morning?”

“Oh, that is easy.” Epoch smirked, “Crap.”

“...Crap?” Nalik’s scowl faded, “...As in the food I will be eating will be terrible?”

“No. Actual crap. Excrement from the hind of a pony.” Epoch declared, “That will be your meal in the morning.”

“...Who the hell do you think you are?!” Nalik snarled, “I am Prince Nalik Aqqbar-Royale of Schwartzamungaknackerhobbelstan, and I demand respect!”

The group sniggered at the name, including Epoch.

"Really?" Nalik scowled. "You still find the name of my country amusing, after all this time? Grow up!"

“If I may ask my question…” Doc spoke up, “Epoch… I have made mistakes… lots of them. But one cost me more than anything… what I want to ask is… will I have a chance to make amends, and redeem myself?”

Epoch stared at Doc, before giving a sad, yet somehow… knowing smile.

“Yes, you will…” Epoch revealed, “...However, whether you will want to in the end… that will be up to you.”

Doc frowned under his mask, unsure of the answer, when Solomon stepped in.

“Okay, my turn.” Solomon grinned, “You see, there is something I really want, something that I’ve been after for most of my life… in the future, will I attain it?”

Epoch turned to Solomon, and with a smile, simply spoke:

“No. No, you won’t.” Epoch declared.

“What?” Solomon’s grin faded, “What do you mean ‘no’?”

“I’m sorry. That is too cryptic, even for me.” Epoch shook his head, “What I mean is, no, you will not get it. Especially in the way you seek to get it. It’s gonna be a bigger buck-up than anything Nalik can possibly attain.”

Solomon stared at the strange stallion. Nalik, as much as he enjoyed the thought of Solomon bucking up worse than him, flinched, feeling that Solomon was going to punch Epoch… and in turn, get punched himself.

However, Solomon responded.

“I don’t believe you.” Solomon seethed.

“Well, to each their own, I suppose.” Epoch shrugged.

“Ooh, ooh, my turn! My turn!” Ricochet nearly hopped out of his seat.

“And what is your question for me, Ricochet?” Epoch asked.

“...Will I get a brand new crossbow tomorrow?” Ricochet asked.

“Are you serious?” Harlhooves cringed, “Ricochet, this pony could tell you anything about your future. How you will live, how you will die, anything… and you ask that?!”

“Now, now, Harlhooves, Ricochet is free to ask whatever question he wants. I did say ‘anything’ after all.” Epoch softly admonished, before smiling at Ricochet, “But to answer your question… you will be getting one real soon.”

"Sweet." Ricochet grinned.

Sterling, who been thinking hard for the past few minutes, listening to the others’ questions, finally thought up of a question of his own.

“Epoch… if you can see the future, I want to know… will I ever find happiness?” Sterling asked, his voice a bit… worried.

"...What?" Solomon frowned.

"Dude?" Ricochet gaped.

“What kind of pansy-ass question is that?” Gridlock raised a brow.

"Sterling..." Loveless whispered.

“That’s a rather odd question, wouldn’t you say?” Epoch asked, a bit intrigued.

“I know… but it’s something I’ve been wondering about for a while.” Sterling admitted, glancing at Loveless, “I know it sounds a bit dumb but...”

“It’s an innocuous question.” Epoch smirked, “In the end, all of us seeks happiness in one way or another. But in your case…” His smile showed warmth, “I do see happiness in your future.”

“Oh… well, that’s a-” Sterling was about to sigh in relief.

“...However.” Epoch’s smile faded, “That happiness will not come easily. You will endure several moments of immense pain, in all matters of the word. Physical. Emotional. Spiritual.”

“Oh…” Sterling drooped, “I guess that’s better than nothing…”

"And you, Loveless?" Epoch turned. "Do you have a question about the future you would like answered?"

"...Yes." Loveless declared. "But I wish to ask you this question... in private."

"Private?" Nalik frowned, “Hey, we all asked our questions right in front of you. You could afford us that luxury.”

"What, ya got something to hide?" Solomon glared suspiciously.

"Now, now, he has the right to privacy." Epoch declared. He turned to the chaired stallion, “I’ll just have to get back to you later, won’t I?”

“I guess so.” Loveless murmured.

"Good, good." Epoch smiled. "In the meantime, let us enjoy the ride back home, shall we? We'll all had a big day, and we could do with some relaxation."

With that, Epoch gazed out of the one of the armored carriage's portholes, enjoying the view. The Ouroboros all shared bemused looks.

'And again... just who is this guy?' Sterling frowned.

Soon after, they arrived at Infinity. As they made their way back to the Coils, Epoch captured the attention of the few ponies that were still up at that time of night. However, the Ouroboros made it a point to escort the stallion swiftly to the Coils.

As soon as they reached the Coils, Father was waiting for them.

"Mission accomplished, sir." Loveless announced.

The group parted to let Epoch through. As soon as he saw Father, the elusive stallion gave a warm smile.

“...Epoch!” Father gasped. Rather than walked, he actually trotted over to Epoch, and wrapped his hooves around him, “No words could express how could it is to have you back, old friend!”

“It’s good to be back. Alpacia was scenic and all, but the locale kinda makes visiting a chore.” Epoch joked.

The Ouroboros stared blankly, once again shocked by Father's uncharacteristic behavior.

“Sheesh, it’s like watching a midget pretending to be a normal sized pony.” Ricochet whispered.

Soon after, Father broke the hug and turned to the Ouroboros.

“Thank you, my sons.” Father announced, his voice brimming with happiness, “I cannot express the gratitude I feel towards you all for saving Epoch… I know I placed a lot of pressure on you for this mission… but I knew in my heart you would all succeed. And for that, you are free to enjoy the rest of your week.”

“Ah, sweet!” Ricochet smirked.

“Wait, what of our projects?” Doc spoke up.

“Free for you to pick up where you left off.” Father nodded, “If you could please excuse us, I wish for me and Epoch to be alone… and again, thank you very much.”

"Always ready to serve, sir." Loveless smiled.

"After risking my life for a complete stranger, I think I've earned a 'me day'." Nalik announced.

“After a mission with you, I think we all deserved a day off.” Solomon sneered.

As the Ouroboros departed, Sterling found himself bringing up the rear. As he passed the doors, he heard the faint sounds of conversation between Epoch and Father.

“So… are you alright? Did those damn Alpacians do anything to you?” Father asked.

“Oh, please, they were all bark, no bite.” Epoch snorted, “...However, it did give me a chance to see the Ouroboros in action…”


“Well, I feel there could be a few issues with them that should be addressed…” Epoch revealed.

'Issues?' Sterling frowned.

"As always, I value your input." Father nodded.

'We'll see about that.' Sterling thought, planning to stick around and hear more.

"Sterling, are you coming?" Loveless called.

"...Yeah, right behind ya!" Sterling answered.

As soon as he turned around, he found the doors were shut. Undoubtedly, Father or Epoch locked them so to keep eavesdroppers like him out.

“Dammit… guess I’ll never know.” Sterling muttered to himself.

Reluctantly, Sterling followed his fellow Ouroboros out of the Coils.

The morning after the mission, Sterling walked into the Pit. All the Ouroboros were there, all seated at the bar, presumably waiting for breakfast.

However, as he came in, he noticed Ricochet was stuffing his hoof into a box of cereal, and Gridlock was casting odd glances at a ceiling fan that was spinning rather awkwardly.

The rest of them sat in silence, their minds presumably thinking of the same thing as Sterling was.

“Hey, guys!” Sterling greeted, as he took an empty seat next to Loveless (who was parked at the corner)

“Oh, hey, Sterling. Got a good night sleep?” Loveless questioned, snapping out of his thinking.

“Not really.” Sterling admitted, “I couldn’t stop thinking about that Epoch guy.”

“Same here.” Doc nodded.

“Truly, that stallion is an enigma.” Harlhooves put a hoof to his chin, “Not to mention of a caliber far beyond any of us…”

“Yeah, I guess…” Gridlock frowned, staring at the spinning fan, as he then glanced at the others, “Do you guys think he can actually do it? You know, see the future?”

“Oh, come now, Gridlock. I knew your mudpony brain can’t handle much, but surely I would think you wouldn’t believe some nonsense.” Nalik scoffed.

“Yeah, it’s just some cheap parlor trick.” Solomon growled.

“What? Because he told you that you won’t be getting what you wanted?” Doc frowned, “Methinks you would say differently, if he said otherwise.”

“Maybe… but so far there hasn’t been proof for nor against.” Harlhooves declared, “What says you, Ricochet?”

Ricochet didn’t respond, still digging through the cereal box.

“Okay, seriously, what the hell are you doin’?” Solomon asked, “It’s weird enough you asked for cereal instead of Ignite’s cooking. But you’ve been messing with that box ever since we got here. What’s-”

“Ah-ha!” Ricochet smirked, his hoof stopping, “I knew it!”

He withdrew his hoof from the box, a few cereal pebbles falling out, as he showed off a little blue toy crossbow. It had a little trigger that made the bolt part of the toy go in and out, being attached to the ‘string’ part of the fake weapon.

“...And what exactly did you know?” Gridlock frowned.

“Guys, don’t you get it?!” Ricochet smiled, “It is like Epoch said! He said I would get a new crossbow soon! This is what he meant! He really can see the future!”

“Hold on, Ricochet.” Harlhooves frowned, “It was my understanding that you were asking about an actual crossbow. Not a cheap piece of plastic.”

“But that’s the thing!” Ricochet held up a hoof, giving off a smug ‘smart-aleck’ face, “I never asked if I was getting a real crossbow or a toy crossbow. I just said crossbow! And this is a crossbow!”

“...Y’know, I’m surprised to say it, but Ricochet makes a valid point.” Loveless declared. His face began to show… concern, “In all technicality, Ricochet’s prediction came true.”

"If that’s case, maybe all the predictions will..." Doc mused.

“Oh, please.” Nalik snorted, “Just because he was too stupid to be specific doesn’t mean crap! I mean, honestly, me eating feces?! Me?! What am I, a zebra?!”

“Seriously, Nalik, it is way too early for your rac-” Solomon snarled.

“Yo, Nalik, I made ya a li’l something for breakfast!” Ignite smirked, sliding him a pan of chocolate pie.

"Chocolate pie?" Solomon frowned.

“Since when did you do desert for breakfast?” Ricochet asked.

“More importantly, since when do you give Nalik something extra?” Sterling grimaced.

“Yeah, that’s like a Jock giving soup to a Neighzi.” Harlhooves said, perturbed.

“Hey, I thought I would do something nice for a change. We’re all on the same team, aren’t we?” Ignite declared.

“Well, it’s about time you showed me some respect!” Nalik said haughtily. Grabbing a spoon, he dug out a piece of the pie, “I knew you would learn your place sooner or later. And I gotta say, ‘all is forgiven’.” He then proceed to take a bite of it. "Mmm, not bad..."

"I like pie. Can I have some?" Ricochet asked, stretching out his hoof.

"Ah-ah!" Ignite slapped Ricochet's hoof away with a spatula. "It just for Nalik."

"Ow!" Ricochet winced, a bit hurt, “Iggy, what the hell?”

“Ooh, even better.” Nalik took another bite, “Mmm, I get the others like your cooking. It’s good! Not like those plain pancakes you dished up last week.”

“Yeah…” Ignite’s smile didn’t change. But his brow seem to furrow greatly, “I put in a special ingredient in this pie, just for you. Curious to know what it is?”

“I would love to know.” Nalik grinned, “What did you put in this delectable confection?”

“Three words, Nalik.” Ignite smiled… before it turned to a defiant scowl, “Eat my crap.”

“...What did you say?” Nalik froze.

“Eat. My. Crap.” Ignite answered briskly, “You racist scumbag.”

“Whoa.” The other Ouroboros cringed.

“Oh, and here I thought you wised up.” Nalik scowled, “Are you really that stupid? Or have you simply lost your mind?”

“No… but you’re about to. Because that’s what you just did.” Ignite smirked.

“What are you…” Nalik paused, as he glanced at the pie. Then at Ignite. Then at the pie. Then at Ignite… then suddenly, it clicked.

Nalik's face slowly melted into a mortified expression, while the other Ouroboros simply stared in shock.

"Oh, sweet Faust." Nalik turned green. "Out of my way!" He darted out of the room in shame and disgust.

"That what you get fer dissin' my pancakes..." Ignite grinned as he carried the pie away, “Sorry for slapping your hoof, Ric.”

“You kiddin’? That was golden!” Ricochet laughed, “Good one, Ignite!”

Ignite smirked as he returned to the kitchen.

“So Epoch was right again…” Gridlock noted.

"Yeah, he was." Sterling nodded..

"Maybe he was telling the truth after all." Doc mused, “...Perhaps this means he is right about all of our futures.”

"No, no." Loveless, notably ashen, shook his head. "It has to be a coincidence."

“Loveless?” Sterling frowned.

“The old pony’s right.” Gridlock got up, “I mean, I’m not going to spend the rest of my life being afraid of a set of spinning bla-”

Suddenly, the ceiling fan that was spinning awkwardly dropped down, crashing onto the floor beside Gridlock.

"AHHHH!" Gridlock screamed like a filly and jumped onto his stool.

The other Ouroboros stared at him... then started snickering.

"...Not a word, out of any of you." Gridlock snarled.

"Suddenly, I'm not so hungry." Harlhooves declared. "We should get back to work, anyway. Right, Gridlock?"

"...Right. Right.” Gridlock nodded stiffly, trying to regain his composure.

"I've been away from my project too long." Doc announced.

"Me too." Ricochet smiled, idly playing with the toy crossbow. "Got some big plans..."

"In a way, the future is still our single preoccupation." Harlhooves declared.

“Yeah. Speaking of which, I hear that Father gonna have an announcement for us at the next meeting.” Solomon declared, “Something special I hear.”

"Maybe my future might actually come true too." Sterling declared. "Whatever Epoch meant about it."

As he said that, Sterling noticed that Loveless had been silent for the past couple of minutes.

"Hey, I just remembered." He declared as the others left. "Did Epoch ever tell you about your future?"

"...Ah... yes, he did. He actually came by my room last night." Loveless nodded.

“So, what did you end up asking him?” Sterling frowned.

“Oh, it was nothing important.” Loveless shook his head, “In fact, it was such a silly question, I didn’t want to ask it in front of the others.”

"What, did you ask if you end up going bald?" Sterling joked.

"Something like that." Loveless said guardedly, “Sure.”

“Don’t worry, your secret is safe with me.” Sterling chuckled, “Well, since we have the week off, how about we get some training in?”

"That sounds like a good idea." Loveless nodded. "You go on ahead. I'll be right behind you."

"Sure." Sterling nodded.

As Sterling walked away, Loveless's face fell in despair.

’Why… why did I ask that question? Oh, Sterling…’ He thought, in utter agony.

The Present...

It had been many years since Sterling had seen Epoch, but he had recognized him clear as day the moment he locked eyes with him.

The two stallions sat at the table in the middle of the tavern on opposite sides. Epoch stared at him plainly, while Sterling returned with a unhappy scowl.

“So… how have you been, Ster-” Epoch began.

“Cut the crap, Epoch.” Sterling growled, “What are you doing here?! Did Father sent you?! Because last I checked, I still have a week before the end of the month!”

“Please calm down, Sterling.” Epoch soothed, “Father did sent me, but he is aware that you still have a week. I came here only to talk.”

“Talk? Talk about what?” Sterling glared.

“Well, anything really. Current events. Politics. The weather. Why you leave the Forefathers-” Epoch listed off.

“Shh! You wanna tell the world who I am?!” Sterling shushed harshly, staring at Suds, who was cleaning a mug.

“Relax. We’re just talking.” Epoch smirked, “Besides, you left the Forefathers, didn’t you?”

“Well, no… I mean, yes, but-” Sterling grunted, “Look, it’s complicated, okay?!”

“Complicated, you say?” Epoch raised a brow, “Would you be so kind as to elaborate?”

"What, Father didn't tell you the whole sorry story?" Sterling scoffed.

“Oh, I kept privy of what’s been going on.” Epoch admitted, “But I feel there are pieces of the story that I’m missing. Pieces that you possess.”

"Oh, yeah. Like what?" Sterling demanded.

“Sterling, when I first saw you, back in Alpacia, you were different.” Epoch revealed, “You were a bright young stallion, one of Father’s most loyal agents. You were loved. You were respected. Now, here you are, living out in the midst of nowhere, a fugitive, with the authorities out to get you. What changed?”

Sterling’s hooves clenched for a moment… before unclenching, as the stallion sighed.

“The truth is… I’ve changed.” Sterling sighed, “I always have my doubts about the Forefathers and the things they had me do… but after Project: Titanfall, I’ve come to realize that the Forefathers aren’t who I thought they were. I’ve tried to convince myself otherwise… but now… I just can’t walk the same path as them.”

"Oh, really?" Epoch frowned. "And what brought on this 'change', may I ask?"

"I've just been through... experiences." Sterling declared. "Met new ponies. My eyes have been opened. I know now what kind of pony I once was, what the Forefathers truly are. And I can't go back to that... to them. Not ever again."

Epoch gazed at Sterling silently. For a moment, Sterling thought he was paralyzed by rage. But when he spoke, it was with a calm, measured tone.

"All this talk of who the Forefathers are." He mused. "Yet none on what may be the most important question of all."

"And what might that be?" Sterling asked.

"Who are you?" Epoch inquired.

“What?” Sterling grimaced, “You know who I-”

“Just humor me for a moment.” Epoch cut him off, “I ask again... who are you?”

"Uh... Sterling Cross?" Sterling answered, confused.

"Yes... and no." Epoch shook his head. "The Sterling you are… or rather were, was a part of the Forefathers. From the moment you joined, you were shaped and molded by your experiences, and the lessons given by your teachers. What you became over the years, you owe to your time amongst them. But that Sterling can no longer exist if you are no longer a Forefather, am I right?”

“Well, I guess but…” Sterling struggled to answer.

“Take the Forefathers out and what is left? A poor young colt that was left behind in that juvenile correction facility all those years ago, and the lie you made for yourself in the small amount of time you spent with Echo and Sunset… not much of an existence, is it?”

“...is there a point you’re trying to make?” Sterling growled, incensed by Epoch’s words, “If so, mind telling me what the hell it is?”

“No point. Only a question.” Epoch corrected, “...Who are you without the Forefathers?”

Sterling made to answer that question… but as he opened his mouth, no words came out. With nothing to say, he shut his mouth, remaining silent.

“...Well, this is where I leave you.” Epoch stood up. “Take some time to think about what I said, and hopefully, when the week is over, you will be right where you want to be…”

“...And what if that’s not with the Forefathers?” Sterling spoke up.

“Then I guess that’s all there is it to it.” Epoch declared, as he turned to leave, “...But a lot can happen in one week. It wouldn’t be sporting to count you out just yet.”

“...Yeah, sure.” Sterling murmured.

Just as Epoch was near the doors, he paused.

“Oh, and Sterling…” Epoch turned to face the seated stallion, “...You recall what I told you about your future?”

Sterling glanced at Epoch suspiciously. It was clear in his ice blue eyes that he did.

“You should know that it still remains the same as it had before.” Epoch revealed.

"...Wait, what?" Sterling gasped.

The elusive stallion gave a smirk, as he tipped his hat.

"Goodbye, Sterling." Epoch continued his departure. "Whether we see each other again is entirely up to you..."

With that, Epoch left the bar. Sterling did not bother to follow, as he sat there at the table, pondering the words of the stallion.

'Epoch doesn't know what he's talking about.' He thought. 'I knows who I am. And I don’t need the Forefathers.' But his determination started to falter. 'I... I don't...'