• Published 7th Feb 2017
  • 2,100 Views, 33 Comments

DC Comics: Chaos Comics - Mega NewWays97

Arriving on a unknown world with his memory gone and no idea how or why he got their. Discord decides to take up being a Superhero in this world. Follow him as the Spirit of Chaos takes up a new role as one of earths greatest heroes!

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Issue 0: Origins

Heavy Clouds hung in the sky with purple lighting arching all around signaling to those down below. The change in weather was quite sudden for the city goers by surprise but it was nothing to be concerned about. A bolt of Lightning flashed downwards almost hitting a car as it struck into the street for a brief moment turning the used but still reliable asphalt into a checkerboard. Several dozen more came streaking down each time altering whatever it struck for a few seconds, traffic signs turned into stripped trees, cars floated in the air, and a tree said, “I am a Tree!” traumatizing a dog for the rest of it’s life

Finally one final bolt of lightning came down streaking in a dark alleyway and with that as soon as the storm appeared it was gone and with it the weirdness that had happened. Within the dark alleyway a person awoke with a groans picking himself before leaning on the wall as he slowly became more aware of his surroundings. He looked at his hand as he spoke asking himself, “What’s going on where am I?” He looked around noticing only a alleyway between two old and slowly crumbling buildings, “Who… who am I!?” He focused in his head but it was all a fg a mess all he got was flashes of words, useless knowledge about something called magic and names for things but almost nothing about nothing about him.

He only knew one thing and it was a name that he knew was his, Discord Faustson. That was it. That was all he knew about himself. He noticed a window in front of him and walked up to it to see his reflection. Staring back at him was what looked like a man in his late 20s early 30s, with light brown tanned skin silver unckelped hair, with a small matching beard. His scarce where yellow while his iris and pupils were red. The outfit he had on was a simple black shirt with brown jeans.

He wondered out of the alleyway looking around as beings who looked kinda like him passed by as a name was put to what they were in his mind, “Humans.” A strange part of him was confused as he could have sworn something was off really off about them. It was as if he had a picture of what they should look like but it didn’t match with what he saw.

“In further news today the long isolationist nation of Themyscira has recently sent its first ambassador…” Discord’s mind seem to tuned out what was being said as he started at the thing though the window unable to find a name for it.

A paper was lying down on a bench which he did recognize the name for a newspaper. Picking it up he couldn’t understand anything written on it at first but then something strange happened, “Superman saves the day, The bat of Gotham stops underground drug ring, tragedy at Star Labs, mysterious wind in Central City a new hero?” He could understand what was written but he also couldn’t read it.

“Strange…” He said under his breath before continuing his aimless walk as he tried to understand what was going on with both the world around him as well as himself. Discord stopped as he saw a bunch of people just standing in front of him looking at a metal pole while what looked like small trains zipped past them, ‘No that’s not right their’s no tracks, it kinda looks like a metal carriage though, I think know the name of the object somewhere, oh that’s right it’s a car!’

Given how hard it was to remember the name for the thing he had expected it to be a rare, obscure item but looking around he saw cars zip by on the street all around he wondered how he would have trouble remembering such a thing if it was its common. That still didn’t answer his question though why were the people in front of him waiting? He looked at the man dressed in a suit before he heard something in his mind, “Why did I come to this city again? It’s just a forgetful place between Gotham and Metropolis, I don’t understand what corporate sees in this place.

Discord blinked at this dumbfounded. That wasn’t his thoughts and if he had to guess he would say he had read the man's thoughts. Strangely he didn’t feel all that surprised by this. In fact he felt like he knew he could do this. He then focused on the others as he dug deeper past the thoughts and into their memories as he learned what was going on. Didn’t take him long to learn they were waiting to cross the road, yet he didn’t stop there he almost hungrily eat up information about where he was. In the end he learned he was in a country called the United States, the cities name of Midway, the name for the strange box thing alone with something called the internet, and even how to read english.

He focuses on others around him the drivers in the cars and the passersby learning so much about things, some of which he probably shouldn’t like safe notes, credit card numbers, social security numbers, home addresses and the like. ‘I should probably stop now…’

“Please God someone help me!”A voice screamed in his head as Discord turned to the right as he felt it was coming from over there. Focusing he could feel two minds one of a young woman and the other of somebody who thoughts were… unsavory. Two voices spoke to him telling him what he should do. One voice which sounded like him but with a strangely smug tone wanted nothing of it just to leave the girl to her fate. After all it wasn’t him why should he care what others wanted or did? The second voice however sounded like a soft feminine voice of a shy girl telling him he should help the girl or at the very least try to end whatever was happening peacefully.

The second voice was familiar to him yet he couldn’t quite put his finger on whose name it was. All he knew is he cared for the owners opinion of him for some reason and that caused him to both complete joy, and made him completely pissed. It was actually a exciting feeling, as well as annoying as he knew he was going to regret this somehow. He took off running down the street to the alleyway as he saw a lady backed into a corner with a gun pointed at her and a sadistic smile on his face. Having looked into his mind he knew he wasn’t just after her money. “Hey listen I don’t think she’s into the whole being held at gunpoint thing, so let her go, and maybe you should get therapist as well?” Discord snarked capturing the lowlife’s attention.

He turned around pointing the gun at him as he shot him a glare, “Leave us be or I’ll pump you full of lead! This doesn’t concern you got it!” He yelled threatening him. Discord wasn’t intimidated at all by this. Actually he felt the need to laugh at the guy. Even with the gun pointed at him he didn’t feel as though his life was in any danger.

Discord’s face hardened into a glare as he just walked up to him, “Yeah that’s not gonna happen, option one is still on the table though.” The thug shot a glare at the, to his perspective, idiot and fired his gun right in his chest. The sound of the bullet bouncing off the ground was heard as Discord looked down at his shirt noticing the hole in it. That was about the only thing damaged as his skin was intact, “... ouch.” He casually commented.

The thug started to panic at this. He started shooting over and over each time the bullets bounced off him with Discord dryly saying, “Ow” being the only indication they had hit until Discord grabbed the gun out of his hands. Discord held it up before he crushed it and spoke to the attempted rapist dryly, “I’m going to slap you now.” Discord then did as he said slapping him over the face knocking the man out, and maybe breaking his jaw if the sound of breaking bones was anything to go by.

Discord turned to the still somewhat frighten woman and commented still with a casual tone in his voice, “You should call the local police, oh and sorry about the whole mess mama.” With that Discord just turned around looking at his shot up shirt for a moment. It was strange that he wasn’t hurt by a bullet yet that man was well out like a light when he held back, ‘Note to self humans are fragile creatures… hold back.’

Thinking about that actually caused Discord to contemplate something. Was he even human? Come to think of it he felt something deep within him. Something he had a name for, ‘Magic.’ Humans didn’t have magic at least that much he thinks. He might be wrong about that but even if he was what kinda human can crush metal with his bare hands and take a bullet without being hurt? ‘So I’m not a human walking around on a planet full of them. Does this mean I’m all alone a strange in a strange land with no one to get me and feeling torn between home and the earth and realizing I could never truly belong to either?’ Discord had a bit of a laugh, “Yeah like I would feel angst over something like that I mean who spends their time thinking about that? It almost sounds as bad as someone purposely destroying their life over a trauma without finding happiness and dressing up like I don’t know a nocturnal flying creature while making the tragic event into a pointless angst trip to the point you want to beat happiness into them.”

Miles away in Gotham a certain bat-themed Dark Knight had the feeling he was going to punch someone in the face for mocking him. He didn’t who and he didn’t know when but as soon as he saw the guys face he was going to punch him. He then went back to looking at the photo of his dead parents.

Discord sat down on a bench as he thought about his good deed, “You know seeing how I have no idea who I am, and I might not know for awhile I guess I should do something so I don’t get bored.” Discord picked up another discarded newspaper, wondering for a moment how these things still exist with the internet and TV, and saw a picture of Superman with the headline, “Superman stops a runaway train.” A grin started to form on Discord’s face as he just had his answer, 'I know what I’ll become a Superhero, it would be fun and a great why to relieve the boredom of not knowing who I am, all I need is a name and a costume.'

The sounds of gunfire as a trio of armed men walked into the bank wielding what was obviously black market bought military grade assault rifles. The leader yelled out to the panicked people backed away ducking as he fired into the ceiling to get their attention, “Everyone on the ground now!” The people in the bank either hoping to make a withdraw, put their money in or complain about their own poor financial choices by blaming the bank all laid themselves on the ground as the leader turned to the guy on his left, “You stay with the hostages me and Tony are going to go make a withdraw.” Unknown the the three men someone saw what they were doing and slowly floated down to stop them.

When the two guys came back the vault with bags of money on their back they found that the cops had finally made it and their partner just standing their with their hostages gone. The thug called Tony walked up to their partner almost dumbfounded by this, “Mickey what the fuck happened we told you to guard the hostages!”

“Mickey” just started to laugh at this before turning around as his eyes though the ski mask weren't the eyes of their partner as the fake simply said in a mocking tone, “Oh your friend kinda unconscious and with the police… like the both of you in a moment.” The illusion dropped down as standing before them was Discord appeared before them wearing a blue tight outfit with two brown gloves and a red cloak adoring his shoulders, “Now how about we do this the easy way…”

“Waste him!” The leader screamed as they opened fire with Discord summoning up a purple barrier at the last moment. As the sounds of shooting stopped the two of them just looked at their bullets stuck in the purple colored wall while Discord just shoot them a glare, “How dare you interrupt me when I’m talking don’t you know how rude that is?” He brought his arms down as the barrier disappeared and the bullets just feel on the ground, “Now look at this you made a mess! I swear it’s like your parents didn’t even raise you right.” Discord gathered a ball of energy in his hands as he just sighed, “Oh well maybe time in jail will fix that.”

Outside a flash of light was seen before Discord came dragging the unconscious criminals out both covered in what looked like cream cheese, “Sorry about the mess these two just had to pick option number two also they have no manners someone call up their mothers so they can yell at them.” Discord dropped the two in front of the cops while the third was already being untied from the grass rope he was bound in. Discord gave a slight blow, “Officers.”

One of the cops walked up a bit unsure about all of this. It was kinda nice that the situation didn’t escalate on the other hand he had thought he was done with these kinds of things when he left Gotham, “Ahh thanks…” The cop just looked at the get up, “Who are you exactly?”

Discord gave a smile, “I am Everfree, and i’m a hero for fun.” With that the newly dubbed Everfree jumped into the air and flew away while the coop just gave a sigh. Maybe he should have gone to Coast City after all.

Author's Note:

Behold Discord Faustson, the Superhero Everfree!

Yes the name is terrible but eh, t this point Discord isn't really trying to be a superhero he just sees this as a kind of way to past the time and keep himself from being bored so he put like zero effort in name and costume.

Also Faustson... yeah I'm not backing down that's my idea for his last name. It means well, Son of Faust :P