• Published 7th Feb 2017
  • 2,101 Views, 33 Comments

DC Comics: Chaos Comics - Mega NewWays97

Arriving on a unknown world with his memory gone and no idea how or why he got their. Discord decides to take up being a Superhero in this world. Follow him as the Spirit of Chaos takes up a new role as one of earths greatest heroes!

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Issue 1: The Crystal

Discord sait down on the couch in his makeshift living space snapping his fingers with the TV on as he cooked what looked like a mix of old foodstuffs and pieces of metal in an old frying pan. It had been just over a week since he had made his debut as the Superhero Everfree. Seeing as how he was going to need a place to stay when crime was dry, or when he wanted to sleep, eat, or got bored. He was now living in the basement of a rundown warehouse he had turned into a living space. It mostly consisted of a makeshift kitchen using a metal ball to cook, a old couch, a TV Discord had fixed that somehow got HD channels, a radio and a bed he found in a old warehouse.

It wasn’t much but hey he wasn’t complaining. In fact he felt like one of those what did humans call it? Pinnoris?, “Nah that sounds lame.”

With a snap the channel changed as the news came on with the attractive anchor girl on the TV was talking about the latests events, “A jewelry heist was stopped today by the newest hero Everfree, when police got to the scene they found the robbers tangled in toffee hanging upside down with clown noses on their head… Seriously?” The anchor woman was finding the report hard to believe.

“Toffee? I was sure it was a fusion of cotton candy and gum not toffe!” Discord reached into a box and tossed some rust nails into his mouth the sounds of metal crushing under his teeth was heard before he swallowed them. For some reason what people considered food, made him throw up but what they saw as uneditable was perfectly find for him. Instead of wondering why he could eat like this, he was mad that the news were making up lies about him, “I’m a hero for fun! And where is the note! I gave the police a note!”

Discord put down his box of nails off to the side as the news continued, “In other news Batman…” Discord turned off the tv with a snap finding it boring.

“Oh well no skin off my bones.” Discord pulled out his meal and started to cut into it with a knife, “You know that got me thinking Batman…. Just who is Batman anyway?” Discord pulled out a few of the newspapers he had found lying in dumpsters, “Hmmm he dress like a bat so he must be a bat, no he must fear bats and fearing bats is a sign of wealth, wealth equals loneliness… or was it power?” Discord went with the second one as he typed away on a useless keyboard, “Power means enemies meaning no parents, as having parents mean he has no power, this all points to one conclusion.” Discord then tapped a image of the billionaire playboy Bruce Wayne, “Bruce Wayne is Batman because he has power and power means wealth and the Batman is wealthy.” Discord had a smile at this try and true logic had found out the secret identity of Batman.

Discord gave a snap as his superheroes outfit flew over it him melt onto his body and then formed into place as Discord stretched his arms, “Whelp time to continue my hobby.”

Discord watched from up above as night hanged over the city. Their wasn’t much going on today it seemed. Sure he stopped a mugger, who really thought a switch blade would hurt him, and broke up a drunken fight that got out of hand. Also turns out he’s immune to getting drunk for some reason. “Eh, maybe they are hiding out I mean let's see I’m like what the fifth or sixth superhero to appear after Superman?” Maybe he was off about that but last he checked their was the super fast person in Central city, Batman and Superman, a floating Green glowing man who seemed to have disappeared about a week ago and now himself.

Discord held his hand out as he spoke a headline, “The Age of Superheroes, a new Golden Age or the worse years of Earth?” Discord liked the sound of that. If he ever got a interview he would be such to give that report the headline. He looked down from his perch to see police cars zooming along and most likely to something. Discord floated off the perch and flew after them as he finally had something to do.

The sounds of gunfire was heard through the streets as a black armored van speed down the street with the police hot on their tale. Inside the van set the criminals prize, well the object their employer wanted. Pulling out a suit case showing a black and red crystal that seemed to glow amoiusly. One of the crocks looked at it as a feeling of fear surged through his spine, “Something isn’t right about that thing,”

Another of the crocks looked at it with similar thoughts in mind as he felt a voice speak to him from the thing, “I think I can hear it speak…” He reached out to it, “Maybe we should touch it… it wants me to…” At that the suitcase closed as the leader knocked his hand away.

He gave them both a glare, “Knock it off both of you I don’t want any lip the boss is paying us a fortune to deliver this to him in Gotham.” He didn’t know why but his employer said that the crystal would grant him power, power like the kind those heroes where said to have. It seemed like a stretch, what could some ancient crystal do that could grant power like that, and why was it in a museum? “Now until we can get the fuzz off our tale and into the safe house I want the two of you to be quite.”

Outside the van had just about finally got away from the police and everything looked like it was going as they had planned. The driver was shocked as someone feel from the sky landing in the road. Discord had a smile as he slammed his firsts into the vans front shouting, “YOU SHALL NOT PASS!”, As he did so in what sounded like he was that wizard from those movies. With a heave he lifted up the van. With a punch he ripped into the vehicle and ripped out the engine block his body covered in the motal oil and gasoline as he did, “I think some of it got in my mouth!” Discord screamed before he licked it off his lips, “Actually this doesn’t taste half bad.”

Discord dropped the van into the ground as the doors tossed open as the robbers came out opening fire on Discord. While the bullets didn’t break his skin, he could still feel them hitting him and boy did he find this annoying, “It’s just like Superman all over again!” One of the robbers yelled at the sight.

“Yeah sure I’m immune to bullets but can still feel the pain… who’s idea was this I wonder?” Discord turned his eyes looking upward at this before the rounds finally stopped as they had finally ran out of bullets in their magazines, “Ok how about this you put down the guns and return what you stole and I well forget the fact you basically just unloaded police issue bullets into my body…” He noticed his tattered outfit, “and ruined my outfit.” With a snap he fixed up his clothes and started walking up to them cracking his knuckles, “Please choose choice B.”

While most of them seemed to stand their ground, rather reluctantly, a few just turned around and started running, “Screw this I’m out.” One of them screamed as they raced away from him.

Discord rolled his eyes before snapping his fingers as the asphalt below their feed suddenly melted and trapping their shoes and causing them to fall into it, “Yeah no you all get option B, I’m a goin to beat you down.”

Within the van the leader of the ground watched as Discord started to beat on those who had fired on him using his magic, his fists and a rubber chicken? “I’ve seen everything.” He groaned before holding the case in hand as he sunk out with Discord not looking or the wiser, “Sorry guys but hey look at the bright side… more for me.”

Gotham, the name of the city pictured a hive of scum, criminals, thieves and now the raise of super villains and it’s own superhero, in the loose sense of the word, in the semi-mysterious Batman. At first the bat was believe to be nothing but urban myth first the first few months until the first reasonable sighting happened a year and half ago.

It seemed the city couldn’t get a break as just when the normal crime started to go down mad men and women started to appear. If you ask someone about the reason for this they could point to two local legends. The first one was that a coven of witches were hanged within colonial times and in their dying moments cursed the ground the city was founded on. The second one, most commonly known as a nursery rhyme, was that a secret society ruled the city in the shadows, and over the years had made it this way.

Looking out his window a young man took a sip of wine as he heard the door to his business open up. Not even looking away he spoke in a calm tone, “I had just saw the news, it’s unfortunate that you and your associates had a run in with the newest hero.” He turned around in his chair as he saw the suitcase in the hands of his hiring, “But at the very least you got me my package.”

“Yeah I risked myself to get you this so I better get my pay.” The man before him growled. It was a bit harder to get to Gotham then he had planned. Seemed “Everfree” as he called himself wasn’t the detective type as he wasn’t following him, or he could have been lucky.

A nod was given by the boss. He pulled out another suitcase opening it up showing the piles of unmarked 100 dollar bills, “As I promised you, and seeing how you brought it to me yourself you get all of it.” He closed the suitcase getting up and handing it to him.

“Alright.” The criminal handed the suitcase containing the crystal to him as he started to think about what he could do with this much cash. The boss placed the suitcase on his table and opened it showing the crystal in it’s glory. A smile came over him as he heard the gentle sounds of a dark voice could be heard on his ears.

“You know the story about this thing right?” The boss questioned as the crock just stood there, “It is said that this… this crystal was found in Rome it drove the senate mad made them kill Caesar, caused booth Nero and Caligula to lose their sanity, there's even accounts it spoke to an artist in Austria or to a man from the country of Georgia.” The boss took it into it’s hands, “Yet none of them know the true power, the true power of this thing.” With a ting he broke the crystal causing a swirling mass of darkness to envolap the room.

A deep menacing laughter was heard as the darkness circled around the boss before forcing its way inside his mouth. It was over in seconds but the man dropped down on his knees gasping for air before a dark glow covered his body as his hair seemed to changed from a rich brown into a shadowy black his skin turned slightly grey and his eyes, two wisps of dark purple flowed right off them as he stood back with his smile accompanied with fangs, “It has been so long since I’ve had a body.” He spoke in a deep voice that sent chills down the hired thugs spine.

“I’m just going to…” He headed for the door only for it to be covered in a strange black crystal.

Where’s the rush? It’s been centuries since I had a body…” The possessed man had a sadistic grin on his face, “How about you stay so I can test it out?

In the swamp a body was found rotting away with maggots and vultures picking at it. A figure dressed in a dark grey suit with a black cap and call looked down at the body in question. Despite the decomposition he could still make out the bones shattered from force the organs cut open by hand and the signs of teeth marks on the bones of the arm. Someone had tortured this man, mutated his corpse, and even showed signs of eating him.

Reaching down the darkly clad person fished out something from the corpse. A black crystal that was wedge within his neck right behind the spinal column, “It almost looks like the crystal that was stole a few days ago.” He said to himself remembering the news report. It seemed the newest hero, if he could be called that as his researched into him had yelled that he calls what he was doing, “Fun”, had missed one of the robbers. Pocketing it into his belt he turned around heading back into the city while the bat signal shown itself in the sky.

Author's Note:

Oh boy looks like two heroes are going to be meeting!

Also how do you like it so far? I figured that I might be off on who appeared when but eh.