• Published 7th Feb 2017
  • 2,101 Views, 33 Comments

DC Comics: Chaos Comics - Mega NewWays97

Arriving on a unknown world with his memory gone and no idea how or why he got their. Discord decides to take up being a Superhero in this world. Follow him as the Spirit of Chaos takes up a new role as one of earths greatest heroes!

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Issue 3: Man of Steel

Author's Note:

Warning: The following chapter contains a joke or two on the modern social climate.

Superman Purist Warning: I am updating Clark's job a bit as newspapers are a dying medium. If you can't take it... I'm not sorry.

Discord walked around the streets of Metropolis taking the sights while the people passing him by just looked at him in part cause his outfit which he was currently wearing with a miss match of blue jeans with a chain off to the side, a Hawaiian shirt, a cowboy hat and green sunglass with combat boots. “Maybe I should have picked a better outfit.” Discord reached into his pocket and pulled out his smartphone before turning it on to look through the internet to amaze himself.

It was made from a bunch of broken smartphones he just mixed together until it worked and powered it with his magic. He tapped away coming across a news article online, “Everfree spotted though five cities possible nomad hero?” He read the article out loud. Seemed that each time a new hero popped up into the public eye people took notice and for awhile news stories of them continue for a month, “Well they’re kinda right actually I mean yeah I get around, eh guess I’m a free spirited Adventurer.”

He stopped noticing he had almost walked into the street. He placed his phone down walking away to a alley and disappeared in a flash onto a building's rooftop. Teleporting was something that had nagged him in the back of his mind and as he learned it was practically instinct to him. In another flash his outfit became that of his superhero gab and he returned to reading the article. “Well this… is actually pretty good.” Discord commented having finished reading it, “Thank you… Clark Kent.” Discord turned off his phone and then flew into the sky as a few people looked up noticing the shadow in the sky.

The Daily Planet, a news company stationed in Metropolis and one with a history. Originally a newspaper as time’s changed it had expanded and changed itself. Now with the newspaper dying it had expanded itself into the digital age. Sitting on his desk typing away at his latest article was Clark Kent one of the best reporters the Daily Planet had as well as one of it’s online writers. “Clark.” He turned around to see Perry White the Editor and Chief looking over him, “I need you in my office somethings came up.”

“Alright.” Clark answered getting up from his desk he followed Perry to his office so they could speak.

Perry turned to Clark as he pulled out his phone and showed him a picture of Everfree flying over head, “This was taken a few minutes ago, Everfree is in the city Clark and I want you to see if you can get a interview with him.”

“Me?” Clark questioned.

“Yeah I know you don’t really do interview pieces but Lois is currently in D.C. right now.” He motioned to the TV which had a life feed of Lois Lane in D.C. waiting for an interview with the Ambassador from Themyscira, “So I’m asking you if you could get a interview with the latest hero.”

“I don’t know Perry,” Clark spoke with uncertainty in her tone as he rubbed the back of his neck at this request, “Everfree never stays in a city for long and many reporters have tried.”

Perry sighed at this. Clark was right about this. Even Lois had tried for a time but even she couldn’t keep up. “I know Clark… look if you can’t get the interview I understand but if you get the opportunity to take it alright?”

“I’ll do my best.”

In outer space past the orbit of the planet Mars a hyperspace rift opened as something past out of it and into the Sol system. The small pop like ship sensors fired up and located an inhabited planet within the system and flew too it Heading to a certain city on the east coast as it’s sensors took in data from the planet as it feed it into its occupant.

Discord stopped flying for a moment as he caught sight of a fire ball in the sky. “What the… a meteor?” Discord focused his sight on it and was ready to teleport and intercept it. However it started to slow down and then he could make out that it was artificial, “A spaceship?” The ship passed by and landed within a park catching attention from the citizens.

Discord flew over to the park landing in front of the people as he turned to them holding his hand out, “Sorry but I have to ask you to stand back just encase.” Discord gave them a sly smile as he walked up to the thing. The pop opened as a humanoid skeletal looking robot with a dome shaped case on top of his head.

It looked around at the people speaking in a synthesized voice, “Life forms scanned, tech level assisted…” He stopped as he looked at Discord, “Mystic energy detected off life form, assisting threat level.”

“Wait you can scan I’m magical and somehow I’m a threat?” Discord rolled his eyes and mockingly felt offended, “How offensive! That’s both sexist and whatever phobic.”

“That's not how it…” A young lady with blue highlights was cut off as Discord caste a silence spell on her. Can’t they see he was mocking it?

“Can’t understand a joke… I fear for humanity.” Discord thought to himself as he walked up to the robot, “Listen could you just tell me why you are hear? Exploration, enlightenment, or conquest cause if it’s the second one… I’m sorry these people are beyond enlightening have you seen who they elected to lead them? Seriously he’s possibly the worse person they ever elected, plus people like that girl over their.” He pointed to the lady he silence who glared at him, “Yes I called you a girl what of it not like you can yell at me about being offended,” Discord placed his arm around the robot, “So yeah if you're here for that you best just…” The Robot then flipped him into the ground, “I’m guessing conquest.” Discord knocked away it’s hand as it fired a pulse of energy into a building destroying the windows and several floors of it.
Discord shot up and throw a punch… only for his fist to collide with a force field. “Oh you have got to be..” Discord was blasted by the pulse being sent through a building and colliding with a steel support beam in the middle of the place. He picked himself up straggling for a moment at the pulse disorienting his senses, “It’s official… Aliens are bastards.”

In the Daily Planet building the employers watched out the window as they tried to see the fight going on between the Alien Robot and Everfree all save one. Clark Kent slipped out of the office put away his glasses and pulled at his shirt revealing a a S symbol surrounded by blue tights.

Discord walked out with a ball of magic crackling in his hands as the robot walked near him, “Let’s see how you like being a toaster!” Discord tossed the ball at the robot hitting it dead on… and did nothing to it.

“Mystical dumpers online.” It spoke as it walked though his spell which disappeared while Discord just had a look of disbelieve at this.

“Mystical Dumpers? How come on! That’s not even a thing! That’s blanket Deus Ex Machina so this fight can continue! Where the fuck is mine then!” Discord yelled out annoyed by the robot. His complaints were answered as when Superman appeared in front of him and punched throw the robot’s force field knocking back to it’s pop. Discord stood their for a moment blinking at this, “Well… all is forgiven.”

Discord floated next to Superman who turned to him, “Everfree.”

“Clark.” Was Discord’s reply causing the Man of Steel to look at him shocked, “What?” Discord pulled out his phone showing a picture from Jimmy Olsen's facebook with him as Clark Kent and him, “The glasses aren’t a disguise by the way.”

As this happened the robot got up and scanned the newcomer, “Kryptonian DNA detected…” In a few milliseconds the robot deduced from the impact of the Kryptonian and the mystical entity that in it’s current state it won’t last long. With a command the pop started to fly up catching the attention of the two heroes.

“Oh great what is it this time?” Discord asked and watched as the ship broke apart into pieces. The skeleton robot flew up into pieces which then started to cover it until it landed two three times it’s size and a more intimidating look.

“You will be exterminated!” He commanded it’s sympathized voice deeper and more menacing. Both Discord and Superman got ready to fight at this.

“In the spirit of a british alien, Yeah no.” Discord and Superman both launched themselves at the alien Robot their fists colliding with the barrier and before they could break though they were blasted by two condensed energy bolts sending them through a building with superman landing in a wall and Discord though a car with a stop sign impaled through his chest, “Oh fuck! Dear mother Faust that hurt.” Discord cursed as he got up and pulled the stop sign though his chest tossing it to the ground.

“Are you alright?” Sups asked as he watched Discord stand with a bleeding hole through his chest about where his heart would be. In fact Superman could see with his X-ray vision that part of his spinal cord had been snapped apart. The fact he was even standing amazed Superman.

“Don’t worry about it my organs are redundant I don’t need them to live.” It was more complex than that but being made from materialized magic it was basically that. Blasts of condensed energy came raining down as the robot flew above them. Discord summoned up a magical barrier to protect the two of them. Before the Robot slammed his foot down forcing the two of them into the air to dodge it.

Discord raised his hands up as several cars and building debris floated into the air and then tossed it at him with a telekinetic push. “Eat this!” He yelled the robot’s thrusters fired up blasting away at the objects before grabbing Discord’s face, “Not the face!” Discord yelled before being slammed into the ground, “I blame my writer.” He groaned the robot pulled back to blast him point blank only to be tossed off by superman ramming it into the side of a truck.

As Discord got up he watched Superman beat on it before he was grabbed and slammed into the ground repeatedly. Discord grabbed it arm with a string of laffy taffy and pulled back freeing superman as he flipped the robot into the streets. Sups flew over to him as Discord asked a question that’s been nagging him, “So does this usually happen?”

The robot pulled causing Discord to let loose of his sweet treat rope which dissolved at the Robot stood back up. “Sometimes.” Sups answered as the robot fired a cluster of Missiles at them.

“Lucky you.” Discord groaned sarcastically summoning up a wall of peppermint to take the missiles while he grabbed Superman’s shoulder and Teleported them out of the robots sight and behind it. As soon as it caught sight of them it thrown it’s two fists with they both caught, “Here's why don’t we give you a hand or how about you give us yours!” With a grunt the two of them pulled knocking it off balance before they placed their foots down and pulled ripping its arms off.

Before it could rocket away Discord’s left hand turned into engle like talons and ripped into it’s neck and pulled it’s head off it’s body, “Alright we want answers who sent you and why?” Discord demanded.

“It does not matter, I have begun to send my report, this city well be a crater in five minutes.” The head explained as Discord turned to it’s chest seeing it turn orange with heat.

“It’s self destructing!” Discord glared at the head and crushed it within his hands at this. Superman quickly grabbed the body and flew into the sky and right tossing it with all his might into space where it exploded harmlessly in low earth orbit.

After the mess of a robot the city of metropolis was beginning to return to normal as workers began to assess the damage. In a dinner Clark Kent said with Discord wearing a black tie shirt and jeans with a small chain sait opposite of him, “So that’s about it, I have only a few things about my life and the rest is a mystery, I’m Discord Faustson… and I’m the hero Everfree in my spare time.” He took a sip of the coffee.

“You would just casually let your secret identity be known?” Clark asked as he wrote his report for the Daily Planet.

“Well yeah I mean let’s be honest from what I know I have no real reason to hide it like you and Batman, I mean the only love one I remember I have is my mother and she’s a mass of pure magical energy.” Discord took another sip of his drink. He actually enjoyed the taste of this drink for some strange reason. Not as much as chocolate or glass but right up there, “Besides one good thing about this, people know who I am what the hero is about and what he does, I’m transparent there is no guessing and their is no fear about what I do when I’m not helping people or stopping crimes and they know why I do it.”

“Still a hero for fun?”

“Yeah I mean if I’m going to do something why not enjoy it?”

Somewhere in deep space

A blue skinned alien walked into a room with holographic monitors screen and dozens of planets showing the ongoing conquests of each world. He looked down at his screen for a moment before bowing, “My Lord, probes XJ-66, XJ-68 and XJ-69 have reported in.”

The impressing figured continued to type away at the screens his back turned before he spoke in a calm, deep, stoic, yet charming voice, “What of XJ-67?”

The alien pulled out his pad as he looked up his lord's request, “XJ-67 has been destroyed, it was transmitting its data but it seemed it was destroyed before it could finish.”

“Curious, how much data did it manage to relay back to us?” The figure asked.

The alien tapped away as the information was uploaded to his master, “It’s travel data was corrupted as such we don’t know where it went my lord.”

“It’s alright it won’t take me long to find out which system this world calls home and add it to my empire.” The figure looked over the data gathered and stopped as it noticed to words Kryptonian. The figure checked the data again to make sure it wasn’t corrupted and it came up again. “On second thought ready my ship I will add this world to my empire personally.” With that the monitors turned off as did the holograms. The alien bowed at this though he started to sweat at this. His master had only ever done this twice. Whatever it is it had to be important and when something was Important getting in his way was a death sentence.

“Of course Lord Brainiac.”