• Published 7th Feb 2017
  • 2,100 Views, 33 Comments

DC Comics: Chaos Comics - Mega NewWays97

Arriving on a unknown world with his memory gone and no idea how or why he got their. Discord decides to take up being a Superhero in this world. Follow him as the Spirit of Chaos takes up a new role as one of earths greatest heroes!

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Issue 4: Museum Piece

Discord sipped his drink as he wandered around the National History Museum while a few people there looked at him with looks of shock, surprise or awe as he walked by watching the exhibits. It had been about a week since the article came out on the Daily Planet and well Discord couldn’t go anywhere without people looking at him with looking at him.

He stopped himself as he looked a piece of wood within a glass case and read what was on the display, “Fragment of the Longinus recovered from a Nazi compound.” Discord pulled out his phone and looked it up on the internet. “The spear that pierced Jesus Christ, some legends state it can rewrite reality becomes of the divine blood that dripped off it.” That sent some alarm bells in his head. Having a piece of an object infused with great power from your God did not sit well with him.

“Well it could just be a replica I mean what is the chances it’s” Discord placed his hand on the case and felt a faint let powerful energy from it. Discord’s face paled as his voice filled with dread and fear, “The real thing,”

“Sweet mother Faust alive these people are idiots!” He screamed in his head as he pulled his hand back. A fragment of the spear of Destiny was just sitting in a glass case in a museum. A piece of an object that can rewrite reality itself was just sitting there for the public to see, “Hey let’s just place the reality wrapping spear piece in a museum I mean what’s the worse that can happen?”

Discord sighed before turning away and walking out of the museum before whispering to himself, “I’m… going to have to do something really stupid.” He knew that hee couldn’t just leave a object like that in a museum. However he didn’t see the museum giving it to him if he explained it. Humanity seemed to mistaken his powers for other things them magic, actually they seemed to not believe magic was real. “Well looks like I’m going to have steal it for the Greater Good.”

Discord waited until nightfall had came over the building as he stood ready for what he had to do. “Alright then time to steal a piece of an all powerful artifact,” He pulled out from a personal pocket dimension a piece of wood that looked just like the piece in the museum, “And replace it with a useless piece of wood.” He tossed the wood up as it circled in the air for a moment before being caught in his hands.

In a flash he disappeared teleporting into the museum floating off the ground slightly as to not cause any noise. “Ok so I’ll put up a illusion to trick the camera phase the spear piece out and…” Discord stopped as he found the nightguard on the ground his outfit burnt and laying on the ground still breathing. Floating down Discord tried entering his mind to see what happened however all he got was a hazy image, “Well he’ll wake up with short term aneisa.”

He could feel his right arm bones tingle which meant something wasn’t right about this. He entered into the main galley where the spear was kept and saw someone covered in a black cloak pull out the spear piece from it’s display. “Hey you know you’re not supposed to be here right?” Of course neither was Discord but he had a reason to. Keeping a object that could bend reality was a good reason right?

The figure turned back to him as a wave of supernatural fire was sent right at him. Discord countered with a blast of cream soda which barely keep the flames at bay. “What is she using… wait a minute… Hell Fire!” The lady waved her hands up as smoke filled the air obscuring Discord's vision, “Oh no you don’t.” Discord swiped his hand wave as a wind dragged the smoke outside with Discord checking sight of the figure escaping outside, “Oh no you don’t.” In a flash Discord teleported outside to see the person jumping from roof to roof as if it was if she was on the moon.

Discord took off for the thief flying over the roofs closing the gap before the figure turned around and spoke in a feminine almost seductive voice, “Duratus in loco,” Discord groaned as he stopped moving and could feel gravity try to take over. He quickly focused a counter spell breaking the hold just before he crashed into a roof.

The thief opened a portal and just before she could past she was pulled back by an invisible force and right in front of Discord, “Ok demon you aren’t…” Discord got a mystically infused kick in the teeth for his troubles.

“Right in my jaw,” As he turned back the thief's cloak came down revealing a lady with hazel eyes, tan light brown and yet also red tinked skin, and raven hair with purple highlights. “Well… that’s a surprise.” Discord closed his fists as magic glowed in them, “I’m going to ask you once put down the piece of wood.”

The lady summoned up her own magic at this as her eyes glow purple and her hair seemed to raise while a smirk was on her face, “Another magic user? It’s been awhile.” Her look got seriously for a moment, “I’m afraid that you can’t stop me from my destiny hero.” She was the first to let loose her magic as Discord blocked up his magic to defend himself as the two of them clashed their wills forcing against each other.

The two groaned as their powers pushed back with Discord showing more strain than his opponent he could feel his limit had been reached and saw her magic overwhelming him. In the back of his mind he felt like this wasn’t what was supposed to happen he felt a bit of himself yelling at him, “I am not going to let her beat me!” Discord closed his eyes as his magic started to waver he focused on hard before feel a damn break somewhere within him. His eyes opened as a sudden surge of power washed out from him knocking back his opponent in surprise causing her to loose the spear as it fell out of her pockets.

Discord looked at his hands as he looked at the creaking of magic, “Strange I’m not all that surprised I feel like…” He then finally remembered what he was doing, “Oh right the spear!”

Discord grabbed it only to get knocked back by a blast of hell fire from the lady causing him to lose the spear again sending it off the roof and into the alleyway. “I have come to fair to have someone like you keep me from what’s mine!” She yelled floating up her arms raised as swords materialized around her before she sent it at Discord. Discord brought out a shield blocking the blunt of the swords before tossing it at her with her letting out lighting blasting it to bits as hands formed up around him and began punching it him as she waved her hands.

Growling Discord casted a redirection spell causing the arms to turn back at its master, “Begone!” She commanded as the hands dissolved back into rock before a rope of taffe wrapped around her.

“How about you be gone!” Discord circled his hands around before he breathed out a wave of smoke at her obscuring her vision.

“Turbon” She screamed as a wild blow it away revealing Discord was gone having gone after the spear. Fire covered her burning away the taffe as she jumped down in the alleyway as Discord held the piece in his hand, “Elterica Imoblis, Exus!” She screamed as everything started fly at him and slowly encase Discord immobilizing him. He struggled for a moment before she landed and ripped the spear piece from his hands. A portal opened up as she turned to him blowing a kiss, “Sorry pretty boy but looks like I win.”

As soon as she passed through it the spell ended releasing Discord. He looked at where the lady had been, “Well looks like I lost it,” He sighted in defeat at this.

The lady looked at the spear fragment in her hands. The legendary Longinus, the spear that pierced Jesus Christ himself and because of it could now rewrite reality. She was almost giddy with excitement at this. “Soon I am one step closer to becoming a goddess!” She exclaimed with triumph before she nociticed something about the spear.

Something was off it felt hollow as if something important was missing. She closed her hand as anger swelled within her and the sound of wood snapping under pressure was heard as the spear snapped within her hands.

Discord placed another replica with the case as he teleported out of the museum before pulling out the real fragment of the spear, “You gotta love the old switcheroo,” He placed the spear fragment back in his pocket dimension before he flew away, “I know that breaking the law is supposed to be bad and all but having something like that in a display? I’m sorry but there are times where being lawful is just stupid.”

He got that stealing was wrong but he felt that being good also meant that one shouldn’t always listen to the law. After all if the right thing to do is illegal then that’s just messed up. “Note to self never tell Batman or Superman I stole an artifact from a museum knowing them I might be forced to put it back and let’s face it putting a object this dangerous back is just stupid.”

As he flew out of the city he wondered where he should go next. Pulling out a book he looked over what he had planned for the next week or so, “Hmmm let’s see maybe I should go see the flash?” He had thought about meeting the heroes of the world. He had already meet the Bat of Gotham and the Man of Steel maybe he should go see the third superhero to appear. Placing his notebook away he he kicked up the speed, “Next stop Central city!”

Metropolis wasn’t as deep under the control of crime families or the criminal element as much as it’s sister city, Gotham was but that didn’t mean that it wasn’t free of their influence. Sombra existed his limo with his suitcase in hand as he looked at the wide alleyway as his two guards lined up to his side. “You sure your contact told us to meet him here boss?” One of his guards asked a bit worried. They were in Superman territory, and while some of the more rank and file in the criminal underworld would think differently, at least the bat was just a man.

Sombra rolled his eyes at this. True to a normal man the power of Superman was both amazing and terrifying. In many ways he was like a god on earth, and even Sombra was a bit intimidated by this. However Sombra knew that he too was powerful and as much as the human mind he shared the body with said he wasn’t going to let that scare him away. “You fears are unfounded we will only be here temporary.” Sombra simply stated. A few moments later a hooded figure walked into the alleyway with a briefcase in hand. Sombra smiled at this, “Aw you’ve come, I take it you have what I want?”

The hooded figure nodded his voice disguised by a voice modulator as he spoke “I do you have my money?” Sombra held out his suitcase and opened showing it filled with stacks of hundreds.

“As promised.” Sombra closed the suitcase as the two of them walked up and exchanged the cases. Sombra’s men watched as he opened his case and pulled out glass container with a multicolored crystal in it. A grin came over his face as he could feel the energy from it.

“Aww boss what exactly is that?” Sombra looked up at his men placing the container in its case.

He walked back to the limo turning to his men as he was about to enter, “What it is? Why it’s Insurance against Everfree.”

On a laboratory table pieces of the alien robots arms recovered from the unexpected team of of Superman and Everfree were littered all over it while computers showed the data, and schematics of what the robot was made of and what could be guessed from its ship where flowing through the many screens. “Fascinating, simply fascinating don’t you think?” A deep masculine voice asked as a man in his late twenties, with a strange fully bald head for someone his age, looked at the all that had been gathered about it as they took it apart. His name was Alexander Luthor, one of the most influential men in all of metropolis and arguably one of the greatest minds on earth.

“Yes the technology is so different from our own, the possibilities this brings on it’s own are endless.” A feminine voice spoke up as a woman in her mid twenties walked up next him, “Though you should get some sleep dear you have a meeting with Oliver Queen tomorrow.”

“Yes I almost forgot about that.” Alexander placed his tablet down walking up to the woman before giving her a kiss, “Don’t stay up too late my dare.”

“Oh I won’t don’t worry.” She gave him a smile and watched as he exited the lab. As soon as he was gone she picked up the tablet and watched the footage of the fight between the alien robot Superman and the new “hero for fun” Everfree. She analyzed every bit of it watching as it held it’s ground against both heroes but many her eyes were fixated on just one of them Superman.

How his existence enraged her so. Let no matter what was thrown at him nothing seemed to phase him. Nothing until now. A smile formed on her face at what this new data could open up for her, “Seems you aren’t as invincible as you seem Alien.” She pulled out a file locked with her passwords as she looked over her prototype designs. “Mark my words I will show the world what you really are and when I’m done the world will praise Alexandra Luthor as it’s savoir!”

Author's Note:

Your probably wondering "who is Alexandra Luthor? Why is he acting like Lex!" Or just yekling at PC or whatever... The answer is Superman Earth One.

Superman earth one is a great story dealing with the heroes on Earth 1 a actually canon universe in the multiverse. On this world their are actually two Lex Luthors, Alexander Luthor and his wife Alexandra Luthor. You can guess which one becomes the Lex of earth 1.

Yeah I figured I use this to break the ice I'm using ideas from across the DC comics media and a few of my own for origins.

Also Discord gets a villain! Yay...