• Published 7th Feb 2017
  • 2,684 Views, 40 Comments

Confessions - CartoonNerd12

Fluttershy and Spike team up as well as Applejack and Discord as they help each other confess to the ones they love.

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Chapter 3

"All aboard!" the train conductor called out, "For Canterlot!"

Fluttershy managed to zip right into the car just as the train started moving. She landed on the floor with a thump causing Spike to land on a seat.

He exclaimed, "Wow, Fluttershy! I didn't know you can go that fast!"

She gave a weak smile, "Well, when watching Rainbow practicing her flying, you pick up a few things."

"Then why…?"

"Haven't I done it before? Well… for one it's exhausting and I don't like going fast anyway. But this time, I knew I how much you wanted to get a golden apple for Applejack, I couldn't just let you be sad if we didn't make the train in time."

Spike smiled, "You're an awesome friend, Fluttershy, all I can say is, I hope Discord treats you right when you become his very special some pony."

She sighed, "If I ever do become his special some pony…"

The dragon patted her back in comfort, "I'm sure you will."

She smiled back, "And I'm sure Applejack will be your special some pony when we get back."

"Once we get that apple, she will. At least… I hope she will…" he looked out the window in worry.

Discord and Applejack- who was still all dressed up-made their way toward the Castle of Friendship. But AJ was dragging along because she was too scared to face Spike looking like this. Discord had to use a magical pull on her to make sure she didn't run for the hills as they made it to the castle doors and went in.

He called out, "Yoo-hoo! Any pony home?!"

Twilight and Starlight showed up on the stairway balcony and gawked at the sight that was Applejack. Twilight flew down to her friend.

"Applejack! What are in the world are you wearing?"

The mare muttered, "Wasn't my idea." and glared at Discord.

"And I keep telling you, you'll thank me for this!" he insisted before turning to the princess and her student, "Now, have any of you ladies seen Mr. Spike the Dragon?"

Twilight raised her brow, "Spike? Why do you need Spike for?"

The draconequus glanced at the cowpony who glowered at him, and was saying with her eyes, Don't. You. Dare. Tell. Them.

Discord gave a slight cheesy grin as he replied, "I was going to ask him what he thought of this outfit that Applejack volunteered to put on as something for our next guys' night. I'm planning on taking him and Big Mac to Las Pegasus, figured I would need to expose both of them to certain ponies we would encounter there…"

Twilight frowned before saying, "I'm not sure I like the idea of you taking a baby dragon to one of Equestria's more excitable places…"

Applejack spoke up, "He's not a baby dragon, Twilight! He may look like one but he certainly doesn't act like it! Why most of the time he's more mature then the rest of us!"

Twilight, Starlight, and even Discord gave surprised glances of how passionate Applejack was to speak about Spike like that.

The draconequus thought with a smirk, Well, well, I knew she had it bad but my goodness, that was practically a declaration of love right there…

Twilight gave her friend a confused look as to why she would speak up like that and was starting to feel suspicious of how her honest friend felt about her number one assistant.

Starlight broke her thoughts when she addressed both Discord and Applejack, "Well, I know Spike isn't here right now, he told me he had to go to Fluttershy's this morning to help her out."

Discord raised a brow, "Fluttershy? Why would he be with Fluttershy?"

Suddenly, Pinkie came through the doors delivering a package of cupcakes to Twilight.

"If you're looking for Fluttershy, she flew down the train station, who knew she could fly so fast?! Am I right? Anyway, I didn't realize until now that she was carrying Spike on her back, guess they were flying so fast you couldn't see him."

Applejack questioned, "Spike was with her?!"

The pink mare nodded, "Uh-ah. They were in a real rush, too. I wonder why."

Discord and AJ exchanged looks, this was very strange for both their crushes to be hanging out like this and the fact they both left Ponyville together made them feel concern.

Pinkie then said, "Hey, I just noticed!" and pointed to the cowpony, "You're wearing a dress!"

Twilight and Starlight just sighed in exasperation.

Spike and Fluttershy made it to Canterlot and went straight to the castle where Celestia was doing paperwork when she noticed her visitors. She smiled and put aside her work.

"Hello, my friends, what brings you to Canterlot?"

Spike went up to the princess, "Celestia, I need your help."

Worry grew on the alicorn's face, "Has something happen to Twilight and the Elements? Or is Ponyville under threat?"

Spike waved his claws, "No-no-no! Nothing like that!"

Celestia sighed in relief before smiling again, "Then why the urgency, dear Spike?"

The dragon blushed as he twiddled his claws, "Well, um… I, um… I need a golden apple for… some pony I like…"

"Ah…" the princess uttered in understanding, "A gift for Applejack no less…"

His eyes widen, "How did you…?"

The alicorn smirked, "There's only one pony I know who loves apples very much in the fruit and family sense… And I have put it upon myself to memorized all the Elements' birthdays and since Applejack's is still a few months off, I can only assume you are doing this for her for a personal reason…" she winked.

This made the dragon blush further.

Celestia noticed Fluttershy was staring at the glass stain windows particularly the windows where Discord was defeated twice and she could see the pegasus having a look of guilt on her face. She went to comfort her.

The princess stated, "Before, these windows showed important moments of events that have happened, but as I look at them again, I can feel pain. It is surprising of how much we have come to know the spirit known as Discord. At first it was important to stop him from spreading complete chaos, but leaving him in stone wasn't the answer.

"I will admit at the time, I thought having Discord around for his magic and to use it for good was all I cared about. I didn't consider his feelings into it, mainly because I thought he didn't have feelings... I was just using him for my own purposes. Regrettably, I realize now I was using you too, to get him to cooperate. But you don't know how happy I am to see how far you came as friends…"

Fluttershy felt herself blushing, and stammered, "Princess… I… I don't want him as a friend anymore…"

"Oh?" the alicorn looked on in concern, "Has something happen between you two?"

"Yes… something did."

"Oh, I'm sorry, my dear, do you want me to tell him to keep away from you from now on?"

"What? No! Oh, Princess Celestia, I couldn't bear for that to happen! I need him!"

This time Celestia was shocked, "Need… him…?" then when seeing the pegasus' pleading eyes, she uttered, "Can it be…? Have you…?"

Fluttershy simply nodded, and whispered, "Please don't tell him or the girls, I just… I want to tell him myself…"

Celestia looked over to where Spike was and he was slightly smiling to Fluttershy. She realized that only Spike knew of Fluttershy's secret crush and in turn she knew his while the rest of their friends had no idea. They must be helping each other in this delicate moment of telling the one they like how much they liked them. The alicorn smiled at such a wonderful friendship that had happen since she sent Twilight to Ponyville all those years ago. Indeed her pupil turned princess has come so far and has done so much such as making friends and encouraging friendship on others.

She turned back the mare, "You have my vow. In fact, what is that promise that Pinkie Pie does?"

Spike said, "The Pinkie Promise and it goes something like this: Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye."

"Ah, yes. In that case, I cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye that I will not reveal your love for Discord or Applejack." she winked.

Spike and Fluttershy beamed at her words.

Then she remembers why they were here and addressed, "Now, you came here looking for a golden apple, correct?"

"Right!" Spike exclaimed.

The princess slightly frowned, "Alas, I do not have my golden apple tree here anymore."

The dragon was disappointed, "Why not?"

"It became too risky to keep the tree in my personal garden. Ponies had heard of it and tried to steal from it."

"That's awful!" Fluttershy proclaimed.

Celestia nodded, "It certainly was, so I asked a friend of mine to guard the tree at her place." she summoned a map of Equestria and pointed to the mountain ranges south of Appleloosa. "Her name is Concordia, much like how Discord is a wielder of Chaos; she is a wielder of Order. In fact, it was her mother Harmonia who created the Tree of Harmony."

The dragon and mare gaped at this information.

Celestia chuckled, "Yes, Concordia was created especially to fulfill her mother's legacy of bringing harmony to the land by bringing order. I knew the tree would be safe with her so it was brought there and she kept close to it ever since."

"What do I have to do to get there?" Spike asked.

Celestia raised her brow, "I know you are an adventurer, Spike, but even you must realize what kind of a journey you're undertaking."

"I don't care. I need that apple. You don't know how hard it was doing things for Rarity only for nothing to be returned. Maybe with AJ, I got a shot of having those feelings being returned, but I need to prove to her that I care only for her… That apple is my only chance of doing that."

Celestia was astounded, this is more than a school crush, Spike wasn't hopelessly fawning over Applejack as he done for Rarity, instead he wanted to go the extra mile for her of how much she meant to him. Celestia could remember feeling that way toward Good King Sombra back when she visited the mirror world so she knew all too well of what the dragon was feeling.

I will not have their love be doomed… she silently thought, I could not be with the one I loved, but that doesn't mean Spike and Fluttershy should share that same fate with their loves…

She told the dragon, "Very well, Spike, but I advise you to be careful, I will not be there to guide you like last time." recalling his and her adventure of finding the telescope lens for Twilight's birthday gift.

"I'll be with him, Princess Celestia." Fluttershy said.

"I know, but I want you to be careful, too. Danger lurks everywhere in those hills so watch out for each other, somehow I don't think Applejack and Discord and all your friends want to find you battered and hurt."

The two gave determined nods with them saying, "Understood."

Author's Note:

I got lucky with the updating but don't expect it to happen again this soon. Reviews are welcome.