• Published 7th Feb 2017
  • 2,684 Views, 40 Comments

Confessions - CartoonNerd12

Fluttershy and Spike team up as well as Applejack and Discord as they help each other confess to the ones they love.

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Chapter 4

Author's Note:

Okay, apparently I'm on a roll, not sure how long it's going to last though, in the meantime enjoy this new chapter and please tell me what you think of it.

"Canterlot?" Applejack questioned to the station master, she was back to herself once they realized Spike and Fluttershy weren't in Ponyville and decided to question the station master on where the train took them.

"That's right, that train left thirty minutes ago but the next one should be here within the next hour."

Discord dismissively waved his paw, "No need for that." he grabbed Applejack and teleported them to Canterlot's garden.

He said, "Now where do you suppose the objects of our affections are at?"

Applejack pointed, "Fluttershy and Spike are good friends but what would cause them to come to Canterlot?"

He shrugged not sure how to answer that, because as much as Discord tends to know things before his friends do he was absolutely clueless in this case. Why would Fluttershy and the dragon take a trip together?

A thought crossed his mind that made him uneasy, "You don't think that… Spike and Fluttershy are actually… in love, do you?"

Her eyes widen and shook her head trying to dismiss the thought in her head, "No, they can't… I mean, Spike likes Rarity, right? And Fluttershy and Rarity are best friends; maybe he's just getting advice from her that would help him out."

"But why go to Canterlot? What would be the point of her giving advice if they had to come here?"

"Maybe… he's looking for a gift to give Rarity, we all know how much she loves visiting Canterlot and she has her own Boutique here, maybe he's… finding a souvenir of some kind…" it pained her to said that but it seemed very likely. It was all the more reason she needed help in impressing the dragon, suddenly wearing that get-up Discord put her in seemed enticing if it meant getting Spike in the end.

Discord pondered, "Hmm… then we best look in every store in Canterlot until we find them." with a snap he transformed himself into a grey unicorn. "Incognito, of course."

"Whoa." she uttered seeing Discord in pony form.

"Oh, you like?" he struck a pose.

She shook her head while being flustered, "Sheesh, you know I'm not attracted to you."

"Right, almost forgot, your taste is more toward dragon." he smirked.

She felt her cheeks going red from both embarrassment and anger.

Spike and Fluttershy found themselves on the edge of a cliff.

"Sure was nice of Celestia to teleport us to the mountain." said Spike.

Fluttershy gulped while looking down, "But did she have to teleport us so high up? Couldn't she have teleported us directly to the tree?"

He pointed out, "I'm not sure how alicorn magic works, Twilight told me how hard it was keeping all of the princesses' magic within her and she had a hard time teleporting, so…" he shrugged not sure of the answer, and figured that Celestia she must have a reason for him and Fluttershy to be climbing a mountain to the tree. "Besides, Twilight also told me how hard it was climbing that mountain to stop that dragon from causing that smoke over Ponyville and you had a really tough time getting up there before you told the dragon off."

"Well… yes, that was a hard climb…" she sighed, "Okay, but maybe we should set camp here before we continue on."

"Good idea! I was getting hungry anyway, good thing I packed us a lunch before Celestia teleported us." he took off his pack and gave Fluttershy a sandwich and he had one too.

After eating for a bit, Spike asked, "Fluttershy… do you think AJ will love me?"

"I see no reason why not, after all, you did save her from a vicious Timberwolf and I remember how impressed she was afterwards." she made a slight giggle, "You know, the way you're getting this apple for her reminds me of penguins finding an engagement pebble for their future mate."

Spike blushed at that but the more he thought about it, isn't that what he's aiming for? He wanted Applejack to love him, so why not have her as his mate in the future? That got him asking.

"Would you want Discord as your husband?"

Fluttershy had wide eyes at his question and ended up flushing, she tilted her head away before replying, "Honestly… I can't imagine my life without him… if he ever asked, I wouldn't say no."

"Wow…" he slightly grinned, "Think I can be the ring bearer at your wedding like I was for Cadence and Shining Armor?"

She giggled, "I can't think of anyone more right for the job then you."

"I would ask you to be my Best Mare but Twilight already has that title."

"As she should! Twilight and you have been together for so long it's only natural."

"Would you at least supply the bird choir?"

"I certainly would!"

They stare at each other for a bit before bursting into laughter.

Spike pointed, "Just listen to us! We haven't even confessed to the ones we want and already we thinking wedding plans!"

She giggled loudly before it slowly died down and gave a sad sigh.

"It's wishful thinking on our parts… We're that desperate for them to love us…"

They sighed deeply knowing how true that was.

"Ugh! Over twenty stores in this place and not a pegasus and dragon in them!" the disguised draconequus yelled.

"I don't see how we could have missed them; we should have come across them at this point." Applejack said.

Suddenly they heard cheering that caused them to investigate and saw a large crowd waving off a young couple that just got married and went into the carriage to share a kiss.

With a smirk Discord asked, "Ever thought of your wedding to Spike?"

AJ twinge at the notion and found herself blushing which Discord noticed.

"Ooh! You do!"

She bit her hoof, she didn't want to admit it but at the same time she couldn't lie. An idea struck her then and gestured, "Discord, spell me."

He raised his brow, "Spell you?"

"Make me a liar again!"

"Oh!" then with a mischievous grin; he powered up his horn and touched her forehead causing her to go all gray.

She then started blabbing out, "No, I do not think of Spike and me getting married! No, I don't think of us having a life together! And I don't see our children having his adorable face!"

Discord then released her from the spell and Applejack gave a sigh of relief.

"My, my, Applejack, you certainly take the Element of Honesty seriously. You can't lie on your own freewill?"

"I used to lie as a filly; I know how hurtful lies can be. Remember Tirek?"

Discord scowled, "I rather not bring that up."

"Too bad, because I have to make my point across. Tirek lied to you about being an ally. He promised you that you would overtake Equestria together but in the end he was just using you and took your magic. That's one of the reasons I was able to forgive you later, you were lied to. And you got hurt by that lie."

"Huh…" Discord pondered on that and frankly, he felt touched.

"More importantly, you learned your lesson and now understand friendship a little better, granted there are still some bumps in the road, but you're getting there. Your feelings toward Fluttershy have certainly proven you've come far." then with a grin, she asked, "Ever thought of marrying her?"

Discord felt himself stiffening, as a creature of chaos he never thought of himself as the marrying type, but ever since his friendship with Fluttershy, he suddenly could picture her going down the aisle in a white gown smiling happily at him as they exchanged vows.

He merely stated, "Maybe."

But Applejack wasn't fooled when seeing the dreamy look on his face. She told him, "You have to promise that you'll take good care of her, I don't want one of my best friends getting hurt."

"Honestly, Applejack! Don't you think I know that?! During the Tirek incident I didn't think things through and ended up hurting her feelings, but I've been regretting it ever since! I'm worried that I'll do something stupid again and end up losing her forever!"

Her mouth gaped at his statement before slowly smiling.

"You really love her, don't you?"

"More than chocolate milk." he smiled, "And that's saying something."

"It certainly does."

"So what do we do now? They were nowhere in sight in any building of Canterlot."

"Well, I guess we could ask Princess Celestia if she knows anything, maybe she can help us find Fluttershy and Spike. With her being a powerful alicorn ruler and all, she's bound to know something about their whereabouts."

He sighed, "If we must, we must."

Fluttershy and Spike carefully climbed the mountain ridges so that they wouldn't fall. Even though Fluttershy had wings, she didn't like the idea of flying so high only to end up losing her nerve to make her wings shut together making her fall. That happen once before and she did not want to repeat the experience.

She noticed the sun was lowering and told Spike, "Celestia has almost lowered the sun and Luna will soon raise the moon, maybe we should stop for the night."

Spike agreed, "Yeah, you're right. I don't know if it would be safe for us to keep climbing in the dark." He spotted a cave nearby and grinned, "There! We can stay in that cave until Celestia raises the sun tomorrow!"

Once they entered the cave, they settled in it with Spike building a campfire, with Fluttershy finding kindle so Spike can blow on it. Thanks to the dim light, Fluttershy realized they were not alone and pointed.

"Oh, look Spike, cute little bats are hanging above us!"

"Cute?! Bats are not cute!" then remembering Fluttershy's transformation of Flutterbat, he nervously chuckled, "I mean… no offense, Fluttershy, but they can be creepy-looking especially since that whole incident with the vampire fruit bats happened…"

She sighed, "I know… creatures like bats, rats, spiders, and lizards that look strange in a pony's eye are misjudged by their place in the animal kingdom. Much like how Discord was misjudged by his appearance and actions…" a tiny smile crept on her face.

Spike's eyes widen realizing how true that was. He sighed, "Yeah… I misjudged Discord, too… At first I just thought of him as villainous and later annoying, but once you actually come to some sort understanding with him, he's actually really fun to be around. Our first guys' night out didn't start out good but once we reached a middle ground what Big Mac and I felt comfortable with and for Discord to be able to use his magic, it was awesome!"

"So I remember." she smiled bright before asking, "What else do you find attractive about Applejack?"

The dragon's eyes went all dreamy, "Where to start? I mean it's crazy but I never realized how much we had in common until I started falling for her. For starters, we're both without parents and we had to be raised by others, with me it was Twilight and her family, with AJ it's her grandmother and brother. Then when she's running Sweet Apple Acres, she's so organized and has a certain way of doing things, reminds me a bit of Twilight so that makes feel natural to be around her like that. And let's not forget her noble heart, it's always putting her family and friends before herself."

"My goodness, I never realized that until you said that, you two do have a noble heart that always puts others first. That's so beautiful."

He smiled while blushing.