• Published 7th Feb 2017
  • 2,684 Views, 40 Comments

Confessions - CartoonNerd12

Fluttershy and Spike team up as well as Applejack and Discord as they help each other confess to the ones they love.

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Chapter 6

Spike slept on the cave floor with a grin on his face and moved his head. At the same time, Fluttershy was sleeping close by and she was also smiling and was moving her head, as she did their noses touched, which caused them to wake up with wide eyes, they screamed and moved away from each other.

"I thought you were Applejack!"

"I thought you were Discord!"

Once they calmed down, they realized that only their noses touched and Spike asked.

"So I take it you had a good dream?"

She replied, "Not good. Great! And was yours the same way?"

"Better!" he said with a smirk, "I was bigger and stronger! And Applejack…" he sighed dreamily, "She actually told me she loved me… That she's always loved me since the Timberwolves…"

"What a wonderful dream!"

"I take it yours was just as wonderful?"

She blushed with her mane covering the side of her mane, "Something like that…"

Spike touched his chin in thought, "You know… it's strange but I could have sworn that Applejack was actually there in my dream…"

"You too?" she questioned recalling how Discord held her in his arms and it felt so real.

"Maybe it's our wishful thinking again." he shrugged.

"Could be… so, do you know where we have to go next?"

"Um…" sweat started rolling down his brow. "Maybe we can ask for directions?"

Fluttershy then looked up and saw the bats still hanging upside down. She went up to the nearest and gently tapped it to get its attention.

"Um, excuse me, Mr. Bat… I don't mean to disturb your rest but could you tell us the quickest way to get to Concordia and the golden apple tree?"

The bat squeaked.

She nodded as it kept squeaking, "Uh-huh… I see… Is that right or left?" he squeaked in response to which Fluttershy replied, "Thank you! Thank you so much!" she fluttered back down to the cave floor and pointed to the tunnels nearby, "We have to go in there…"

Spike looked at the network of tunnels and did a gulp.

Discord had a wide smile on his face as he made it to the breakfast table, "Good morning, everypony!"

Applejack smirked, "Someone's in a chipper mood."

"Naturally! I just had the most wonderful dream in the world!" he floated up and did a spin.

"You too, uh?" Applejack smiled as she recalled her amazing dream.

Celestia smiled at them, happy that her sister came through for her. As soon as Luna came back from performing her dream spell, naturally she had questions of what she had given to the lovers but Celestia made her Pinkie-promise to never reveal anything.

Discord faced the alicorn, "Now, if you give me the coordinates to where you sent Fluttershy and Spike, I can easily teleport me and Applejack to where they are."

"I will tell you, after breakfast."

He made a grumbling sound and sat down as he conjured up his own meal to eat and began to eat it at a fast pace. Applejack hurried with her meal too, while Celestia was trying her hardest not to laugh. After all, she could remember times when she was anxious to go through the mirror to see her beloved Sombra.

Once they all had finished eating, Celestia told Discord where she teleported Fluttershy and Spike at and the draconequus wasted no time in disappearing with the country mare. The alicorn shook her head in amusement, knowing now it would only be a matter of time when the lovers become united.

Spike commented as he and Fluttershy went down the tunnel.

"This reminds me when Ember and I were looking for the Bloodstone Scepter, there were so many tunnels to go through."

"Rarity and Twilight told me about that, I can't believe we almost lost you just so you could save us from dragons that wanted to harm us!"

"I didn't want to leave but at the time I knew how important it was to defend my home and family."

"I'm so glad you think so, because if you had left, it wouldn't have been the same without you…"

Spike patted her back, "Thanks, Fluttershy. That means a lot."

"Of course, we all would have missed you terribly. Rainbow also told me how you came close to living with the dragons when you went on your big quest to join the migration."

"Yeah… I was seriously considering it because well… I am the only dragon living among ponies and well… I just wanted to know who I was… in a sense I still do because I want to know where I came from because my egg was just found and taken to Canterlot where I met Twilight. But I know I belong in Ponyville with all of you. I meant to be Twilight's number one assistant and as for my future… I hope that Applejack will be my wife, because life without her seems wrong…"

Fluttershy smiled at his words until she saw something bright ahead.

"What's that?" she questioned as they got closer to it.

Discord and Applejack looked around their surroundings of being on a mountain ridge.

Discord scoffed with amusement, "Concordia really secluded herself from the rest of Equestria…"

"Weren't you technically secluded when you were turned to stone?" then she slightly winced at mentioning his stony imprisonment.

But Discord didn't seemed bother by the comment and instead just waved his paw dismissively and said, "No, I wasn't secluded in stone, as I was displayed right in the Canterlot Gardens so over the decades I was able to hear and witness changes happening in Equestria. I must say I was surprised that even without my magic; ponies were able to loosen up a little. There become fewer restrictions on how things should be done. It was all quite impressive actually."

Applejack looked ahead, "Do you think they went this way?"

"One way to find out." he summoned up something like a metal detector only it was giant nose as it began sniffing the ground and started beeping. "It's got their scent! We go forward!"

Applejack was still staring strangely at the object in Discord's paw but as he was the spirit of chaos and wasn't suppose to make sense, she let it go.

Fluttershy and Spike came out of the cave and gasped in awe of the beautiful garden surrounding them. All sorts of wild life were next to the plants gathering pollen to spread around in an orderly fashion.

Fluttershy called to them, "Hello, little friends!"

The animals stopped with their pollinating to stare at the visitors.

"Can you help lead us to the golden apple tree?" the yellow pegasus asked.

A squirrel squeaked and gestured for them to follow. As they walked on they saw more of the spacious garden looking lovelier by the minute, then they came across a sight that made Spike's mouth watered. Next to the garden was a wall covered in jewels! The gems were in straight horizontal lines. That made them gleam in the sunlight.

"Sweet Celestia!" Spike exclaimed, "This… this… this is-"

"Paradise…" Fluttershy finished for him.

"Exactly!" he lingered a bit toward the jewels before following after the squirrel that kept on leading.

They gasped when they saw a tree in the middle of the entire garden where the golden apples hung from its branches.

Spike's eyes widen as he uttered, "There they are…" at last he was going to get a golden apple for the one he loved. To prove to her she was indeed the apple of his eye…

He took a step forward when suddenly in a flash of bright light a tall alicorn-like creature appeared with her shimmering Breezie wings that went with her pure white coat and sliver silky mane. She also had gray eyes as she stared down at her unknown visitors.

"Who seeks the golden apples of Princess Celestia of Canterlot?" she asked with authority.

Fluttershy did a slight gulp and nudged Spike to speak up but he was also tongue-tied and started to sweat a little. Fluttershy nudged him again and he spoke up with a quake.

"We- I- Um, I'm Spike the Dragon, and this is Fluttershy. We both live in Ponyville and we have traveled far to find a golden apple, when Princess Celestia said they weren't in Canterlot, she teleported us-"

"Stop." she commanded with the raise of her hoof which made Spike shut his mouth in a second. Concordia continued, "You are acquaintances to the Sun Princess?"

They nodded their heads not daring to say a word.

"And she gave you permission to take a golden apple?"

They nodded again.

Suddenly, she gave a smile as she exclaimed, "Wonderful!"

Fluttershy and Spike exchanged confused looks before saying, "Huh?!"

Concordia did a slight giggle, "I was merely testing your worth being here. For you see, only the royal sisters know where I am so you had to been sent by Celestia to get here, I was making sure your claims were true so you would be worthy of having a golden apple. So, without further do, you may proceed to pick one." she motioned toward the tree.

Spike let out a bright smile and Fluttershy followed suit as he climbed on her back and she flew them to the top of the tree where he picked a fairly large apple that gleamed when the sunlight had hit it.

"Applejack is going to love this one!" he excitedly said as he touched apple to his cheek as he could picture the country mare gawking at the fruit before wrapping her arms around him in happiness.

Concordia frowned and inquired, "Odd, I never heard of a dragon with such name as that."

Spike explained, "That's because she isn't a dragon, she's a pony."

Fluttershy nodded in agreement as she set the dragon down.

Concordia's eyes widen in shock. Her thoughts whirled around the idea. A pony and a dragon? It was unheard of! It went against the very order of nature! Dragons were supposed to mate with dragons and Ponies are supposed to be with ponies! No! She would not let this happen! Order must be restored!

Fluttershy and Spike saw the strange look that Concordia was giving off and were feeling uncertain of what was happening.

Finally, Concordia stated, "I'm afraid I cannot allow you to leave."

They gapped and shouted, "Why?!"

"A dragon and pony should not be together. It goes against the very order of life."

Spike's eyes welled with tears, "But… but I love her! How can you say we can't be together?!"

Suddenly storm clouds gathered and lightening crashed giving Concordia an eerie air. Her eyes were glowing bright yellow as she rose up to the stormy clouds. The animals in the garden ran for cover and Fluttershy took that as a bad sign and whimpered when Concordia shouted.


"Now whoever said that is full of malarkey!" a shout came.

Spike and Fluttershy gasped when they saw their crushes standing behind the orderly being.