• Published 7th Feb 2017
  • 2,684 Views, 40 Comments

Confessions - CartoonNerd12

Fluttershy and Spike team up as well as Applejack and Discord as they help each other confess to the ones they love.

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Chapter 9

Discord and Spike sat around the wall lazily when suddenly they saw a bright flash above them and Celestia appeared to them with a radiant brilliance before it slowly dimmed.

"Discord! Spike!" she called out as she lowered herself to the ground, "Are you alright?"

Spike replied, "As we can be…" he sighed.

"So are you here to perform the wedding ceremony a day earlier?" Discord sarcastically said.

"Wedding ceremony?" she questioned.

"Concordia wants to fulfill our arranged marriage, and was going to get you to officiate but if you're not here about that… Why are you here?"

"I've come to talk some sense into Concordia and to bring you two back to the ones that love you…"

Spike gave a tiny smile before he frowned, "Thanks Celestia, but maybe it's better this way…"

The alicorn raised a brow at the dragon then saw Discord giving a somber look while nodding.

"What's wrong? Applejack and Fluttershy are beside themselves with grief without you there, I thought you would jump at the chance of returning to them."

Discord bluntly pointed out, "Not if it means we'll lose them eventually to time!"

Celestia's eyes widen and realized their point. Discord and Spike would age over the eons but Fluttershy, Applejack, and even her former student, Twilight Sparkle would pass on when the time would come. It was a hard truth but one must be force to accept these things. She herself had many friends over the years as they had aged and moved on from this world. But at least she now had her sister back to help her through for when Cadence and Twilight would have to leave for the afterlife.

But what would it mean for Spike and Discord if they did return to their loves only to lose them later in life…? Luckily, for Celestia she had the ability to see in the future. Looking at them she concentrated all her focus on them and her eyes began to glow which made Discord's body twitch, making him sense that Celestia was pulling off some major magic.

Spike had noticed her glowing her eyes and asked with a quiver, "W-what's happening to her?!"

Discord answered, "Apparently she's looking into the future for some reason…"

Celestia could see their future selves. They were in a castle that seemed to resemble her and her sister's old castle before it was destroyed. Spike was about between the size of a teenage dragon and an adult dragon. Discord was still the same even though he was wearing his reading glasses, making him look wiser. They were in front of a fireplace sitting in comfy chairs while looking up to a mantle where numerous of photos sat on top.

The first few had them with their friends in Ponyville, the next were them getting married to Applejack and Fluttershy respectfully. Then the pictures that followed showed their families of how many kids the couples had. Then the pictures afterwards were of the children having children, and those children having children, and so on.

Suddenly a group of foals with some having features of either draconequus or dragon entered into the room with some of them climbing onto their laps. Discord and Spike just chuckled as they enjoyed their great-great-great (and many more greats) grandchildren's visit.

With her eyes still glowing, it made Celestia smiled when seeing that heartwarming image. The glow slowly died as she faced the present Spike and Discord looking at her in confusion.

"I have just seen your future… and while it is true that Applejack and Fluttershy won't be around to share it, your descendents will share it with you…"

The dragon and draconequus gaped at this information, finding it hard to believe.

Celestia continued, "Apparently you decided to keep each other company to fill the void of losing your mates…"

Spike blurted out, "We're going to be roommates?!"

Discord glared at him, "You say that like it's a bad thing…"

"Sorry, it's just hard to imagine living in the same place with you since we both have separate living areas."

"Uh, FYI, we're now living in the same place since Concordia made that deal with us!"

Celestia just kept smiling, "You have plenty time to worry about that later. It'll be years before you become actual roommates. Unless of course, you would like to change your future by staying here?"

The guys exchanged a brief look and stated to her, "We'll go with you."

"I thought you might." she smirked before turning away with a frown and shouted, "Concordia! We need to talk!"

The alicorn with Breezie wings appeared before them.

"Hello, old friend…" Concordia said with bitterest in her tone.

"What's this I hear about you forcing true loves to part from each other?"

"True loves?! How can they be true loves if they aren't the same species?!"

"And yet Discord is a different species from you…"

"As I told him, we are force of natures, so that makes us the same."

Celestia sighed sadly, "Concordia… what have I done to you? I forced you away from Equestria and you have missed so much…"

"Actually, you did me a favor! I thank you for keeping me away from such an imperfect society… But I am so disappointed in you, Tia… I thought you were for order too…" She glared.

"I am." Celestia stated, "But I do not like the kind of order you're suggesting… I thought you cared about the order the nature and how it should never be tampered with but I find you like certain things to happen that you believe is the correct way. You're extremely narrow-minded and refuse to listen to other's opinions. In order for there to be balance we need both sides to meet in the middle…

"Discord's chaos cannot be too much nor can your order… We need both. Just as Equestria needs my sun and Luna's moon. Everything has an opposite and it's important to accept that opposite no matter how different it is… Such as the colors red and blue. So different yet together they can create a whole different color…"

Concordia's face softened when listening to Celestia's speech and asked, "But why is it that you care so much that they go back to those mares?"

"Because I understand their feelings…" Celestia softly replied.

Concordia's eyes widen.

Celestia hung her head, "I never told you… I didn't tell Luna either until she found out one day… but I should have told you the moment it had all ended… Are you aware of how the world seemed to merge with a different world?"

"Yes… but I had no idea of why that was…"

"It's because of what I did…"


Celestia nodded, "I was the reason that happened. Star Swirl created a mirror that allowed us to explore other worlds and in one of these worlds… I fell in love."

The other alicorn covered her mouth in shock.

Celestia continued, "He was a good version to the evil Sombra of our world… He was a wise and good king to his ponies… that we met every chance I went through the mirror but I was causing a rift… We tried to be careful but we were so deeply in love that it was so hard to part from each other… Star Swirl found out about us and he had to seal up the mirror without giving me a chance to say goodbye… I refused to let that last meeting be our last and I got to open the portal again. I went behind my friend's back just so I could be with the stallion I loved…"

Someone honked and they turned to see Discord handing Spike tissues as he cried and blew into the tissues.

Discord waved his paw dismissively, "Don't mind us… continue with the story."

Celestia gave a sad smile before turning back to Concordia, "What I did was wrong but I couldn't stop being with Sombra… I often questioned why we were brought together if only to be worlds apart… but now… I am proud to say I know… so I can understand lovers and how they feel when someone forces them apart… I cannot be with Sombra but I can at least help others be with their loves no matter how strange the pairing…"

She turned back to Discord and Spike as they looked on hopefully then back to Concordia who seemed to be deep in thought. Celestia prayed her words were enough.