• Published 1st Dec 2011
  • 3,003 Views, 65 Comments

Moonshine's confused love - MoonShine

Twilight and Rainbow Dash are in the library. They're then interrupted by a new filly.

  • ...

Hearts and Hooves day: part 3

Hearts and Hooves day: part 3

Last chapter: Their eyes are large and wide open as they look at the room, it is covers in clear, sparkling liquid which is dripping from the ceiling, and Celestia is laid on top of Treacle with her lips tightly locked against treacle’s horn with some of the some liquid dribbling down.

“WHAT THEY HAY!?” Twilight shouts out as her brain can’t process what is going on. Celestia quickly lift her head to look at the two of them.

“YAY, MORE PLAY THIINGS!” she calls out in excitement, “Come here...” she says as she uses her magic to pull the both of them closer, Luna uses her magic to break Celestia’s magic off herself and watches.

‘I have no idea what to do’ Luna thinks to herself.

Luna looks about frantically, before dashing out of the room, twilight wailing for her to come back, she reaches the front door and heads out, she stops just outside and looks about quickly, as she looks she can see a grey Pegasus flying by slowly, she uses her magic to teleport him to her and grabs him by the side, “You’re coming with me, you are needed for a matter of urgency.” She says to him without giving him a choice, she rushes back into the house with him tight in her magical grip.

She gets to the top of the stairs and dashes into the room, she stops to see Twilight already on the bed with her hooves tied to the corners of the bed and ‘Tia stood using her magic to ‘punish’ the mare while having Treacle hanging from the ceiling using rope tied to her front hooves behind her back, she spins round slowly as she hangs there, the grey pony looks at Luna then over to Treacle, “Wait, that’s Treacle, Moonshine’s sister.” He says, Luna quickly covers his mouth to shut him up.

Thankfully Celestia didn’t hear him, or if she had, she wasn’t letting them know that, “I am going to try and stop her, while I do, I won’t you to do and untie them and get them out, Understand?” she asks him as, he knods and slowly but quietly creeps round the torturing princess to come to Treacle who goes to shout with her mouth gagged but he puts a hoof to him mouth to tell her to keep quiet, he then starts to work on the ropes to get her free.

Luna then stops forwards and shouts her sister’s name, Celestia drops the whip and looks over to Luna who gives a quick look of fear but then corrects it to be a look of confidence, she takes another step forward, Celestia then looks her up and down before walking towards her, Luna uses her magic to teleport them both away knowing she can’t take her on but can give the others some time.

The pony untying Treacle finally gets the knot undone and she falls to the floor, gets her hooves sorted out and stands up for the both of them to see both of the princesses gone and Twilight still on the bed tied up with her mouth gagged, Treacle uses her magic to quickly untie her, “Please remind me, never go anywhere near Canterlot on hearts and Hooves day.” She says as she gets off the soaked bed, “Sorry about your room Treacle, looks like a lot of cleaning to do, I’ll help you once I’ve sorted Moonshine out.” She adds as she slowly head for the door.

As soon as she left the grey pony goes to leave but she stops him, “Thank you Nix, how did you know?” she asks him.
“I didn’t, princess Luna sort of forced me to come and help.”

“Oh right, well thank you anyway....now I should probably sort this mess out.” She says as she uses her magic to materialise a mop and bucket behind her and starts to clean up.

“Maybe I could help you.” He asks as he heads over to the bed, her back to him.

“How the hay can you help clean this...” she stops as she turns to see him going to lick the covers of the bed, “You really are suited for Moonshine, you’re dirty enough for her.” She remarks before turning away and uses her magic to give him another mop, “Here, use this.” She says as he looks to see the mop hovering next to him, he grabs it then looks down on the bed and uses his magic to get the mop cleaning.

Treacle looks back at him slyly and can see a glow on top of his head, “WHAT?! You’re an Alicorn?” she questions, he turns to looks at her and knods, then continues cleaning.

“But.....I thought Celestia and Luna were the only ones.”

“What do you get if you cross a unicorn and a Pegasus?” he asks her while still cleaning up.

“Yeah, I guess that works but I never knew it actually made one.” She says, he knods more to confirm it and stops as he has already sorted out around the bed, he uses his magic to take the covers off and takes them downstairs ready to wash, she stands and thinks about for a bit before shaking her head a little and getting on with her work.


Twilight gets to the door and rests against it as she takes time to get her breath, unlocks the door and walks in as it nothing happened only to be knocked over my Moonshine who pins her to the ground and questions her on the situation. She pushes the Pegasus off so that she can get in to close the door, Moonshine stands and stares as she waits for an answer, “She’s free, Luna managed to get us free by getting Celestia out of there.” She answers.

She walks over and sits at a table and slams her head down on the table, “I can see where you come from sometimes now.” She says with her head planted against the table top, Moonshine walks over to her and sits on the other chair on the other side of the table.

“What do you mean?”

“I understand why you go on at wanting to have sex with the princesses....” she says as she starts to go red, blushing as she admits it.

“Wait....what do you mean? Did she get you? You had sex with her?” Moonshine questions, Twi knods while still having her head against the table, “Wow, did you like it, I mean, I know it wasn’t fun since it was more forcefully than allowing it, but did you actually enjoy it.” She asks as she puts her hooves on the table and leans forward to Twi who lifts her head and sternly looks at Moonshine, she then slides off her chair and head up the stair.

“Oh, you’re going to ignore me now? Ponies who ignore need to be punished!” she shouts up at Twi who immediately slams the door shut in fear of that word.

“NO! No more punishing, I’ve had enough!” she shouts back down, Moonshine put s hoof to her chin as she thinks about it, then gasps while lowering the hoof and slamming it off the table.

“She didn’t....ok, now I’m jealous, she bound you up, oh man, I would love that, princes Celestia tying me up and then teasing me....damn it.” She mutters to herself before putting her head on the table to rest for a bit but suddenly lift it back up, “HAY TWI, if you and Treacle were tied up and Luna was gone, who untied you?!” she shouts up, a few hoofsteps came from upstairs as they made their way over to the door, Moonshine following them with her head.

The door opens and Twi shouts back down, “I don’t know, he was grey with white hair and light blue stripes in it.”

Moonshine takes only a second to think of whom it was, her eyes then go wide as she knows.

“No way....Nix?” she murmurs to herself but loud enough for Twi to call out ‘Who’ to her, She then shouts up, “An Alicorn, called Nix, I love him so much, we’re perfect for each other, he’s so naughty.” She giggles to herself for a little bit before she stops to hear some hoofsteps coming down the stairs.

“Did you just say Alicorn?” Twi asks as makes her way down to come back over to the table.

“Yea, he was born from a unicorn and Pegasus, and you get him, the great guy he is, so naughty and sexy...” she is interrupted by Twi who is having trouble understanding.

“Wait...that isn’t good, if Celestia finds out about him she’ll banish him to the moon, you know that right?”

“Yes, she might see him as a threat to her throne and banish him, but if she does then I will go with him, I won’t leave him.”

“That isn’t a good idea, who’ll keep an eye on your sister?”

“She’s a tough cookie, she can look after herself.” Moonshine says a she starts to go into a trance for the thoughts of Nix. Twilight waves a hoof in front of her but gets no reaction; she rolls her eyes and head back upstairs to get some rest.

Moonshine gets up slowly and closes the door as the light outside starts to leave the land, the sun falling and the day coming to an end, “What a crazy day....I wish Nix was here, now THAT would be fun.” She says to herself, just then a knock comes from the door, she turns to face it, a look of confusion upon her face, she heads back over and slowly opens it to peek through the gap to see a figure of a grey pony with the same white and blue mane and tail as what Twilight described, he pounces onto her and uses his magic to close the door.

He lowers his head down to hers and whispers, “Hello Moonshine, you should keep your wishes to yourself really, I heard you, now....you said you wanted fun?”


Author's notes: Here is what Nix looks like.

Comments ( 6 )

Dude just post the picture we can't actually see the picture is says we require access.

662639 How do you post pictures? :derpytongue2:

663103 In the comment box there is a little plasma screen tv ting click on it and copy paste the link of the picture into it.

668423 Link is corrupted we can't see it.

672412 God damn it. I'll find a way to do it.

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