• Published 1st Dec 2011
  • 3,003 Views, 65 Comments

Moonshine's confused love - MoonShine

Twilight and Rainbow Dash are in the library. They're then interrupted by a new filly.

  • ...

Twilight's Outburst

Chapter 6: Twilight’s Outburst

Last episode: “No, I wanted to be with her because I love her and she loves me.” Luna replies.

“I don’t care. I don’t like her, you’re coming home. Now.” She orders as she teleports them back to Canterlot.

“NO, LUNA!” Moonshine shouts out as she gets up, she then lowers her head in depression.

“Come on, Moonshine. I get the feeling you want to be alone right now, don’t you...” she says to her, “let’s go home.” They then both head back home to the library.

<The next day, 7:00>

Moonshine slowly opens her aching eyes after being up most of the night not being able to sleep thinking about Luna and why Celestia hates them being together. She lifts her head up off the pillow only to see she had fallen off the bed and was on the floor in a rather awkward position, she was laid on her front, head to the side with her back legs propped up against the bedside table that was at the bottom of the bed, the pillow had fallen down with her.

She shuffled about to get into a better position to then push herself up onto her feet, her back legs giving way a little from being in the awkward position, she finally manages to get herself up, “SPIKE, GET BREAKFAST READY!” she orders shouting downstairs to him knowing that at this time he would be awake and doing chores. She walks over to her door, opens and notices that even Twilight is out of bed, she shouldn’t be, Moonshine always gets up before Twilight.

She walks over to her bed and pulls the covers back hoping to find Twilight under the covers but she wasn’t there. She then walks over to the door, as she goes to open it she hears Spike shouting, “NO! Twi!” she then opens the door quickly and dashes downstairs. When she gets down there Spike was at the front door, books are strewn all over the place.

“Spike, what happened here?” she asks him confused about why the library is so messy when Spike’s about. She walks down and over to him as he slowly shuts the door, he looks depressed about something.

“Twilight, she...went crazy. She pull out all of the books and threw then everywhere, she looked angry about something but I don’t know what.” He replies as he walks over to a pile of books and begins to pick them up and put them away.
Moonshine walks over to the window and looks out to see nopony about, she sees nothing at all, and even Twilight couldn’t be seen after just leaving the library. She turns back towards Spike who was up on some ladders putting some books back, he stretches to reach a gap where one of the books was meant to go but couldn’t quite reach, and he stretches further trying to reach but as he reaches over the ladders begin to lean, tilting over.

Moonshine quickly runs over and grabs the base of the ladder, even with her holding it, it still continues to topple as Spike holds on to the top, “Spike, just jumps, I’ll catch you.” She says to him.

“What? No one trusts you. Why should I?” he replies as he tightens his grip and Moonshine strains to hold up the ladder, he then unexpectedly jumps off the ladders down towards her, she flies up and catches him, slowly flying downwards to soften the landing into her hooves.

“Told you I would.” She tells him as he looks up at her.

“Thanks, I guess I’ve learned something new today already, never reach too far on ladders. I bet you want t ‘reward’ now, fine go ahead.” He says as he jumps out of her hooves, raises his arms up by his side and closes his eyes.

“Spike, no. I may enjoy sex, a lot, but I am not and will never have sex with you because I know that I’m not the pony or you...Rarity is.” She replies as he blushes.

“How did you know? Only Twilight knows.” He asks.

She walks up beside him, lowers her head next to his ears and whispers, “You talk in your sleep.” And then walks off to the pile of books, picks up a few and begins to put them back dispute hating hard work.

<Ponyville Park>

Twilight is walking through the park, angrily mumbling to herself and kicking at a stone on the floor, “I thought she loved me, after all she did enjoy being with me. I gave her a home and welcomed her to it, and took the full blow of it when Treacle was about to get it by her...” she stops by the fountain and looks into the water at her own reflection, “I’m not a lesbian but I must say, she is good. I may never find another pony like that, what if I don’t, then what? What is it the Princess has that I don’t for her?” she questions herself.

She splashes the water in the fountain and continues to walk on, after a few minutes she hears some rapid hoofsteps coming from behind a hedge, she dives behind the hedge, and nopony is out here at this time, ever. She waits for the pony to get to the end of the hedge and just as it turns round the corner she pounces on it expecting it to be Moonshine looking for her.

“Treacle Tart?” she calls out in confusion, “What are you doing out here at this time?” she asks. She gets off her, Treacle gets up and brushes some leaves off her.

“I could ask you the same thing. I’m here because I always go for a run in the park every morning, I know I would love to fly but I have to put up with not being able to so I run every morning to keep me fit and because the early morning air is lovely.” She explains as she begins to walk off in the direction she was going, “Do you want to join me?”

“I don’t see why not, although I’m not feeling too good at the moment.” Twilight replies.

“Oh, what’s wrong?” she asks her as she walks back over to her. Not even out of breath.

“Well, yesterday, Moonshine went to Canterlot and was with Luna for most of it. But I thought she loved me because of the ‘fun’ she has with me. I feel odd, I think I’m jealous of her, Luna that is. What is it she has that I don’t for Moonshine.” She says in as agitated voice.

“Well, plenty of things, she’s a princess, Celestia’s her sister, she can fly, she’s far more powerful. But Twilight listen, Moonshine has been like this before, she draws in a few ponies and then they all become jealous of each other because she herself doesn’t know which one she truly loves. She just hasn’t had the chance to be with Luna yet and got that chance yesterday...” she explains about Moonshine’s personal past, “besides I know something you have or had that the Princess hasn’t, you’ve been with Moonshine twice now, is it? And you live with her.”

“Wow, you’re right. I have been with her more than Luna. If fact I don’t think Moonshine’s had her, I’ve had her twice...” she stops as she looks at Treacle, “I shouldn’t really be talking about stuff like this.”

Treacle stops just ahead of her, “Twilight, I’ve been through this plenty of times, talking to ponies about, I’m the one that knows her best, after all I am her sister.” She explains as she tilts her head towards her, raises her eyebrows and looks up at her.

Twilight thinks about this and then carries on walking with Treacle, “I...I don’t know what to do, I feel for Moonshine, I truly do. I think, dare I say, love her. But I don’t know what I could do to prove this to Moonshine to make her stop her from going off with other ponies and just stay with me.” She wonders.

Treacle then droops her head a little before looking up to Twilight and admitting, “Twilight, do you know why she’s like this, loving everypony and having sex with as many as possible, every night?” she asks, Twilight shakes her head, “Only I know this because I witnessed it happen...” she raises her head, stops and turns to Twilight who stops and stands to listen, “When we were younger, before she enrolled to the Equitorian guards, we were walking through Canterlot one night to our little living space, we were homeless, and as we were walking a pedomare ponyknapped us, took us to a room, shoved me in a cupboard saying ‘I was next’ and as I watched through a gap in the doors, I could see her molesting Moonshine quite viciously.” She explains as they sit on a nearby bench.

“Oh, I didn’t know that. What happened afterwards?” she asks as if she was intrigued by this.

“Well, when I said Moonshine enrolled in the guards, I was wrong. After the mare had finished, Celestia burst into the room after hearing the screaming and took them both away, I was left in the cupboard as she didn’t know...” she says as she lowers her head, “That’s partially why I’m so solitary, I also learnt from that, that I can’t rely on other but do things myself and how to look after myself. Moonshine on the other hoof, was enlisted by Celestia to give her a home and a job. I came here and did things myself. That’s everything.” She finishes explaining as Twilight looks down.

“I’m sorry to hear about that.” She replies in a soft voice, putting a hoof on her shoulder.

“Don’t be sorry for me, I can look after myself. Feel sorry for Moonshine if anypony because she’s the one that took the gruff of it all. She needs somepony that will be there for her.” She says as she looks twilight in the eyes, “Now c’mon, I need to finish me daily run. That’s another thing about me, i love to have things organised or have things to a routine.” She adds as she hops of the bench and begins to trot on the spot to warm back up for a run.

Twilight gets off the bench and stands and stares, “Me too, I love to be organised. I’ll look after Moonshine though, I love her and deep down I think she loves me too.” She replies as she starts to warm up too. They both then begin to run through the park together.

A few minutes later Moonshine is flying through the sky searching for Twilight, she can’t find her anywhere but as she begins to fly over the park she sees a lavender mare and assumes it to be Twilight, but who is the other pony she’s with?, it wasn’t Carrot Top. Who, who was this pony?

She began to descend towards them, only when she got quite close was it that she notice who the pony was and dashed behind a bush, she peeks through to see them jog past quite happily. She jumps out, “HAY, TREACLE! I hope you aren’t trying to steal my fillyfriend?” she asks.

They both stop to see her stood tall behind them; Twilight suddenly rushes over and hugs her, “Of course not Moonshine, she loves you, not me.” She says as Twilight hugs her more.

“I can see. Let’s go home Twilight. You’ve had a rough morning.” She says to the lavender mare. They then both head off to the library.

“I’m glad I was of help!” Treacle shouts to them before continuing with her run.