• Published 1st Dec 2011
  • 3,003 Views, 65 Comments

Moonshine's confused love - MoonShine

Twilight and Rainbow Dash are in the library. They're then interrupted by a new filly.

  • ...

A Little Secret

Chapter 3: A Little Secret

Last chapter: Moments later there is a soft knock on the door. His face full of fear as hoped that he wouldn’t have to explain to Twilight what happened last night. Despite this he didn’t want to be rude and approached the door, soon reaching it, his horn glows as it unlocks the door and opens it, it slowly creaks open revealing a mare stood in-front of him.

“Moonshine? What are you doing here?” Atom questions her in surprise. As the mare in front of his was not Twilight as he expected but was instead Moonshine.

“I want to talk to you about last night.” She replies with a soft voice, looks behind to see Twilight quickly approaching, she then pushes him inside and closes the door behind them shutting Twi out. She then apologises for her action last night and that she does not know why she sometimes is like this but hopes to not be so forward again.

Atom stands and listens intently as he knods now and then, looking over to his equipment to keep check of them. Once she finishes she gives him a light peck on the cheek as a thanks for listening and walks towards the door only to be startled when a bang on the door echoes through the corridor.

“Who could that be?” Atom asks as he tries to think of the ponies that would come here before realising it could be Twilight, “Oh god, Twilight. I really don’t want to have to explain to her about last night.” He approaches the door as another bang echoes, he opens it with his magic to reveal a completely different mare to Twilight that looks quite excited.

“Hello there. My name’s Treacle Tart. I heard that you are a physicist and astronomer; I really like the night sky and space. Do you have any books on...What is she doing here?” she stops as she spots Moonshine behind him.
“Treacle, what are YOU doing here?” she replies is shock to see her here. Moonshine walks up next to Atom and looks Treacle straight in the eyes.

The mare at the door had a treacle coloured coat with custard yellow hair that was mid-length and curly, she was tall like Moonshine but had no wings and instead a horn atop of her head.

“I came here for some books on space. As I am the one that actually takes interest in things other than sex. And I can enjoy doing other stuff than just baking.” Treacle explains to her in a proud tone.

“Excuse me but am I missing something here?” Atom interrupts as he tries to understand who she is and how they know each other, “Can I ask who you are?”

“Oh course. I’m Treacle Tart. I live over in Ponyville next door to Sugarcube Corner. I bake really good tarts, flans and pies, not to brag though. And that one there is unfortunately my twin sister.” She explains as she gurns her nose at Moonshine.

“What?!” Atom shouts in confusion as he tries to understand the last statement.

“Moonshine has a sister?” A voice calls from behind Treacle as she looks back, Moonshine and Atom look round her to see Twilight stood, head tilted.

“Yeah, she IS my sister, unfortunately.” She repeats.

“HAY!” Moonshine shouts.

“But Rainbow Dash watched Moonshine rise up from the crater when she crashed into the ground.” Twilight explains.

“No, no, no. She must have told you half the story, Moonshine did rise up but when we landed it created a lot of dust and I stayed hidden in it.” Treacle replies, “So, from what I’ve heard you are Twilight Sparkle, right?” she asks her.

“Yes, how do you know?” She comments.

“I live next door to your friend, Pinkie Pie. At least I can look after myself unlike others.” She says whilst sternly looking Moonshine, “So, Dr Atom do you have any books I may borrow, I have some baking to do, I have a large order to fill in for the Princess.” She continues with a proud look on her face.

“You’ve got Celestia buying stuff off YOU?” Moonshine questions as Atom walks back inside to fetch a few books.

“No, not Celestia, although she did try some of them when she visited Sugarcube Corner. Luna is the one that wants then after Nightmare Night when she visited, she tried a tart and fell in love with them.” She claims to them both, “After all, it is pretty much the only thing that I do lately as I have no friends thanks to her yet again.” She angrily turns to Moonshine, “Every time I start making new friends, Moonshine comes over and drives them away either by being stupid or by dragging them off and raping them.” She continues as she looks down to the floor.

Twilight walks up to her and gives her a nuzzle to comfort her, “I’ll be your friend, I don’t think Moonshine will be a problem to me, after all I’ve let her live with me so really I have to put up with her, besides she’s fun.” She explains to Treacle as Atom returns with a satchel and three books inside it in his mouth, she uses her magic to put it on her back and straps it on.

“Thank you.” She says to him, “Moonshine’s living with you? How long has this been going on?” she questions Twilight.
“Since two night ago.” She replies as Moonshine sneakily flies off without anypony but Atom noticing, he then shuts the door to continue with his studies, Treacle turns sharply to see the door shut, turns back to Twilight and asks if she would like to walk back to Ponyville with her. Twilight accepts this offer noticing that Moonshine was no longer inside the observatory and even though she wanted to talk to Moonshine about her life and last night.

<Over at Treacle’s house>

“She lives here?” Moonshine says to herself, landing outside the door, “Wow, she really can look after herself...but she’s my sister and she’s a goody two shoes, I don’t need her.”

She walks up to the door, tries to open it but it’s locked, she then tries the entire set of windows but all are closed. She then decides to leave it and walks back to the library to get some rest, comfortable rest, in a cosy bed. She soon reaches the library where Spike is sweeping the mess and dust out of the house, “Hay Spike, What you up to?” she asks him as she slowly walks past him.

“Oh, it’s you. I’m cleaning, so please don’t make a mess. Why are you here exactly?” he questions.

“Twilight let me live here, in the spare room.” She replies, “I’m just going to rest for a bit...Do you think Twilight likes me?” she asks as she stops and looks at him.

“What do you mean by that? You’re not planning to attack her again are you?” he questions as he drops the broom and jumps on her back, looking her in eye. She then bucks lightly to knock him off and walks upstairs whilst commenting, “Never mind. I’ll ask her myself later.” She then makes her way to her bed, drops herself onto it and stares out of the window as she reflects on the many ponies she has fallen for.

<At Treacle’s house>

Treacle and Twilight both arrive at her house; she opens the door with her magic, a large waft of sweet air rushes past Twilight’s nose, she takes a deep breath of the air and exhales with an enjoyable sigh, “Why don’t you come on in, Twilight?” Treacle asks her.

“No, I can’t. I must get back to Spike. By the way, if it was books you were after, why didn’t you come to the library?” she questions with a friendly smile.

“I did but you weren’t there. So I went to the Dr to get some books instead.” She replies, “Well I’ll see you some other time then.” She says as she shuts the door. Twilight smiles to herself knowing she has made a new friend and then heads off to the library hoping to know where to start looking for Moonshine.

<Back at the library>

Moonshine continues to stare out of the window whilst swinging her back legs back and forth off the end of the bed, “Do I do it or not?” she asks herself, “Do I go see the Princess?” she then flips onto her back as the frustration grows inside. Spike calls from downstairs to ask if she wants any lunch or not, she completely ignores him as she continues to debate over what to do. Not long later she hears hoof steps coming in through the door, could it be Twilight?

She ignored that thought, decides to get up and walks downstairs to get the lunch Spike offered her. Twilight smiles at her as she walks straight past her and sits at a desk, the smile quickly disappears from her face as she didn’t get a response, “Are you ok, Moonshine?” she asks her as she walks up beside her at the desk she was sat at.

Moonshine finishes the mouthful of food before replying, “Do...Do you like...love me?” she asks her. Twilight stood unsure how to answer that question, “Because I am unsure of whom I love. I am in love with you, Atom and the Princess.” She continues as Twilight’s eyes widen to hear that she loves the Princess.

“You’ve fallen in love with Celestia?” she asks as she tries to divert from the previous question even though inside she gets the feeling she does love the pony in front of her.

“No, Luna. I’ve fallen in love with Luna. I even tried to get into her room one time to be with her but some other guards caught me and I was then kicked out of the guards, ‘Tia wasn’t and still isn’t overly happy with me.” She explains.
Twilight puts her head against Moonshine’s before leaving her be. She then begins to head upstairs to sit for a bit whilst Moonshine pauses from eating to ponder about whom to truly go for or if she should try to take her mind off it somehow. Moments later she lifted her head as she knew exactly what she was going to do take her mind off it.