• Published 1st Dec 2011
  • 3,001 Views, 65 Comments

Moonshine's confused love - MoonShine

Twilight and Rainbow Dash are in the library. They're then interrupted by a new filly.

  • ...

Hearts and Hooves day: part 2

Hearts and Hooves day: part 2

Last chapter: When he reaches them Twilight steps to the side and Treacle starts to bite her lip as she once again tries to contain her excitement, “You must be Treacle Tart, am I right?” he asks.

“I think I’ll leave you two alone, enjoy.” Twilight says before leaving the couple to be together.

She soon comes to the library, opens the door, goes upstairs and sits on her bed whilst she hopes Moonshine is alright after today’s ‘episode’ with Celestia.

<30 minutes later>

Twilight is still sat on her bed staring out the window, as she stares out towards Canterlot she thinks of why the princess was acting so weirdly and why she wanted to molester her and Moonshine. Her ears prick up when a knock comes from the front door, Spike answers it and she can hear a faint voice that sounds familiar, “Is she home?” the voice asks.

“Yes, she is....why are you here?” Spike replies, Twilight suddenly gets a feeling that it isn’t the pony she expected it to be, she slowly walks over to the bedroom door, creeps it open slightly and peers downstairs, as she looks she sees Spike stood staring as a pony walks into the library, she suddenly jolts back as she sees who it is.

“This isn’t good, I’ve got to get out of here...” she says to herself. She looks about as she thinks of where to go, she slowly make her way to the balcony as she hears Spike say.

“She’s upstairs right now, I think she’s gone to bed for a bit.” She then panics slightly as hoofsteps begins to make their way up the stairs.

“Well, I will have to wake her up then.” The voice replies, this time more clearly, Twilight right away knew who it was.

“It’s Celestia?” she asks herself, “Now I really need to get out.” She adds as she opens the balcony doors and runs out only to stop at the edge and look down, “Well this was a stupid idea...” she says as her bedroom door creaks open.

“Oh Twilight...” Celestia calls out quietly as she make her way over to the bed, Twilight freezes in place hoping that the princess doesn’t see her, “Twilight......where are you?” she asks as she looks around the room, a gust of wind blows past Twilight and into the room causing the balcony doors to creak a little as they sway about slightly, Celestia immediately looks over to the doors and walks over to the doors to see Twilight sat at the end of the balcony.

“Found you.” She says as she steps out onto the balcony.

“Ahh, of all the places you could have gone, you came here...buck me.” she comments as Celestia walks up to her and lowers her head down to her.

“With pleasure...” she replies as she lifts her head slightly to lick Twilight’s horn a little causing a shiver to rush down her body, her eyes suddenly turn to pin pricks as she feels violated and scared.

“This is not happening...this is not happening.” She says to herself.

“Oh but it is Twilight.” Celestia replies as she grabs Twilight by the mane with her mouth and drags her back towards the bedroom. As they are almost at the doors Moonshine flies down at incredible speed, kicks Celestia with her front legs causing her to let go, grabs Twilight and flies off. Celestia looks about in confusion as it happened so quickly, she then looks about to find Twilight before flying up into the sky to get a better look, she looks round and sees a small pink dot flying in the air with a lavender pony below it.

She flies after them in an attempt to catch up; as she gets closer to them they suddenly disappear as the Pegasus flies into a bunch of trees, she stops as she waits and watches to see if they come back out.

As she waits she can see a glimpse of pink as Moonshine slowly tries to climb down the tree, she quickly flies into a nearby tree, and she pops her head out to watch her. Moonshine loses her grip and falls slightly only to use her wings to soften the landing, Twilight then pops her head out of the tree and looks about before uses a teleport spell to get her down to Moonshine.

As they cautiously look about and walk towards the exit of the park Celestia starts to slowly climb down the tree, when she gets to the bottom she slowly follows the two out of the park, to stop ponies swarming her she hides behind a bush and uses a spell to change her appearance from her usual, large self to a smaller pony of a white colour like before with bright blue hair, her wings disappear so that she looks like a normal unicorn.

She pops out of the bush looks at her new appearance and follows the two ‘victims’, as she get to the exit of the park she sees Treacle walking away looking disappointed in something. Treacle spots Moonshine and Twilight and walks over to them, “Hay you two, Moonshine, why are you out of bed?” she asks, Moonshine stares at her.

“We are currently in the weirdest situation ever...” Twilight replies as she looks about, “Where’s Dr Whooves?” she asks, Treacle lowers her head.

“I like him BUT he never stopped talking about stuff like Time and Space or Time continuums.” She answers before turning to head home but then looks back at them, “So what is this ‘weird’ situation you are in.” She asks the both of them.

“Good question, well the princess is acting weirdly, she wants to.....to....” Twilight stops as she feels embarrassed to say it.

“She wants to rape us both.” Moonshine finishes her sentence. Treacle stares at them, mouth agape.

“Ever since it became Hearts and Hooves day she started wanting to molester us.” Twilight adds, Treacle sniggers slightly as she thinks of something, “What’s funny about that?” she asks.

“No, I’m not laughing at what she wants to do, I’m laughing at a name I just randomly thought up for her when she’s like this...” she replies, Moonshine and Twilight both look at her, “She’s called Celestia, right. Well she is wanting to Molest, well I thought we should call her....Molestia.” she says with a large grin on her face.

Celestia walks up to the three of them, “Hay there, I’m new here. What you talking about, I heard something to do with Celestia.” She says in a voice really similar to Celestia’s.

“You really are new, never seen you before, but yeah, we were talking about Celestia and a new name we are going to give her for the way she is acting lately.” Treacle says whilst sniggering lightly.

“I see, that is quite funny, can I can with you fillies....what happened to you?” she asks Moonshine.

“Oh me, well the princess tried to kill me.” She replies. The pony looks at her as she looks around to look for Celestia in case she’s still following them.

“I know.” Celestia says to herself.

“What, how do you know?” Moonshine asks her, Celestia’s eyes open wide as she desperately thinks of what to say.

“I...I saw her do it. I saw her lifting you with her magic off the end of the roof. That looked painful.” She says with a pitiful expression on her face.

“Yeaaahhh, well we have to go, she might be around here somewhere and will probably get us if we don’t be careful. You two be safe careful too.” Moonshine says before walking away with Twilight to the library.

Celestia looks at Treacle and asks if she can walk with her, they both then head off towards Treacle’s house. When they get there Treacle opens her front door and Celestia says goodbye, as Treacle goes to close the door she hears a noise from outside, she looks outside to see the pony gone, she closes the door and walk upstairs to take off the dress.
As she is sorting herself out she hears a noise downstairs, “Moonshine, is that you!?” she shouts down. As she listens for a reply she hears a click, like a door locking.

“No, but now we’re alone!” a voice replies, she stops and thinks, that voice is very similar....

“Oh god, that’s Celestia’s voice.....Moonshine and Twilight were trying to get away from her. Now she’s in my house...with me. I am so bucked.” She says to herself.

“Yes you are.” Celestia comments as Treacle sharply turns to see the pony from the park in the bedroom doorway, “You are going to be the first to be mine.” She says as she closes the door with her magic, she then walks closer to Treacle, pushes her onto the bed with her magic and walks over to her slowly.


Twilight and Moonshine get to the library, as Twi opens the door they hear a loud scream coming from Treacle’s house, they both look, “I don’t like the sound of that, you stay here, I’ll go get help.” Twi says as she lets Moonshine into the library before locking the door behind her.

Twilight then teleports to Canterlot to get help, she arrives outside of Celestia’s room, she runs down the corridor to another room and knocks, she impatiently taps her hoof as some hoofsteps get closer to the door, the door opens and she grabs the pony by the hoof and teleports the both of them to Ponyville.

When they arrive the pony immediately orders for an explanation, Twilight refuses as she insists that she comes with her to Treacle’s house, “We demand that you tell us what you want with us.” The pony orders.

“I’m sorry princess but I need your help to stop Celestia.” Twilight replies, she then grabs Luna by the hoof and pulls her towards Treacle’s house.

They quickly arrive at the house, Luna uses her magic to pick the lock on the door, taking a little while as the lock is enchanted by magic, the door swings open and they both rush into the house, they search around downstairs for Treacle but nopony was about.

“They must be upstairs.” Twilight comments, she looks back at Luna who is stood at the bottom of the stairs listening to the moaning coming from upstairs.

“We think we already found them...” Luna replies as she turns to face Twilight, “We should mention that ‘Tia is always like this on Hearts and Hooves day.” She adds as twilight barges past to go up the stairs.

“I don’t care right now, I already know, we just need to help my friend.” Twilight comments as she slowly ascends the stairs. Luna follows her, as they get closer to the first floor, they can hear more moans and then a quite explosion noise as a loud moan erupts from the bedroom along with a bright light emitting from under the door.

“I think somepony have just had a magic discharge.” Luna comments as she sniggers slightly. Twilight looks at her sternly before slowly making her way over to the bedroom door; she uses her magic to slowly and quietly open the door, when the door fully opens her and Luna both stand mouths agape at the scene inside the room.

Their eyes are large and wide open as they look at the room, it is covers in clear, sparkling liquid which is dripping from the ceiling, and Celestia is laid on top of Treacle with her lips tightly locked against treacle’s horn with some of the some liquid dribbling down.

“WHAT THEY HAY!?” Twilight shouts out as her brain can’t process what is going on. Celestia quickly lift her head to look at the two of them.

“YAY, MORE PLAY THIINGS!” she calls out in excitement, “Come here...” she says as she uses her magic to pull the both of them closer, Luna uses her magic to break Celestia’s magic off herself and watches.

‘I have no idea what to do’ Luna thinks to herself.