• Published 25th Mar 2017
  • 2,767 Views, 233 Comments

Saving the Siren - King of Madness

Sonata Dusk loses everything and has no one to guide her. Sunset Shimmer sympathises.

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Long ago, before the Windigo's Winter, ponies of all kinds lived in peace in a land called Pony Land. The pegasi managed the weather, the earth ponies grew food, and the unicorns raised the sun and the moon. Despite their differences, they lived together in harmony.

However, on an island miles away from Pony Land, there hatched a trio of sirens. The first one to hatch had golden skin that glimmered in the sunlight. She looked at the world before her with desire. A little later, the second one hatched. She had purple skin that hid her in the darkness of the cave they had awoken in. She looked at the world before her with indifference. The golden siren looked to her purple sister and wondered what she could do with her.

Once she had adjusted herself to this world, the purple siren turned her attention to the unhatched egg. Noticing that she and her sister had came from the broken eggs, she wondered why the third had not come out yet. Growing impatient, the purple siren rolled the egg out of the nest and onto the ledge where her sister sat, dropping it onto the rocks below. The egg shattered and a siren with blue skin that blended beautifully with the water in front of her rolled out. She rubbed her sore head and looked at the world before her with curiosity.

As the years passed by, the sirens learned of their powers of song and seduction, using it to feed off of sailors that sailed near them. They're songs turned them against each other and allowed the sirens to feed off of their negative emotions. They eventually made their way to Pony Land and saw that there were millions of ponies that they could bring under their spell.

The purple siren, Aria Blaze, was completely apathetic to the ponies. She saw them as mere food suppliers and couldn't have cared less what their songs did to them.

The blue siren, Sonata Dusk, found amusement in what the ponies did. She entertained herself with whatever activities she could find, being easily distracted from their missions. Though she cared nothing for the ponies personally and fed off their emotions the same as her sisters, she had no true ill will towards them. Regardless, she followed her sisters lead without complaint.

The golden siren, Adagio Dazzle, wanted more than to simply feed off the ponies. She had placed herself as her sisters' leader and took an amount of joy from the control she had over them. She pondered what it would be like to control the millions of ponies before her. She licked her lips as she imagined an entire world under her control. Millions of ponies worshiping her... and those two idiots she was stuck with, but mostly her. Sure, the ponies would tear each other apart out of pure hatred, but she didn't care. In fact, she found it amusing to watch.

Summoning up their magic, the sirens took over Pony Land. Earth ponies, unicorns, and pegasi alike went against each other, the siren's songs planting prejudice in their minds and contempt in their hearts. Even as they divided and waged war against each other, they all worshiped the sirens as their divine rulers and looked to them for help, oblivious to their deception. As the years passed, Pony Land became a near wasteland from the siren's corruption. War and famine plagued the land, the ponies uniting only when it came to their species respective duties and only for the sake of their own survival. The sirens had complete control... until the windigos arrived.

When the blizzards started, the sirens were the only ones that saw it was the work of the windigos. When Adagio realized that the windigos were as big of a threat to sirens as they were to ponies, she and her sisters left. Hopefully, they would find a different land to take over and windigo-proof it. The ponies they left behind were not their problem.

The few surviving ponies, led by their respective leaders, were forced into an exodus from their doomed home and founded the land of Equestria. While the windigos followed, they were driven away by the power of the first Hearth's Warming. Banding together under the newfound rule of Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, the ponies lived in harmony once more.

After many years of feeding on stragglers in obscure lands, the sirens came across Equestria and repeated their previous escapade. Once again, they ruled over the ponies and let them fester in their hatred while they worshiped the sirens.

However, Star Swirl the Bearded saw passed their treachery and fought against them. Realizing that they were too powerful, Star Swirl banished them to Earth where he believed they would lose their magic.

Despite being turned into humans, the sirens still retained a fraction of their magic in the form of crystals that they wore around their necks. Star Swirl's spell had sent them forward in time and, though it was nothing compared to the thousands of years they lived in Equestria and Pony Land, it still felt like eons to them as they were forced to adapt to this strange land and use the small amount of magic they had to feed off of the humans around them. Years passed until they found what they needed. There, at Canterlot High School, was their chance to get their power back... and they failed.

It had only been a few hours since the battle of the bands had ended. Although the moon shined brightly, storm clouds were approaching fast. The sound of thunder roared through the air as the sirens stood in an empty alleyway, alone and defeated. The moon shined on the three like a spotlight, illuminating the scene like the stage of a play.

For the the first time since neither could remember when, Sonata and Aria were not bickering. Instead the two stood beside each other and watched Adagio, who had her back towards them. Adagio was standing perfectly still. Her shoulders went up and down with her heavy breath and her fingers were twitching like the legs of an insect stuck on it's back. Sonata and Aria had seen Adagio like this before. It had only happened two or three time before, but there was a reason that Sonata and Aria were afraid.

Sonata didn't understand what had gone wrong. She was pretty sure that everything went to Adagio's plan. Get everyone in the school to fight each other. Check. Get the Rainbooms to break apart and take their magic. Check. Put everyone in the audience under their spell. Check. What went wrong?

Aria sighed. "Look, Adagio, I get that you're peeved about what happened back there,"

Sonata covered her mouth in surprise at Aria's language. Or course, Aria had said much worse words before, usually directed at Sonata, but still.

"But we're not gonna get anywhere if you just stand there and do nothing."

Adagio didn't respond in any way.

"Um, Adagio," Sonata bit her lip as she tried to get her leader's attention. "I know things are looking pretty bad right now,"

"You don't say," Aria said with a roll of her eyes.

"But I'm sure you'll figure something out."

"Like what? In case you missed anything, Sonata, our gems just got destroyed and we are now totally powerless."

"I'm just trying to help!" Sonata got in her sister's face.

"Since when have you ever helped!" Aria spat back. "You're just an idiot that thinks tacos and punch are more important than getting our power back!"

"Th-That's not true!"

"ENOUGH!" Adagio spun around and glared at the two. "Both of you just SHUT UP!"

The two backed away from each other and stared at their eldest sister in fear. When Adagio got like this, she always had a certain look in her eyes. A look that was full of anger. One that got even Aria scared to death. But this was different. In the past, when Adagio was really angry, it was because either Sonata or Aria or both had messed up. Something went wrong or nothing went according to plan. This time, everything had went according to plan. Sonata and Aria had followed her orders flawlessly. The only thing that went wrong was that they were not strong enough. Something that made Adagio more angry than ever before. The look in her eye wasn't just angry; it was crazed.

Adagio walked right up to the both of them with that very look in her eye.

Sonata sweat nervously as Adagio got right in her face.

"This is all YOUR fault!" Adagio said, clutching Sonata's collar and bringing her closer. "You and your mind-numbing stupidity!"

"B-B-But I d-didn't do any-"

"What did you just say!?" Adagio's crazed eyes stared directly into Sonata's fearful ones. "What did you just say to me!?"

Sonata gulped. "N-Nothing. I didn't say anything."

Adagio scoffed and threw Sonata onto the ground. "You never say anything do you? Nothing that matters! It's always 'Oh, Adagio, look at this totally pointless thing that won't get us anywhere'! Is this all a big joke to you!?"

Sonata sat up and looked up at her angry sibling. Adagio had said a lot of mean things to Sonata; so had Aria; but what she was saying now was... different. She was actually hurt by it. She could feel a pain inside her chest that she couldn't explain.

"Well, it doesn't matter now. Thanks to you, we have no magic at all! We're no different from these insects we've been stepping on!"

Sonata didn't understand. She knew she wasn't very smart, but she couldn't remember doing anything wrong this time. In fact, she was pretty sure she did everything Adagio said. When did she mess up? Despite not understanding, the pain in her chest grew and her eyes started feeling funny.

"Look at me when I'm talking to you!"

Sonata snapped out of her thoughts at Adagio's words.

"Do you realize what you've done to us?" Adagio coldly asked. The storm was beginning to hit the city and lightning was flashing around Adagio's figure. "Those crystals kept us alive, Sonata! The reason we haven't aged since we got here was from feeding on people's emotions. Now, we can't do that!"

Water started to fill Sonata's eyes as the pain in her chest grew.

"Remember all those ponies back when we ruled?" Adagio continued. "Remember how they would grow old and die? That's what's going to happen to us! AND IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT!"

Sonata put her hand on her chest to make sure she hadn't been stabbed. It certainly felt like it. The pain she felt inside was almost unbearable. The water in her eyes flowed down her face. Her breathing was heavy and she couldn't control it. It hurt so much. She wanted it to just stop. She didn't even know what she did wrong.

"Are you crying?" Adagio asked in a disgusted tone. "How pathetic." She turned away from Sonata and grabbed Aria by the collar, bringing her close like she did with Sonata. "And you! You haven't done anything but complain since we ended up here! You've made everything so much harder than it needed to be! You're no better than her!"

Aria barely kept her footing as Adagio pushed her away.

Adagio glared at each of them. After a moment, the look in her eyes faded and she sighed. "I can't do this. I've tried my best to take care of us, but now..." She shook her head. "I can't. It's time for me to care of myself and only myself." With that, Adagio turned and started walking away.

Aria looked shocked for a moment before gritting her teeth. "Fine! Leave! I don't need you! Neither of you!" She shot Sonata a quick glare.

Sonata couldn't believe this was happening. They were a team. They had been together since birth. They had never been apart before. They couldn't just split up.

Adagio stopped in her tracks and turned to face Aria. The look in her eyes was back. She took a few steps towards her. "Don't need me? Aria, I own you! I control you! Both of you! Ever since we were born, I've been pulling the strings! Neither of you would be alive right now without me! You think you can survive without me!? You're a declawed cat in the middle of the jungle, sister! You better just hope that, in the future, I'll have use for you and decide to take you back." With that, Adagio turned and started to leave.

Sonata, fighting through the pain inside her, finally got up and ran towards her leader. "Adagio, wait! Please! We've been together forever. We can't just-


Sonata fell on her belly and held the right side of her face, which was now red from Adagio backhanding her.

Adagio looked down at her little sister for a moment before picking her up and holding her by her collar. "You need to learn to do this on your own."

Sonata looked down, tears still rolling down her face.

"If you think I take any pleasure in doing this, you're wrong." Adagio's face softened a bit. "...It breaks my heart..." Her face rehardened and she dropped Sonata back down. "But this is life now." With that, Adagio turned and continued to walk away.

Sonata watched through her tears as her eldest sister disappeared into the darkness. The rain got heavier.

She looked to Aria, hoping that at least the two of them could stick together.

Aria looked at her little sister for a moment... before turning and leaving in the opposite direction. The rain got heavier.

Sonata, the pain in her chest unbearable, fell on her side as the storm clouds blocked out the moon. Her tears mixed with the rain that continued to wash over her. She was alone. For the first time in her life, she was alone. She could take being in this strange world. She could even take losing her magic. But she couldn't take losing her sisters.

There was nothing she could do. So, she just laid there in that dark alley and cried.