• Published 25th Mar 2017
  • 2,769 Views, 233 Comments

Saving the Siren - King of Madness

Sonata Dusk loses everything and has no one to guide her. Sunset Shimmer sympathises.

  • ...


It had been at least an hour since the last light went off in Sunset's house. It had been silent the entire time as far as one could hear from outside. It was the time to strike.

Adagio quietly stepped up to the front door. She gave the doorknob a twist, confirming it to be locked. Luckily, Adagio had been in the human world for a long time now and had acquainted herself with a few tricks. She lowered her hood and reached into her afro, pulling out a hairpin. She deformed it into an almost key-like shape and stuck it into the doorknob. After a moment, something clicked. Adagio smiled and slowly opened the door. Peeking inside, she saw Sonata asleep on the couch with the TV on. Adagio looked behind her and nodded to Aria, signaling that the cost was clear.

The two stepped in and Aria quietly shut the door. Adagio put her hands on her hips as she looked down at Sonata, covered in chip crumbs and drooling like a baby. She looked to Aria. "Come on, let's make this quick." She whispered. With that, she picked Sonata up and put her over her shoulder. Aria reopened the door and closed it once they were out.

"Are you sure this is far away enough?"

"Why don't you just try to have a little more faith in me?"

Sonata groaned as she adjusted herself on the couch. Wait a minute... Why did the couch feel like ground? And why did it feel grassy too?

"I'm just saying, the chick's house is right there-"

"Quiet! She's waking up..."

Wait... Sonata knew those voices. She opened her eyes to find herself outside, laying on the ground. She looked up to see Adagio looking down at her. "A-Adagio?!" She quickly got to her feet. "Wh-When did you get here?!"

"Oh, that's not important." Adagio replied. "What matters is that I've decided to take you back."

Sonata looked behind Adagio to see that Aria was there too." Aria! You're here too?!" Sonata smiled. "Oh my gosh! I missed you guys so much!" She pulled both her sisters into a hug, causing Aria to groan.

"Right, right." Adagio pulled herself away from Sonata and got the idiot to face her. "Now, before the whole celebration, we need to take care of something."

"Okay! What's that?"

Adagio smiled. "Those fools you've been making yourself acquainted with,"

Sonata's smiled faded.

"We need their magic."

Sonata took a step back. "What for?"

Adagio's eyebrows raised for a second in surprise. Had Sonata just... question her? "What do you mean 'what for'? We're going to get our lives back and make those fools pay for what they did to us."

Sonata hesitated before speaking again. "They... I don't think they did anything to us."

Adagio's eye twitched. "Think? You don't think, Sonata!" She said as she poked her in the forehead. "'They didn't do anything to us'? You're a bigger idiot than I thought! And that's saying something!"

Sonata could feel the pain from that night months ago starting to rise up inside her. "...What did they do, then?"

"They ruined our lives." Adagio said slowly. "And you two certain didn't help!" She spared a glance to Aria, who crossed her arms and narrowed her eyes.

Something clicked in Sonata's head. She remembered Adagio saying that it was her fault all this happened... and she also remembered what Rainbow had told her. "Th-That night... when you left..."

"Don't worry about that, Sonata." Adagio's crooked smile returned. "I'm giving you the chance to redeem yourself. All you have to do is tell us how those fools got their new powers."

Sonata's eyebrows raised.

"Oh, yes. I saw them with my own eyes. They didn't have those abilities last time and I highly doubt it was spontaneous. And I think you know how they got them."

Sonata glanced away.

Adagio nodded. "I knew it. Now, tell me how they got them."

Sonata bit her lip and looked Adagio in the eye. "...You're gonna hurt them, aren't you?"

"Duh. Now, stop stalling and just tell me!" Adagio demanded, losing her patience.

Sonata continued to look Adagio in the eye. She was about to answer her when something else popped in her mind. "...First, answer my question."

Adagio looked surprised again and so did Aria. Sonata was actually back-talking Adagio.

"You told me it was my fault that we failed. That it was my fault that we lost everything... How?"

Adagio didn't answer.

"How was it my fault?"

"...Because you're an idiot!" Adagio snapped at Sonata, taking a step forward as Sonata took a step back. "It wouldn't matter if I told you because your too stupid to remember anyway!"

The pain in Sonata's chest grew.

"Now, I'm not going to say this again! Tell me how they got their powers!" Adagio's eyes had that same crazed look that she had had that night so many months ago.

Sonata looked from Adagio to Aria.

Aria just stood there dumbfounded. She had no idea what to say; no idea what to do.

Sonata returned her gaze to Adagio. Fear swelled up inside her as she meet Adagio's crazed eyes. Something in her mind told her that she had no choice but to do as Adagio said. It was a part of her mind that had been with her for as long as she could remember. But this time, there was something else in her mind. Not just her mind, but in her heart. She remembered everything her new friends had told her. Everything they had done for her. How they had brought her into an entirely new world. A world different from Adagio's. A world she wanted to be in. "...No."

It was dead silent for a moment. You would have been able to hear a pen drop.

Adagio wiggled her fingers and crack her neck. "What did you just say to me?" She said in an eerily quiet voice.

Aria, without even thinking about what she was doing, tried to signal Sonata to run. However, Sonata was too focused on Adagio to notice.

Sonata gulped and began to back away, only for Adagio to step forward each time she took a step back. "I... I said no. They're... They're my friends. I'm not gonna let you hurt them. They-They've taken care of me-"

Adagio grabbed Sonata by the neck with both her hands and started to squeeze. "I took care of you! If it weren't for me, you would be dead a thousand times over!"

Sonata felt herself being pushed against a tree. As Adagio's grip tightened, Sonata found herself unable to breath. She tried to push Adagio's arms away, but to no avail. Tears fell from her eyes as Adagio pushed her thumb's into Sonata throat. Her body started going rigged.

"You owe me your life, you ungrateful moron! I gave you everything you ever had! Do you really think those fools care about you?!"

Aria covered her mouth with her hands as she watched the scene unfold in front of her. Something inside her told her to stop Adagio and help Sonata get away, but she was too horrified to move.

Sonata's world went dark as the oxygen left her brain. Adagio's words continued to ring in her head as everything went black.

"Why would anyone care about a stupid, childish, pathetic, worthless idiot like you?!"

Finally, Aria found her voice. "Adagio, stop!"

Adagio forced herself off of Sonata, allowing her to fall to the ground. She didn't move.

Aria was somehow more horrified than when Adagio was straggling Sonata.

Adagio took several deep breaths before kneeling down and checking Sonata's pulse. "...She's still alive." Adagio took another deep breath before looking to Aria. "Help me dust her off and get her back in the house."

Aria stayed where she was, still horrified by what had just happened.

Adagio glared at Aria. "Do I have to repeat myself?"

Aria took a breath and did as she was told.

Once they dusted Sonata off, Adagio carried her back into Sunset's house and roughly deposited her back onto the couch. "Lock the door." She told Aria as she passed her and went outside.

Aria locked the door and began to step outside. She stopped and looked back to her little sister for a moment before shutting the door and following Adagio.

The park was empty that night save for two girls. They both stood at a fountain where one of them splashed water onto her face.

Adagio looked at her reflection and watched as drops of water left her face and fell back to it's source. She continued to take deep breaths.

Aria stood by and watched Adagio with disgust. "What the heck was that back there?!"

Adagio didn't even glance at her. "I was teaching Sonata a lesson."

"You could've killed her!"

"And she would have deserved it."

Aria didn't even know how to respond to that. Sure, Adagio had taken care of them and had given them everything, but Sonata was their sister and Adagio nearly... "Well, what's the next step in your plan?"

Adagio didn't answer.

"Let me guess; you've been making everything up as you go along, haven't you?" Aria probably should've been too scared to get smart with Adagio, but she was too angry at her to care.

Adagio straightened up and looked to Aria. "I've made it work before and I haven't been wrong."

"You were wrong about Sonata." Aria pointed out.

Adagio wiggled her fingers and took a deep breath. She looked back into the water and got a strange look on her face. "Aria, come look at this." She continued to stare into the water.

Aria raised an eyebrow and cautiously approached Adagio.

Adagio backed away from the fountain and pointed to the water. "There."

Aria followed Adagio's finger and stared into the water, but all she saw was her reflection.

Suddenly, Adagio shoved Aria's head into the water and held her down. She took a deep breath as Aria thrashed around under her. "...One... two... three..."

Aria desperately tried to push herself out of the water, but Adagio continued to hold her down. She felt water enter her lungs and started to suffocate.

"...four... five... six... seven..."

Aria's legs stopped flailing as the world grew dark around her. Water continued to fill her lungs and her body movement was reduced to spasms

"...eight... nine... ten." Adagio lifted Aria's head out of the water and allowed her to fall to the ground.

The world returned to light as Aria threw up all the water she had just been choking on. She laid on the ground and gasped for air, thankfully being able to get it.

Adagio stood over Aria and watched her throw up and gasp for air with an indifferent look. Once Aria was through the worst of it, Adagio knelt down and grabbed one of her ponytails, lifting Aria's head up by it. "Once I have the magic, you can be yourself. But for the time being, keep your smart remarks to yourself!" With that, she shoved Aria's head onto the concrete under them.

Aria continued to lay on the ground for a moment before pushing herself up and leaning against the fountain's base, breathing heavily and wincing with the newfound pain in her head.. "... So, what now?"

Adagio thought for a moment and began to pace. "If we're not going to get answers from Sonata, then we'll have to get them from someone else. Someone who we can appeal to." That crooked smile of hers appeared on her face. "And I know just the girl."

Trixie awoke to the sound of shuffling in her room, which was actually just the inside of her mobile magic stage. She groggily sat up and pushed up her sleep mask. "Who dare enter tha abode of tha great and powertul Frixie?"

"Oh, just some old friends." Adagio said as she sat back in Trixie's chair.

Trixie blinked a few times to make sure she wasn't seeing things."...Ahhh! What are you doing here?!"

"Calm down, Trixie. We're here to negotiate with you." Adagio motioned to Aria, who stood to the side and didn't say anything. "We have an offer that would be foolish to refuse."

"Forget it!" Trixie snapped. "Trixie does not negotiate with vermin like you!"

Adagio wiggled her fingers. "Oh, but you haven't even heard my proposal." She gave Trixie a cold smile. "I take that you know that a certain group of meddling kids have acquired superpowers?"

Trixie raised an eyebrow. "Yeah, the whole school knows about it."

"Well, I'm curious as to how they of all people gained such abilities."

"They got it from the school camping trip. Some kinda magic stuff." Trixie crossed her arms and glanced away.

"But why them?" Adagio asked. "I think someone like you would put such power to much better use."

Trixie looked to Adagio as she felt her enormous ego hum in interest. "True, but why do you care?"

"Because we want to make things right," Adagio lied. "We merely wish to atone for our sins and I feel the best way to do so is to help you get the power you deserve."

Trixie found herself unable to resist. It didn't help that she was still groggy from being woken up. "Trixie's listening."

And that was checkmate. "You would put such power to good use, Trixie. Much better use than those seven fools. The best way to atone for what we've done is to get you that kind of power." Adagio's smile widened. "But I need your cooperation."

"What does Trixie need to do?"

"I need to know how they got they're magic. I need to know everything that happened on that camping trip."

Trixie thought for a moment. She didn't trust Adagio, but what if she was telling the truth? Besides, what harm would telling her do? "Alright, here's what happened..."

Adagio and Aria exited Trixie's mobile home. Adagio waved to Trixie. "Thank you, Trixie. You've been a big help."

Trixie watched as the two left. "You'll keep your end of the deal, right?"

"Of course." Adagio assured.

Trixie nodded and returned to her slumber.

"And I thought Sonata was dumb." Aria muttered as she rubbed her bruised head.

Once they were in a place where they wouldn't be seen, Adagio looked to Aria and smiled. "The geodes around their necks. That's what we need."

Aria nodded. "Right, and how do we get them?"

"A way will be provided." Adagio said confidently. "Once we have the opportunity, we strike."


Sonata startled awake, she looked around to find herself back in Sunset's house, though she still hyperventilated.

"Calm down, Sonata. It's just me." Sunset put her hand on Sonata's shoulder.

"A-Adagio!" Sonata stammered. "I was with Adagio and Aria! We were in the forest! Adagio straggled me! And-And..."

"It's okay. It's okay, Sonata." Sunset soothed as she stroked Sonata's hair. "It was just dream. Come one, let's have breakfast. We'll take your mind of it." She helped her friend up and put her arm around her as they went into the kitchen.

"...It seemed so real." Sonata muttered. And it did. Her neck still hurt.

Author's Note:

Aaaand that's why I added the Dark Tag.