• Published 25th Mar 2017
  • 2,767 Views, 233 Comments

Saving the Siren - King of Madness

Sonata Dusk loses everything and has no one to guide her. Sunset Shimmer sympathises.

  • ...

The Start of Something Bad

"So, you can handle Sonata for today?" Sunset asked Twilight as they walked down the hallways of the school

Twilight hesitantly nodded. "Uh-huh. I'm sure we'll get along great." She didn't seem very sure.

Sunset smiled and put her hand on Twilight's shoulder. "It'll be fine, Twilight. It's really not hard to find something that Sonata would enjoy."

"It's not that." Twilight rubbed the back of her neck. "I keep thinking about last night. Sonata just... didn't seem the same after..."

"Yeah, I know." Sunset admitted. "I'm guessing she doesn't take messing things up well after... what happened with Adagio."

Twilight glanced away for a moment in thought before continuing. "Do you really think Sonata didn't hurt herself in her sleep? Do you really think it was Adagio?"

Sunset sighed. "I don't know. I know it's not likely, but ever since I saw that bruise, I've felt..."

"Protective?" Twilight asked with a smile.

Sunset nodded. "Yeah." As they neared the Rainbooms Practice Room, Sunset stopped.

Twilight turned to face her. "You okay?"

"Yeah, just, uh, need to use the ladies' room. Excuse me." With that, Sunset left to take care of business.

Twilight continued on to the Practice Room and opened it up to find Sonata sprawled out on the floor with Spike sitting next to her. Interestingly, Twilight had been expecting them to have been in the middle of something weird. In fact, Sonata had been laying in that very spot in the exact same fashion when Twilight had brought her and Spike lunch. Although, there was no food lying around, so, obviously, even depression couldn't beat Sonata's appetite.

Spike turned to face Twilight. "Hey, Twilight."

"Hey, Spike. You okay, Sonata?" Twilight asked as she stepped in.

"Not really." Sonata said earnestly.

Spike walked over to Twilight, who crouched down to pet him. "She's been like this all day and she was same way yesterday." Spike whispered. "I've tried to get her to talk about it, but she won't."

Twilight sighed. "I was afraid of that." She looked to the siren as she continued to lay motionless on her back. Dream or not, it had messed the poor girl up something fierce. Twilight had to get her to open up somehow, otherwise, nothing Twilight did would have any affect on her. She had to know the problem to it's core. As her mind ran through her options, an idea started forming. "...Sonata, have you ever played chess?"

Sonata lifted her head to give Twilight a confused look. "How do you play a chest?" She looked down at her chest and started playing her breasts like bongos.

Twilight facepalmed, forcing her to readjust her glasses. "Not chests; chess. It's a board game."

Sonata stopped and looked to Twilight "So... not booby drums?"

"...No, not booby drums."

Sunset stepped out of the stall and proceeded to wash her hands. She looked down at her hands as she washed them and turned the sink off before lifting her gaze up to the mirror. And when she saw who was standing behind her, her heart stopped. That crooked smile. Those soulless purple eyes. That outrageous afro. It was Adagio. Sunset gasped and turned around to face her old foe. "A-Adagio!"

Adagio's smile widened. "Sunset Shimmer. It's been too long. I haven't seen you since... Well, since you ruined my life." Her smiled faded on the last part of that sentence.

Sunset narrowed her eyes. She had no idea how or why Adagio was here and her mind was drawing blanks. But, despite it all, Sunset's anger towards this horrid sociopath took the wheel of her mind. "That was your own fault! You were going to tear the world apart!"

"And?" Adagio asked with indifference.

Sunset slowly stepped to her right, towards the exit.

Adagio loudly cleared her throat. "Ahem."

Sunset looked to see another girl come out of one of the stalls nearest to the exit. It was Aria. The purple girl stood in front of the exit with her arms crossed.

Oh, crap. Sunset said in her mind before returning her gaze to Adagio, whose smile was really starting to get under Sunset's skin. Swallowing her fear, Sunset put on a straight face. "What do you want?"

Adagio chuckled. "What do I want? Well, it's simple, Sunny... You took something that belongs to me."

It took a few seconds for it to register in Sunset's mind what Adagio meant; and when it did register, Sunset could feel her blood boiling. "Sonata doesn't belong to anyone!"

Adagio rolled her eyes. "I repeat, you took something that belongs to me,"

Sunset's hands balled into fists as she gritted her teeth.

"But I don't want her anymore." Adagio continued. "You can have her. All I want is a little something in return."

Determined to keep her composer, Sunset focused on what Adagio had just said. "...And what is that?"

Adagio's crooked smile returned. "Oh, I don't know. How about... that little gem around your neck?"

Sunset brought a hand to the geode and began to back away again. She had no idea what it would do to Adagio, but it would definitely give her some kind of magic powers and Sunset feared what she would use them for. Sunset turned to look at Aria, who hadn't moved from her spot.

"You know how this is going to end." Adagio taunted. "It will all go much smoother if you just do as I say... and give me the geode."

Adagio knew what the Geodes could do. Sunset didn't know how Adagio knew, but she did. "...Are you gonna hurt my friends with it?" She glanced at Adagio in the mirror. She was rolling her shoulders and wiggling her fingers.

Adagio didn't speak. Then again, she didn't need to. Her silence was all the answer Sunset needed.

Sunset began to wish that she had gotten a superpower that would actually be useful in this particular moment. She couldn't let Adagio get her hands on the geodes, but her exit was blocked and, even if she got passed Aria, Adagio would be right behind her. Her hand curled into a fist. There was only one thing she could think to do.

Sunset swung around and punched Adagio in the face.

Adagio's head went back as she was knocked into a stall door before crumbling to the ground.

Sunset stood still for a second in shock of what she had just done... which was a bad idea, as she found out when she turned around and got tackled by Aria. Her back hit the ground with a thud and she looked to see that Aria was on top of her. Sunset tried to to push her off, but the siren pinned her arms down. Thinking fast, Sunset brought her legs up and used them to flip Aria over her. Taking her opportunity, Sunset rolled forward and stood up, ready to make a run for it.

However, just as she got started, a glance to the left told her that Adagio was already up. She caught a glimpse of Adagio's face before her fist connected with Sunset's cheek. In that second, she had seen that she had busted Adagio's lip, causing a line of blood to run down the psycho's chin.

The impacted caused Sunset's head meet the bathroom mirror, causing it to crack slightly. Dazed, Sunset grabbed onto the sink bar to steady herself. Before she knew what was happening, Adagio wrapped her arm around Sunset's neck and started squeezing. Realizing that she was being strangled, Sunset tried to pull away. However, Adagio refused to let up her grip and kicked Sunset's leg out from under her, causing her to fall on her butt while Adagio knelt down and continued to apply pressure.

Losing oxygen fast, Sunset grabbed and clawed at Adagio's arms and face, but it was futile. Adagio refused to let up. Regardless, Sunset continued to claw at Adagio until she ended up grabbing the siren's hand. Her powers activated.

"This is all YOUR fault! You and your mind-numbing stupidity!"

It's not my fault. It can't be! I...I won't accept! It was... It was Sonata. Somehow, it was Sonata's fault! I won't accept the blame!

"Remember all those ponies back when we ruled? Remember how they would grow old and die? That's what's going to happen to us! AND IT"S ALL YOUR FAULT!"

I don't want to grow old. I don't want to die. Not that... ANYTHING but THAT! It's... It's not my fault. It's not... I don't want to die!

"Don't need me? Aria, I own you! I control you! Both of you! Ever since we were born, I've been pulling the strings! Neither of you would be alive right now without me! You think you can survive without me!? You're a declawed cat in the middle of the jungle, sister! You better just hope that, in the future, I'll have use for you and decide to take you back."

I've given those two idiots everything! I've taken care of them since we were born! They can't survive without me.


That was long time coming.


What's that Sunset girl doing now? Wait... Is that Sonata?


So, those punks have accepted Sonata into their group. Which means, she might be able to access their magic. Which means, I can get my life back!


"Well, tell me about it, Aria. Tell me why this pathetic, worthless mortal life is better. Tell me how you're just going to refuse to help me. Did you forget who pulls the strings?"

How dare she! She owes me her life a thousand times over and she thinks she can treat me like that!? Okay, Adagio. Calm down. Once you have the magic, you can teach Aria a lesson.


"Don't be an idiot, Aria. Sonata is way too weak. The moment I call, she'll come running."

Aria should know better by now. Sonata is just a dumb dog.


"What do you mean 'what for'? We're going to get our lives back and make those fools pay for what they did to us."

Did Sonata really just... question me?

"Think? You don't think, Sonata! 'They didn't do anything to us'? You're a bigger idiot than I thought! And that's saying something!"

They humiliated us! They took our lives away! How can Sonata be this stupid!?

"What did you just say to me?"

If Sonata really just said 'no' to me...

Adagio grabbed Sonata by the neck, pushed her against a tree, and started strangling her.

"I took care of you! If it weren't for me, you would be dead a thousand times over! You owe me your life, you moron! I gave you everything you ever had! Do you really think those fools care about you?! Why would anyone care about a stupid, pathetic, worthless idiot like you?!"

I'll kill her! ...No. Not right now. Not until I have those geodes.


Adagio shoved Aria's head into the water fountain and started drowning her.

Ten or so seconds should provide her with an attitude adjustment.


"But why them? I think someone like you would put such power to better use."

This pompous narcissist can't resist such an ego stroke.

"Thank you, Trixie. You've been a big help."

And that's checkmate.

It all flashed through Sunset's mind in a second before her mind returned to reality. Everything was going dark as Adagio continued to strangle her. Her body went rigged.

"Adagio, that's enough!"

Who said that? It sounded like... Sunset's mind went blank as darkness took over.

"Adagio, stop!" Aria said as she grabbed her sister's shoulders and tried to pull her off of Sunset.

Adagio responded by letting go and standing straight up, knocking Aria into a stall door.

Aria pressed herself against the stall to keep herself from falling.

Adagio glared at Aria for a second before looking down at Sunset. She wiped the blood off her chin and lip before kneeling down and patting Sunset's jean pockets. Feeling something, Adagio pulled out Sunset's cell phone from one of her pockets. She smiled as she stood up and stepped away.

Once Adagio stepped away, Aria quickly knelt beside Sunset and checked her pulse. She sighed with relief when she felt it. She didn't know why she even cared. After all, it was because of Sunset that all this happened anyway. Perhaps, she just didn't want to witness a murder.

While Aria was stuck in her thoughts, Adagio texted a message on Sunset's phone. Her smile widened as she did. "Alright, Sunset. Let's see how much your friends trust you."

Sonata stared at the game of chess laid out in front of her. "This looks complicated." She said simply.

"It can be a bit challenging," Twilight admitted. "But that's why I'm here." In truth, Twilight 100% expected Sonata to not understand the game for now. She had a different purpose for this particular game. "The goal of the game is-"


Twilight was interrupted by her phone buzzing. She reached into her pocket and brought out the device to find that Sunset had sent her a message.

Twilight, something bad is going on. I need you to

hide your geode behind the vending machine nearest

to you. Don't let anyone see you. I'll pick it up later. I'll

message the others to do the same. I'll explain later.

"Oh, dear." Twilight said once she finished reading the message.

"What's wrong." Sonata asked.

"Oh, nothing. I just, uh, need to do something real quick for Sunset. Be right back." With that, Twilight quickly left to do as she was told. She had no idea what was going on, but she trusted Sunset. If she something bad was happening and that Twilight had to give her geode to her, then that's what Twilight would do.

Sunset groaned as she woke up. The first thing she saw was her legs... and then some rope around her abdomen. It took a moment for her to realize that she couldn't move her arms and another moment to realize that she was in a chair. She was tied to a chair.

"Oh, look who decided to wake up."

Sunset lifted up her head and saw Adagio sitting across from her, that psychotic smirk plastered on her face. Sunset looked around and saw that they were alone, which was not a good sign. "...Isn't this the janitor's closet?"

"Yes, it is. Fortunately, the janitor just happened to be absent today."

"...How did you get me all the way here without anyone seeing you?"

Adagio sighed. "It wasn't easy, but we managed."

"...Hold on. If the janitor isn't here, then how did you get the key?"

Adagio chuckled. "Picking locks is one of my many talents."

Picking locks? Sunset's mind went back to when she had seen into Adagio's memories. She must have picked the lock on Sunset's door to... Sunset's eyes narrowed. "You nearly killed your own sister! Both of them!"

Adagio raised an eyebrow. "How could you possibly know that?"

"My geode gives me the power to see into people's minds by touching them. While you were strangling me, I touched your hand and saw into your memories. So, now I know."

Adagio looked genuinely interested. "Fascinating. But tell me, can you still do that without your geode?"

"Why do you..." Sunset looked down. Her geode was gone.

Adagio chuckled again as she dangled the gem in front of her. "I can already feel power flowing through my veins. I can't imagine how much power I will have once I have all the geodes!"

Sunset's eyes widened. "No! No, Adagio! You don't want to do that! The last time someone had all seven crystals-"

"I know, I know." Adagio assured dismissively. "Trixie already told me about Gaia Everfree."

Sunset made a quick mental note to have a little talk with Trixie whenever this was over.

"That doesn't matter to me, Sunset. What matters is that I'll have my magic back. I'll have my life back! You know, Sunset, I'm truly glad that your friends have out so much trust in you. It's made getting those geodes so much easier."

Sunset could feel panic running through her system. "What?"

Adagio held up Sunset's cell phone. "I sent a message to each of your friends telling them to hide their crystals so that you could pick them up because of an 'emergency'." She then smashed Sunset's phone on the floor.

Sunset would have made a comment on how petty is was to smash her phone, but she was too concerned with everything else to do so.

"Right now, Aria is retrieving those geodes as they hide them in the place I told them to do so." Adagio looked close to busting out laughing. "I guess friendship has it's disadvantages."

Sunset's gritted her teeth. "You wouldn't know, would you? You don't care about anyone but yourself. Even your own sisters are just tools to you!"


Sunset had forgotten what it was like to truly hate someone. Ever since then she turned a new leaf, she had banished such feelings. But Adagio had brought them back. "You're a monster."

"And your point is?"

Sunset glared at the siren for a long moment, thinking of what to say.

"And you know what else?" Adagio continued. "I don't think their powers will work without geodes, will they?"

That's when Sunset remembered something that made her smirk slightly. "No, but we made a little arrangement."

Adagio raised an eyebrow.

"After a little incident on a movie set, we decided it was best to keep our geodes with us at all times." Sunset explained. "Of course, there may be times when we need to take them off. So, we had an arrangement: If there's a situation where we need to be rid of the geodes, but we feel that something is up, we absorb enough magic from them to get by for a while before taking them off."

Adagio scoffed. "It won't matter."

Before Sunset could retort, the sound of a door opened and closing caught their attention.

Adagio looked back to see Aria with a string that held six geodes on it like a necklace. Adagio smiled and stood from her chair. "Well, it's been nice talking with you, but I've got business to attend to." With that, she walked over to Aria.

Aria held up the geodes for Adagio to see. "I got'em."

"Good work, Aria." Adagio reached over to grab them, but Aria held it away from her. Adagio had a confused look for a second before scowling.

"I was thinking, Adagio." Aria said as she stepped back. "I already have the geodes and, therefore, I already have the magic at my grasp. Which makes me wonder: Why should I give them to you instead of keeping them for myself?"

Adagio wiggled her fingers and took a deep breath. "I'll forgive you for that one, just this once. Now, give me the geodes." She held out her hand.

Aria held the crystals close to her. In truth, she was tired of Adagio's abuse. She was tired as being her puppet and being forced to take seat back to her. These geodes were her chance to be the one in charge. She didn't know why she didn't just put the necklace on in the first place or why she wasn't do it right now. This was her chance. Why wasn't she taking it?

Adagio lowered her hand and gave Aria a stern look. "After all I've done for you... What do you think will happen if you do use the geodes? What do you think will happen if your in charge? You'll be on your own, Aria." Her tone was cold and dripping with venom. "I've been there for you your whole life. You never had to take care of yourself. I did it for you. What would you do with that power, Aria? What would happen?"

Aria didn't know how to answer.

"You're a lazy, impulsive moron. If you use that power, Sunset's friends would take you down before nightfall." Her tone took a faux sympathetic tone. "I'm telling you this because it's true. You know it's true, Aria."

Aria didn't want to believe Adagio. She wanted to believe Adagio was lying. But, as much as she tried to convince herself of that, she couldn't. Adagio was right. What was she even thinking? She was hopeless without her.

Adagio, once again, held out her hand. "Hand it over."

Aria hesitated before giving in and handing the necklace over.

Adagio smiled and let Sunset's geode join the others. "Finally." She tied the necklace of crystals around her neck.

Sunset watched in horror as the siren transformed.