• Published 25th Mar 2017
  • 2,767 Views, 233 Comments

Saving the Siren - King of Madness

Sonata Dusk loses everything and has no one to guide her. Sunset Shimmer sympathises.

  • ...

Fluttershy and the Siren

"I'm glad that you agreed to help me at the Animal Shelter today." Fluttershy said bashfully as she and Sonata walked towards said Animal Shelter.

Sonata gave the shy girl a smile. "No problem. I love animals and I've always wanted to go to an Animal Shelter. Or the zoo. Or the circus. Oh, and I've always wanted a pet!"

The mention of wanting a pet brought Fluttershy right out of her shell. "You do?!"

"Yeah," Sonata's smile faded. "But... Adagio never let me do any of that."

Fluttershy's excitement faded as well. "Oh... Well, I would be happy to help you find a pet some time." She assured with a smile.

Sonata smiled back, but it wasn't her usual smile. In fact, she had been acting much more... subdued than normal that day. She didn't seem miserable, but she did seem troubled. Sunset had mentioned that Sonata had had a terrible nightmare last night. She didn't say what it had been about, only that it was bad.

At last, they reached the Animal Shelter. Fluttershy threw open the doors and merrily skipped in. "Hello, all my cute little friends!"

All the animals immediately cheered in response with their respective noises.

As Sonata stepped in, her eyes widened in marvel at all the cute animals. There was a squee sound as a big smile grew on her face. "Wow!" She started running around the shelter and looking at all the animals. "Look at the animals! I mean, I knew there would be animals, but there's so many!"

Fluttershy didn't think she could have been happier. She had been struggling to find anyone willing to help her at the shelter, so seeing Sonata's enthusiasm made her feel all sunny inside. "I'm so glad that you love animals as much as I do. I'm sure you'll be a big help around here... Um, Sonata?"

Sonata had picked up a platypus and was looking into it's crossed eyes. "...Your eyes remind me of that girl with the funny eyes. Oh, your so cute!" Sonata tightly hugged the poor creature, who made a weird chirping sound in response.

Fluttershy tapped Sonata on the shoulder. "Um, you may not want to hug them so, um, hard."

Sonata released the critter and turned to face Fluttershy. "Sorry, but they're just so cuuuute!"

"Yes, but if you hug them too hard, you might hurt them."

Sonata rubbed the back of her head. "Oh... Sorry."

Fluttershy gave her a smile. "That's alright."

While the two girls were talking, the platypus put his fedora back on and used Doofenshmirtz's dimensional travel-inator to return home.

"Let's get started, um, if you want to, I mean." Fluttershy said.

"Okay, what do I do?"

"Well..." Fluttershy looked around. Knowing that Sonata's intelligence was... below average, Fluttershy wanted to make sure her jobs here were simple. She really didn't want to Sonata to accidentally hurt the animals... or herself... or her. "Um... You could... There's a... I suppose you can..."

"I'm sorry, I didn't hear the job part." Sonata said as she twisted her finger in her ear. She leaned her head to the side and hit it on the other side... causing one of Pinkie's maracas to fall out of her ear. "Oh, so that's what that noise was." She said nonchalantly.

Fluttershy stared at her and contemplated asking why a maraca was in her ear and, for that matter, how it fit in there before deciding that Sonata herself probably didn't know anymore than she did. Deciding to put that out of her mind, she got back to looking for something Sonata could do. Her eyes rested on the cat area, where the cats' beds and playthings were arranged. "Well... Could you, maybe, keep the cats busy while I clean their things?"

"Wait, you mean, all I have to do is play with the kitties?!" Sonata asked excitedly.

"Well, yes, I suppose."

"Awesome!" Sonata said as she jumped in the air.

Fluttershy smiled. "Alright then." She walked over to the cat area, rubbing her geode as she did. "Excuse me, but I need you all to move while I clean your area."

One of the cats meowed.

"Don't worry, Sonata here will take good care of you while you wait."

Another glanced at Sonata and meowed.

Fluttershy gasped. "Mr. Fluffbutt, that is not very nice. I think she looks good in those leather pants."

Another cat rolled her eyes and meowed.

"Oh, it will only be for a moment."

"Wait," Sonata interrupted. "You know what they're saying?"

"Well, yes," Fluttershy said shyly. "I gained the ability to talk with animals during the camping trip in the Everfree Forest."

"Oh, yeah. Pinkie told me that." Sonata remembered. "Sorry, I sometimes forget what Pinkie says because she always talks so fast."

Fluttershy giggled. "That's alright. A lot of the time, none of us know what's she's talking about." She returned her gaze the cats. "Now, please follow Sonata to the waiting room."

The cats obeyed and followed Sonata, who was shaking in excitement.

With a nod, Fluttershy got to work.

Once the cat area was finished, Fluttershy wiped the sweat from her brow and walked to the waiting room. "Alright, kitties. Your area is all clean now- oh my goodness!" Fluttershy's tone changed when she saw Sonata covered in numerous scratches.

Despite the large amount of cuts, Sonata looked as though she didn't notice. "Is everything okay, Fluttershy?" Yep; she didn't notice.

"Sonata, are you alright? Those are a lot of scratches."

"Yeah, some of them scratched me a lot for a while, but I guess they like scratching at the mooraku more."

Several cats were indeed playing with the maraca.

Flutter raised an eyebrow. "...Well, that's convenient. Anyway, as I was saying, your area is all ready now."

The cats quickly left to their beloved habitat, leaving Fluttershy to walk over and examine Sonata's arm.

"It's doesn't look too bad." The shy girl mused. "Does it hurt?"

"Not really." Sonata said with a shrug. "Can I play with the other animals now?!"

"Well, if you're sure you're feeling okay, I suppose you could play with the other animals while I clean out their areas as well."


"Oh, dear." Fluttershy just knew that Sonata was in for a rough ride. She prepared herself for when Sonata looked as though she was spent.

However, that didn't happen.

Fluttershy cleaned each animal's area and let Sonata take care of them as she did so. Each time Fluttershy went to retrieve the animals, Sonata looked worse for wear than before, but always had that hapless smile on her face as if nothing had happened. By the time they were done, Sonata was covered in scratches and bite marks, her clothes were covered in hair and dirt, and her hair was such a mess that Rarity would snatch her away and fix her up on site. Still, Sonata looked completely unfazed. Though Fluttershy would never admit it, she found herself theorizing that Sonata was so dumb that her brain couldn't comprehend that she should have been exhausted at the moment.

Once they were done, Fluttershy led Sonata to the vet office (which doubled as a doctor's office just in case) and cleaned Sonata's wounds before covering the deepest ones with band-aids. She decided to use the ones with cartoons on them. They were meant for little kids, but... Well, Sonata was practically an overgrown child; though, again, Fluttershy would never say that out loud. In fact, she felt like scolding herself for thinking it... even if it was true.

"I'm so sorry that the animals gave you such a hard time." Fluttershy apologized as she continued to bandage Sonata.

"I didn't think they gave me a hard time." Sonata said simply. For some reason, she started looking sad. "I guess just don't think at all."

"Oh, that's not true." Fluttershy with certainty. "You just... think differently."

Sonata glanced away. "Because I'm an idiot?"

Fluttershy looked at Sonata, who looked genuinely depressed. Was it something she said? Regardless, she brought her hand to Sonata's face and moved her head to look her in the eye. "You're not an idiot, Sonata. You're... special." She put another band-aid above Sonata's eyebrow.

Sonata didn't looked convinced. "I don't think so, but what do I know?"

Fluttershy didn't understand. Sonata was so happy and now she looked miserable. Fluttershy felt bad, but kept it together and searched Sonata's neck for any boo-boos. She didn't see any scratches or bites, but she did see something else. Something that sent chills down her spine.

Sonata had a bruise on her throat. It wasn't a bruise that any animal could have made. The print of it was like it was from... thumbs, as if someone...

Fluttershy gulped. "S-Sonata?"

"Yeah?" Sonata answered.

"Ha-Has anyone b-been... unfriendly to you?"

"Umm, no. I've only been with you girls and Spike."

"W-Well, you ha-have a bruise on your neck."

Sonata looked confused. "I do?"

"Yes," Fluttershy tried to control her tongue. "And it l-looks like s-someone s-stra-strangled you!"

Sonata looked thoughtful... sort of. "That's weird. I actually dreamed that I was being strangled last night."

Fluttershy's eyes widened as she looked at Sonata. "What?"

Sonata glanced away. "I dreamed that... Adagio came back... and she... strangled me. I... I don't wanna talk about it."

About a hundred-and-one alarms went off in Fluttershy's head. Sonata dreamed that Adagio strangled her and Sonata had bruise on her neck as if she was strangled. "Sonata, I think we need to see Sunset." She took Sonata by the hand and led her away, trying desperately to keep her composer.

Sunset tapped her finger on the table as she studied the board. After a moment of thought, she moved her bishop.

Twilight smirked and immediately moved her knight closer to Sunset's queen.

Sunset also smirked and moved her own knight, trapping Twilight's knight.

Twilight, realizing her mistake, adjusted her glasses and looked for a better route. After thinking for a moment, Twilight took the risk of moving her king.

Sunset, smelling blood in the water, took Twilight's knight with her own.

Twilight, sensing a trap, scanned the board.

"Um, pardon me,"

Sunset and Twilight turned from their game of chess to the newly arrived Fluttershy and Sonata.

"I hope we're not interrupting." Fluttershy said bashfully.

"No, you're fine." Sunset assured, though she was aching to beat Twilight.

"Well, um, there's something you need to see." Fluttershy sounded scared.

Sunset, not liking the sound of it, stood from her chair. "Okay, what is it?"

Fluttershy tapped her throat and nodded towards Sonata, who just stood there with a blank look on her face.

Guessing that Fluttershy wanted her to look at Sonata's throat, Sunset stepped closer and examined it. That's when she saw the bruise. Her eyes widened as she looked to Fluttershy, who gave a scared nod. Sunset stood there for a moment, a million thoughts swimming in her head.

Sonata gave looked between the two in confusion. "So, uh, what's going on?"

"...We're having a sleepover. That's what's going on." Sunset answered with a smile.

"We are?" Sonata asked with surprise.

"We are?" Fluttershy asked in confusion.

"We are?!" Pinkie said as she appeared from behind Fluttershy.

Fluttershy let out an 'eek' and jumped into the air, landing in Sunset's readied arms. "Oh, Pinkie, you startled me."

"Hehe, sorry. I'm just so excited that we're having a sleepover! Oh, and it's Sonata's first! Our first sleepover with Sonata! AHHHHHHHHH!"

Sunset covered her ears, causing her to drop Fluttershy.



Once Pinkie stopped screaming, Sonata rubbed her ears. "That hurt my ears."

Pinkie covered her mouth. "Sorry. I'm just so excited! Oh, can the others come too?!"

Sunset helped Fluttershy up and nodded. "Yes. In fact, I want all eight of us to be there."

Spike, who had been napping beside Twilight's chair, gave Sunset a look. "Ahem."

"Sorry; all nine of us."

Satisfied, Spike went back to sleep.

"Can it be at my house?!" Pinkie asked excitedly.

"Sure." Sunset answered.

"Oh, boy! This is gonna be so much fun!" Pinkie was so excited that she picked up Sonata by the waist and spun her around as if they were in a dance duet.

Sonata was loving it. "Wheeeeeeee!"

Fluttershy looked to Sunset. "Um, why are we having a sleepover at Pinkie's house?"

Sunset crossed her arms. "We need to have a serious group discussion. The reason it's a sleepover? Well, I guess I just have a bad feeling."

Fluttershy nodded in understanding.

The sleepover at Pinkie's place had been going perfectly. Applejack and Rainbow Dash were on their 54th round of Immortal Combat; despite Applejack being in the lead, Rainbow hadn't rage quit... yet. Fluttershy had agreed to let Rarity give her a makeover. Sunset and Twilight were once again playing chess while Spike slept next the Twilight. Pinkie and Sonata... Well, Sunset wasn't sure what they were doing. They seemed to have been having a pillow fight, but since when did pillow fights include balloons, confetti, and freestyle rap?

Sunset pushed the questions out of her head and focused on the game. When she noticed a weak spot that could have allowed her to take Twilight's queen, she hesitated. Twilight seemed too... calm; as if, she was waiting for Sunset to make a move. It wouldn't be surprising. Twilight had told Sunset of how she had been playing chess since she was in diapers. In fact, she had won several tournaments. However, Sunset had one advantage that Twilight didn't: she had played chess with Princess Celestia. Back when she was Celestia's student, Sunset had played too many chess games with her to count. She never actually beat her, but she had came close several times and even coming close to beating someone with thousands of years of experience is no easy task... except for the times where Celestia led her on on purpose to catch her off guard, but Sunset learned from that.

Not allowing Twilight's trick to catch her, Sunset thought of a trick on her own. With a deliberate smirk, she moved her pawn on the opposite side of the opening.

Twilight noticed that the odd move would allow her queen to take Sunset's pawn. Twilight smelled a trap, but knew that avoiding moving her queen would put it in jeopardy. She moved her queen and took Sunset's pawn.

Sunset gave a faux confused look as she scanned the board. Yep; everything was in pla-

Sonata slipped off Pinkie's bed and landed back-first on top of chessboard, scattering all the pieces. "Ouch... That hurt." Sonata said with a bit of deadpan in her voice.

Sunset gave her a dry look. "Really?" It was in response to both Sonata's statement and the fact that she had just ruined their game.

"Yeah, really." Sonata answered.

With a roll of their eyes, Sunset and Twilight sat Sonata up. Sunset winced when she saw her king implanted into Sonata's back. She grabbed it and swiftly pulled it out.

"Ow!" Sonata rubbed her back where the chess piece at been.

Twilight sighed. "Well, there goes our chess game."

Sonata turned around and realized what she had done. "Did... Did I mess it up?" There was a hint of sadness and possibly fear in her voice.

"Yes, but it's nothing to worry about." Sunset assured her. "We'll just have to... try again."

Twilight resisted the urge to groan.

Sonata looked to the floor. "I'm sorry; I... I didn't mean to..."

Sunset smiled and put her hand on Sonata's shoulder. "It's fine, Sonata. It was just an accident."

"...Yeah... An accident." Sonata didn't look reassured at all.

Pinkie crouched down beside the siren. "You okay, Sonata?"

"Um... Yeah." Sonata got up. "Excuse me, I... I need to go... do something... by myself... for a minute... or two... or three." She made her way out of Pinkie's bedroom, quietly closing the door behind.

Applejack looked from the door to Sunset. "Is she alright? She looked kinda... down."

"Yeah," Rainbow added.

Pinkie tapped her finger against her chin. "What would she need to do by herself for one or two or three minutes?" But then, a look of realization appeared on her face. "Ohhh, she must be-"

Sunset covered Pinkie's mouth with her hand. " Whatever you were about to say, I'm pretty sure it's not that. Anyway, now that she's gone for the moment, we need to have a serious talk."

The other girls and Spike, who had awoken when Sonata fell, gave Sunset their attention.

Sunset took a deep breath and made a mental note to keep her voice down so Sonata wouldn't overhear. "Me and Fluttershy found a bruise on Sonata's throat. From the looks of it, it seems like she was... strangled." Sunset almost had to kick herself to get that last word out.

The others, sans Fluttershy, gasped.

"Strangled?! Did-Did you say strangled?!" Rainbow loudly stuttered.

"Shhh! Keep your voice down; I don't want Sonata to hear us." Sunset said.

"Hold on, darling." Rarity spoke up. "Why would anyone do such a horrid thing to Sonata? In fact, who could have been the culprit? I thought no one else knew she was here."

"I'm pretty sure I would know." Spike added. "She's with me all morning and she naps right beside me; I would have noticed if someone came in or if she snuck out."

Sunset took another deep breath. "Remember when I told you all about Sonata having a nightmare last night?"

The others nodded.

"She told me and Fluttershy that, in her dream, Adagio came back and strangled her."

There was silence for a moment as Sunset's revelation sunk in.

Applejack was the first to respond. "Wait a sec, how on Earth can Sonata be bruised by somethin' that happened in a dream?"

Twilight thought for a moment. "Well, it's possible that Sonata did it to herself while she was sleeping. Sort of like dream walking, but... more violent."

Sunset nodded. "Yeah, that could be it... Unless, it wasn't dream."

There was another silence.

"Hold on," Rainbow held up her hands. "Your telling us that you think Adagio actually broke into your house and strangled Sonata?!"

"That doesn't sound very likely," Twilight stated. "How would Adagio break into your house and attack Sonata with the only trace being a bruise on Sonata's throat? How would she even know where Sonata is?"

"And, um, why would Adagio do that?" Fluttershy added. "I mean, I know Adagio is evil, but...Sonata is her sister. Do you... Do you really think she would..." Fluttershy couldn't finish that sentence.

Fluttershy's question was a question Sunset had been asking herself. Adagio was undeniably evil and was horrible to Sonata, but was she really so soulless as to try to murder her own sister? "I know it's not likely, but I really don't want to take chances. Besides, it's our only lead. Until we get to the bottom of this, everyone needs to watch their back and, more importantly, Sonata's back.

The others nodded in agreement.

"So, is that why she's been acting weird today?" Rainbow asked.

Sunset nodded. "I believe so, and I'm worried about her. It's like Adagio's influence came back to her."

"I'm sure, she'll be fine." Pinkie chimed in confidently. "I mean, how badly can a big dumb meanie like Adagio affect someone as strong as Sonata?"

Sonata held her head over the bathroom sink as a familiar voice echoed in her head.

You mess everything up!

You don't think, Sonata!

They'll abandon you!

Why would anyone care about a worthless idiot like you?!

Tears continued to fall into the sink as the words continued to run around her head. It was like someone was punching her in the chest, right in the heart. It was familiar pain, but not a pain she could never get used to.

She backed up against the wall and slid down onto the floor. She hugged her knees and continued to cry. She had to get it all out. She couldn't let them see her like this. If they did, they would get sad too and Sonata would have ruined the rest of their night. But that's what she did, she supposed. She was just a worthless idiot who did nothing but mess things up.

But then, why were they still taking care of her? If what Adagio said was true, why didn't they already abandon her? Were they telling the truth? Was Adagio really just a liar? Sonata didn't know. She didn't know anything... because she was too stupid, she supposed.

Sonata didn't leave the bathroom until she had ran out of tears and dried her face. At least, she wouldn't ruin the rest of the sleepover.

Adagio lowered her binoculars and groaned. "We'll never get those geodes with them keeping them around their necks; and they haven't taken them off at any time."

"Any ideas?" Aria asked with little interest.

"We need to catch them in a situation where they would take them off."

"Right," Aria rolled her eyes. "It doesn't seem like they would do that anytime soon, but that's just me."

"Shut up," Adagio thought for a good long moment. As she ran through scenarios, one in particular stood out in her mind. She smiled. "I have an idea."