• Published 9th Jul 2012
  • 2,334 Views, 46 Comments

"A day off won't kill you..." - Stormin Away

Just a little something-something I put together while the idea was on my mind

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Chapter 1

It had been a long day for Rainbow Dash, the cyan weather pegasus assigned the job to keep the remote town of Ponyville's climate and weather in check. She had spent the entire 16 hours she had been awake: Raainbow had been woken up at 4 in the morning due to an emergency protocol, and now, she was finally getting to bed at 8 o clock at night, which may seem early, but Rainbow Dash needed it. Rainbow had stretched her hooves, lifted the blanket off her cloud bed, climbed in it, threw the blanket over herself, and drifted off to sleep.

During Rainbow's slumber, a strange thought seemed to be ringing in her head: It was quotes from her 5 best friends telling her to "Take a Break, you just have to let yourself rest" by Rarity, "A day off isn't gonna kill you" by Twilight Sparkle. Thoughts like this seemed to bombarde Rainbow's dreams, but she fiercly shut these ideas away, for weather was a 24/7 job and breaks could mean danger, so not once in her life has she had a time where she intentionally did nothing, not counting sleeping. It took hours of fighting the thoughts away to finally hit real sleep, where Rainbow Dash's dreams turned into the null of random thoughts nopony can remember.

She dreamt through the long night of random things that happened to her, sometimes going back to when she was a filly or an obscure time she can never remember. This was until she fidgeted herself awake at a time unknown to her, but something strange she felt was that the bed she was not the one she had fallen asleep in. It had felt softer, too soft... Rainbow Dash knew something was up as she slowly opened her eyes. Once her eyes focused to the unusually bright aroma of sunlight, Rainbow surveyed her surroundings, to see that she was in what looked like Princess Celestia's bedroom. Confused, Rainbow nervously looked around for another pony in the room. Nothing but a few dressers lined next to each other, a wardrobe, a giant, fancy mirror, some makeup tables and the bed Rainbow was lying in. Rainbow Dash was all alone, but soon felt something else unusual: her mane didn't feel as scruffy as usual, it felt cleaner, as if it were brushed as she was asleep. She stared into the fancy mirror in the left hand corner, to see that not only was it combed and straightened, but there was a neat little pink bow tying it at the bottom. Her coat also looked clean to the point of shining in the reflection. Rainbow just gawked at herself in the mirror, her emotions conflicting between Disgust, Horror, Embarassment, and Rage. Why was she here? Who would have done this? And What was their cause?

After about thirty seconds of staring, Rainbow Dash finally made a move and decided to make an escape plan. The windows looked easily large enough to fit even the largest ponies, so it took no time planning how to do it. Rainbow Dash hopped out of the marshmellow-type bed and began to spread her wings, to find a nasty suprise, her wings were stiff like boards as if they hadn't been used in hundreds of years. Rainbow's mood dropped like a rock, "Oh no... my wings! How could they be... but I just used them yesterday!" Rainbow Dash screamed to herself. Soon, she began her regular stretching routine, but she couldn't even get one powerful flap out of them. She soon went to the extremes, grabbing her wings with her teeth and pulling them near to the point of out of their sockets. Even after a whole minute of that, her wings still were as stiff as boards. With shame, she just folded up her wings and lay on the ground hopelessly "Well I guess Ponyville's gonna have a bad day after all..." Rainbow Dash said to herself disaapointingly. All Rainbow Dash could do was meander over to the marshmellow soft bed and lay on her side until someone showed up. Just as she was slipping back into slumber, somepony showed up at the door,

"Is My Little Dashie awake yet?" A very familiar voice at the door called. Rainbow Dash despised those three words put together, but she was a little too tired to respond. Soon, the mare in the door trotted on over to a sleepy Rainbow Dash, "Is Ms. Sleepyhead doing just fine, or does she need a little something to perk her up?" The pearl white unicorn who Rainbow Dash immediately recognized as Rarity said as she held Dash's chin,

"Rarity..." Rainbow Dash said as her face began to show boiling rage, "Do you mind explaining THIS!?" Rainbow furiously added on as she showed the unicorn the bottom of her mane tied into a bow,

"I just decided to clean you up a little before I began..." Rarity replied,

"And if you excuse me, I'll go get some coffee myself" Rainbow Dash added as she stepped out of her bed and began to head towards the door leading out of the room, until she was stopped by Rarity,

"Oh no, I'll get you whatever you want, you can just kick back while I get you anything" Rarity nervously responded,

"You better not be trying to butter me up to go to the Gala, are ya? If so, I ain't buyin' it" Rainbow Dash stubbornly stated. Rarity just gave Rainbow her version of the stare, it was nowhere near as good as Fluttershy's, but it was enough to intimidate Rainbow Dash, as she just smiled and walked backwards towards the bed, as Rarity left with her eye on Rainbow,

"Just so you know, the gala was 2 weeks ago" Rarity said as she left the room. Rainbow Dash just sat on the ground, with her head and back against the bed. It reminded her of the hospital, only Daring Do wasn't at her side to kill time. Eventually Rarity reapeared with the coffee Rainbow Dash had requested, "Here you go" Rarity said to the rainbow Pegasus. Rainbow Dash grabbed the fancy looking cup and quickly took 3 large gulps. Rarity drove a hoof into the side of Rainbow's head,

"OW!" Rainbow Dash interjected while rubbing the spot where she had been struck, "What was that for!?" Rainbow added on,

"You shouldn't guzzle your drink like that young mare!" Rarity scolded, "You simply must learn some manners! Tell me, is that how you eat out and treat your friends?" Rarity added,

"Sssss...sort of" Rainbow Dash replied,

"well, today that is not acceptable, now I will be right back" Rarity said as she took Rainbow Dash's empty coffee cup out of her room. Rainbow Dash just layed back down on her side,

"Why is she acting like she's my mother all of a sudden?" Rainbow thought to herself. About a minute later, Rarity returned,

"Come on out Dashie, I have something for you" Rarity said excitedly. The cyan pegasus climbed out of the soft bed and began heading out of the room, anticipating getting on her hooves for once today. as she left the room, she hid the part of her mane that was in a bow, and although it looked like no one was there, she did it just to be safe. Finally, Rarity led her to a spa-chairs with a little tub of water at the foot of it. A clean, handsome looking pony was standing on the other side, with a cloth on his back,

"Why'd you bring me here?" Rainbow Dash inquired,

"You're going to get a HOOFICURE!" Rarity exclaimed as if she had a party planned for Rainbow. Rainbow's ears dropped as she remembered the last hooficure she didn't get.