• Published 9th Jul 2012
  • 2,334 Views, 46 Comments

"A day off won't kill you..." - Stormin Away

Just a little something-something I put together while the idea was on my mind

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Chapter 4

As the cyan pegasus gazed over the town of Ponyville, she thought of a raitional escape plan, but from how small the interior windowsils were, they only way to go through them would be to fly full force through them, and Rainbow Dash's were imobilized, hopefully only temporarily. Rainbow soon left the window and began wandering the room again, pondering on random things. As she mindlessly wandered through the vast room, she would occasionally glance back at the pink bow tieing her mane at the bottom, further taunting Rainbow of her defeat. Finally, after some pondering, the bow began to become an annoyance, so Rainbow sat back on her flank and began tugging at the bow. She couldn't untie it because the bow was tied so tightly that it would be impossible to do it without an extra pair of hooves, so all Rainbow could do was forcefully pull it until it slid off. This was easier said then done, as she had spent atleast half an hour pulling with all her might, but it had only moved half an inch.

As Rainbow was pulling, the door to the room swung open, causing Rainbow Dash to stop what she was doing and look toward the pearl white unicorn who had entered,

"Has Dashie thought about what she did this morning?" Rarity asked to the pegasus who was sitting up alert, as if she had done something wrong. Rarity soon came over to Rainbow Dash, "Got anything to say for yourself?" Rarity inquired to Rainbow's face, Rainbow Dash submitting again,

"I-I-I-I'm sorry Rarity, I won't do it again" Rainbow Dash stated,

"That's what I thought" Rarity replied as she started toward the side of the room opposite of Rainbow Dash, until she noticed the bow completely out of whack and the area where the bow was being pulled looked scruffy and horrible, "RAINBOW? YOU WEREN'T DOING THIS WHILE I WAS GONE?" Rarity scorned, Rainbow Dash growing frightened,

"Noooo..." Rainbow Dash replied, and for that, you guessed it, she got a hoof to the face, right where the first one was from early that morning,

"Well, young mare, if you're going to go to drastic measures today, the I guess I'll go there with you" Rarity said, soon taking Rainbow up on her hooves forcefully, then putting a hoof around her neck, and began forcefully leaving the room, tugging Rainbow Dash along with her. Eventually Rarity had led Rainbow Dash back to the sauna/spa room. There she said, "Get down, come on, lay down" Rarity requested, and Rainbow followed the order with a look of innocence on her face. Just then, Rarity had sat on Rainbow Dash's back and began to mess with Rainbow's mane. With Rarity's wight on her, Rainbow Dash couldn't resist one bit as the unicorn removed the bow, straightened out Rainbow's mane, and tied the bow back on with a very intricate and tight knot, then proceeded to grab Rainbow in the headlock that she had tugged Rainbow to the room in,

"Now if you escape this time..." Rarity scolded to Rainbow as she kept her stare locked onto Rainbow's eyes. Rarity slowly left the spa as Rainbow sat up on her hind legs in a long spa chair similar to the one she laid in when she got her hooficure. She just sat there trying to absorb what Rarity had just said to her. Eventually Rainbow's true self snapped back, and then she began growing the temptation to leave. Soon, the temptation grew too high, and Rainbow Dash got out of her chair and began quietly sneaking over to the main door, until an oh so familiar voice stopped her,

"Well I guess I DO have to go there don't I? And it looks like another day here for you, missie" Rarity said enraged as she began heading toward the cyan pegasus,

"What exactly do you mean by that?" Rainbow inquired, still dead in her tracks,

"Well, I was originally planning to let you go tonight, but since you decided to not even relax for ONE DAY and not behave like a young mare for once, I guess I'm going to have to keep you here for another day" Rarity explained. Rarity then gave Rainbow a quick, abusive swat on the butt and said "Now back to your chair" Rarity scolded. To admit, it did sting a little getting smacked there for the first time in lots of years. Rainbow just grunted and headed back to the spa chair, as she realized there would be no point in attempting to escape again. Rainbow just laid back in her spa chair and awaited further instruction. Finally, 3 ponies, each looking like the one that delivered Rainbow's hooficure, entered the spa area and saw Rainbow lieing in the spa chair. Rainbow thought about making a great escape, but Rarity's stare had rid her of the thought. Finally, the 3 ponies began to go to work on treating Rainbow Dash's eyebrows and eyelashes in stylistic ways. Meanwhile, as Rainbow couldn't see past the ponies working on her eyes, she could feel someone else putting something on her hooves. It felt like smooth, soft cotton, and felt completely unnatural to Rainbow.

After about half an hour of work, Rainbow Dash was finally allowed to move again, her eyes feeling wet all around, she blinked a few times just to regain her focus toward Rarity. Rarity giggled a little at the sight of Rainbow,

"Look at yourself in the mirror, Dash" Rarity said, probably the first thing she said today that wasn't in a scolding voice. Rainbow Dash turned around and gazed at her reaction, it looked very humorous indeed, as she had polished eyelashes for the first time in years, and even better, what Rarity was putting on her hooves were pearl white cotton socks, each with Rarity's diamond cutie mark on them. Rarity couldn't help but crack a smile at Rainbow Dash's appearance,

"Rarity... why'd you make me look stupid?" Rainbow Dash inquired with her cheeks blushing a very slight shade of red,

"Nonsense honey, you look adorable!" Rarity replied, "Now come on, let's go have supper" Rarity added on. Rarity then left the room through the same door that Rainbow Dash had escaped from twice, and began heading toward her kitchen. Rainbow Dash soon followed. Out of the corner of her eye, Rainbow Dash saw Celestia's sunset slowly dipping beneath the horizon,

"Do you mind if I head back to 'my room'?" Rainbow questioned to Rarity,

"Hmm, judging from past events, I can't seem to trust you being all alone just yet" Rarity replied. Rainbow's ears fell slightly,

"So what does that mean?" Rainbow asked,

"Well, from common sense that means you get to help me make dinner" Rarity replied. Rainbow Dash absorbed this statement and realized something: Even though she had helped Pinkie Pie make cupcakes, this would be something completely different.

Comments ( 10 )

I'm getting the feeling that there's something more going on here. Like Rarity is in all actuality Rainbow's mother or something and that's why Rainbow is unable to deny Rarity's mom voice. It's an instinct thing.

Oh and before someone gives me a lecture on the fact that Rarity was a filly during the Sonic Rainboom Rainbow caused as a filly and can't possible be her mom.

I'm not saying she is, I'm saying that Rarity is using some manner of manipulating Rainbow's instincts into thinking that she's Rarity's daughter and therefore overwriting her self control and such.

In my professional opinion I believe that the Ribbon is the key. Why else is Rarity so damned adamant that it stay on?

I really have a bad feeling about this story now. I thought it was probably going to be some sort of RariDash story, but now this is really starting to get into the creepy side here. Judging from the title, it looks like Rarity is going to kill Rainbow somewhere down the line.

I love this story, but Rarity's going a bit OOC.

I know that Rarity is stern, but she keeps going Canterlock all the time D:

I think you should change Rarity saying 'honey' to 'darling'


I think you mean Canterlot?
And you all should just stop worrying over where this will go and just let the author do his magic :trixieshiftright:

Oh shit... The dislikes are climbing sharply...



Capslock + Canterlot = Canterlock

I like what you're doing, but I have a couple of suggestions.

First, there are some pretty big grammatical errors. May I suggest a proof reader? Stumbling over something that reads as 'wight' instead of 'weight' really slows down the reading, as the reader must face palm first. Correct these things and you'll get a really big leg up.

Second, it would be great to see why Rarity is doing this, or at least get some background. Rainbow Dash is a prisoner, so I imagine it'd have to be pretty severe. We know that Rarity would like to see Rainbow Dash tidy herself up a bit, and put a little time in making herself more presentable, we've seen this in the show.

Finally, Rainbow Dash is phasing in and out of obedience. Trying to follow her transitions has been difficult. I think that better describing to the readers what is happening to her mind and body, before, during, and after this phasing so that there is no question as to what phase she is in would really help out a lot.

Don't give up! I wanna see what happens. :duck: :rainbowdetermined2:


It'l all come together in the end... I just need the mid-ideas to finish up Chapter 5 (God, it's taking forever)

Hold your horses, and hopefully I'll get it out before you all explode after waiting for so long

Cancelled, Well damn. At least this seemed to be developing into an interesting idea. Maybe someone else will take a chance and run with it?

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