• Published 9th Jul 2012
  • 2,334 Views, 46 Comments

"A day off won't kill you..." - Stormin Away

Just a little something-something I put together while the idea was on my mind

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Chapter 2

Rainbow thought about it for a minute, seeing as she despised having ponies working with her hooves, she disregarded it, until she thought to herself "Why not? Nothing else to do here anyway" and layed on her back in the spa chair, and soon, the pony standing behind it began the process of her hooficure. It was quite an unusual feeling, but Rainbow quickly began to get used to it. Now feeling some sort of comfort, she asked Rarity,

"You know... why did you bring me here? I'm supposed to be watching the weather, you know" Rainbow Dash inquired,

"It's quite a long story, but, I just wanted to give you a day off" Rarity began,

"But... You do know weather is a 24/7 job, if I'm sleeping, and a gigantic hurricane comes from the Everfree Forest, I'd get my flank out of bed and fight it, even if I'm the only one out there" Rainbow Dash replied,

"Well sweetheart, I know the weather of this town is very important to you, but you simply must get a break every now and then" Rarity stated,

"Oh I do, get breaks, I just spend it training" Rainbow proclaimed,

"Oh no, not that kind of break, but, I just want you to get a chance to relax, and not have to be constantly 'WEATHER WEATHER WEATHER' or 'TRAINING TRAINING TRAINING' it simply wears you out and some time or another, your just going to have burned every last ounce of energy you have left, so I bought you here just to let you relax" Rarity said as she began entering the emotional zone,

"Aww, that's very sweet of you, but... I've been living life the same exact way for the entire 10 years I've lived in Ponyville, it's not like I'm depressed or anything" Rainbow Dash replied,

"I know, it's just me and your friends keep telling you just to slow down... and you never listen" Rarity said. This left rainbow Dash silent for a few minutes as the only sounds in the room were the squeaking of the cloth cleaning off Rainbow's hooves, until Rainbow finally spoke up,

"Promise not to tell anypony this, including you" Rainbow said adressing Rarity and the pony giving the hooficure. The pony gave a small nod as he worked just to show he was listening,

"It's just... *gulp* I have to be number one. I know, I know, it's my typical self, but this is different, it's just that I can't be any less from the best otherwise, I just start getting depressed, and I think that everyone would just forget about me. It goes back to intense flight school, because when I was bumped up from regulars, I was just a little filly going up against huge stallions. I was only keeping up with the back, and those guys were slower than slow compared to the majority. So that's when I started with the hyper training. I trained with the huge stallions, and granted it was way out of my reach, while they were taking their break, I was out busting my flank on what they had done already. Every day I did the exact same thing, and I just refused to stop. Even coach told me to relax, but I just ignored it and kept putting myself through the meat grinder. I just couldn't stop when they stopped, because while I followed their schedule exactly, it felt like I wasn't getting any better, so I'd throw it all down every day until it made a difference, and it seemed to put the idea in my head that I shouldn't stop busting my flank, otherwise it's all gonna go to hell. Now, it's definately paid off, but... I just don't wanna miss a day and lose it all" Rainbow Dash explained. The whole room was silent. Even the hooficure pony slowed down his work significantly,

"Dashie..." Rarity said emotionally. Rainbow rolled her eyes at that word, "I don't know how to explain it..." Rarity added on,

"Hey, it was my fillyhood, what can I do about it?" Rainbow Dash replied,

"I know, I just thought you were obsessive... but to find out it rooted in your fillyhood," Rarity said emotionally again as she began piecing together something in her mind, finally she came to a conclusion, "Rainbow Dash... I know this may sound a little stupid, but just do me a favor, and just relax today, just forget about all this bullcrap going on in your life for one day, and just relax... for me?" Rarity said as she somewhat cracked a smile. Rainbow Dash thought a little bit and cracked a little bit of a smile to,

"Suuure" Rainbow Dash finally stated, uplifting Rarity dramatically, and then the two mares engaged in a tightly bonded hug. They held it for about a minute, and then Rarity let go and stood back,

"Now let's go have some fun..." Rarity stated.