• Published 9th Jul 2012
  • 2,335 Views, 46 Comments

"A day off won't kill you..." - Stormin Away

Just a little something-something I put together while the idea was on my mind

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Chapter 3

Rarity led Rainbow Dash out of the hooficure room and strolled slowly back into the hallway,

"You know..." Rainbow Dash winced a little as her stiff wings were jerked a little,

"Why'd you have to mess up my wings like this? I see the point, but why not just use rope?" Rainbow Dash inquired to the pearl-white unicorn,

"Because it would look just so unattractive" Rarity said, slipping back into her normal self,

"Like, who would want to see a young mare walking around with rope tied around her torso?" Rarity added on, leading Rainbow to what looked like a huge sauna room,

"I'll be right back" The unicorn said as she closed the door, leaving Rainbow Dash in the room alone. Rainbow quickly snapped back to her regular self, feeling a little dazed,

"What the hell just happened? Did I really just get lost in my soft spot?" Rainbow questioned to herself in confusion. Whatever it was, something had influenced Rainbow Dash out of her regular, slightly arrogant self into her mellow, caring side. Sure she had slipped here naturally a few times, but this one was forced onto her. By substance, magic, mind trick, or whatever, but something was up. Upon realizing this, she wanted out more then ever. With her wings still stiff, she tried finding an entrance to the back area. There was a small door in the side of a facade of mirrors and fancy decorations. Rainbow Dash quickly sprinted over to it, only to find it was locked. It felt really wierd running across the room, as the layers of dirt and skin that were built on by all Rainbow's years of activity had been scrubbed away from the hooficure. She just felt more disgusted at herself for not snapping out of it sooner. Furiously she ran to the door in which Rarity exited from and fiercly shoved it open. Relieved to see that no one was in the hallway, she quickly dashed toward the main area of the carousel boutique, the light of day seemed so close, only to be stopped by a scolding voice,

"RAINBOW DASH. WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING!?" This voice, whom Rainbow recognized to be Rarity scolded. Rainbow tried to fight it, but whatever was forcing her kind side onto her had already taken over,

"N-n-n-nothing?" Rainbow stammered to the enraged unicorn and for that, she got a hoof driven into her face, on the other side from the previous smack,

"Maybe you should start learning to do what your told young mare" Rarity scolded again. Rainbow Dash just layed down like a filly who had just been told off,

"Come on Rainbow, we're still going to have our fun" Rarity said back to Rainbow Dash. With that, Rainbow seemingly automatically got up and almost hynotically followed Rarity. Meanwhile, in the back of her head, voces kept on screaming "DONT DO IT! DONT DO IT!" "WAKE UP!" "SNAP OUT OF IT DASH!" "SHES A LUNATIC, GET OUT OF HERE!" "NOWS YOUR CHANCE, ESCAPE!" But Rainbow's current state of mind had shut these thoughts out, and Rainbow still proceeded to the sauna where Rarity was waiting for her. While the girls were getting face masks (without cucumbers in the eyes), Rainbow asked,

"Sooo, is there any chance I could come over for one of these again? Cause, after a little getting used to it's pretty relaxing" Rainbow Dash said in a perfectly normal voice, "SMOOOOOOTH" One of the voices in her head screamed,

"Of course! How often do you want to come, every weekend or so?" Rarity requested. After an abnormally long time of thinking for such a simple question, Rainbow Dash finally spoke up,

"Nope, I think I'm good" Rainbow said,

"How about every few weeks?" Rarity questioned,

"No, I think this would be good" Rainbow replied, "DENY DENY DENY" the voices in her head constantly screamed. About 5 seconds later, Rainbow's normal mentality snapped back into place once again. After a quick glance in the mirror to realize the state she was in, Rainbow Dash sprung out of her chair and zipped over to a wooden bowl filled with water and proceeded to dunk her clay covered face into the water, occasionally coming up for breath. Rarity soon sprung out of her chair and sprinted over to the crazed pegasus,


"You thought I would give in this easily..." Rainbow Dash said furiously,

"You probably drugged me up or something thinking I would just let you do this to me..." Rainbow added on, leaving Rarity speachless, If you're gonna be a crazy lunatic and lock me in this asylum, then I, AM, OUT OF HERE!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed as she took off on her hooves, heading toward the main are of the Carousel Boutique again, only this time her tail was stomped on by a pearl white unicorn feeling just as enraged as Rainbow, who then quickly turned the cyan pegasus around,

"Don't even THINK about doing it" Rarity hissed to Rainbow Dash. Rainbow fought whatever made her switch mental states, eventually drivng two hooves into Rarity's nose, forcing her off Rainbow's tail and proceeded to continue her mad sprint to the exit. As the daylight grew larger, Rainbow was tackled by Rarity once again, this time pinned by all four hooves,

"Well if you're not going to obey yourself, I guess some GROUNDING would do it" Rarity fiercly stated. There was no fighting it this time, Rainbow Dash subdued to her soft spot. After Rarity calmed down a little, she picked Rainbow back up onto her hooves then forcefully led Rainbow down the main hallway with a hoof held around the back of Rainbow's neck, so she couldn't resist. Finally, Rarity led Rainbow Dash to the room in which she woke up in,

"I'll be back, and don't even THINK about leaving" Rarity scorned, then left the room, locking the door behind her. Rainbow Dash just sat up against the door, still enraged from the incident, Rainbow Dash started talking to herself,

"That crazy unicorn, thinking I would give up my personality to her" Rainbow began, "Like what was she thinking? I would be her new child!? Why would she "Ground" me like this!?" Rainbow furiously questioned to herself, "She must think she's my mother or something, but apparently Rarity doesn't know me well enough to know that I don't need a MOTHER, or a " Rainbow Dash hissed, growing more irate with every word, " 'Young Mare' UGH" Rainbow furiously stated, "Well I'll fight to the very end, even if she kills me" Rainbow hissed again. Rainbow Dash continued to furiously bad-mouth Rarity for the events of that had happened that day. Finally, she got up on her hooves and headed to one of the large windows in the bedroom, where she saw the town of ponyville, ponies frolicking throughout the town, conversing and having a good time. She looked up to see some weather ponies doing what should have been Rainbow's job, "What's the point... It's not like I can fly out of here" Rainbow said to herself as she gazed over the small town.