• Published 19th May 2017
  • 478 Views, 2 Comments

Metasploit and Magic - Dunglord

Chance just took a $10 million contract to kill Sombra, but will he live to see the money?

  • ...


It took the duo less than two hours to get back to Chance’s apartment on account of just barely missing the morning rush. They parked their vehicles in the garage provided by the company that owned the apartments and made their way into the apartment. As Chance and Nova made their way to the apartment, Nova pulled out his phone and dialed Luna’s number, who had been informed of the situation prior to arriving in Gary.

Luna picked up the phone just as they entered the apartment. Nova dropped his duffel bag at the entrance of the apartment and stood near the entrance talking over the phone while Chance rummaged for an old router and two laptops, after a few minutes of digging around his scrap pile, he found them along with the corresponding chargers and power bricks.

He opened one of the laptops up and booted it up.

“Nova.” Chance said, getting his attention. “Go pull your bike up front, we need to get something before we see Luna again.” Chance said. Nova nodded before walking out of the apartment, leaving Chance to his devices, he quickly downloaded Wireshark on one of the laptops before shutting it down and taking it with him.

He grabbed an old duffel bag and placed everything in it before grabbing two ethernet cables and placing them in as well. Giving the bag a once over, he picked it up and walked out of the apartment. Nova was waiting on his bike for Chance, and started it up the moment he saw him. Chance sat on the back of the bike and brought his mouth to the helmet.

“We’re going to a shop that’s North of The Loop and East of the Mag Mile.” Nova nodded and revved his bike before taking off in that direction. It took them only 20 minutes to reach it, seeing as how Nova could weave through traffic with his bike.

The store in question was an electronics store, specializing in repairing and reselling refurbished electronics. Of course, Rami, the sole owner/worker of the store, didn't just do that, he also sold black market electronics and explosives. Signal jammers, pi zero knockoffs, potassium nitrate, you name it, he has it.

“Rami! Get your fucking ass out here!” Chance yelled as soon as he and Nova entered the store.

“The fuck do you want you shit head!?” A man yelled in response, appearing from the back of the store. The two men approached each other and bumped fists.

“I need an eight band signal jammer.”

“You’re in luck, just got a new shipment.” Rami turned his head towards Nova. “Who’s he?”

“Nova, aka Foobar.” Nova replied, sticking his hand out

“The Foobar?” Rami replied, shaking Nova’s hand.


“We thought you were dead.”

“People tend to think that when you’ve dropped off the face of the earth for over half a year.”

“Makes sense, anyways, come to the back, we can sort out everything there.” As the started walking to the back, Rami started speaking once more. “Hey Chance, word on the street is that Declan is hunting you down. Any truth to that rumor?”

“It’s kinda why I’m here.”

“Goddamnit, Chance.”

“I’m sorry alright? We just found a phone from one of his fuckface mercenaries and we just wanna have all our bases covered before we start digging through it.”

"This won't come back to haunt me will it?"

"I would say 'doubt it,' but they actually managed to snag us just outside Gary. Somehow they planted a tracker in Ohio, and I think they wanted us out of the picture before we came back."

"Fucking perfect."

"Yeah, sorry, Can you just get us our equipment?"

“Fine, fine.” Rami grabbed an eight band jammer and handed it to Chance. “I expect $500 in bitcoin by the end of the day.”

“Yeah, yeah, I’ll send it to you.”


“Where the fuck is everybody?” Chance said as they walked into a dark and empty warehouse.

“Gone.” Said Shining Armor, appearing from the corner.

“You sent them out?” Nova asked.


“Dick!” Chance yelled out, listening to the echo of his voice at the cost of being cuffed in the back of the head by Nova.

"Great, we hired an immature colt, fantastic." Shining muttered.

"Oh cmon, live a little! Anyways, where did everyone go?"

“Basically everypony here was training to be a sleeper agent in this world.” Nova explained.

“I've heard stranger, Reminder me to tell you about this one Russian I found that was trying to create a new drug of some kind. Blew up their entire operation and stole all their stock. Made so much goddamn money off of it. I sampled some of that shit myself and let me tell you kicks like a fucking horse, er, no offence."

"None taken." Shining said with a wave of his hand.

Anyways, we need to get to work.” Chance said, pulling everything out from his bag and hooking it up. “Phones, everyone.”


“I need your phones, digital watches, any kind of IoT device you might have on you. Including walkie talkies of any kind. I’m not taking any chances against Declan.” Reluctantly, Nova and Shining gave Chance their phones, he promptly shut them off and stored them away before turning on the signal jammer. He looked down at his phone. “Gentlemen, we are officially dark.”

“Dark?” Shining asked.

“Yeah, off the grid entirely.” He replied. “Nova, open up Wireshark on that laptop, I’m pretty sure the phone we got was loaded to the brim with malware.”


Chance sat down near the other laptop and opened it up before sticking the battery into the confiscated phone and powering it on. Once it was fully powered, he plugged it into his laptop. Seconds later, a terminal window popped up before closing.

“Woah Woah Woah, it’s doing… something funky.” Chance looked over, and his eyes widened. "Multiple pings to a server of some kind, and your laptop is probably comprised."

“Glad I brought that signal jammer?” Chance asked

“Yeah, I guess I am. Take the SSD and smash it once we're done here?"

"It's a burner, dime a dozen, would cost more to get the SSD replaced than to just trash it and move on."

Chance turned back towards the laptop in front of him. “Honestly, I’m impressed. Whoever Declan hired, knows their shit, seeing as how this phone was somehow able to deploy a BadUSB attack.”

“But can we get anything off of the phone?” Shining asked, walking over to Chance.

“That’s what I wanna know.” Chance replied, opening up a file. His eyes widened as he realized what is was, before closing his eyes, exhaling deeply and rubbing his temples. “God fucking dammit.”

Nova leaned over and started laughing. “Tentacle porn? Seriously?”

Shining Armor could only stare in shock at what he was looking at, eventually, he regained his senses, and muttered, “humans are fucked up,” before walking away.


“So what did we figure out?” Luna asked

“Other than all the disturbing shit we found on the phone, we were able to find a few useful bits of information.”

“What kind of information?”

“Sombra seems to be running some kind of data farm of sorts in a warehouse over in Aurora. We don’t know exactly what is on that server, but we do know that it is heavily guarded.”

“Are you suggesting that we attack it?”

“Not in the traditional sense. Chance and I will work something out.”

“Ok then, are you ok with this, Shining Armor?” Luna asked, looking over at Shining who had a distant look in his eyes. As if he had seen things that no man was to see.

“Uhh… Shining? Buddy? You there?” Nova asked. Getting no response he spoke again. “I think we broke him.”