• Published 19th May 2017
  • 481 Views, 2 Comments

Metasploit and Magic - Dunglord

Chance just took a $10 million contract to kill Sombra, but will he live to see the money?

  • ...

Deadly Psychopaths

It was midnight when a black STI pulled into a parking lot a mile from a warehouse. Two men stepped out of the car, They put on their bandannas and grabbed their bags before walking away from the car.

They hid away in the shadow of the night as they crept their way to a warehouse. Their suppressed pistols at the ready as they came closer and closer to the warehouse in question. The moon above them cast its light on the ground that they trod.

Once the felt they were close enough, they pulled out their laptops from their bag and set their guns to the side.

Their dimly lit laptops were the only source of light around them as the worked their way into the target network.

“I’m in.” Nova said Chance followed soon after.

“Thank God for IoT Cameras.” Chance muttered.

“You seeing what I’m seeing?” Nova asked.

“You mean the fuckface with the laptop sitting in the middle of the room? Or the ungodly amount of honeypots?”


“Most of the honeypots we can cross off, but we’ll have to be careful, anyways.”

It took them a while, but they found the correct server.

“Downloading everything.” Chance said. But just as soon as he started, Nova spoke.

“Uhhh, Chance? You might wanna take a look?” Chance looked over and saw the camera feed.

The previously mentioned man who was in the warehouse was staring at the camera, smiling. His smile was not one of sincerity, though, it was one of malice and bloodlust. The two could only stare in horror as the man picked up a walkie-talkie next to him and spoke into it. Moments later, shouting could be heard near the warehouse.

“We have intruders! Find them, and kill them!” An authoritative voice yelled out. “Move your fucking asses you dickless shits!” It finished. Right after that, both computers received a notification. It was a simple, network wide, a message for all devices that were connected to the network.

‘Now the fun begins.’

The man from earlier, with a sinister grin still plastered on his face, lethargically stood up and grabbed an AK-47 before bolting out of view of the camera, kicking his laptop over in the process.

Nova put away his laptop, while Chance hid away even more. The only reason they had won their last shootout was because their attackers were complete dumbasses, but these men were trained professionals, all of whom hailed from some kind of military background.

They would not most likely survive if they got into a gunfight.

The only thing they would be able to do is to hide, and pray.

But just as the download finished, a rain of AK bullets rained down on the duo. They scrambled for cover as bullets flew past them. The unnamed hacker, realizing he had emptied his magazine, retrieved another magazine and yelled out, “kill them!”

Using the new magazine, he removed the old one, and let it clatter on the ground noisily as he loaded the new one in, and pulled back on the charging handle. Giving Nova an opportunity to fire at the hacker.

Only to have the gun shot out of his hands, rendering it useless, as the lead from the bullet scraped against his fists. Causing a cloud of blood to appear.

“Nova!” Chance screamed, as his partner fell to the ground.

“I’m fine! Get us out of here!” Chance pulled out a smoke grenade and removed the pin before throwing it at the hacker with the AK. It landed near his feet before pushing out its contents. Giving them a chance to escape.

“This isn’t over, cockweales!” The psychopathic hacker screamed as they ran away.

They reached the car with the mercenaries hot on their heels. As soon as Chance started up the car, more bullets rained down on them, causing the duo to duck. Broken glass rained down as Chance to put the car into reverse. He gunned it out of the parking lot as bullets hailed over them, using the display just below the radio to guide himself out of the parking lot.

As soon as they were out of the parking lot and on the street, Chance turned the car around gunned it out of there.

“That was way to fucking close!” Nova yelled.

“No fucking shit sherlock! Who the fuck was the psychopath?!”

“Fuck if I know, just get us our of here!” Chance took his advice and continued to do just that.

The gunned down multiple streets for a half hour before feeling comfortable enough to pull into an alleyway.

Chance and Nova stepped out of the car, having just escaped death by a hair's breadth, Nova paced around while Chance opted to keep his hands on the roof of the car.

"Sweet Celestia!" Nova yelled.

Chance stared at the pavement while he babbled breathlessly, unable to find the words to respond to his partner.

His head was pounding every half second, he wanted the blood rush to stop, but he couldn't stop it. The sudden lack of adrenaline caused his legs and arms to shake with exhaustion. The image of Nova getting grazed by a stray bullet kept on playing on repeat in his head. The splatter of blood where the bullet made contact, the sparks of metal that came from the destruction of his gun, the look of pain on his face. It kept on playing on repeat.


And again.

And again.

Until it became too much.

Chance couldn't stop himself from regurgitating his previous meal onto the pavement, he couldn't move the hair out of his face. He barely noticed Nova rushing over to him and holding his hair back. He could only stare down at the vomit below him, mixing with the tears streaming down his face.

"Let it all out, c'mon, buddy." He barely heard Nova say.

Eventually, he collapsed onto the ground, falling onto his knees, as he stared down at the vomit in front of him.

"We're still not done." Chance heard Nova say, He turned to see the elderly man staring back at him, before gesturing to the car, Chance turned back towards the car, noticing the abundance of bullet holes and shattered glass. "We need to do something about that, we go out onto the street like that, we're going to get pulled over in a matter of seconds."

Chance stood back up on his feet, pulling out his phone. "Yeah, I'm gonna call someone to pick this car up. God, Takumi is gonna kill me when he sees this."

"You do that, in the meantime, I'm going to call Luna, she's going to want to know about this anyways."

It took Luna less than three minutes to get there due to her teleportation skills, however, Takumi took much longer to get there. When he finally did arrive, he did so in subtle style. From the Chrysler that arrived, stepped out a suited bodyguard from the driver's seat. He rushed to the back door of the car, and opened the door, allowing an elderly, Japanese man who held an elegant oak cane. His eyes were the most shocking part of his body, however, one of them was milky, rendering said eye blind.

“You better have a damn good reason for waking me up this early you shit head!” Takumi yelled with a heavily accented voice. Chance shivered in fear, knowing there was no way to get out of it. Takumi pulled out a cigarette, his bodyguard pulled out a lighter and lit the cigarette for him.

“Just, take a look for yourself.” Chance muttered, knowing full well he would be heard.

Takumi blew past Chance and approached the bullet-riddled car. When he was close to the car, he stopped moving. Nova and Luna stared a Takumi while he walked around the car, peering at it from every angle possible, until Takumi tossed his cane up in the air, grabbing it like a baseball bat, before swinging it into Chances stomach.

Luna and Nova winced as Chance crumbled into a heap on the ground.

“What the hell is wrong with you, boy?!” Takumi roared.

“Oh fuck.” Chance groaned.

“I give you this car, A turbocharged STI, for basically free! And this is how you treat it?!”

“Oh fuck this hurts.”

“Are cars some kind of toy to you?! Something that you can just toss around willy-nilly without expecting consequences of any kind?!”

“No.” Chance said meekly as he got up off the ground. “Can it be fixed?”

“You’re lucky most of the damage is mostly cosmetic. If it had been worse than you would be stumbling away with cracked ribs instead of just a bruise.” Takumi turned towards his guard. “Regi! Call the tow truck!”


“So that’s the famed ‘half blind drifter,” eh?” Nova commented when they reached the apartment.

“Yeah, you start sifting through all the shit we got, I’ll gonna try to sleep off this pain.” Chance said, collapsing onto his bed.

“Sure.” Nova replied, pulling out his laptop.

The two had been teleported back to the apartment, courtesy of Luna, after Regi and Takumi loaded up Chance’s car into a tow truck. During which Takumi continued to scold Chance, while Luna and Nova stared in amusement. Of course, Luna had taken the liberty of healing Nova’s wounds during Takumi’s ranting.

Chance closed his eyes and attempted to fall asleep, silently calling out to the Sandman. But after thirty minutes of tossing and turning at seven in the morning, his response from the Sandman was a ‘Fuck you’ as he opened his eyes in annoyance.

“God fucking dammit.”

“Can't sleep?”

“No.” Chance replied, rolling out of the bed. “Find anything good?”

“You remember the hacker, right? mother fucker is apparently one of Sombras Lieutenants.”

“Well, shit. Find anything else?”

“Yes, actually. The server In question has multiple records of both politicians and people in high places getting paid large amounts of cash.”

“You’re kidding me.” Chance replied, getting up out his bed and walking over to Nova’s laptop.

“I wish I was.” Was the reply he got, as Nova turned the laptop towards Chance.

“Well I’ll be damned, Senator Adam Booth of all people? Wow. He was one senator that I actually liked.” Chance exclaimed a tinge of hurt in his voice. “How many other.”

“Fifty House members, and twenty other senators, from both sides of the political spectrum. This is excluding other civil servants, of course.”

“Holy shit.”

“No kidding, I’m sending an email to Luna and several other Equestrian agents we have all over the nation, and a few in Canada as well. We’re going to need to clamp down on this ASAP before we can even think about targeting him directly.”

“I’m gonna see if we can find some dirt on Adam.”


“Hey, Nova!” Chance yelled, trying to capture the attention of his friend who was in the kitchen.


“Remind me never to use the password, ‘password.’”

“Why? Did you find something?”

“I guess you could say that.”

Nova peered over the laptop before breaking out into a smile, “Well, that sure is convenient.”