• Published 19th May 2017
  • 480 Views, 2 Comments

Metasploit and Magic - Dunglord

Chance just took a $10 million contract to kill Sombra, but will he live to see the money?

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"Just to clarify." The man from the CIA said. "We're dealing with at least 10 production sites, one of which is here in this state, nearly 50 distribution centers around this country. And they're beginning to ramp up production for overseas use as well." The CIA agent finished. All 7 of them were sat at a table. There was a laptop hooked up to a projector, that Nova was controlling.

"I should have destroyed that shit when I had the chance." Chance muttered.

"Hitting everything at once in this country will be complicated. But we can pull it off, provided we nail corruption charges on those who might interfere with this operation before we strike. However, hitting the operations in Mexico will be a legal nightmare." The DEA agent muttered.

"You can leave that to us." Nova chimed in "Provided we will be required to go, 'scorched earth,' as you humans say in order to maintain our secrecy." Nova said with a slight grin.

"Oh piss off, you've been living here for over 30 years, if anything you're more human than Equestrian at this point." Chance said.

"Sorry, couldn't resist."

"Getting back on topic here, There is one thing that we don't know. Where exactly Sombra is." The man from the DHS said. "Now I know one of our agreements was that Sombra needs to die, but you can't do that without knowing where the hell he is."

"Our estimates say he is somewhere in Wisconson, but we are not sure where exactly. However, we do have a bead someone who may know his location." Chance stated. "Nova, pull up everything we have on his accountant."

"Drew Finch, aged 38, MBA in accounting, known connections to the Italian Mafia, Mexican cartels, you name it, he probably knows it. We suspect its how Sombra was able to gain distribution and production points all across the country so quickly. If we can take him down, then we may be able to stop the creation of new distribution and production points."

"Is there any time we can strike?"

"As a matter of fact, yes." Chance stated. "Pull up his hobbies and behaviors."

"Hobbies, hiking, camping, skiing, outdoorsy stuff basically." Nova rambled. "He has a tendency to go off the grid for days at a time if his schedule permits it."

"And have you predicted a time he will go dark?"

"As a matter of fact, we've been monitoring his communications for a while. he plans to go dark starting Saturday night, which is tonight and ending Tuesday morning. He will be camping somewhere in Wisconsin. We know what campsite he is staying in, so finding him is no problem. If we strike Saturday night, we may have a two-day window to eliminate Sombra provided this lead does bear fruit." Nova quickly said. "In case this does not, though, I am recommending that our representative from the FBI comes along to potentially hash out a deal."

"I'm in." The man quickly said. "One of us should go regardless but I'm happy to potentially help."

"Keep in mind everyone, this is only if this lead does give us Sombras location. If we move too early, we risk tipping him off." Chance turned to the FBI agent. "We should probably leave soon if we want to be there in time."

"Agreed." Chance, Nova, and the FBI agent got up out of their chairs.

"I will let the rest of you guys decide what needs to be done, but all I ask is that you do not make a move until we give the all-clear."


Drew was a happy man. He had made it. More than enough money to retire, whenever the hell he wants, bills always paid on time, food on the table. Basically anything and everything he could want, he could have. But not even money can buy disconnection from the world for a few days, to him only something like the chance to leave society and not be found unless he wished to do so was what he considered a disconnection. Which is why he was surprised to feel the barrel of a gun pressed against the back of his head while he stared at the fire in front of him.

Instinctively he raised his hands into the air.

"We're not here to hurt you, we're here to ask you some questions." Nova said. As Drew looked up he could see two men walk out of the treeline.

"Well, I can't really say no to such a request, now can I?" The barrel of the gun left his head as Nova appeared into his view. The gun was still pointed at him.

"You can, but it would be beneficial for you to just answer our questions."

"Should I even ask who you are?"

"FBI." The Agent stated.

"And the other two?" Chance and Nova looked at each other.

"Can't tell." Nova finally said.

"Don't tell me, Equestrian?" Drew stated. Nova inhaled sharply at that. "Don't be surprised, Sombra made sure to tell me the basics of who is after him."

"So you know who we're after."

"Now I do. But there is only one way that I'm saying anything about him."

"We offer services like Witness Protection for people who are in your situation."

"And you think that is gonna stop Sombra?"

"It will if he's dead." Nova stated. Drew stayed silent for a bit.

"So that's what you want, fine, I'll talk."


[The next night]

The moon was obscured behind clouds as 50 soldiers with varying hair colors surrounded a secluded mansion, far from society. They all wore body armor and helmets as they readied their weapons.

"Scryers, report." Luna stated over the radio.

"Still scanning."

"ETA?" Nova asked.

"A couple of minutes."

"Ok then. Let us review." Luna interjected. "Our current objective is to eliminate everyone inside of the mansion up ahead. Leave no survivors, this includes any servants as well. Squads of two will cover every exterior exit and kill any stragglers attempting to escape. A squad of four will cover the patio due to its larger layout. Mission will being after we initiate a blackout. Scryers, report."

"Scrying completed. We have noticed there seems to be a tunnel of some kind that leads off the property. Probably an escape tunnel of some type, it's leading north."

"Understood, A squad of three, please detach from the current formation and move to the exit of the tunnel. Standard protocol applies, eliminate everyone exiting the tunnel. Is there anything else to report?"

"Yes, there seem to be a bit over 20 human signatures inside of the mansion ahead, and one magical signature. He's here. There also seems to be a safe room of some kind inside the mansion on the lower level That's all we can manage."

"Understood, Chance have you made any progress."

"Almost... Yeah, I'm in." Chance stated, looking down at the laptop. "Servants are armed along with guards, you're looking at wide-open areas along with small corridors, try not to bottleneck during this raid. I can't initiate a blackout from here, sweeping through the cams now- oh." As chance looked down at the screen, he saw a very familiar man sitting cross-legged, with a very familiar AK-47, who promptly looked up into the camera and smiled before grabbing his AK and bolting out of view kicking his laptop over without a care.

"Chance?" Luna asked

"Trigger the manual blackout."

"Chance what did you see?" Nova asked.

"Do it now!" An explosion went off in the distance, and all of the lights were cut off. "His lieutenant is here, he knows we're here now. Its the same one that tried to kill Nova and me, exercise extreme caution."

"All units move now!" Luna belted. Soon the sounds of silenced gunfire filled the air as almost every single Equestrian soldier moved into the mansion. Chance put the laptop back into his backpack and walked slowly towards the mansion, drawing his pistol. With each step he limped but made his way closer and closer to the mansion until he was finally able to enter.

"The Lieutenant has escaped. through the north entrance."

"Squad five, detach from the main force and pursue him, he must not be allowed to leave this place alive."

"Yes ma'am"

As he made his way through the mansion, he noticed that one of the security cameras was still on, he turned to look at it cocking his head slightly. Pulling out his phone, he noticed a new device that was somehow connected to the network.

"Squad five this is Greyhound."

"Greyhound, this is Squad five."

"Have you managed to eliminate your target."


"Understood, call off the search. If he's gone now, then he's gone for good."

"Are you sure that is a wise decision?" Luna asked.

"He's a slippery bastard, only can be found when he wants to, we're wasting resources pursuing him. He'll turn up in due time."


Chance turned and looked at the camera, making sure no one was present in the room. He stared into the lens as he began to spoke.

"You took a lot from me, you know that? After we tried to assault your compound in Chicago, I did a bit of research on you myself. Considering that I now know what you are capable of, I would like for you to take this as a peace offering. I may have called them off for now, but it'll only be a matter of time before someone finds you, my employers hate to leave loose ends. I would take this opportunity to go dark if was in your position."

The camera blinked twice before shutting off.

"All hostiles eliminated, setting up explosives around the structure." Chance began to walk towards the basement as he saw the Equestrians place explosives all over the walls. It was more than enough to level the place.

"Sombra has moved into the saferoom." Chance slowly walked down into the basement of the mansion, it was swarming with Equestrians who were crowded around a closed steel door of some kind.

"You will never capture me!" A voice from behind the steel door yelled out.

"Give it up Sombra, as we speak you're distribution and production sites are being raided. You have nothing left. Just submit and we'll make your death quick." Luna stated. she turned the rest of the soldiers and whispered. "Clear everyone out of here, I will deal with him."

Sombra continued to rave as they filed out of the room and back out into the moonlight. There was a blue flash of some kind before Luna walked out into the Moonlight.

"He has been dealt with, and is no longer in the land of the living." Luna said over the radio. Chance holstered his weapon and walked over to Nova.



"I guess this is it?" Nova asked.

"Yeah. I got a plane ticket to Switzerland with my name on it." Next to them, a blue shield encompassed the entire mansion before a large explosion filled it. There was no noise, just a quick light show, then smoldering rubble.

"I gotta go, my plane leaves soon."

"It was good working with you, Greyhound." Nova stuck out his hand.

"You too, Foobar." Chance shook Nova's hand before turning around and walking back into the woods where his ride would be waiting on the other side.

He smiled as he entered the woods. This contract had taken a lot from him, but he was a free man now. Nothing could top that.