• Published 19th May 2017
  • 481 Views, 2 Comments

Metasploit and Magic - Dunglord

Chance just took a $10 million contract to kill Sombra, but will he live to see the money?

  • ...


In the dead of night, when the moon was at its highest peak, an SUV slowly rolled up to a curb and came to a stop outside of a warehouse. No words were said as five men stepped out of the large car. Most of whom had varying hair colors.

One blue, one grey, one orange, and one green, all of which looked completely natural down to the roots of their scalps. Save for one man, whose short and naturally brown hair rippled in the wind as he walked to the trunk of the car.

"Remeber, this is a small, quiet op, silencers are a must, conserve your ammo. And above all else, no weird ass magic shit, got it?" Chance stated as he pulled out a weapons crate from the trunk.

"Understood." Shining Armor replied as he opened the weapons crate and pulled out an M16. Chance and the other two Equestrian natives also grabbed M16s of their own. Nova was about to grab one, But Chance grabbed his hand.

"Nova, you'll be running recon from the car. If you see anything fucky, let us know." Instead of letting go of his hand though, he placed a small silenced 9-millimeter pistol into the palm of Nova's hand. "No matter what, do not step out of the car. Worst comes to worst, just get the hell out of here and report back to Luna, understood?"

"Yeah." Nova replied, pocketing the pistol and walking back to the driver's side of the vehicle.

"Right." Chance said as he placed a mask over his face. "it's showtime."

<Five minutes later>

"Sweet merciful Celestia there's blood fucking everywhere!" Shining yelled out as he held his hands over the bleeding stomach of the orange-haired man in an attempt to keep more blood from spilling out onto the seats of the car. Shining wasn't doing so well himself either, his face was bloodied with a mix of his own blood and his partners while he gave rudimentary first aid.

"I think that shot broke my ribs a bit." The green haired Equestrian native gurgled out.

"Ohhh shit, that is a lot of blood." The orange haired man said as he looked down at his gut in wide-eyed horror. "I think I'm gonna need a medic."

"Don't worry we'll get you to a nice field medic, just hang in there!" Chance turned around and yelled out, his left arm was bent in a way that no arm could be bent without obviously being broken. "Get us the hell back to the compound!" He roared out while smashing his right arm onto the armrest of the car in agony.

"What the fuck do you think I'm doing fuckface!" Nova yelled out, going at least triple the speed limit in an attempt to hopefully save the orange haired man.

"GRRAAAAH I'm gonna kill that fucking cunt of a fucking unicorn when I get my hands around his goddamn fucking throat god fucking dammit!" Chance yelled out once more. Continuing to slam his good arm down on the armrest of the SUV in a mix of excruciating pain and frustration.


Chance and Nova sat at the end of a table right across from Luna. The Lunar princess looked annoyed, to say the least, her face was turned in what could be considered a permanent frown while she pinched the bridge of her nose.

Chances arm was wrapped in a cast, and his head was nodding about to the side as he often jerked it back to an upright position. Struggling in an attempt to not nod off due to the painkillers he was on. Nova had his elbow propped up onto the table and a hand over his forehead, blocking his hair from getting in his vision.

"I don't think I need to say how disappointed I am right now." Luna simply said.

"As if the arm wasn't any indication of how I fucking feel." Chance muttered as he picked up a styrofoam cup filled with coffee, bringing it to his mouth.

Luna's arm shot out and quickly grasped into a fist out in front of her. The cup chance was holding, for lack of a better word, imploded on itself, sending coffee splashing all over his shirt and hand.

"Goddamnit, that's hot!" Chance yelled as his hand shot down to his jeans in an attempt to wipe off the scalding liquid from his palm.

"Thou will be quiet, lest we make thine arm look liketh paradise as a result of what we will do." Luna quietly said, her voice dripping with enough venom to kill an entire city with one drop. Chance, wisely, shut up.

"How the hell did he know that we were coming?" Nova asked.

"I honestly do not know, I might have to consult with my sister for help is we cannot make any more progress," Luna stated. "Two of our best ponies won't be able to see the end of this operation that they've been a part of since the beginning on account of their injuries. And the other will have a large scar on his face till the day he dies. Explain to me why I shouldn't drop this contract and remove you from the land of the living where you sit?"

"To be fair, scars do get you laid." Chance muttered

"He's married." Nova muttered back.

"I just want this fucker dead honestly. And while you may be able to kill me, do you really want to throw $5 million out the window just because you got a bit pissy?" Chance said at normal volume this time. "Once this is done, I'm gonna take that cash, tumble it, and retire to the goddamn Caribean. Bastard shot up my fucking car and turned my friend against me." Chance said to no one.

"And whose idea was it to take your personal vehicle to a goddamn raid?"

"Oh, what else would we have used? Your bike?"

Chance tried to speak but instead found himself being barely able to breathe, a large amount of pressure was being placed on not only his chest but Nova's chest as well. They turned to Luna, whose hair was flowing with a massive amount of energy, her eyes were glowing with a light blue tinge as she glared at both of them.

"We sayeth SHUT UP!" She yelled, reaching Royal Canterlot Voice levels of loud. "Continue to bicker liketh foals and we shall dispose of both of you in Lake Michigan!" Her eyes and hair flared up even more at the mention of the lake, and the pressure on both of the men's chests increased to the point where they were practically gasping for air. "Do we make ourselves understood?"

"Yes." Chance gasped out. She snorted and her hair went back down to its normal position, and in a blink, her eyes returned to their starry blue.

"Good. Now go home and rest, we'll call you if you're needed."

Chance stood up and glared at Luna.

"You do that again, and I'm ending the contract." He turned to Nova. "Cmon, you're driving." Nova silently got up and walked with Chance out the warehouse and into the rental car that Takumi provided for Chance.

"Where to?" Nova said, adjusting the seat and starting up the car.

"Fuck if I know, anywhere but here sounds pretty good."


Chance stared down at the box of nachos and cheese in front of him, he looked up at Nova who was in the middle of devouring his first quesadilla.

"You know, when I said, 'anywhere but here,' I didn't mean fucking Taco Bell."

"Oh lighten up, its been months since I've visited one."

"Yeah, dropping off the face of the earth has that consequence." Chance said, Picking up a nacho and sticking it in his mouth. "So, that whole light show with luna and the ye olde speak, what the hell was that?" Nova sighed and put down his quesadilla, taking a sip of his soda.

"Did they change the formula for Baja Blast or something?"


"Right, sorry." He put the drink down and looked at Chance. "So around a thousand years ago, Luna was corrupted by a dark spirit, and transformed into a being called Nightmare Moon."

"That doesn't sound good."

"No, it wasn't. It preyed on her insecurities of how the ponies of Equestria favored her sister's daylight instead of her moonlight. As a result, Princess Celestia used something called the 'Elements of Harmony' To seal her away on the moon for 1000 years in what was a futile attempt to break the spirit that had taken hold. Then after she broke out a thousand year later, the new bearers of the elements were able to free her fully, reverting her back to her normal form, freeing her from the dark spirit."

"And I'm guessing the olde speak was because that's how Equestria normally spoke before she was banished."


They sat in silence a few minutes more, before Chance spoke once more.

"None of this makes sense though."

"Magic, Chance."

"No, not that. How we keep getting blindsided by Sombra. First, they managed to snag us in Ohio, then the failed raid a couple of days ago, and now tonight. It's almost like they know what we're... planning..." Chance trailed off and looked at Nova, who had stopped mid-chew to stare at him. He slowly swallowed his food and pulled out his cellphone.

"Luna? How fast can you get here?" Nova asked. Chance saw a small flash of blue outside the window, the door opened a few moments later, and in walked none other than the Lunar Goddess, dressed in a black leather jacket, and blue jeans. She spotted Nova and Chance and began walking to them. When she sat down, Nova offered her one of his spare quesadillas which she took with a quick thank you before digging in.

"So what did you call me here for?" Chance looked around to make sure no one was listening and dropped his voice to a whisper.

"You might have a mole within your operation."


"First Ohio, Then the first raid, now this."

"And that's the pattern you're going with?"


"Very well, I think it may be time to lay down bait and wait for a time to strike." She looked down at the quesadilla and back at Nova. "This is really good, can I take this with me?"

"By all means."

"Many thanks. Well, I should be off, Sister will want to know of this." She stood up and continued to chow down on the food, as soon as the door of the taco bell shut behind her, she disappeared in a small flash of light.


After they finished eating, the duo made their way to Chance's house, Nova sat himself down at Chances computer and began working on a plan to weed out their potential mole, while Chance sat on his couch in front of his TV.

"Hey, Nova?"


"What's Equestria like?"

"A question like that has many answers, but I suppose I can tell you that it's nowhere near as violent as Earth is."



"If that's the case why did they send you here decades ago then?"

"The Canterlot Research Institue stumbled upon this word a couple centuries ago actually. They've been sending in sleeper agents and whatnot ever since, I just so happened to be one of the select few that were given the opportunity to visit a new world filled with new tech. And let me tell you, I wish bulletin board systems were still prevalent. Now everything is done over chat or forums, and that's boring as shit."

"And what, BBS systems aren't boring?"

"Hell no, they had games and shit."

"Yeah, text-based games."

Before Nova could retort, however, The door to Chances small apartment burst open. The duo instinctively pulled out their weapons and began firing on the intruders.

"Shit!" Nova yelled. None of them noticed a grenade roll just feet away from Chance. The resulting explosion flung chance out his second-story apartment through the window and onto the pavement of the alleyway below him. He laid in a crumpled heap next to a dumpster as he tried to push his body up off the ground, fading in and out of consciousness due to the pain.

"Chance!" He heard Nova yell, Pushing himself up, he saw Nova bolt down the alleyway. "Chance! Hang in there!"

"Nova." He muttered. "How are you still alive?" He asked one Nova came close. Nova began to pick up Chance, propping one of Chances arms over his shoulder, helping him walk out of the alleyway.

"They're a bunch of dipshits that run in gun first, it was like a fucking shooting gallery, cmon, let's get you out of here."

Their escape was thwarted due to the fact that multiple Humvees screeched to a halt outside of the alleyway. Men burst from the vehicles, arms at the ready to cut down their target.

"Ah shit." Nova muttered pulling out his own gun and aiming it at the goons hellbent on killing the duo. But his efforts were quickly cut down due to a bright blue flash that appeared just in front of them. Luna was floating in the air, her arm stretched out towards the goons. She curled her hand into a fist, and both Chance and Nova noticed the gravity around them increase.

The goons crumped with a scream as their bones gave out suddenly. The Humvees they arrived in crumpled due to the sheer amount of gravity that was dragging them down, eventually exploding in a fireball.

'An actual deus ex machina, just my luck.' Chance thought to himself as he saw the woman, Her hair seemed to be flowing with energy. The fire casting a large shadow. The only thing that confirmed that She was Luna was the flowing hair and the blue eyes that glowed as bright as a sun. Before he passed out, He saw her raise her hand at them and form it into a fist before a blue flash of light consumed both him and Nova.

Author's Note:

I'm not dead yet.

maybe I'll update this story, maybe I wont.

Probably will though, but it'll be inconsistent as fuck.