• Published 6th Jul 2017
  • 11,091 Views, 415 Comments

Phoenix Rising - Foals Errand

  • ...

Chapter Four

Celestia’s eyelids twitched as a familiar smell invaded her nostrils. She took a sniff, her mind slowly waking up to see Luna standing in front of her. She held out a mug of coffee, a sad smile on her lips as her hair fell into her eyes.

Celestia stretched before reaching out for the mug and cradling it in her hands and taking a sip. She sighed as the hot liquid flowed down her throat and slowly waking her up . She placed the mug down on the floor. “What time is it?” she asked, her voice low so not awaken the fitfully-sleeping teenager across the room.

Luna pulled her cellphone out and hummed. “Early, still. I noticed we are basically out of everything food wise.”

Celestia frowned. “Can I trust you to go out and get healthy breakfast foods?” She picked her coffee back up as Luna rolled her eyes.

“Yes, Mother, healthy breakfast foods. I got it.” Luna hesitated for a few seconds. “So I uh… looked at Sunset’s paperwork. You are listed as guardian.”

Celestia paused, lifting an eyebrow patiently.

“Well, obviously that means Miss. Shimmer will be staying with us for the long run?” Luna put her cellphone back in her jeans pocket, obviously having not changed out of them after having to clean the blood up last night.

“Thats right, at least until that portal reopens.” And not until I am somehow able to speak to my doppelganger. Celestia took another large swallow of her coffee.

Luna hmmed “Well, what about her suspension? With her injuries, I don’t think it’s a good idea for her to stay alone.”

“And I agree, Luna. Sunset needs someone here with her. So I was thinking that you…” Celestia saw Luna firmly shake her head.

“Your paperwork, Tia. I have my own to deal with, so there is no way you get to dump that on me. Besides I’m not authorised to act as main principal yet.” Luna glanced across the room towards where Sunset let out a small whine, her leg kicking out “And in case you plan to go to work and leave me home instead… I do not feel it would be a good idea for her and I to be left alone. There is still... “

“I understand Luna, and no I was not thinking anything like that. In fact I plan to call our niece later this morning and invite them over for dinner. I’m sure the two of us can figure something that the Superintendent can live with.” Celestia sighed. “Now here, go get breakfast foods. Eggs, pancake mix, you know that sort of stuff.”

“Righto, Chinese takeout for dinner then?” Luna rifled in Celestia’s purse for cash.

“Yes, I think that’ll be fine. Now get going and remember I like pulp in my orange juice.” Celestia shooed her off and sighed. She leaned back, sipping her coffee and watching Sunset sleep. Is it my imagination or does she look like she’s having a puppy dream? She crept closer to see that Sunset was in fact moving her legs and arms as if running.

Celestia frowned, touching Sunset’s tousled sweaty hair and running her fingers through it, marveling at the feel. There is so little I know about you yet Sunset, but, I do know this. There is no longer any need for you to run away.

Celestia pulled the chair up closer to the bed and sat down, taking Sunset’s hand in her own. Sunset’s running motion slowed and Celestia just sat there holding her hand.

Luna frowned at the box of pancake mix as she mixed enough for the three of them to eat. Tia, I just don’t know about this… She glanced back towards the guest room, now Shimmer’s room, and sighed. Her lips pursed into a line as she threw the bacon and sausage into a pan. Maybe this will wake her up.

Celestia watched as Sunset began to twitch, her nose crinkling as her eyes opened. Celestia forced herself to swallow hard as she looked into Sunset’s eyes Oh, sweetheart… Where yesterday her eyes had shined with assertiveness and confidence, today they were empty. Filled with fear. She looks like one of those caged animals which has just been let go back into the wild… so afraid to leave the cage.

“Good morning, Sunset. How are you feeling?” Celestia continued, stroking the back of Sunset’s thumb.

“I…” Sunset looked away, biting her lip “I hurt a bit.” She ignored the loud growling coming from her own belly. “My back feels like it’s on fire…”

Celestia nodded. “Do you want some tylenol or something stronger?”

“Whatever is available I mean…” Sunset considered, pulling her hand back even though she really didn’t want to.

“Doctor Simmons gave me a few doses of vicodin to help you through. Have you ever taken that before?” Celestia smiled, pulling her hand back and feeling Sunset’s grip tighten before releasing.

“No, I mean I don’t think so… when I had my first cycle I convinced one of the seniors to give me a few pills for pain…” Sunset said as she sat up, wincing.

“Well, let’s try half a pill then. Alright?” Celestia smiled as Sunset nodded after a few moments of thought.

“Alright. I’m going to get you a t-shirt to put on and the pill. You can take it with your breakfast.” Celestia stood up. “Do you like coffee?”

“I um, yes when I can get coffee I enjoy it. I mean it’s not often but…” Sunset rubbed the comforter that covered her lap.

“Of course. I’ll be right back.” Celestia left the room and headed to her room Once there, she dug in her dresser for a shirt for Sunset. After a few seconds of search she found one of her old soccer jerseys. Well, it’s not perfect but it’ll do. She smiled, taking in the blue and yellow jersey ‘Wondercolts’ spelled out on the front and the name Everfree above the number eleven on the back. She shook her head, freeing her mind from old memories both good and bad before taking the shirt back to Sunset. “Here, this should work, Sunset.”

Sunset took the shirt, pulling it on slowly over her head. “Thank you…”

Celestia frowned while Sunset looked away. So sedate… A smile was back on her lips by the time Sunset turned back to look at her. “I bet you’re hungry, hmm? Last night was… Well! Anyway come on Luna should be done cooking.” Celestia offered her hand to help Sunset up, who took it, trembling.

“L-Luna? You mean the Vice Principal?” Sunset asked after a few moments, her top teeth biting into her lip as she stood up, wincing,.

“That’s right. Her room is the first one when you go up the stairs. Ah, I should probably warn you not to go into there unless she specifically lets you in or tells you to go in there.” Celestia shrugged. “She's a bit private about her room.”

“I-I understand. Not a problem, Principal Celestia,” Sunset squeaked out after a moment, her thoughts back in the past where she had tried to find out all she could about Nightmare Moon. I sure don’t want Vice Principal Luna angry at me…

After a moment Sunset followed Celestia out of the bedroom to a dining room where Luna was placing the last platter of food on it. “A dining room table?”

“Normally Luna and I eat at the bar but it’s not really proper with three people eating.” Celestia smiled before sitting down, encouraging Sunset to do the same which she did after a moment. She tried to ignore the look Luna was giving her as she stared down at the table.

“Here. Eat all you want, Shimmer.” Luna set the full plate in front of Sunset, causing the teenager to look up and immediately panic.

The plate was full of food. There was a stack of three pancakes with butter melting on them, scrambled eggs with just the right amount of salt and pepper, and hash browns steaming and crispy. All of that caused Sunset’s stomach to growl even louder. But then she saw them on the side of the plate-two strips of crunchy bacon and two sausage links. She bit her lip. WhatdoIdo? WhatdoIdo? Sunset wasn’t even certain that her hosts understood she wasn’t human, not to mention mostly vegetarian. It was different when she had no choice but…

Celestia frowned as Sunset stared at the plate like she was a deer in the headlights of her SUV. Or a pony… Celestia mentally groaned as she realized what was going on. She poured Sunset a small cup of coffee and smiled, removing the pork from Sunset’s plate “Sunset, if you don’t like something you can tell us. We won’t get upset. Right, Lu?”

Luna looked up, having just taken a large bite of bacon, and shrugged. “If Shimmer is unable to understand the glory that is bacon that’s no skin off my nose. Simply means more for me, then!” And with that she snatched the the two strips from Celestia, placing them on her own plate.

“Sunset, if you are a vegetarian that is just fine. We’ll just make certain you take a good multivitamin to help make up for some of the nutrients you aren’t getting.” Celestia placed the half pill of vicodin next to Sunset’s glass of orange juice.

“You are not vegan, are you, Shimmer? That would be very difficult in this house.” Luna licked her lips, taking another large bite of bacon as Sunset placed the pill on her tongue and swallowed it down with a gulp of orange juice

“A vegan, ah no, not to worry. I’m not even really entirely vegetarian. I mean I like fish… shellfish shrimp things like that. I also like chicken it’s mostly just…”

Celestia hummed “Animals with hooves?”

Sunset hesitated and nodded. “Basically. But I mean if that's all there is to eat I’ll eat it!”

Celestia rested a hand on Sunset’s arm. “You don’t have to worry about that, alright? Luna and I will make certain that there is something you feel comfortable eating anytime you are hungry. Right, Luna?”

Luna nodded once before turning back to her own breakfast as Celestia sighed. “Sunset, does it bother you if Luna or I eat meat?” She blinked as Sunset shook her head rapidly.

“Noo, I mean I’m so used to it by now. I’m not going to look down on anyone for what they are eating… I mean not anymore…” Sunset trailed off as she slowly, politely, began to eat her breakfast. The only sounds were that of fork tines scraping the plates. After several minutes, Sunset carefully wiped her lips and finished her coffee. Her head felt a bit fuzzy and she sighed. Must be that pill…

“Sunset, would you like to stay out here in the living room while I do some paperwork?” Celestia asked, standing up and gathering everyone's dishes. Luna glanced at the time and frowned. “Yes, yes just go. I have this taken care of. Don’t forget to grab dinner from the chinese place on your way home, though.”

Luna nodded and headed for the door, grabbing a backpack that was laying by the couch. “I’ll have my phone on but only call if it’s urgent. Okay?”

Celestia waved her off. “Go have fun storming the castle.”

Luna nodded before taking one last look at Sunset, who was running a fingertip over the dining room table. She frowned, but sighed Give it a few days then talk to her… “Alright I’m off!”

Sunset looked up as the door slammed shut.

“Don’t mind Luna. Breakfast ran a bit long so she’s a bit late. I hope she doesn’t get another ticket…” Celestia finished filling the dishwasher and smiled. “Ah, you’ll get used to it. Luna always is gone Saturdays. I’ll let her tell you where she goes when she's ready, though.”

“Right…” Sunset frowned, fairly certain that time would never come as Celestia patted the large white couch.

“Come on over here. You are going to lay here today while I get some paperwork done. We have cable, netflix, and hulu. I’ll even allow R-rated movies.” Celestia chuckled as she grabbed her laptop and laid it on the short coffee table. “Only rule is that you aren’t allowed to get up off this couch unless it is to go to the bathroom. Agreed?”

“Alright, I can do that…” Sunset climbed onto the couch, laying down on her side and getting comfortable as Celestia handed her the remote before booting up her laptop and opening her email client.


“What is it, Principal Celestia… I mean if it is any of my business.” Sunset curled up a bit. “Never mind I said anything…”

“No, no Sunset it’s fine. I just got an email from a construction company confirming that they’ll have the school repaired by Monday morning.” Celestia chewed her lip then sighed Of course…

Sunset opened her mouth to ask why that was odd before changing her mind and turning the TV to a teen drama she’d heard a lot of the students praise. She began to relax, listening to the TV and the clicky clack of Celestia typing until her eyes closed and she drifted back off.

Celestia concentrated on her paperwork until she heard a very familiar tune. She sighed, grabbing her cellphone from the table swiping it open to stop the ringtone Luna had insisted “And don’t it feel goo-” “Hello? Lu?”

“Hey, just calling you to let you know our niece was here this week she says she’ll be happy to come for dinner. But they are watching her fiance's sister while her parents out of town.”

“Shouldn’t be a large problem, last time we saw the girl she wouldn’t take her eyes off her book long enough to even say hi. Just make sure to get enough for her as well then.” Celestia moved her head from left to right, trying to get the kink out.

“No problem. Anyway I gotta go. 8-Bit finally stopped bitching over his end boss being destroyed in one shot.”

Celestia set her cell back down and sighed. Well at least that's two things taken care of… The day passed fairly quickly. Sunset woke up long enough to eat a peanut butter sandwich and drink a small glass of milk along with another half-pill before falling asleep again.

A few minutes before five, Celestia slowly roused the girl. “We’re having company for dinner tonight. Are you comfortable wearing what you have on?”

Sunset hesitated fingering the old jersey before nodding. “It’s comfortable… Unless I need to be dressed nicely? I don’t really have anything…”

Celestia laughed and shook her head. “Don’t worry, it’s just family coming to visit. Luna, my niece, her fiance, and his little sister who is staying with them for a few weeks.”

Sunset nodded and sat up. “Is there a hairbrush I could borrow though? I-I’d like to make the best appearance that I can…”

Celestia smiled “Of course. You can use mine in the bathroom. Right up the stairs and to the left.”

Sunset headed upstairs. She took her time brushing out her hair as she heard the door open and shut and some loud voices, including a man’s laughing. She took a deep breath before looking in the mirror. “You can do it Shimmer these are people you’ve never met before. They have no idea what you were just go downstairs and stay on your best behavior.” With a firm nod, she headed downstairs to see Principal Celestia tightly embracing a slightly shorter woman with pink, purple, and yellow hair.

The woman Celestia hugged had a laugh that sounded like a bell. Vice Principal Luna was carrying in bags of food, helped by a tall man with blue hair who was nudging her trying to get her to laugh. And to the side, looking as lost as Sunset felt was...

Princess Twilight???

Author's Note:

Yes, I know pigs have trotters not hooves. Sunset will learn in time.