• Published 6th Jul 2017
  • 11,119 Views, 415 Comments

Phoenix Rising - Foals Errand

  • ...

Chapter Eight

Celestia held Sunset to her chest, stroking the back of her head and focused on nothing except her girl. She didn’t know how long she had been in that position, cradling Sunset to her, but she found she did not care.

“At first I was afraid… I was petrified.”

Celestia paused stroking Sunset’s head and grabbed her phone from the dining room table, expertly unlocking it and answering. “Chryssy?”

“Tia? Where are you? Is everything okay? I mean I’m by the fountain waiting, but I don’t see you or the kid.” The sound of the fountain was easy enough for Celestia to hear.

Celestia glanced over at the microwave. he winced as she realized she and Sunset had been holding tight to one another for almost an entire hour. “Sorry, Chryssy. We’ll be there soon. Sunset and I both just had a big break through, but I’ll tell you about it when we get there.”

“Alright. I’ll see you soon, then.” Chrysalis hung up.

Celestia sighed and set her phone back on the table before she kissed Sunset’s forehead “Honey? We need to get going. We’re going to go get you some new clothes.”

Sunset looked up, her eyes puzzled for a moment before she remembered. “Th-thats right. I forgot. I’m sorry Prin-Mom.” She smiled nervously as Celestia smiled back. “I didn’t know we were meeting one of your friends though… Is she nice? Oh, no. My face must look awful… May I go wash my face real quick?”

“She is very nice and of course you can wash your face, honey. I need to go get some clothes on myself. Go wash your face and meet me in the living room as soon as you are ready.” Celestia stood up at the same time Sunset did. oth headed upstairs, Sunset taking the first door. Celestia, meanwhile, opened the door to her room. Luckily her clothes were already laid out on her bed and ready to pull on.

Once both Celestia and Sunset were back downstairs, it didn’t take but a few moments for them to be on their way. Sunset stared out the window, watching the scenery go by.

“Do you have a radio station you like to listen to, Sunset?”

Sunset blinked and turned to Celestia. “Huh? Oh well, I never really listened to much music… There wasn’t exactly a radio in the shed.”

“True… Well fiddle with the dial until you find something. We’ve got about a ten-minute drive.” Celestia glanced over, peering over her sunglasses. “Enough for one or two songs.”

Sunset nodded and began fiddling with the dial, finally pausing as she heard a singer that sounded a lot like Applejack. She stopped, listened to the lyrics, and smiled.

“I’ll know that it’s worth all the dues I paid. When I can write to you and say…”

Sunset listened to the rest of the song as she glanced at Celestia out of the corner of her eyes. Will I ever be able to say that myself? That the dues I’ve paid are worth it… maybe

“We’re here.” Celestia looked over at Sunset after she parked the van. “Have you ever been to a mall before?” She frowned as Sunset shook her head while turning off the radio.

“Malls aren’t a thing in Equestria., More likely than not towns have open air markets. I’ve heard that some towns were planning to build grocery stores, but back when I left that was just a rumor…” She unclipped her belt with a bit of clumsiness. It was obvious that this was not a motion she was capable of without thought. “Other than that, how would I have gotten to a mall as a human? I never had friends to take me.”

Celestia frowned as she raised her sunglasses to rest on the top of her head. “I suppose I never thought of any of that. I guess Chryssy was right about a quick trip being the best choice for your first time. We’ll concentrate on finding you a few changes of clothes today and, depending on how you’re doing, we’ll either keep going or head for home. Okay? Everything is going to be according to your comfort level.”

Sunset pulled at the string on her hoodie and nodded, “I understand, but I’ve heard lots of girls chat about the mall. It...it always sounded amazing. Is it?”

“Well, speaking as a girl who spent many of her days roaming the mall when I was a teen… I think so. However, it is a lot to take the first time you experience it. So… just stay with me and relax.” Celestia smiled, placing a hand on Sunset’s shoulder and squeezing lightly before she got out of the driver’s seat.

Sunset followed a moment later, closing the door behind her. She walked over to Celestia just as she locked the door and guided her attention to the giant white building in front of them. Sunset stared, her eyes widening.

“It’s as big as the palace… Not as tall but…” She trailed off as they slowly walked in the front doors to see a giant marble fountain in front of them. Sitting on the edge of the fountain was a tall, blacked skinned woman drinking coffee and messing with her phone. Dark green hair fell into her eyes, which she seemingly ignored until she glanced up, waved and walked towards them.

“Wow, Tia. You are as bad about time as you were back in College! And this must be the kid.” She turned to Sunset and looked her up and down, nodding as she silently observed things a layperson would miss. The small tremor that Sunset just couldn’t shake. How she stood an appropriate measure away from Celestia but her eyes kept darting to make sure the older woman was still close by. How the hood was up over her head, protecting her from the outside.

“Sunset Shimmer, right? You seem to be doing pretty well. I’m Chrysalis Mariposa. Your, ah, foster mom and I were roommates in College. And after we stopped trying to kill each other we became really good friends. I’m the head of Canterlot’s Child Protective Services.” She saw Sunset’s eyes widen and leaned in to whisper into her ear. “Don’t worry, little unicorn. Your secret is safe.” She pulled back, partially enjoying the teenager silently stammering. “Well then! I think we’re here for clothes, right? I’m thinking ‘Always 18’ would be the best place to start. Shall we?”

As Chrysalis walked towards the store, Sunset turned to Celestia. “Y-you told her? What if she tries to take me! You said you'd protect me…” Her voice came out just barely louder than a whisper, betrayal clear.

“You misunderstand, Sunset,” Celestia said, frantically lifting Sunset’s chin to look into eyes already wet with unshed tears. “Sunset, I called her so that she could help us… She made a case for you. No one can take you from me now. Everything is legal… I...I could never dream of hurting or betraying you. I’m so sorry I didn’t tell you.”

Sunset hesitated and looked down before sniffling “I...I understand. I’m sorry… I’m so used to…” She trailed off as Celestia gently hugged her.

“It’s okay. I’m sorry, too. Now let’s try to catch up, okay?” Celestia smiled as Sunset squeezed back and nodded. It didn’t take long for them to catch up with Chrysalis, who was grinning.

“Well, kid, this is all on you, now. Go crazy!”

After an hour or so, Sunset had chosen several full outfits and accepted a bra fitting, even as she blushed like mad. Celestia smiled, taking the bags full of clothes from the cashier and not even blinking at the price. She turned to Sunset as they walked out.

“How are you doing? Do you want to keep going?” Celestia asked. She blinked as she noticed Sunset wasn’t beside her. “Sunset?”

“No worries, Tia. She’s over there.” Chrysalis nodded towards the nearby music store where the hoodie-wearing teen was looking through the window. Her nose was pressed against the window like a small child.

Celestia smiled and walked over. “Sunset, what is it you are looking at?” She looked through the window to see a red and gold guitar and smiled. “Do you play?”

“I used to… Back before… I don’t know if I can with hands, but I’d love to find out.” Sunset continued staring, the want in her voice apparent. It made Celestia smile.

“Come on, let's go and get it then. Luna won’t have any reason to complain with all the stuff in her room.” Celestia beamed as Sunset looked up at her and smiled.

Fifteen minutes later they walked out of the music store, Celestia holding a new bag of strings, guitar pics, and a few beginner music books. Sunset followed behind her, cradling the guitar case to her chest and her chosen guitar safely within.

“I think that is enough shopping for today. What do you think?” Celestia glanced back to see Sunset nod as Chrysalis reappeared with an electronics bag. “Where did you go?”

“Eh, just went next door to pick the kid up a few things she’ll need. It’s about three PMnow, so students are gonna be arriving pretty soon.” Chrysalis handed the bag to Celestia. “This was fun. Maybe we can do something again, soon? What do you think, kid?”

Sunset looked up and smiled, her hood falling back and showing her still-bruised face. “I think that would be great, A-aunt Chrysalis.” She looked nervous, but Chrysalis just laughed.

“Yeah, well give me a call!” Chrysalis walked away, lifting her hand as she merged into the throng of shoppers.

“She's kinda…” Sunset started as Celestia shook her head.

“Weird? Yeah, I know. She always has been. Well, let's head home. I was thinking fish for dinner.” Celestia smiled as Sunset walked beside her, a bright smile on her face.

Neither of them noticed the two women watching as they walked out. The younger touched her earlobe. “Everything looks good, DC. We’re on our way back.”