• Published 6th Jul 2017
  • 11,119 Views, 415 Comments

Phoenix Rising - Foals Errand

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Chapter Six

It didn’t take long to get Sunset settled in her bed. The girl was content to stay in Celestia’s jersey, but had finally agreed to borrow a pair of Luna’s boxers to sleep in. Celestia gathered Sunset’s skirt in her hands from where it had been dumped on the floor. The teen had cried herself almost to sleep, with the half-pill of vicodin finishing the job. Celestia ran her fingers through Sunset’s hair and tucked the quilt around. She flipped off the light, but kept the door open. She collapsed on the couch, setting Sunset’s skirt on the coffee table but being careful of the pages of writing? math? That Twilight and Sunset had been working on.

She allowed her head to fall back against the back of her couch, a small headache building just behind her eyes. Not telling Cadance the full truth is bothering me… but what can I say? I don’t know for sure if I can adopt her because she's from another dimension… Hell I’m not even sure if she is even really a teenager… what a mess. Celestia shivered as she felt something cold being pressed against her cheek. She opened her eyes to see Luna holding an ice cold beer in one hand and pressing another to Celestia’s cheek.

“You looked like you needed one.” Luna shrugged, pulling the can away from her older sister’s cheek and handing it to her. She dropped next to Celestia, opened her can and took a large swig.

Celestia opened her own can and took a small gulp. She was normally a wine drinker, but every now and then a beer was nice. “Thanks Lu… Sunset… I think she had a bit of a breakthrough tonight.”

Luna simply raised an eyebrow, waiting for Celestia to continue.

“I think she wants to ask me to be her Mom, Lu. For me to adopt her.” Celestia blurted it out before taking a large gulp of the sour drink.

Luna pursed her lips together, running her fingertips against the denim covering her legs.“Do you want to?”

Celestia turned to see Luna smiling gently at her. “I mean, you’re going to become known for it at this rate. Adopting traumatised teenagers that is. First me… now Sunset…”

“Luna, I have never regretted adopting you!” Celestia set her beer down before gripping Luna’s shoulders and giving her a firm shake. “Yes, things were… difficult, but I’ve never thought about ‘what if!’. I could have never let you be taken from me and… and I feel the same for Sunset…” Celestia wrapped her arms around Luna, trembling as her little sister wrapped her arms around her chest. “I already love her so very much Luna… As if she was my own flesh and blood. Thinking about losing her makes my stomach turn.”

Luna nuzzled into the crook of Celestia’s neck, humming gently before pulling back and wiping away Celestia’s tears with her fingertip. “If that's how you feel, then we should act now to keep her here. Coulson does good work, but without a case with Child protective Services or a sympathetic judge…” Luna grinned. “Lucky for you though you have the ears of both. So I would suggest calling your old college roomie and asking her to stop by. We still have plenty of leftovers that's sure to tempt her.”

Celestia considered for a moment before pulling her phone from out of her pocket. She unlocked the phone and ran down her list of contacts before tapping one of them and bringing the phone to her ear. She patiently listened as two rings passed by before a voice picked up.

“Hello? This is Chrysalis…”

Celestia smiled. “Hey, Chryssy. It’s Tia. I hope I’m not interrupting anything?”

A pause, then a laugh. “Nah, I was just considering a late dinner. Just got out of the office. I love my job but I swear sometimes I feel I'm the only competent gal in the office, stuck with a bunch of drones. I gotta tell them what to do every five minutes! So, what’s up? You haven’t called just to chat in basically forever.”

“Yeah, sorry about that. You wouldn’t believe how much of my life is taken up by teenagers these days. And, actually… I didn’t just call to chat. I need help… Luna says there is leftover chinese food and beer if you can get here tonight.” Celestia smiled as Luna rolled her eyes.

“Tia, you aren’t hiding a runaway or something are you?” When Celestia didn’t reply, Chrysalis sighed. “Right… okay I’ll be there. Was the kid physically abused?”

“Wh-what do you mean by that?” Celestia frowned as she set her half-empty can back down.

“Exactly what I said. Pictures are worth a thousand words, Tia honey. And if there are bruises on the kid I need pictures. Trust me it’ll help your case. And it’ll make a more believable case file.”

Celestia frowned, but considered Chrysalis’ words. “There are bruises on her arms and face. She also has stitches and bruises on her back.”

Celestia could hear the scratching of a pen on paper. “Alright, I’m assuming no hospital records for the stitching, though? One of your favors?”

“Something like that…” Celestia hesitantly replied as she heard Chrysalis sigh.

“Tia, I love you, honey. But you make my job so very difficult. I’ll be there in ten. I’ll take the charger. It’s got more room for my stuff.” The click of Chrysalis hanging up filled Celestia’s ear.

“Heat up the leftovers and get a few of the good beers out, Lu. Chryssy is on her way.”

Luna opened up the door as soon as she heard the sound of Chryssy’s charger. She waited, arms, crossed as the black-skinned woman walked up the drive with a backpack slung over one shoulder.

“Hey Squirt! Been awhile. How are you doing?” Chrysalis grinned, mussing up Luna’s hair and causing the woman to frown and take a step back.

“How many times do I have to ask you not to call me ‘squirt’ before it sinks into the thick head of yours? And I’m fine. I work with Tia as her Vice Principal, and I earned my degree last year… Come on in. Food and beer is in the kitchen, Tia is on the couch panicking, and the kid is passed out in her room.”

Chrysalis sighed, looking into the house. “Before I go in, Luna, talk to me. What’s going on with this kid? Celestia isn’t one to just take in any runaway.”

Luna scratched at her arm before frowning. “Sunset Shimmer isn’t just any runaway… She is so broken. Sometimes when I’m watching her, she almost appears to shut down, as if life itself is a play or movie she’s being forced to be part of… She reminds me of how I was.”

Chrysalis nodded and walked in. She dumped her backpack on the couch, gave Celestia a quick hug, then headed into the kitchen. She loaded down her plate and opened a beer. As she ate and drank she took a look at the manilla folder Celestia had given her. Everything in it looked legit. Except maybe a bit too perfect.

“Alright, Tia. If you want my help let’s hear the story the real story.” Chrysalis saw Luna and Celestia exchange a glance and grimaced. I sense I’m about to regret asking that.

An hour later Chrysalis stared down at her now-empty plate, frowning. Yep, I regret having asked… “So… Sunset is an alien pony from another dimension who turned into a worse she demon than I was in college and may or may not be a minor?”

Celestia nodded. “Basically, yes. And as I understand it she’ll be stuck in our world for another two and a half years.”

“And at the very least in the body of a minor, I see the birth certificate created for her puts her at fifteen years, five months old. Alright I can work with this. But I’ll need those pictures tomorrow. She doesn’t need to be nude and her eyes will be blacked out. Just… trust me. Anyone who sees the case file I’m planning wouldn’t dream of taking her away from your care.” Chrysalis cracked her neck. I’m going to be up all night writing this up… better pick up coffee and energy drinks on the way home. “Just text me the pictures and once the case file is ready I’ll have it sent to you. Luckily you’re still in the system as a foster parent. Anyway I better get home.” She stood up and smiled at Celestia. “When the kid is feeling up to it, I’m looking forward to meeting her.”

Celestia smiled, blinking back a new set of tears. “Of course… Thank you so much, Chryssy. You are such a lifesaver.”

“Eh, no big, after all you fed me and gave me beer. Keeping a helpless kid somewhere she's safe is the least I can do. Now you and the squirt should head to bed yourselves.” She grabbed her bag. Putting away her notes and Sunset’s file, she headed for the door, opening and shutting it with a click. You may have tried to hide it from me, Tia, but I can see it in your eyes. You’re already that girl’s mom. Let me do my job and make it legal. She took out her cell and texted a familiar number.

Dan, Tia will be contacting you soon. I guarantee it. Chrys.