• Published 6th Jul 2017
  • 11,119 Views, 415 Comments

Phoenix Rising - Foals Errand

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Chapter Seven

Sunset woke up, the sun shining in her eyes, and smiled. She was finally beginning to feel better. At least her back didn’t hurt so much. She turned onto her back with a small hiss of pain, but sighed. Not too bad… I wonder what the plan for today is… Her thoughts trailed off as she realized that it was Monday morning. A cold sweat started forming on her forehead as she swallowed hard. Monday… That means they’ll be going back to school… What if Vice Principal Luna never told M-Principal Celestia that I was suspended? What if she expects me to be in class? Sunset moaned, drawing her knees up to her chest while a small sob escaped her mouth. I’m alone… I don’t want to be alone! She chanced a look at her alarm clock to see that it was already eight A.M. With a louder cry she curled more in on herself, wrapping her arms tightly around herself. Please hurry home! Please!

Celestia sat at the bar, looking over the news on her phone. She lazily pursued the article while sipping her coffee. She stretched her back with a small pop. It was interesting to still be home this late on a school day. She shook her head as she remembered yesterday. It had been a fairly sedate affair, at least after she had taken the pictures of Sunset. She hadn’t realized just how hurt the teen was until she was taking exact pictures of the lacerations and bruises covering her entire body. After that, Sunset was basically allowed to watch what she wanted on TV and sleep. Stubbornly though she wouldn’t release the jersey. Is it becoming her security blanket? Is that even healthy at her age? Celestia shook her head with a small sigh. I’ll need to leave a call for Doctor Pure Thought… Celestia blinked as something broke through her sleep and too little caffeine daze. A loud cry. Celestia’s eyes widened as she stood up. Fuck! No One told Sunset what was going on! Remembering Luna’s reaction the first time Celestia tried to leave her to attend classes, Celestia grabbed her robe and sprinted for Sunset’s room to see a lump under the dark blue comforter trembling Oh Sunset…

“Sunset? Sunset it’s alright…” Celestia moved to the bed and sat on the edge. She placed her hand on what she thought was Sunset’s shoulder. At the touch Sunset froze. “Sunset?”

The comforter was flung away. Sunset latched onto Celestia, her eyes wild. “Mommy!” She buried her face into her chest. Her hold was uncompromising as she began to sob, slowly soaking Celestia’s robe.

Celestia froze in place, her eyes wide as she wrapped her arms around the crying girl. Her crying girl. “It’s alright, Sunset. I’m here… you’re safe…” Celestia was well aware Sunset had no idea what she was saying, but she continued speaking affirmatives of Sunset’s safety in a calm, soothing tone, basically on auto-pilot as her brain attempted to recover from the blonde calling her ‘Mommy’. Mom… Mom I think I was ready for… Or Mother… but Mommy? From a teenager? Oh Sunset… Oh my poor girl…

Sunset’s grip on Celestia slowly loosened and her tears slowed. “I...I’m sorry I just thought…”

“That I left? Oh, Sunset, no. I’m here until you are ready for me to leave. I arranged with Cadance and Superintendent Faust that Cadance be allowed to take my place as principal of Canterlot High for a few days or until you are ready to return to school.” Celestia smiled gently, wiping the tears from Sunset’s cheeks. “She is the dean of our rival school, Crystal Prep, but was pleased to stand in for me. Now… Do you want breakfast or a shower first?”

Sunset licked her lips. It was true that she was filthy. She hadn’t bathed since the day of the fall formal after gym class. She lifted her arm and gave a small sniff, wrinkling her nose at the smell. “Oh geez… I must look horrible… I bet I have stuff in my ma-hair.”

Celestia smiled. “I guess that was a yes to the shower, hmm? Come on, you can use my shower.” She stood up and led Sunset from her room. Sunset’s hand gripped tightly to her robe as Celestia walked upstairs. “Ignore the kid’s shampoos, they are Luna’s.” Celestia shook her head “Just leave your clothes in the laundry basket and I’ll get them in the washer.”

Sunset nodded, taking in the bathroom. It was a lot nicer than the ones at the school. The shower had an actual door, not just a flimsy curtain! She heard the door click closed behind her, and her heart raced as she took a deep breath and struggled to calm down. “It’s alright Sunset, she’s just giving you your privacy…” What is wrong with me… Even when Princess Celestia first choose me as her student I wasn’t this needy. And I surely never called her… Sunset’s face paled as the scene ran through her head. Oh no… I didn’t? I...I did didn't I. I called Principal Celestia Mommy and I meant it! What am I, a little foal? A small part of her mind felt warm as she remembered how Celestia had cradled her and whispered nice words to her. Don’t think about that now… Sunset reached into the shower and turned on the hot water, letting it run for a few moments before stepping under the spray and closing the door. Her shoulders quickly untensed as she relaxed in the hot water.

Celestia prepared a quick breakfast of oatmeal and juice for Sunset to eat once she came downstairs. She had dug into the clothes she and Luna had back when they were teens and had discovered a pair of jeans and a black hoodie she thought would fit Sunset well enough. She left them on the sink, along with a clean pair of panties. Though she hadn’t been able to find a bra in any of Sunset’s possessions, and the panties as they were, looked closer to boy briefs. Celestia shook her head as she sipped her coffee, adding lingerie shopping to the list for the day. We’re going to be buying a lot more than I first planned on and Sunset won’t be able to help carry much if any of it. Celestia chewed her lip as she played with her phone, a habit she in part blamed on her students. So what do I do? Break this trip into two or more? That makes it far more likely that one of Sunset’s classmates would see her, or worse see me… No then. I could call a friend to help… Celestia cocked her head. Chrissy had said that she’d like to meet Sunset after all. She hit the right buttons and brought the phone to her ear.

“Canterlot Child Protective Agency, this is Chrysalis Mariposa. How may I help you?”

Celestia sighed. Damn, if she’s at work… “Hey Chryssy, it’s Tia, sorry to call and bother you at work.”

“Is this about the kid? I got those pictures, Tia. When you said she was bruised...” Chrysalis’s voice sighed over the line. “Anyway, don’t worry about calling me at work. Right now is a good time. I refuse to activate the curse by saying the word. So what’s up?”

“Well, you were right. It’s about Sunset, She only has two outfits and one of the tee shirts had to be cut off of her back. She’s been wearing my jersey from school, but she needs clothes. I was thinking that I’d take her to the Crystal Mall, but I need some help. Because of Sunset’s injuries I don’t want her carrying anything too heavy and there are several things she needs in addition to the clothes.” Celestia took out a notebook and began to make a list.

“Such as?”

“Well the school supplies Luna and I found were half-broken so… She needs basically all new school things. I want to put her on Luna and my phone plan, get her a laptop to encourage her school work and social life. Maybe some things to decorate her room?” Celestia heard the water shut off and smiled. Sunset had taken her time, I hope that means she's feeling safe.

“Slow down just a bit, Tia. I think those are all good ideas. But let’s try to keep this trip as streamlined as we can. Sunset may not feel safe out and about yet and cling to you as her protection. With younger children that is fine and understandable but I dread what would happen if one of Sunset’s classmates saw. So let's go just planning to get the clothes and go from there depending on Sunset’s readiness.” Chrysalis’s soft voice caused Celestia’s shoulders to relax.

“Anyone ever tell you that you are very good at getting into someone’s brain?” Celestia shook her head. “Alright. Meet you at the fountain in about an hour?”

“That would be fine Tia, see you both soon.” Chrysalis hung up.

Celestia put her phone down to see Sunset slowly come into the kitchen dressed in the jeans and hoodie. Celestia clicked her tongue. The jeans were longer than she thought they’d be, bunching up at Sunset’s ankles. The hoodie was the same, though Sunset didn’t seem to mind the sleeves covering her hands. She sat at the table.

“May I have some raisins and cinnamon and sugar in my oatmeal, Mo-Principal Celestia?” Sunset looked up, a strand of soaking wet hair falling over her right eye.

Celestia got the shaker and a box of raisins before sitting down beside Sunset. “Sunset, we need to talk about a few things.” Her heart cracked at the look in Sunset’s eyes as the girl latched her fingers around Celestia’s wrist.

“Please don’t kick me out! Did I do something wrong? I...I’m sorry Mommy…” Sunset trembled a bit, a whimper escaping as she remembered being thrown out before. Stop it Sunset… This didn’t work last time!

“Shh,” Celestia cooed, bringing Sunset’s head to her chest. I have to find out what is in that head of hers. This can’t just be from the Fall Formal… “I’m not kicking you out… You have a room here, remember? And a spot at this table. This is your home…” She gently stroked the girl’s wet hair. “I wanted to tell you that I thought we should go to the mall today. You need new clothes. I’m afraid even as teenagers Luna and I were fairly tall.” She smiled as Sunset’s trembling slowly dissipated. “The other thing I thought we should discuss is that you’ve called me Mommy twice today.” She felt Sunset freeze against her and kept stroking her hair.

“I-I have haven’t I?” Sunset finally breathed out in little more than a whisper.

“Yes, both times when you were very scared… Sunset honey… I think you need some help. I have an… old friend who is a counselor, if you’d like to talk with her?” Celestia heard Sunset sniffle. “I don't mean that I think you are crazy! You are just a very hurt little girl. I had to talk to her when I was your age and Luna…” She shook her head. “That is for Luna to tell you.”

“I...maybe… Can I think about it?” Sunset answered after a few moments of silence.

“Of course. But this other thing, calling me Mommy. Sunset… Do you want me to be your Mom?” Celestia winced silently. She had told herself she needed to wait for Sunset to ask. Stupid Celestia… Class act…

“Yes! Please y-you’ve been so kind to me! So understanding!” Sunset pulled back to look up into Celestia’s eyes. “Even when I was the worst kid in your school you still didn’t give up on me! I turned into a giant demon and di-did something.” She closes her eyes, a flash of pain on her face before she shook her head. “Even after whatever I did you found me! You found me and saved my life you...I think you love me and...and I’m not exactly sure what love feels like but I think this is it… Please be my Mom!”

Celestia couldn’t help the goofy grin on her lips as she nodded, holding Sunset tight against her as they cried, having finally found each other.

I have a Mom…

Sunset, I promise I’ll be the best Mom I can be.