• Published 1st Aug 2018
  • 2,295 Views, 41 Comments

Equestria Girls: King of Monsters - Jongoji245

A monster long thought to be dead is causing havoc, and the Rainbooms alone aren't enough.

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Let Them Fight Part 2: Crossing the Rubicon

As the late Mothra had hoped, Gojira followed her to the ruined city. In terms of size, the dinosaur reaches up to the dragons withers. Though the sight is spectacular, the scent is still familiar and puts him on edge. Ghidorah may have owned his ass in the Pacific, but this time… Gojira puffs his chest and lets out a deafening roar.

The dragon tosses his prey aside, spreads both wings, and roars at him. Gojira takes the first step and starts power walking. Ghidorah folds his wings and starts walking at him too. The Rainbooms watch the beasts come at each other, snarling and howling at each other. Upon collision, a brief opening allow the dinosaur to bite the base of the middle neck and push him back. Smoke and dust cloud their quarrel. Amazing as this is, the Rainbooms have other important matters to attend to.

“C’mon,” Twilight points her thumb at the dome, “let’s find a way to-”

A concentrated blast sends Twilight flying towards the town square.

“Twilight!” Her friends call out when Fluttershy too gets blasted, rendering her unconscious to a bunch of rubble. The rest of them look back; Sonata’s back in action and looking plenty steamed. But it riles Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Rarity.

“We got you covered, dearies.” Rarity muttered to Sunset and Pinkie Pie, her fists glowing blue.

Sunset nods approvingly before taking Pinkie back to the dome. Sonata quickly fires a blast of energy. With a burst of speed, Rainbow Dash dodges the spell and throws a blob of dirt at the Siren’s eyes. She hisses, throwing her punches blindly before being punched several times by Applejack. With a little bit of her vision recovered, Sonata returns the favor of being given a right hook. Applejack is pinned to the ground with a glowing hand aimed right at her. But just as she prepares to fire, Rainbow Dash pulls Applejack away and the Siren is surrounded by a shield of diamonds. Sonata screamed while the diamonds were illuminated in a red glow. Releasing the shield let off a lot of steam and smoke. Ever detail oriented, Rarity squints at the smoke, waiting for something to happen. Then, before she could even react, the fashionista is gripped by the throat.

Sunset stabbed several of the Tagatu arrowheads on the dome before stepping back. With a strong glow, the arrowheads explode, leaving a few tiny holes. She and Pinkie get a grip and pull with all their might, but they couldn’t get the holes any bigger. Pinkie Pie has a hand on her mouth, thinking like mad.

“Think you could do any better?” Sunset asks under her breath.

“Well, I could, Captain if I had ten cans of sprinkles.” Pinkie Pie answered with a Scottish accent before pulling out a large sprinkle can, “But I only have three of these, plus six small ones, one last shot from my confetti cannon,” Pulls out the last thing Sunset wants to see right now, “and a Cupcake.”

Sunset looks at her three friends duking it out with Sonata; The Siren is pulling out a better fight now that she’s dealing with just three of them.

“It’s still worth a shot,” Sunset draws out her knife and runs towards the battle, “do what you can!”

Luck favored the young genius as she fell into a pile of torn trash bags. Groaning, Twilight struggles to get on her feet before slipping to her knees on a banana peel. Her ears pick up the sounds of explosions and turns her head to the left.

“Oh, thank you, thank you!” Twilight cheers, standing on wobbly legs and making her way to the dome just straight ahead. She reaches Main Street when the world trembles around her. She rises up again and makes her first step when she spots a dog running past her. Her confusion is reasonable as one car, then another, are flung down the street, followed by a golden foot.

Though he wasn’t slain by the other beasts, Ghidorah’s wounds aren’t faring him well this time. Even with both arms and two of his heads clutching Gojira’s dorsal fins, the dragon is pushed back easily. Sci-Twi rubs her hands together, takes a few deep breaths, and jumps across a footprint continues sprinting towards the dome. The middle head resorts to biting Gojira at the back of his neck. The dinosaur winced before stamping on the golden dragon’s foot and biting at the withers. Ghidorah cried out and loses his grip. Gojira quickly wraps his arm around all three necks and tosses him overhead. The impact shook the tiny fighters next to the dome; Rarity is the first to recover herself before shielding herself and Fluttershy from Sonata’s energy blast. Leaning against a building, Sci-Twi turned around to see Gojira kicking Ghidorah before he could even stand.

Sci-Twi continued through the alley, each tremor making her sway as if she were drunk. One other tremor got her balance out of control before falling to her knees once again. She hears a few hissing sounds; a pack of the parasites are in front of her. If the world they live in would die, let their last meal be her. The one closest to her clicks before spreading it’s sailed wings and steps forward when a brown, hairy mass flattens the pack.

Twilight looks to her left; Kong managed what he had left to to save the tiny person once again. He pulls his arm back, leaving a smear of green, brown, and red. He takes a few shallow breaths before smiling weakly at the girl. Twilight nods back at him and continues her run. The gorilla’s eyes follow her before turning to another howl.

Gojira is just about to make a fourth stomp on the golden chest when Ghidorah snagged Gojira by the throat. Standing on his feet, the dragon grabs his smaller foe by the waist, lifts him high in the air, and tosses him. When the dust cleared, Gojira’s dorsal fins were all that can be seen. With a snort from the left head, and the right head popping it’s jaw into place, the dragon approaches his fallen enemy. In the impact area, a rat was sniffing the tip of his massive tail the tiny bit of armor on top became blue. The other plates followed suit, trailing slowly up the tail as Ghidorah approached their owner. Sensing his presence, Gojira opens his right eye, which too is glowing. Ghidorah’s eyes glow as well and aim all three heads at the dinosaur.

Gojira quickly stood up and erupted a blue fire from his maw. Pinkie Pie was in the zone with the makeshift bomb when she notices the blue light. The breath was clearly powerful enough to push Ghidorah back as if sprayed with a fire hydrant. On his feet, Gojira pushed him even further with each step. He stops, takes a breather, and releases his atomic fire before Ghidorah could lash out at him. This one attack left a dark stain on his golden skin, much to his chagrin as he noticed Gojira… Chuckling.

Ghidorah gave out the full power of his gravity beams, using all the breath he has to push the dinosaur across town and collapses him to his side. With his burn mark, Gojira let out a small hiss when a shadow looms over him and quickly shrank before being stamped by golden feet.

Jumping across ditches and totaled cars, Twilight finally reached the Canterlot High. Even with numbers, the tide was turning against our heroines. Applejack held Sonata in a weaker grip than usual and is promptly tossed at Rainbow Dash. Rarity is all out of juice, collapsing on her knees next to Fluttershy. With Pinkie Pie still setting up the bomb, only Sunset was left to put up a good fight. Even then, she was running on fumes.

Sci-Twi tapped her fingers, but her mind came up with a rather brilliant, if not rushed, idea. Sunset delivered a few weak kicks directly at the Siren’s face when she was bopped in the head so hard she collapsed on the floor. Sonata puts her foot on Sunset’s cheek.

“Feel this?” She hissed before applying more pressure, “This is how it feels when you lose everything…”

Sonata’s lips stretched into a wicked grin while she lifted her foot. Sunset held her breath while slowly shifting her eyes away. Just when Sonata prepares to stomp her, a car flies at her from out of nowhere.

“Hey, girls! I just finished the-!” Pinkie Pie spins around, let’s out a yelp, before dodging the Siren and the car as they collide with the wall. Sonata tears out of the vehicle with a loud hiss before being slammed by another car.

Sunset puts up her dukes when Twilight’s shadow looms over her. The student scientist takes her hand and pulls her to her feet. They turn to the agonizing cries of Gojira as he is continuously stamped by Ghidorah. Fluttershy manages on her feet, joining with Pinkie Pie as she brings Rarity to her feet. Applejack and Rainbow Dash shake themselves into shape as they hear a humming sound.

With another blast, Sonata breaks free of her metal prison. She grits her teeth and charges up. The others quickly run to Sunset and Twilight just as the blast reaches them. Sonata laughed once again; her mission just about complete. Her laughter ceases; when the smoke clears, the Rainbooms are surrounding by a magical field before ascending. In flashes of light, they once again develop their equine features.

As she notices them holding hands, Sonata prepared another energy black. A red blast against a spiral of rainbow. Surely, being enhanced by both the combined pendants of the Dazzlings and Ghidorah’s malice would’ve done the trick, but the rainbow starts pushing her away. As the gap between Sonata and the bomb behind her closes, something starts to grow. Is it exposure to the spell? Her anger is slowly ceasing, her horrid features softening. Her lonely pair of hands are joined by two spiritual pairs. She feels the comfort of the two most familiar people she knows.

“There is something stronger after all...” Sonata mutters softly. She cancels her spell and lets the magical torrent push her back to the dome. The confetti and sprinkles start brightening and then...