• Published 1st Aug 2018
  • 2,291 Views, 41 Comments

Equestria Girls: King of Monsters - Jongoji245

A monster long thought to be dead is causing havoc, and the Rainbooms alone aren't enough.

  • ...

Battle in the Valley

Morning arrives once more. The streets are no longer heavily congested, and word has spread fast enough to warrant an evacuation. Families gather up some of their belongings, college kids just hightail it out of here. Business officials gather up their documents and fly their way to their safe havens. North, south, further east, anywhere further from the canker from the west.

The school bus was finally repaired in the nick of time. The students loaded their bags and boarded the bus. Sunset, still a little flustered about yesterday, loads her bag in the compartment before noticing Capper sitting next to the road.

“Aren’t you coming along, Capper?”

“Huh?” He shifts an uneasy gaze at her, “Oh no, I’m gonna take a taxi.”

The Rainbooms look at the road once again becoming congested.

“I don’t think a taxi’s gonna come anytime soon.” Rainbow Dash added with a raised brow.

“I know…” Capper started tapping his foot, “it’s just nice to sit around and wait.”

Sunset and Applejack looked at each other. The Element of Honesty was just as uncertain as her friend and just about everyone else. Sunset’s mind churned up a storm as she approached the former host.

“Well,” Sunset readies her hand, “I wish you safe passage.”

What he expected a pat on the back, Capper felt his hand clutched in a fiery grip. He looks up at Sunset’s glowing eyes. He then looks at the Rainbooms with their arms crossed and brows furrowed. Capper caught on quickly and desperately pried his interrogator's fingers. But he was too late and is clutched by his collar.

“Where. Are. They?” Sunset growled.

Capper raises a shaking finger to a distant hill before squeaking, “there…”

The fire-haired teen shoves their former host aside and turns to her friends.

“You guys go on ahead,” She walks past them, “I’m going after the Shobijin.”

“Hey, hey, hey!” Rainbow Dash stops her, “We’re in this together! You go, we go too!”

Sunset looks at her posse once more, arms crossed with a grin. She lets out a breather.

“Well,” Sunset motions to the traffic before them, “it’s not gonna be easy going through this traffic.”

“Ahem,” Everyone looks at Applejack, “did you forget you’re at a farm?”

Applejack leads the Rainbooms into the barn, opened a stable, and lead a light roan thoroughbred. With her help, the other five horses were saddled up and bridled.

“All right, let’s ride!” Rainbow raises her right foot into the stirrup before Applejack stops her.

“Not just yet.” Applejack pulls Rainbow’s foot from the stirrup.

One disgruntled man, his car packed inside and out, taps his steering wheel impatiently. He looks to his left; the driver next to him was just as irritated. The driver on his right rather the opposite; with a walking mountain such as Gojira walking about, who wouldn’t be? The man pouts, laying his head on the dashboard. Then something looms over him and catches him completely off guard.

“Excuse me,” Rarity asks as she leads her horse between cars. The Rainbooms each had to take a different winding path. Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie, with their slightly bulkier steeds, squeezed their way between the cars. Fluttershy was the last one to finish the crossing, catching up with the others just a few meters.

“Now?” Asked an irritated Rainbow Dash. Applejack kept her silence before swinging herself on the four-legged animal.

“Now.” She answers.

Like a movie or a video game, the Rainbooms rode in a V formation. Sunset and Twilight shared a horse as they tailed one step behind to AJ’s left. Though she’s not new to riding, as an equid herself, Sunset felt at odds on the back of a horse; what if a man rode a gorilla?

“Applejack,” Apple Fritter calls out, “everyone on the bus’ wai-”

She notices the barn doors still open; the stables are closed, but the hoof tracks that lead out of the barn and a small, purple dog left alone told her enough. Apple Fritter pinches her temples while Spike sits next to her.

“Don’t worry,” Spike places a paw on her foot, “they’ve done these things many times.”

Surprise reaches the apple farmer and gets her to ask, “Did you just talk?”

The Rainbooms hitched the horses at a large oak tree and kept low as they made their way to the top of a hill. Fifty meters ahead was a hotel nestled at the foot of the mountain range. Like the highway, the entire parking lot was congested with traffic. It’s the perfect advantage they have to sneak through the back. Even a door lock is no problem with explosive sprinkles.

Empty, and quiet as a library on holiday. Walk down the halls, exchanging glances at the doors.

“So where do we even start?” Twilight asks.

“My guess would be the top floor?” Rarity answers as she reaches for a button on the elevator.

“Not the elevator,” Sunset stops Rarity once more from using the elevator, “in case he shows up.”

Sunset opens the door leading to the staircase. Just from looking up the staircase was discouraging. Overruled, she joins her peers in the elevator. There’s no music, and with the contraption moving all they could do is enjoy the silence. But for a pink party planner, there are always alternatives. Pinkie pulls out a pair of drumsticks and starts tapping them together. Adding a few sputters in a rap raised a few eyebrows.

Verko exits his room, carrying a small cat carrier on his left hand and a suitcase in the other.

“Hope that blasted helicopter arrives!” He grumbles as he makes his way down the hall, passing the elevator, “That con-artist better be right about you two.”

Just when he reaches the door for the staircase, Verko hears a pinging sound.

“Go, Ninja! Go, Ninja! Go!” The first one to come out of the elevator was Rainbow Dash before she points to her right, “Everybody!”

“Go, Ninja! Go, Ninja! Go!” The others step out, repeating the chant a few more times. They stop midway and stare at the four-eyed man before looking at the carrier. Verko quickly catches on and rushes through the door.

“Go!” Sunset barked. The Rainbooms run to the door and look up, “Oh for crying! Out! Loud!

A worthy complaint indeed. The staircase continues ever higher still, and their quarry has a head start the longer they wait. After a few flights, Rainbow Dash covers some distance ahead of the party. Applejack had to give Rarity a piggyback ride and was lagged behind a little. Much to her chagrin as well, for Pinkie merely skipped along ahead of her singing the same chorus. Rainbow Dash had enough of this charade and activates her special power.

Verko charges through the door. To his dismay, the helicopter still hasn’t arrived. In a split second Rainbow Dash collides with the man, sending the pet carrier flying. Before it flopped on the floor, a magical aura surrounded the carrier and is lifted over to Twilight’s good hands. She and Fluttershy look into the bag. The Shobijin are still in one piece and give the girls a smile.

“You… Idiots!” Six of the Rainbooms turn to Rainbow Dash pinning the shrewd businessman, “You’re costing me a great investment!”

Rainbow pulls a little harder on Verko’s arm, “Let’s hope your medical insurance is good.”

“Forget about him!” Sunset heads for the door, “Let’s get back to the horses before-”

“Yeah, about that...” The Rainbooms look at Pinkie Pie at the edge of the roof looking through another pair of rubber binoculars. Their horses managed to break their bonds and hightail it out of there.

Before they can come with a Plan B, they felt a small tremor. A moment after, another, slightly more violent tremor. Gradually, these tremors became increasingly so before a familiar booming sound is heard from even Apple Fritters’ distance. Then came silence. A shadow looms over the pass, getting one of the escapees to turn around and scream.

Gojira was looking over a small mountain. He announces himself to the city with a roar. Those on the road either abandoned their cars or drove off-road. As the hotel grounds became completely vacant, the reptile smashes through the barrier. Knowing of their impending doom, their minds, Sunset turns over to Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy.

“How many do you think you could carry on the wing?” She asks.

Fluttershy grabbed ahold of Twilight while Rainbow Dash grabbed ahold of Rarity before taking off. With no helicopter coming around, Sunset, Pinkie Pie, and Applejack, with Verko hogtied on her shoulders, run inside once more. It’s true that it’s easier to run downhill, the constant tremors made it farther from the truth. Rubble and plaster made it difficult to see and breath in this exertion. They kept their balance as best they could in the final stretch down the hall. They aren’t even a few meters away when Gojira smashes his way through the hotel. Debris falls, cars are sent flying, and the terrain around the place became nothing more than potting soil.

With a pair of actual binoculars, Apple Fritter watches the massive reptile stomp his way to the city. She and Spike felt the small tremors with each step; inside, Goldie Delicious’ cats sought shelter. The horses return to the farm, sans their riders.

“Where are they?” Spike wandered around for a while when another, more violent tremor came at the spot they are. A massive burrow has made its way to town as well. Those in the bus held onto their seats as they are brought up and down as the creature inside kept digging towards the city.

“The Hell with waiting!” Exclaims the driver as he starts the engine.

“Wait!” Flash Sentry grips the driver’s shoulder, “What about Sunset, Twilight-”

“Kid, there’s a giant Gila monster and God knows what dug under us!” He puts the bus gear in drive, “I’m getting us back into the road.”

“Then what will it take,” Octavia shows the driver what’s left of their money, “to get you off road?”

Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Rarity scrounged the rubble for their friends. The first levitated a lot of the rubble before tossing it aside. Rainbow Dash did the lifting the old-fashioned way.

“Rarity, can you pick the pace?!” Rainbow yells at Rarity “Any second could be their last!”

“Rainbow!” Rarity objected, “I know of the situation, but there’s no need to be rude!”

“Rude!?” The athlete barked, “I’ll you what it means to be rude!”

Twilight catches on to the banter quickly, “All right, stop it. Stop it! STOP IT! STOP IT!!”

In her anger, Twilight flings a large chunk of plaster between them. Silence again, except for the booming footsteps.

“We’ve dealt with things like this before! Why get riled up now?”

“Because this” Rainbow motions her hand to Gojira, “is way beyond us!”

“Perhaps. But we do have friends from a world of magic.” Twilight returns to the rubble, “And the one person who has knowledge about them is under-”

The section in front of her shook a bit before a pink drill pops out. With a little more effort, Pinkie Pie emerges head first from the rubble. Rainbow Dash rushes over and pulls her out, alongside Sunset, Applejack, and Verko. The four rescued individuals cough out the dust before Applejack puts the shrewd man down. Pinkie tugged at her ears to stop the “drill.”

Short, happy reunion aside, the posse, Shobijin included, watch Gojira from afar as he makes his way to town.

“Tell me we’re not following him?” Rarity asked, raising a shaky pointer finger.

“Do we…” Sunset coughs a little, then clears her throat, “have any choice?”

Hard as it to swallow, they follow the giant being, leaving Verko behind for a rescue team. To his relief, Ashley Valley is spacious compared to his escapade in San Fran. He continues forward, dragging his heavy tail. The Rainbooms walked just five meters behind the tip of the tail. An aerial drone flies a few meters above Gojira’s head, sending the live feed to a tablet to be seen by Tempest.

The beast suddenly stops; what would tickle his toes, a sudden tremor causes the Rainbooms to fall on their bottoms. After surveying his surroundings, Gojira continues his journey. After on the fourth step he makes, the ground buckles beneath his foot before strangely springing back up. Gojira falls forward on his plated belly. The ground erupts, revealing yet another massive creature. This time, it was a familiar face to the Rainbooms.

“Thunderball?!” They exclaim.

The massive ankylosaur shakes the dirt from his armor, snorts out the dust and turns around. He bellows at Goijra, who is taken completely aback at this chance collapse. Thunderball bellows again before taking a hit from Gojira’s tail. From her tablet, Tempest was amazed at this new creature… And another idea in her head.

Gojira stands on his feet before charging forth at his new foe. Thunderball is quick to swing his clubbed tail right at Gojira’s right hip. He howls, stumbling to one of the taller building. The Rainbooms stepped forward when the bus pulled in front of them. The doors open, revealing the panicked bus driver, Flash, and Octavia.

“What are you guys-?!” Rainbow questions when the cellist grabs her wrist.

“Get in!” Octavia shouts before pulling her in. Rainbow Dash instinctively grabbed Rarity’s wrist, and so forth, and so forth until everyone’s on the bus. The driver puts the bus in high gear, getting them away just as Thunderball slaps his tail on the pavement and howls again.

Both intrigued and furious, Gojira focuses his weight on his left leg and tail before answering with a bellow. The ankylosaur flails his front legs, arches back and goes into a canter before lunging at the taller being. With the momentum given, Gojira tosses the beast aside. But, for such an armored creature, Thunderball quickly rebounds and rams his shoulder spikes at Gojira’s belly. The biped continuously slaps Thunderballs carapace while being pushed into another building.

“Floor it!” Flash yelled after buckling.

“Hold onto your butts!” Shouts the driver before he puts the pedal to the medal.

The not so courageous among them screamed as they held their seats with an iron grip. The two beasts circled around as they tussle. The vehicle swerved left around Gojira’s left leg before turning a hard right to avoid Thunderball’s right arm. Gojira’s injured right leg lands right in front of them. The bus drove up the monsters big toe and sent it flying a good distance. It would’ve flipped to its side had it not landed quickly on its right wheel. The bus sped up quickly to avoid being slapped by Gojira’s tail.

Speaking of whom, the monster gets himself pushed onto his back. His belly now has puncture wounds, which made worse when Thunderball runs his horn into the wound. The ankylosaur bellows when he notices the bus. He backs up and starts following the vehicle. But he doesn’t walk a full stride when he is pulled back. Gojira, his belly wounds healing into scars, stepped back before swinging him around and around. As his toes left the ground, Thunderball felt like he was gonna blow chunks before he is chucked a great distance, crashing on his side.

Now with some breathing room, Gojira holds his fractured leg and pops it into place. He lets out a soft growl. Thunderball slowly regained consciousness as he felt tremors on his feet. After a loud roar rings his ears, the quadruped gets a sharp kick to the stomach. Like beating a puppy, Gojira shows no mercy as he continuously kicks the beast. His foe on his elbows and knees, the centuries-old monster grabs Thunderballs head and starts opening his mouth forcefully. The ankylosaur felt his jaw pop and blood rush from his torn cheeks.

Such an action would’ve been done had a few bombs not dropped on him. Gojira shook away the smoke and looks up; a pair of stealth bombers repeated the same attack and it worked once again. And now, several fighter jets have their sights on the monster. Flight didn’t work with Rodan, but against the grounded Gojira, it proved to be a handful. Thunderball takes advantage of this distraction and tunnels away. Seeing the jets make their retreat further south, Gojira howls and pursues them.

“Think we can have that on our next tour?” Rainbow asks, having watched the ordeal from the back window.

Glenwood Springs, Colorado

A good hour of driving gets them back to home soil. An untainted paradise… yet to be lost. The family and friends of the upcoming graduates waited for the bus to pull over. As each one of them stepped out, they were embraced in a tight hug. Some broke away from the hug and kissed the ground. It’s especially so for the CMC as they each embraced their sisters and icon.

But it’s no time to celebrate. The Rainbooms have yet another slumber party, this time at Sunsets apartment. Sunset herself had cleared her dinner table before putting a map of the States on top. All around her and her guests, the apartment became a war room; screencaps from the news are pinned to cork boards and her computer has window open to a conspiracy website called “Titans Among Us.”

“Okay,” Sunset marks a circle around Ashley Valley, “Gojira’s currently heading south, that three headed… thing… just entered the Gulf of Mexico.”

“What about Thunderball?” Applejack asks, pinning a picture of when the beast was a bit smaller.

“We’ll either come back for him or he’ll come to us.” Sunset looks at the picture, “At least he bought us time.”

“And Rodan?” Asks Rainbow Dash, pointing to a recent blurry photo, “I want to fly circles around him again.”

Sunset marks a question, “He’s too elusive. I say we go after that three headed serpent.”

“And how will we make the trip?” Twilight takes out her wallet, and releases just one moth, “Not exactly financially independent.”

“We can start another bake sale!” Pinkie pulls out an itinerary, “I don’t have anything planned.”

The computer makes a chime, and gets the Rainbooms attention. Raw camera footage from Arkansas shows the three headed creature trudging his way upriver. Strange enough that he doesn’t stop and eat those in the splash zone.

“Guess that reduces our travel budget.” Rarity obliges.

“Maybe less.” Sunset rubs her chin before starting a line at the Mississippi River, “If he’s traveling by river, he would need to switch...”

She stops drawing the line at Saint Louis, then makes a half circle to the Missouri River and starts making a line following the water. The Rainbooms look at look at the map both intrigued and confused as Sunset continued in her zone.

“Uhm…” - Fluttershy pokes Sunset’s shoulder - “Sunset?”

“Aha! Eureka!” Sunset stands triumphantly, slapping the table, “I have ourselves a plan!”

“What, darling?” Rarity asks.

“Anyone up,” Sunset stabs a pin into the map, “for a stake out?”

The location in the Missouri River got their brows raised. A familiar spot, one they went to on a past summer. Where and when they hoped for a good time resulted in a bad turn of magic, the loss of an innocent woman, and the salvation of a large, hairy friend.