• Published 1st Aug 2018
  • 2,294 Views, 41 Comments

Equestria Girls: King of Monsters - Jongoji245

A monster long thought to be dead is causing havoc, and the Rainbooms alone aren't enough.

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Let Them Fight Part 3: The Greatest Show on Earth

Ghidorah rose up straight after another stomping when he noticed his cache brightening up and shields his heads beneath his wings against from the bright flash and strong winds. His middle head takes a peak, then all three heads quickly look out.

The Rainbooms are on their hands and knees, deprived of their equine features. They do hear the panicked sounds of civilians.


“Rainbow Dash!”


Three youthful voices called out before the farmer, the athlete, and the fashionista were embraced deeply.

“Take it easy, Scoots!” Rainbow Dash asked, putting one leg forward, “I think I pulled a muscle from that.”

Sunset stood up, took a breather, and looked forward. The dome is gone and Canterlot High is a diamond in the rough, save for the patches of burnt grass caused by the acid. The other students help their saviors on their feet. Sunset herself walked to the front yard; all that was left of Sonata was a now grey gem. Upon picking it up, it crumbles. Sci-Twi walks to her as she notices her head lowering. The wind picks up and carries away the dust to places unknown.

“We did what we could...” Twilight whispered.

Three deafening roars cut this celebration short. Ghidorah is now a few paces behind them and is furious. His goal is now very much delayed. He punched on the left side of the street, then to the right, cutting their escape. He bares his teeth; it appears it’ll the hard way for him…

His hearing picks up groaning. Gojira is slowly rising from the pit, his body covered in bruises. Ghidorah turns his attention once again to the dinosaur, his mouths glowing…

Out of the smoke, and with a loud sonic boom, Rodan snags Ghidorah by the middle neck. The momentum pulled the dragon a great to his right. Seeing the opportunity, Applejack lets out a whistle.

“Come on, everyone!” She calls out. Everyone straightens up and make their way through the alley. Pinkie Pie climbs on a fallen car and takes out a megaphone from her hair.

“Please exit in an orderly fashion and we might see you again another day.” She calls out jovially.

Ghidorah’s left head snags his assailant’s leg and pulls him front and center. The pterosaur clawed at the eyes and gained some altitude before either of the unoccupied heads could snag him. Rodan constantly circled the golden terror, pushing and pestering him with beak and claws before taking to the air for another attack run. Ghidorah positions his heads in a different direction and unleashes his gravity beams. But power trades off speed; the pterosaur easily dodges the beams, though he does keep his distance nonetheless. But it’s bringing unintended consequences for the tinier beings beneath their feet. The constant speed in a circle sent the rubble flying and brought weakened buildings to dust. The escapees keep their heads down and push their way through the terrible weather.

Gojira finally rose from the pit, though it wasn’t easy with the strong winds. He turns around; amused that the creature he fought way back when in the Pacific Islands risking his neck again. He cracks his neck and inhales. The dorsal fins flicker to their bluish glow this time before their owner releases a weaker version of his atomic fire. It nonetheless gets the dragon’s attention as the dinosaur makes his advances. With his great arms, Ghidorah kept Gojira away, digging his claws into his shoulders. But keeping Gojira at bay gave an open opportunity for Rodan to spiral from the air and crash into Ghidorah. Free from the tyrants grasp, Gojira started clawing, biting, and kicking dragon. Rodan merely toyed with Ghidorah, though he does stab his beak deep into the golden skin.

The humans pressed through the ruined city, some helping the aged and very young overcoming shoddy terrain. Climbing over one such hurdle, Rainbows’ bruised face beamed at the sight of green hills.

“We’re almost there!” Rainbow called out, “Just a few more blocks and-!”

There’s always one more obstacle… or several. Once more, a large pack of Ghidorah’s parasites blocked their way. The Rainbooms prepare to fight once more… And so does Scootaloo… and Sweetie Belle… and Apple Bloom… Everyone grabs a large piece of scrap iron. No more running. They cry out in a primal rage, and let the bugs come to them. Then something engulfs the man-sized beasts in fire. The crowd is baffled until the sound of airplane gets them looking up.

Rodan notices the stealth bombers circle around the destroyed town and dismounts the dragon before they drop the next payload on both Ghidorah and Gojira. As the dinosaur shakes off the heat, Ghidorah growls in anger and spreads his wings. Another surprise came; lightning struck not from above, but the sides; Made in hole in Ghidorah’s wings and blast a little chunk off of Gojira. More beams of this follow and bring the dragon’s wings to ruin.

When the humans reach the grassy outskirts of town, Pinkie notices a new anomaly that had her fashion a new pair of balloon binoculars.

“Looks like the cavalry's come to the party!” Pinkie cheers.

Southwest of town are what appears to be three satellite dishes around nineteen meters in length by six meters in height. A mechanical “arm” raises the dishes while also keeping them parallel to the ground before lighting up and releasing a stream of energy that actually tears into the beasts scales. A fact that Tempest Shadow, with arms crossed, felt very proud of. Grubber stood by her, wearing sunglasses and eating popcorn.

“Commander,” One of her troops ordered, “what about Gojira and Rodan?”

“Leave them be.” She orders, not taking her gaze off the battle, “Concentrate all fire on the golden dragon.”

The beady eyes of the female caterpillar glowed sapphire again before she rolled herself to her stomach. She lets out a pained chirp and turns her head to this startling development. Gojira, Rodan, and this literal Deus Ex Machina are giving Ghidorah hard time. While the nature of her species isn’t malevolent, an idea to make the dragon’s situation worse is churning. But it will require additional as she twists her body and looks around.

Putting his weight on his knuckles, Kong painfully gets himself on his feet. Looks at the the fight before him; to shield himself, Gojira stood behind Ghidorah and gnawed at his back. Rodan held the left head with one foot with batting the middle head with the other. The gorilla pounds his chest and lets out a roar before charging into the scene and delivering several good punches at the chest and stomach.

The humans finally make it to the top of the hill and they still continued on.

“Apple Bloom, you, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo make sure you get everyone to safety!”

“Us?” The redhead questions.

“What about you guys?” Scootaloo asked.

“Just go!” Applejack scolded, “We’ll meet you soon!”

The honest farmer joins her friends and watch the tide of this battle swing to their side. But the job isn’t done yet. The Rainbooms join hands and concentrate.

The female larva finds her brother and nuzzles him awake. He too is quite surprised at how the battle is turning in their favor. He listens in on his sister’s advice before the two move in different directions. Nearby, Thunderball rises to his hands and knees and shakes off the debris. His mind is at a total blank when the shrilling roar reaches his ear. Now he remembers and puts his weight on his hind feet.

The ankylosaur crawls around, wondering just what he can do. He notices the dragon using his quilled tails on Gojira. He charges forth and bites down on the right tail. Gojira spared a foot and stomped on the other tail.

The right head notices the source of these lightning bolts and fires a gravity beam. The Maser tanks are blown to kingdom come, sending Tempest and Grubber flying. Kong grabs the head, bats it with his fist, then gets his fingers into the mouth. The Gorilla roars loudly as he forces the jaws wide enough before tearing the lower jaw open. He pulls the neck hard and topples the great beast.

The Rainbooms efforts get them to ascend once again and their transformation goes beyond the usual pony ears, wings, and tails; they are adorned with dresses suitable for ballroom dances. Sunset’s dress was primarily of reds and yellows, with two black, spiky bands on her hair. Twilight’s dress was largely blues and purples, with stars of similar colors and fuschia speckled across even the tops of her wings. Despite her name, Rainbow Dash’ dress is largely blue with some yellow and red; her sneakers have wings on their sides. Rarity’s dress has diamond patterns, in fact her headband, belt, and footwear has diamonds themselves atop of solid gold. Pinkie’s dress is modest to best put it; a simple, muffin top skirt with transparent ribbons. Applejack’s dress is second modest of just a blue button shirt and a red skirt and boots. Beneath a turquoise veil, Fluttershy wore a purple dress with butterflies adorned on her hair.

Even bleeding like a leaky blood, the right head lifts up a little before Thunderball bites down on its throat. The dragon himself tries getting up but Rodan constantly gets the drop on him. Added to the fact that Kong is also punching dragon by the ribs. The left head raises up, but Gojira slaps it back on the ground and stamps on the neck repeatedly. Rodan jumps back and lets out a cackle when silk drops into his mouth. Kong stepped away, and let out a hearty laugh. The twins stopped, took a breath, and released more silk. By then, the pummeling has done it’s work; the dragon couldn’t even move.

Gojira snorts when he notices a bright; and very familiar. An bright, blue, Alicorn around their height walks into the city. In the very core of the energy beast, the Rainbooms were holding hands. The tip of the horn starts glowing and the creature rises on its hind limbs. From the limp body, an eyelid opens up a crack.

“Light it up, ladies!” Pinky harkens.

The energy equine stamps it’s forehooves and unleashes a stream of rainbow colors. Gojira, Rodan, and Kong stepped away. Curious, Thunderball inches his nosehorn at the rainbow tornado and found out the hard way that the magic shaved off a few meters. The twins stop shooting their silk and chirp victoriously. They have a right to; the magic is building up.

“It’s working!” Rainbow Dash cheered, “We’re gonna roast this dragon!”

Not everyone agrees with the idea, Sunset worries as the spell becomes bloated. Like a balloon, it ascends into the air before condensing and turning red. A hard is all that is heard before the magic takes on the form of a flaming dragon and unleashes a fire storm that no one came to expect.

Blackness… And the pained sounds of the monsters quickly ceased… Whatever Ghidorah did not even Sunset could comprehend… At least, not without a terrible headache… In fact, moving even her fingertips brought great pain. She opens her eyes, then purses her lips.

Ghidorah stood just above her. His wings ruined and tattered. His body scarred, charred, and bruised. His left and right heads dragging on the terrain. And worst of all, his plans ruined. The middle head looked at Sunset furiously. The Unicorn in apes clothing sweated faster than a race horse.

Her life flashed before her eyes. How she first opened her eyes to Celestia’s loving face. THen came school, and how she became increasingly bitter with each year. Then, her unfortunate fallout with Celestia and how she stepped foot through the portal to the final years of the Age of Men. Her brief, and utmost hated, reign as “queen.” Her efforts being the saving grace in the Battle of the Bands. Then trouble came again when she was blamed as Anon-A-Miss and forced her away before her friends, nay her family, came through Hell and high water to get her back. Once the memories have passed, Sunset calmed herself before spitting at the devil as he inched his bloody mouth at her. She closes her eyes...

Then, another pained screech. Unable to move her head, Sunset could only imagine what’s going on. Tempest Shadow, having her share of cuts and burns, watched what’s happening. Gojira clamped down on Ghidorah’s shoulder and pull pulled him back. Ghidorah reacted instinctively by biting the dinosaur on the neck and clawing at his sides. The grey beast releases him for a moment to bat the arm aside and grab the last head. Ghidorah’s mouth glowed again, but Gojira’s dorsal plates flicked again. In one deep breath, Gojira unleashed his atomic fire down the dragon’s throat. Three seconds in, Ghidorah’s wings dropped. Ten seconds after, his neck rippled, then it burst at the withers.

The head is severed, and the golden body falls and forever lies motionless. Gojira takes a good look at the head. The eyes now longer had their demonic glow. Gojira snorted; Ghidorah was a grand opponent, and it pleased him so to have fought him. He tosses the head into the woods, looks down at the limp body again before turning around and roars at the moon. He takes another breath and roars again.