• Published 1st Aug 2018
  • 2,291 Views, 41 Comments

Equestria Girls: King of Monsters - Jongoji245

A monster long thought to be dead is causing havoc, and the Rainbooms alone aren't enough.

  • ...

Vacation Part 2: Clash of the Titans

Lehua, The Next Day

Even with the best traps, a few rats can sneak into a house no problem. Two such rats manage to sneak into the quarantined shore. They’ve armed the campsite to the tooth. One hundred fifty soldiers at the shore, and two destroyer class vessels floating nearby. Still, the two interlopers used scuba gear, sneaking up at the dead turtle from the back.

“So it’s true!” Says Randa, “There are monsters among us!”

“This will get make everyone believe us!” Adds Brody, taking out a camera. He takes pictures of the giant turtle while he and his partner walk around. Randa climbs on the turtle and studies the rings on the shell.

“Freeze!” The two turn over to a few of the Coalition force aim their weapons at the two intruders. They immediately comply, raising their hands. “Commander Tempest, we have-”

Suddenly, something big drops on the shore. Water washes over them and the corpse. Randa desperately rubs the salt out of his eyes. Afterwards, he finds himself in a massive shadow, and hears a few clicks, as if coming from a massive raven.

“Oh shit…”

The entire campsite is brought into a massive sandstorm. Their equipment, their tents, even the soldiers themselves were blown away. Tempest Shadow secures herself to a tree, catching Grubber with one arm before he catches his breakfast. In her poor vision, she finds that a bird of some kind has taken off, holding the corpse in one foot.


Noon comes quickly, and the students are once again bustling in their activities. Except for seven. After some misadventures involving Pinkie getting snow cones, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Fluttershy saving a nest of sea turtles, Rarity and Twilight crashing a rental boat, and Sunsets treasure hunt giving her a discounted seafood meal, perhaps it would be good to rest awhile. Pinkie rubs her burnt feet, while the fashionista was biding her time stitching up Capper’s coat.

“Excuse me, ladies.” The Rainbooms turn to the housekeeper, “I’ve invited several of your friends for an aerial tour, and I found there are still a few seats left.”

The girls look at each other before Applejack stands up.

“Maybe just one flight then I’m tucking in for the day.”

“Yeah, maybe you could give me some flying lessons too.” Capper raised a brow at Rainbow Dash’ request.

“I would love to see the island more from the air.” Fluttershy adds.

“Well,” Capper motions over to the door, “shall we?”

“Oh, before you go,” Rarity stands up and gives Capper his coat, “I thought I’d give your coat some much needed dressing.”

The man tries on the clothing. Already he notices quite a few improvements. The pockets are sealed, the tears are barely recognizable, and best of all a better fit around the shoulders.

“Okay,” Capper chuckles, “what’s the catch?”

“None whatsoever, darling.” Rarity tugs at his coat, “Just a show of gratitude for all that you’ve done for us.”

“Well,” Capper rubs his scruffy chin before he finishes, “I’m glad I could be of service.”

After delicately scratching Rarity on the chin, Capper leads the three girls out of the house. Fluttershy turns around though.

“Are you sure you don’t want to go?”

“And get my hair and nails ruined again?” Rarity turns a glare at Twilight, “After a certain accident.”

“Yeah,” Twilight rubs her arm, “I’m gonna sit this one out.”

“I don’t usually say no” Pinkie pulls her feet forward. The skin is a deeper red, and just started peeling, “but my feet have the burn marks to prove it.”

“I’m also pretty full from that ‘adventure’ I had,” Sunset adds when she hiccups and sits on the couch, “we’ll be fine.”

“Your loss then.” Says Applejack as she joins Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and Capper out of the the house. The silence almost killing them.

“I still have to-”

“Yes.” Rarity interrupted Twilight, “Yes you do.”

Another moment of silence before Pinkie Pie breaks it with, “So… Wanna discuss our plans?”

“Well…” Twilight takes a deep breath before sitting down, with spike sitting on her lap, “I’m already enrolled in Everton. Though I’ll be quite sad to not bring Spike with me.”

“Yeah,” Spike scratches his face, “I just hope your future nephew or niece…”

The dog couldn’t finish his sentence before shuddering.

Well, it’s a shame I can’t take you.” Rarity apologizes, “The college I’m going to in Savannah doesn’t allow dogs either.”

“Too bad for me also,” Pinkie adds to this as well, “The teachers at my college would kick me out at the spot. I mean what if they caught me making a-”

She stops, flutters her eyelids, then as her eyes slowly drift in opposite directions, “puppy pot pie.”

The other four are horrified at Pinkie’s appearance and by what she said.

“Well,” Pinkie snapped into focus, “that’s not something you hear everyday.”

Twilight, Rarity, and Spike shudder before the second asks of Sunset, “And what of you, Sunset? You never once mentioned any interests for college.”

Sunset looked a bit uneasy, but with a deep breath she answers, “Because I’m not.”

“Why not?” Rarity asks, “Surely a woman of your skill would do well in college!”

“How?” Sunset sits up, “Everyone at home believes that magic exists, but let’s face it. If anyone of us told anyone else outside of town, they’d think we’re crazy!”

Twilight raises a brow, “Is there something you’re not telling us?”

With another deep breath, Sunset looks at the window and answers, “I’m going home.”

“To Equestria?” Spike asked.

“Since our trip at Everfree,” Sunset looks back at them, “there have been no monsters, no magic anomalies, nothing. It’s become… well...”

“A bore?” Rarity finishes, to which Sunset nods agreeingly, “Well, if that’s what you want. We won’t hold you back.”

“Really.” Sunset pulls her head back, surprised at that answer, “Are you sure?”

“I mean,” Rarity shuffles in her seat, “truly, you must have missed a lot since you first arrived.”

“But you do need to tell the rest of us when they come back.” Twilight adds. Sunset nods just when her ears pick up a strange sound.

“And you come back on birthdays,” Pinkie Pie pulls out a calendar from her hair, “and holidays, and-”

“Shh!” She interrupts, raising a finger.

“Sunset!” Rarity objects, “You know better than to”

“Listen!” Sunset interrupts her. The noise is louder; it’s a song of a somber note, as if sung by two women on stage. When they follow the noise to where it’s loudest in the courtyard, they found nothing at first. Even the locals seem confused at the noise coming from nowhere.

“Mind turning down your radio?” Banters one as he storms off.

The girls and the dog take a few steps further when Sunset looks down and stops them. The two small women from the Island, Shobijin as they call themselves, sat on the edge of the pool. Though Sunset’s the only one would understands the language they sing, the sadness in their voice is enough for the others to shed a few tears. Once the song finishes, the two turn around, their faces just as sad.

“That was beautiful.” Rarity wipes her tears away, “And I thought I wouldn’t cry at a performance.”

“I didn’t.” Pinkie adds before bawling. She grabs Rarity’s hair and blows her nose on it. Sunset lowers herself to the level.

“What happened?” She asks.

“Our island…” They spoke in unison, “It’s been ravaged.”

“The Skull Crawlers are back,” Sunset invites them on her hands, “aren’t they?”

“No.” They object, “It’s a greater evil. Greater than what you’ve fought before.”

Twilight takes out her phone and dials up Applejack’s phone number.

“The number you dialed is unavailable.” She tries Fluttershy’s, then Rainbow Dash’, “The number you dialed-”

“Slag!” Twilight exclaims as she hangs up in defeat.

Pinkie waves her finger, “That won’t go well with our United Kingdom audiences.”

“What?” Twilight questions before shaking her head, “No! They must’ve turned off their phones when they boarded!”

“And we can’t have Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash flying all over the place.” Sunset puts the Shobijin on her shoulders and rubs her lower lip, “All we can do now is just wait for one of them to call.”

“Indeed,” Rarity raises a skeptical brow at the tiny beings, “but how did you two arrive in the first place?”

The Shobijin point in the direction of one of the mountains. Pinkie blows up a few balloons and shapes them into a pair of binoculars and puts them on their maximum settings. After looking around, Pinkie stammers, falting a few steps before falling on her butt. Skeptical on how this worked for her, Sunset grabs the binoculars and finds that they work all too well.

Mothra was resting on the top of the mountain, well out of reach and sight. However, she appears as if death is calling at her door. Her legs have lost their hair, making them almost bony. Like all things, the colors on the rest of her body are faded. Even her brightly colored wings of red, yellows, blacks, and oranges are muted a bit, and have a line of grown hair at the edges. As if acknowledging he viewer, the giant insect turns her sapphires eyes at Sunset and ruffles her wings.

In the skies, a squadron of six Seeker-Class jets are in full thrust. The leader of the group, flying a jet of grey and red spots a stream of turbulence.

“Seeker leader to Command, I’ve spotted a trail and will pursue.”

“The target your pursuing is marked Kill on Sight,” Tempest buzzes, “do what you must.”

“Understood.” The pilot pushes the engines into overdrive. The trail becomes fresher by the second. In due time, the source of the turbulence is seen in the form of a flying object so large that even the pilots couldn’t get a good look at it. He releases the missiles and engulfs the object in fire. When they pass the smoke, they couldn’t see anything. “Target de-!”

The being they were pursuing suddenly cuts them off, ascending higher in the cloudline. They take their pursuit as such.

“Split up, and proceed with caution!”

The six jets split apart into the murky clouds. Blinded, they had to rely on radar. Even then, whatever they’re pursuing constantly dogged them with a quick burst of speed. The pilot in the white and burgundy jet would have none of this, and the next time the creature flew past him, he pursued him like mad. And this time, the “convict” was letting him chase him. It felt easy… Dangerously easy. With a flap of his mighty wings, the pursuer made another turn, revealing another jet of various colors of gold coming right at him. Unable to evade in time, they eject and let the aircraft collide.

“Are you okay?” Asks Ramjet as he floats down.

“Yeah, I’m fine.” Sunstreaker replies, “What is that-?"

Static. And with him still being in the clouds, Ramjet’s heart pounded wildly. Shots are being fired, sonic booms scream around him, and screams of the demon ring his ears. He spins around to the last thing he saw.

In a destroyer class vessel, Tempest could only hear the struggles of the squadron. She rubs her temples.


“What?” She interrupts. She opens one tired eye; The closed off part of space is joined by another signature… And it’s not one of theirs.

That would be Capper’s private plane just a few thousand feet above the clouds. Inside, many of the passengers become jetlagged and fall asleep. Rainbow Dash sat in the co-pilots seat, piloting the vehicle with Capper keeping watch.

“I don’t see why this is hard.” Rainbow Dash wonders, tilting the aircraft to the left, “And I don’t even have a license!”

“But by the time you do,” Capper shuffles his shoulders and puts his hands behind his head, “you’d be a flying ace.”

Before she could possibly give away anything, the radio buzzes.

“Attention unidentified spacecraft, you are flying in forbidden airspace! Turn away immediately, or be put down.”

“Aw, and I was just getting comfy.” Rainbow whined.

“Well, you know,” Capper raises his hand, “we all gotta go with-”

The two stop their chatter when they notice a giant, leathery wing cutting through the cloud. That’s enough of a reason for Capper to turn on the seatbelt light. Rainbow Dash didn’t give the passengers much of a chance to buckle up as she made a hard right.

“Criminently, Rainbow Dash!” Applejack yelled as she struggled to buckle up.

Everyone else mutters about this sudden chaos. But even as the plane flies away from the warzone, Rainbow Dash and Capper notice the jets reaching the sky before coming back in. The second time they do this, only two came out. Fluttershy, and everyone on the left side of the plane look out the window when the last jet comes out of the clouds.

Following it was the creature they were pursuing, and a sight to behold. He resembled a pterosaur, one that is scaled up to be one hundred-eight meters and a two hundred meter wingspan. His head sported two spiraled horns like a gazelle. His chest, belly, and upper legs were encrusted in hard skin and spikes. Befitting such a big animal, his finger and toes were thick for a pterosaur.

And in one quick motion, he crushes the last jet under his serrated beak. The passengers scream at the sight of massive flying beast. And it only got worse when he spots the plane and makes his move. Rainbow and Capper tried their damndest to steer the plane away. But the pterosaur snapped off one of their wings. The aircraft immediately went into a nosedive.

“Hang on, everybody!” Applejack shouted

“What in God’s name do you think we’re doing!?” Shouted Octavia as she held on the seat in front of her. Just when they saw the see the ocean, their freefall is brought to a sudden halt. The force of such a stop proved too much for their bodies and knocked them out cold. Outside the pterosaur had the plane clutched “gently” in his mouth. And with two flaps of his mighty wings, he goes into clouds, out of sight as flies southwest across the archipelago.

Night arrives. A few parties were going around at the beach, and some of those who stayed behind joined them. Of course, Sunset, Twilight, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie were the ones who remained at the house. Though the smell of cooked foods is tempting, they couldn’t join them. It’s been too long, and they still haven’t gotten one phone call. After another failed attempt, Sunset curses under her own breath.

“I’m certain help will arrive shortly.” Rarity comforts her when helicopter sounds are heard, “That might just be them.”

Sunset looks up; five helicopters flew over them in a V formation… Inland. She looks ahead, seeing a few spotlights at the ocean. Suspicion growing in her brain, and seeing how it worked the first time, she turns to Pinkie.

“Pinke, you think you could…?”

“Sure!” Pinkie Pie blows up and twists up a bunch of balloons into a pair of binoculars. Sunset turns their settings to maximum. Though in dim light, she was able to find an interesting detail. One that got her to say,

“Of course…”

“Sunset?” Asks Twilight.

“That ship has two blue thunderbolts side by side.” She turns to the direction of the helicopters, “Now where did we see that before?”


The helicopters hovered over a few closed establishments. Soldiers like those encountered in Camp Everfree drop down, run to the ledges, and aim their guns at the island preserve of Kaho’olawe.


Rainbow Dash rolled around in the copilots seat. Forcing herself awake, she felt like a drunkard.

“Everyone… Okay?” She looks behind her. Fluttershy, Applejack, Lyra, Vinyl, Bulk Biceps, and a few others were comforting the others. She looks at Capper, whose head was brought forward and his nostrils stuffed with bloody handkerchiefs. With aching limbs, she unbuckles her seatbelt. Putting her hand on the door latch, Rainbow falls of the plane. The good news, they’re not in the air. Bad news, well. Just in front of her was a dolphin skull among hundreds. Horrified, she slowly stands up and looks with wide eyes. All around her were bones of fish, dolphins, whales, and the wrecks of several cargo ships. She takes a few steps forward at this mass grave.

“Rainbow! Get back inside!” Applejack exclaims.

Rainbow Dash looks back, then looks just long enough to retreat to the hull of the plane. She shuffles to the nose and takes peak. Their new “host” sat on higher ground, wolfing down the giant turtle like a construction worker with a cheeseburger. Rainbow hides away and gulps. Unaware, they being spied.

Kahului Coast

While her fleet of destroyers was making their way around Maui, Tempest watched a live feed from a surveillance drone. Definitely bigger than the creatures she saw at Everfree. It’s to her surprise that such a big thing did all this without causing much of a fuss.

“How long will it be before the first ship reaches Kaho’olawe?” She asks, still looking at the screen.

“For us, two hours, forty five minutes, commander.” The shipmate spins around in his chair, “But our advance battalion should arrive in T-Minus fifty-two minutes.”

“Good,” Tempest complements with a nod, “I want this handled as silently as possible.”

“Commander.” Tempest now turns her head away from the screens, “I’ve just picked a massive bogey on radar. Heading south towards us. And fast.”

“Open a channel,” She orders, “It could be the Atragon.”

After nodding, the officer puts on his radio and tunes in, “Atragon, this is sister ship Gotengo. You are entering the battle zone too fast. Reduce speed immediately.”

No response and the massive blip continued quickly.

“Atragon, this is the Gotengo. Reduce speed immediately.” Still no response, “Red-”

“Enough.” Tempest orders once more before heading for the exit, “Alert all nearby vessels. This a proximity one alert.”

This move of hers left the crew confused. Even Grubber stopped his eating and hobbled after her.

“Grubber, remain in the command room until I return.” She asks of him, picking up a long coat.

“Why?” The Gotengo suddenly rocks, losing his meal.

“I need to see this.” Tempest continues her way out the door.

While skepticism still clouded those who stayed, telltale signs of upcoming danger are upon them. A little girl notices the shore starting to retreat without coming back. Her father notices this, picks her up and starts backing away.

“Everyone, go!” He shouts out, “Go, run!”

The locals turn their attention to the shore and they too started running. The students are confused at this by this running of the bulls. Twilight is the last to notice the retreating shoreline.

“We gotta move.” A siren blares like mad as she gets every student up from their towels, “Now! Right now! It’s a tsunami!”

Offshore on the deck of the Gotengo, Tempest hears the alarm before feeling a buzz in her pants.

“Destroyer 1, we have sighting of a bogey!” The ship commander rings, “We are br-!”

On cue, tempest spots an exploding and takes out her binoculars. The ship in question was crudely sliced in half. A bunch of rescue helicopters make their way to the wreckage. One shines a light at at a row of spiny objects. Then another to Tempest’s right shines a spotlight at another, smaller row which has a fishing net snagged on them. When a third light shines, she could only imagine who they belong to as they continue their advances. The pilot notices the approaching obstacles and gets the ship into overdrive. The spike, revealing to be shaped like maple leaves, scrape the hull of the Gotengo, and proceeds towards the island.

And as it did, the water rushes to the shore. Some of the inhabitants escaping the wave dared peak back. It’s just as they would imagine, and fear; a tidal wave that could swallow small waves. Knowing they couldn’t outrace the water, Sunset, Twilight, Spike, Rarity, and Pinkie make their way to the first tall building they see. They shut the doors before the flood reaches them. Rarity rushes at the elevator and pushes the up button repeatedly.

“Not the elevator!” Sunset pulls Rarity away and joins the other two up the stairs. The water pressure proved too much for the glass and starts flooding the lobby. The girls and the dog were three flights up when they see the water catch up. They burst through the emergency exit and run to the ledge of the building. Another massive tidal wave rising over them.

“Brace yourselves!” Twilight shouts as she and her friends grab the ledge with an iron grip.

The wave pounded the ceiling and sent them rolling to the other side. Coughing up seawater, the girls and pup were chilled to the bone as they walk looked out of the ledge. It was almost pitch black; few of the buildings have power. In the darkness, they hear a loud booming sound. They think it was a transformer, but it is heard again slightly louder. After looking around worryingly, the find that two people were able turn on a spotlight and aim them towards the sky.

Then something big enters the light. Not a warship, but an animal. They building they stood on reached up to his knee as he walked through the flooded streets. Those who made it to similar sized buildings on the other side saw the creature a little better. His skin was charcoal grey with a lighter grey underbelly. His arms were well muscled and his thumbs and index fingers bore slightly bigger claws.

Far away, as more spotlights gain shine on him, Tempest could see the creatures massive silhouette. She merely watched as he continued into the wild.

“Tempest,” She turns over to Grubber, “should I give the order to-”

“No.” Tempest then raises a finger, “In fact, tell all ships to hold their fire, until I give the word.”


A long while after being pulled back into the plane, Rainbow Dash watched the giant pterosaur relax on his perch. Safe, but for how long? She looks at the other side; beyond the boneyard filled island lies help.

“I’m gonna get help.”

“Rainbow,” - Applejack stands up, - “have you really lost your mind?”

“I didn’t say it’s the smartest thing,” She turns to them, “but it’s the right thing.”

“Shouldn’t we still wait?” Asks Fluttershy.

“And be a midnight snack to that thing?” Rainbow Dash’ point is well made. When the captives look out the window, they see the animal suddenly start jerking. His chest starts puffing up, swells up his throat, and hocks out a slimy pellet.

Rainbow Dash jumps back outside; a foolish move when there’s bones on the floor. Rainbow Dash kept still, turning around ever so slightly. The beast never stirred. She shuffles through the bones, braves the smell of a few dead whales and climbs up a hill. The city of Makena was right there. She pony’s up and flies away. However it’s not entirely unnoticed, and the host will not have this.

Rainbow Dash wasn’t even halfway across the coast when she hears the terrible cry. The beast spots her and with his muscled arms launches into the air. Rainbow had only precious seconds to make a sharp turn right, just avoiding the serrated beak. The waves generated rocked Tempest’s advance team. The winged athlete spins around and ponders. The bird won’t leave her alone, and he is able to catch up to her. She hates to admit this but,

“Guess I’m gonna have to do the ‘Egghead’ routine.” She mutters as the monster starts turning around, “C’mon! Come and get me!”

Rainbow Dash flies higher in the sky, all the while, hearing the booming wings beats of her pursuer. The lack of oxygen, and the effort on her wings, is proving too much for her. His quarry within grasp, the pterosaur opens his mouth. But if he knew Rainbow Dash first hand, he would’ve known her determination.

She turns around, folds her wings and dives, just barely missing the sharp beak, and just a few feet above the massive body. The monster notices nothing in his mouth and looks down. Seeing the rainbow-haired dot falling fast, he too goes into a nosedive, claspings his wings against his body. Again, he seems to have the upper hand thanks to his body mass. As Rainbow Dash neared the water, a sonic cone starts forming in front of her. It rapidly narrows; just when she nears the water, she opens her wings and changes directions so sharply that leaves a trail of rainbows. The monster doesn’t have this much luck and dives headfirst.

But Rainbow Dash doesn’t stay in this burst of speed when she plops into a sand dune in Maluaka Beach. She tunnels her way up, takes a breather, and away the sand from her clothes. She looks at the ocean and chuckles.

“Guess that paid off after all.” Rainbow panted, popping her back and walking over to the sidewalk.

But she doesn’t go far when she feels the ground shake. Rainbow looks back; the water starts churning and rising. The pterosaur bursts forth, letting out such a scream that it shatters the windows. The townsfolk scream and run to their safe havens. Soaked and raging mad, the monster looks around before snapping into focus at Rainbow Dash. She runs to her left, but is cut off by a massive fist. She tries running the other way, but is cut off once more. And with no alleyways or sewer holes to go to, Rainbow was trapped like a rat.

An explosion is heard at the pterosaurs left, Rainbow’s right. The monster squints at the smoke, hearing the same cannonball like sounds and the tremors on his knuckles. Such tremors cause the Rainboom to fall on her butt. The pterosaur lets out a threat call. No response, so he balances himself on his hind legs, and spreads his massive wings. Tempest’s advance team at the coast turn on their spotlights and aim them at the coast.

An elephant like foot emerges from the smoke, followed by the next. Illuminated better, this new creature was even taller than the winged one by ten meters. He clearly looked like a dinosaur in the classical sense. His head was squarish, and bore a curious pair of ears. His chest was very toned, with a notable breast bone down the middle. Dragging his massive tail along the streets, he twists his body so slightly, displaying his maple leaf shaped dorsal plates.

The winged beast lets out a threatening screech again. His opponent is not phased, but lets out a gurgling growl. Then in a surprising burst of speed, the spiked monster charges like an elephant. Rainbow Dash finally gets her priorities straight and get back to the beach. His opponent flaps his wings, sending dust and debris to the air and blinding the spiked beast. After scratching the dust from his eyes, the behemoth finds his winged foe missing. With an irritated hiss, he ventures forth along the coast, Rainbow Dash watching him as his tail tapered out of sight.

At the Gotengo, Tempest viewed from several monitors on live feed. One screen showed the monster in infrared; and the result is staggering.

“The beast is currently moving at fifteen miles per hour towards Makana State Park.” The crewmember turns around on her chair, “ETA in thirty minutes.”

Tempest doesn’t take her eyes off the screens, but does ask, “What of the other one?”

Makena State Park

The half hour passed, and as calculated, the spiked monster reaches the park. Unknown to the flying assailant was circling him from hundreds of feet. And now the time is just right. He swoops down from behind, slamming chest first on his opponent’s backside. Catching him off balance, the pterosaur continuously pecks at him, claws his shoulders, biting his lips and neck. But his hand reaches a little too far, and his adversary grabs him by the teeth and pulls him forward.

The bird struggles, but the dinosaur sinks his teeth at his shoulder. The flying reptile had one trick up his sleeve. He puffs out his neck, then vomits at his foe’s right eye. The spiked monster howls at the burning pain before he is pushed back. The flying monster took to the air once more, makes a massive U-Turn, then comes in hot to his opponent. He clasps on the dinosaur’s back and bites on his neck.

The dinosaur bucked and brashed, but managed to shake him just enough to bite his assailant’s arm. He swings to and fro, bashing the pterosaur on any building in the way. He then tosses the bird away like a ragdoll. The flyer flaps his wings quickly, and tries another attack run. The dinosaur wisens up this time, and grounds the bird with a slap of his great tail. He spins around, and raises his foot.

The pterosaur dodges the foot, then pounces on his enemies back. This time, he just grips with his feet, well out of reach from his foe. With several flaps of his mighty wings, he manages to get the dinosaur in the air. It’s a struggle, but he gets high enough to cause any serious harm. Eventually he loses his grip and drops his cargo above an electric plant. The city became black, just like Kahului.

Not even the Gotengo’s infrared monitors could get a fix on the monsters.

“We’ve lost sight of them, Commander.”

“They’re still out there.” Tempest replies, “Send a few rescue helicopters to Kaho’olawe.”

The pterosaur swoops down to the rubble. He scratches the fallen dinosaur. He then pecks at the sides before shuffling around. He pecks at the head; still no movement. And having worked up an appetite decides to continue his pecking. It’s when he finally draws blood when something does happen. The dorsal plates flash, then the dinosaur’s body starts sparking. Then a sudden burst of light sends the pterosaur skyward.

The dinosaur rises, shaking his body free of the dirt and rubble. He snorts in frustration as his life water drips over his brow. He hears the helicopters, and turns to them as they fly across the coast to the island preserve. The monster then hears trees crack and buildings crushed. The pterosaur managed to recover from this sudden pulse, and high tails it off Maui. As he sees his defeated foe leave the island, the monster takes a deep breath, and releases a roar so loud it could be heard for three miles.

Glenwood Springs, Colorado, 5 AM

The sun was just about to rise over the Centennial State. Compared to the chaos that’s been going on, a little get together was faring much better. Having cleared of their crime, the Crusaders invite some of their classmates over for a slumber party. In that one night, the living room is quite a mess; bottles of fizzy apple cider filled the table, and there were still paper plates to throw away.

Twist, out all people, woke up first, grabbing one of her sweets and turns on the tv. Obviously, the first channel that she sees is the news. But this news comes as quite a shock.

“Guys! Guys!” She shuffles each one of her friends awake.

“Twist,” Silver Spoon rubs her eyes, “it’s too early...”

“Go to bed!” Diamond added.

“No, no! Guys!” Twist pulls them up, and sits them down, “Look guys, dinosaurs!”

The news channel made their sleepy eyes wide open. And to the Crusaders, it’s no exception. A couple news helicopters managed to get footage of last night. The tsunami, the dinosaur walking across the island, and finally some passing views of the fight. The three look at each other; it was time for answers.