• Published 21st Aug 2017
  • 1,773 Views, 98 Comments

Dark Star of Shadows - Super Ponyman

There will always be good and evil in Equestia, but one cannot exist without the other. When the shadow king Sombra returns after hiding for four years, he plots his revenge. This time, he has a student of his own, and he shows no mercy

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Chapter 15: Day 5, Element of Honesty

Author's Note:

Last but not least is Applejack! Burning Star is going to reveal his secret to the Main 6, and a familiar Magic stealing Minotaur may be appearing...

Btw, if you got the video game reference in the last chapter then you are truly amazing!

(Canterlot Castle, Luna's Room)

Luna was exhausted, ever since Celestia went Daybreaker, she has been rasing both the sun and moon on her own, and keeping watch over Twilight Sparkle and everpony in the Kingdom. Ponies everywhere were terrified of leaving thier homes, even the Royal Guard refused to mobilize.

Luna yawned, it was nighttime now.

"I need to speak with Burning Star in the dream realm, Maybe he can lend me a hand..."

Luna heard a familiar voice in her room.

"Or, you can speak to me face to face."

Luna turned around to see Burning Star standing on the Balcony, a concerned look on his face.

He said to the princess of the moon, "Greetings Luna. I decided to meet you face to face because Daybreaker takes priority over my own fears."

Luna ran over to him and hugged him, wrapping her wings around him.

"Thank Faust you're here! You could not have come at a more urgent time."

Burning Star stopped hugging and walked towards the mirror in Luna's Room.

"Luna..." He said in a somber tone, something was obviously bothering him.

"Do you think I'm a danger to Equestria because I was King Sombra's student?"

Luna shook her head, "Not really, you seem to be able to handle yourself well in a fight. We made need that in the near future with Daybreaker AND King Sombra running amok."

Burning Star walked over to Luna and said, in a sad, depressed tone

"I'm sorry I attacked you when King Sombra brought me here... i didn't know what I was doing." Burning Star began to well up with tears.

Luna held his face with her hooves, "Don't cry Burning Star. It's not your fault, King Sombra was using you."

Burning Star sniffed up his tears and said, "I've got to learn honesty from Applejack tomorrow, I broke her barn and hurt her brother... I can't face them on my own."

Luna gave the fire unicorn a small smile and put her hoof on his chest.

"You will do fine, Burning Star. If I know anything about Applejack, is that she can forgive and forget. If you can repay her with some hard work, she will forgive you."

Burning Star cleared his throat, "now then, onto more pressing matters. Daybreaker is extremely dangerous, we cannot act without care. So, I called in a favor..."

Luna was just about to ask when a earthquake hit the castle, followed by a cracking of the earth. The floor shook as a familiar Red Minotaur clawed its way out of the ground.

Luna backed up in fear as the Magic Stealing Minotaur known as Lord Tirek appeared and roared, shaking the castle.

Triek stomped his way up to Luna and roared in her face.

"LUNA!!! Do you know how crowded it's getting down in Tartarus! I should just take your magic now since you've done piss-all to stop this Daybreaker."

Luna scooted around Tirek and grabbed Burning Star's throat, she screamed in Burning Star's face.


Burning Star rubbed his ears and said, "I said I called in a favor, he is my favor. Tirek, I believe you have met Princess Luna?"

Tirek snorted out a response, "Yes I have, she gave that runt Twilight Sparkle the magic to stop me from claiming my rightful throne as a GOD!"

Luna got up and slammed headfirst into Tirek's face, roaring at him

"I will drag you bovine ass to Tartarus if I have to do it myself!"

Tirek was about to charge his magic to obliterate the Moon Princess once and for all, When he collapsed in pain.

Burning Star grabbed the nose ring Tirek wore, and said "Listen here Tirek, we go back pretty far, so I'm going to say this to both of you."

Burning Star spoke in his speech voice "If Daybreaker reaches a city like Manehattan or Filliydephia, there would be untold destruction and hundreds, maybe even thousands more lives would be lost... We have to work together, put aside the concept of friend and foe and stop her from destroying everything and every world, including Tartarus!"

Tirek backed down, "Fine. I'll work with you, so long as I get to be ruler of Tartarus and not that stupid mutt!"

Burning Star started to walk out the door, an annoyed look on his face. "Now you two better make up and calm down."

He pointed at Luna and Tirek. "Start talking about a plan to best Daybreaker WITHOUT killing her. I've got an appointment with Honesty and a secret to tell."

Burning Star walked up to Tirek and used his magic to levitate the tile he was standing on,

"Tirek, when you're done taking with Luna, go apologize to Twilight Sparkle about destroying her home, or I'll make sure you won't get jack shit."

Tirek nodded and snorted, "FINE."

Burning Star reminded Tirek, "Don't steal any magic old friend."

Tirek looked back on his friend, "Ok, old friend."

(Sweet Apple Acres, Applejacks home)

Applejack woke up early every day to start her day of bucking apples, making cider, and various other things as well as fixing the barn that Burning Star broke.

When she stepped outside she saw the barn was completely fixed.

She thought to herself, "Did Big Mac already fix the barn?"

She looked out into the fields, they were perfectly plowed.

"I guess he also plowed this mornin, he works fast."

Applejack saw that there were baskets full of apples and barrels full of cider sitting outside the barn.

"What in tarnation is goin on here?"

Applejack saw that all of your chores were done for the day, even the weeds were pulled and grass was trimmed. She saw somepony's shadow over her, she turned around to see the imposing figure of Burning Star bearing down on her like a Timber Wolf.

Applejack fell backwards into her flanks as Burning Star said, "I heard you like a hard working pony. So, I did all your chores for the day so that you can relax and get everypony together."

Applejack stared slack-jawed as Burning Star still continued to stand over her.

He said finally, "You just going to sit there looking like an idiot?"

Applejack got up and said, "You did... all this... how?"

Burning Star smirked and said, "My mentor trained me physically as well as magically."

He slumped down and Applejack caught him. "I'm very tired..."

Applejack said to her Fire Unicorn companion, "I can see that. I reckon You worked yourself to the bone, because wanted to apologize to me?"

Burning Star nodded, "yeah. Sorry about that. My instincts were kicking in. The instinct to defend myself against anything threatening."

Applejack set Burning Star down on a chair on her porch.

"I have ain't never asked you hot stuff, but who is your mentor exactly? You talk about him as if he was one of the powers that be or somethin'."

Burning Star leaned in close, "I'll tell you all when everypony gets here. For now, I need some quiet."

Burning Star pulled out his notebook and raven feather pen and started to write.

"Day 5, the Element of Honesty."

"Final Element to win over! Today is the day I reveal all to the elements of harmony... and hope they don't kill me. I'm nervous, but I promised myself and my family that I would be going to the afterlife with a clear conscience. Tonight's the night to reveal that I'm an..."

Applejack poked Burning Star in the head.

"Here comes everypony, I don't see Twilight though...

"where is the little sugarcube?"

(Twilight Sparkle's Castle, Twilight's Room)

Twilight Sparkle woke slowly, seeing another note from Burning Star, this time stuck to her face.

She ripped it off her mane and read it,

"Dear Twilight Sparkle,

"I left early today without you because I needed some alone time. I needed to talk with Luna and an old friend. In fact, he should be visiting you soon, just don't freak out when he arrives."

Burning Star"

Twilight Sparkle yawned and grabbed the window shutters, "why would I freak out at seeing an old friend of Burning Star..."

Those words died in her mouth and Twilight went pale as the face of the destroyer of her home stared her down from outside the window.

"Hey, Ive come to talk..."

It was Tirek!

Twilight screamed and shut the shutters, Tirek knocked on the side of Twilight's castle.

"C'mon Twilight Sparkle! I know you're in there! Come out and face me like a real princess would!" Tirek stared in the window above the front door.

Twilight Sparkle threw open the door, and stood her ground.

"How did you escape from Tartarus! We blasted you with all our might and you look as if you haven't been wounded at all!"

Tirek grabbed Twilight by the tail and lifted her up to his face. He opened his mouth.

"Before you jump to the obvious conclusion that I'm here to kill you... hear me out for once."

Tirek was huge, nearly as tall as Twilight's castle. However, he looked... worried.

"So what happens if I choose to hear you out Tirek?"

Tirek let go of Twilight and she took flight, hovering in front of Tirek's face.

Tirek said in his booming voice, "Burning Star called on me for a favor... so don't kill him for it."

Twilight Sparkle looked confused and angry, "what do you mean he called on you for a favor?!"

Tirek stepped back, accidentally crushing a few dozen trees.

"He's probably my only friend Twilight Sparkle. Did he not tell you this?"

Twilight Sparkle heard the bell from Sweet Apple Acres, and she zipped off.

Tirek followed her, crushing more trees as he walked. "Hey wait! I wasn't finished with you!"

Burning Star stood tapping his good waiting for Twilight to arrive, then he said.

"Well it appears as if Twilight isn't coming. I guess I can tell you one secret about me."

Almost on cue, Tirek stomped into view, with Twilight flying in front of him. The ponies screamed in terror.


Burning Star shrugged, "He's an old friend of mine. We got to know each other when he was sent back to Tartarus. I was studying the demons there when I ran into Tirek, we became close friends over a few weeks."

Twilight landed in front of Burning Star, "Why didn't you tell me you were friends with Tirek! He nearly destroyed Equestria!"

Burning Star put a hoof over her mouth and said, "Tirek's not such a bad guy when you get to know him, He was jealous of you all for having magic while he had none."

Tirek sat next to Fluttershy, the cream colored Pegasus nearly wet herself as the giant Minotaur Demon sat down with a loud crash.

Applejack asked Burning Star the big question, "So what's under the cloak, hot stuff?"

Rarity leaned In close, "yes. I was wondering the same thing, actually."

Fluttershy said to the Fire Unicorn, "yes. Can you please show us? If that's ok with you..."

Rainbow Dash smiled with anticipation, "Yeah! Show us!"

Pinkie Pie bounced up and down in excitement, "Tell us! Tell us! Tell us!"

Twilight Sparkle said with curiosity, "its about time you spill the beans Burning Star."

Burning Star looked at all of the ponies and Tirek, he then asked them, "Promise you won't freak out?"

The ponies all said, "ok, show us!"

Tirek gave a small nod. "Fine."

Burning Star began to undo his cloak and threw it off, he said with power in his voice. "Behold!"

"Sweet Celestia..."